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I'm waiting for access still :/


Instead of spending lots of time making characters from scratch, I'd love to know if someone could recomenned books/sources/adventures where I could find a group of 3-6 npc's I could use in my campaign.

A little bit of back story, info on fighting style, combat synergy would be awesome!


Hope to find some ability / feat that is easily incorporated to make it somewhat usable

Ways to enhance a combo like this?

I have an Oracle Reach Fighter I want to take Angelic Wings with, the Angelic blood feat peaked my interest with bloodbath spell and blood rage.

I have only 14 con but aced my rolls on HP! 8 8 8 7 4 5 8 So I can take a few hits!

Award for greatest answer given online goes to: Belafon!
Dude thanks a lot!
The sanctuary part actually slipped my mine. I was introduced to the spell in another campaign, where an evil necromancer used it to affect all in the party who tried to attack him. So I thought it would last

It seems with the spell as long as I do not attack sanctuary could remain usefull for a few rounds in a situation that would require defensive play or healing allies etc.

I never ment to combine Hermit with Warsighted, a bad formulation on my part. But I was kinda torn between them.

As for black blooded and dual cursed, duel cursed doesn't replace oracles curse. Atleast I doesn't say so anywhere her on the page for the archetype: e-archetypes/dual-cursed-oracle/

I haven¨t gone over what abilities i might get from metal mystery with the added favored class bonus. It would add 4 levels at lvl 8. Hope that qualifies for some good stuff!

I am curious to what your take on such a build would be, if you have any thoughts?
Love hearing ideas from others!
Specially people who combine Neo trinity and dnd in the same sentence with purpose hahah! Love it!

The spells Deadly Juggernaut & Death Knell is also part of the plan with the extended duration from Reclusive. Death Knell is also Instantaneous so + 1 spell caster level.

I just found out that the DM allowes me magical items according to the table for lvl.

So 16k at lvl 6 with magical items costing no more then 8k.

I think the scene where Neo in Matrix fend off all the Agents after meeting with the Oracle is a good reference of what I am going for.

I will start the game at lvl 6, and after the first encounter reach 7.
We will not play past lvl 12 most likely.

Aasimar Agathion Blooded lvl

Str 13, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 7, Cha 22.
DM allowed me to take +2 cha from the 100 Variant Aasimar Abilities table.

Archetypes: Dual Cursed, Black Blooded, Warsight

Mystery: Metal

Revelations: Danse of the Blades, Armor Mastery

Reclusive (Progresses) Curse of Black Blood (Do not progress)

Weapon: Fauchard Cold Iron (Not sure if it works by the rules but dm allowed Cold Iron to qualify for Danse of the Blades.

With reclusive I can cast Stunning Barrier Greater and Sanctuary with extended Metamagic, which is the main focus of my build and fighting Flavor. Paired with Leadblades + Keen Edge from bonus spells from Metal on my Fauchard to get great reach & crit range!

I use Martial Flex to grab either Cleave and Greater Cleave, or Mobility and Spring Attack.

Then Hedging weapons & Channel Vigor with extended duration further enhance the build greatly!

Dark Resilience, Black Blood Spray seems like good additions to add

That is the main bulk of the build, I wont list all the details, but love feedback on the core of the build.

Favored class bonus. Not quite sure where to use this the best yet.
Dm allows it to be +1/2 as it was before the nerf ( i think)

Add +1/2 to the oracle's level for the purpose of determining the effects of one revelation. DM allows + 1/2 as it says in pcgen. This has been nerfed i think to 1/6 or something.

The second Variant is to forgo Black Blooded and Dual Cursed for the Hermit Archetype! The teleportation at lvl 10 would fit so great with the idea of a high crit range reach weapon. It would also take my speed from 40 to 50! But I loose the reclusive extended feat! So that's a huge drawback.

I could compensate with Divine Protection feat for will saves (will most likley take anyway) and a feat to take Extended Metamagic.
A rod could be nice aswell but i like to not be reliant on items.

I¨ve looked at stargazer but it comes online a bit late and I need atleast 7 lvls in Oracle.
No prestige class is the best prestige class for oracle, or so I've heard. However adding something that is not optimized that would give me an awesome flavor full ability that fits nice would be worth it in my eyes.

English is not my native language so sorry for the poor and heavy formulations.
Best regards!

And it costs of my revelations right?
PCgen added it as free :P instead of being added and consuming revelation

See sin
Celestial armor

I dont get them as extra revelations? I have to pick them using my number of available reveletions right? ier-oracle-aasimar/

Thanks for a great answer! Neatly explained, thanks!

Post from another forum
"Larger creatures can weild smaller creatures’ two-handed weapons in one hand
You can wield the two-handed weapon of a creature one size category smaller than yourself at a −2 penalty. That means you, if we assume you are a Medium creature, could wield a Small two-handed weapon one-handed at a −2 penalty. On average, you generally see a ~1 damage increase for a two-handed weapon over a one-handed weapon, which is not worth a −2 penalty."

