Harrowed Summoning

Alf-of-the-Squirrels's page

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Milo v3 wrote:

I actually like the idea of tippyverse, though generally I scale it down to 5th level rather than 20th level magic. Though in one of my settings it's 14th level magic.

thejeff wrote:

More importantly, from my point of view, neither the Tippyverse or this suggestion sound like very fun worlds to set a game in.

I know that's not really the point, but still.

Note: People do play in the Tippyverse, and do enjoy it.

Me and a couple freinds did this once! It basically turned into a weird yet fun Pathfinder/Shadowrun hybrid.

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As for the OP's question..... Because it could be fun. New things to toy around with are always fun and I myself never saw it having the chance of hurting anyone.

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I'm not very excited, at this point, from the sound of it its going to be 6 Vancian casters with psychic abilities that seem very low key. But hey maybe it will be good. Still sad that I wont be making light sabers with my mind.

Another problem, at least thematically is, that the style i.e occult can already be done by the current selection of spell casters with either re-fluffing or just straight up can do.

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Ultimately I am both excited and very very worried. I'm a fan of DS's work and am very impressed on how they made the classes feel unique. With Pazio relying on the Vancian system I'm afraid they may go to far with the while psychic mages and just make them just that, some flavor of wizard, warlock, etc. but PHYSCIC. But only time (and hopefully play test) will tell.

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Defiantly interested to see how they are going to try to make the six new classes unique without being some form of "X but PSYCHIC!" especially since they will be relying on Vancian casting. Defiantly looking forward to Obsidian pathfinder projects

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Simon Legrande wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
Simon Legrande wrote:
So you're in the same group as the other two, either you know everything up front or you have a bad GM. You either need to be told before the game starts or be fed clues during the game. But in either case only a bad GM does...

The GM can keep all the plot secrets he wants.

If the players don't know all the game rules upfront, that's bad GMing.

Changing rules on the fly, without forewarning and consent is bad GMing.

Is it bad for a GM to reskin monsters also?

That depends. Is the monster in question stated like a balrog when its a goblin dog? and the players are given no heads up then yes that is bad GM'ing if you are simply refluffing them without any stat changes then no that is not bad GM'ing