So are you sure this doesnt' work?

- You have oversized limbs, allowing you to use Large weapons without penalty.

In my large hands, that allowes me to wield larger weapon without penalty. Medium sized weapons becomes one size catergory smaller then me, thus allowing me to wield it in one hand.

If I was enlarged person, I could wield a medium sized two handed weapon in one hand right? Just as my hands are with the oversized?

I see!

In pcgen when i add the oversized limbs, the alduri in my inventory went from from being one handed to light category, and a large alduri became one handed instead of two handed, which allowed me to equip it to one hand thuse the dual wield.

So there are no ways in pathfinder to say one hand a two handed weapon?

Class: Warpriest 6

Archetype: Arsenal Champion

Race: Thiefling - OniSpawn
Variant Ability Large Limbs

Stats: STR16 DEX15 CON12 INT8 Wis18 CHA5

Favored Weapon: Aldori Sword

Deity has unarmed Strike

Arensal lvl 5 - Weapon Training 1 - (Blades/Heavy)

Feats: Dodge, Crane Style, Two Weapon Fighting, Advanced Weapon Training - Effortless Dual Wielding Blades/Heavy, Two Weapon Defense

Trait:Aldori Caution,
Skill:Acrobatic 3

So how does this all play out? Does it work?
It seems i qualify for AWT from having weapon training and taking it with my bonus feat from warpriest.

Tweaks and suggestions taken.

In PCGEN when I select EffortLess Dual Wielding nothing changes.

I hope with the two combined Large limb + Effortless Wielding I can dual wield 2 large Aldori Swords?


I have been having a blast with my Alchemist! God I love this class.
Last battle i was on the outside of a town hall in a viking themed campaign.
Enlarged and sitting on the outside of the wall with spiderclimbe, I peaked in the window, then Smashed it with my first claw, then tear open the main boss with one claw and then bit him titan style with added sneak attack! What a glorious battle!

Scaled Monk 1 - Vivisectionist/Beastmorph 6

Dragon style, Weapon Focus, Feral Combat Training, Dragon Ferocity.
Stats: 18+2, 16, 16, 12+2, 10, 5+2

Extracts: Ant Haul, Deathwatch, Expeditious Retreat, Enlarge Person, Shield,
2: Invisibility, Ironskin, Spider Climb.

At lvl 7 I have one feet and one discovery + 1 retrained discovery (allowed to change my tumor familiar discovery) So 1 feat and two discoveries to select.

The last fight I was hit with a crit and lost over half my life, so survivability is important.

Wings - I get wings from drinking my mutagen with my beastmorph, so kinda unessary to select wings. However It's often after my mutagen has passed that life threatning situations comes along.
So having permanent wings would increase the odds of surviving greatly.

Tumor Familiar - it looks nice but it should come with multiple feets added along. Like improved familiar for an archetype.

I have yet to take power attack, and it adds ofc a ton of dmg. But before playing any further and to not make the other players obsetet in combat dmg wise.

Im thinking, potion glutton, alchemical allocation, and invisibility potions along with a tentacle or arm. That way I can whene imbued with mutagen, swift drink invis to get sneak attacks when i rly need it, or fly away invisible to survive a rough spot.

Thoughts? My AC is 19 without tumor familiar and mutagen.

Ah I see.

I checked the archertype page and forgot that it only stats whats added or replaced, not other usual things from the main class. But it's strange, I didn't get IUC in the pcgen that I use to build my character. Probably a bug then.

Chell Raighn wrote:
If you really want dragon style with minimal effort… Scaled Fist Sin Monk… Sin Monk just like martial artist also doesn’t have the lawful restriction (infact it technically has the exact opposite, requiring non-lawful) and is fully compatible with scaled fist which will get you dragon style as a bonus feat…

They unfortunately doesn't get improved unarmed strike, so it would be more feat intensive :(

master of many styles and another i cant remember also gets dragon style and IUS. But they aren't optimal.

Iv looked over it more, and with this class it would seem just using unarmed strikes would be beneficial to focus on rather then claws?

With the imbued damage with pool points, such as speed with high damage from strength each hit and the pouncing fury as in tattoo slot.
It looks kinda great.

Question is which one do i choose. I forgo the vivisectionist sneak damage. But not much else it seems.


After reading more it does not seem like the dmg increase of IUS stacks with natural attack from shadow claw.

Mark Hoover 330 wrote:

An Esoteric Magus gains IUS as a bonus feat at level 1 and can augment their unarmed strikes with their Arcane Pool as if they were manufactured weapons, though they have one less spell slot per level. Even still, Pouncing Fury is a Magus 2 spell so this is something you can cast on yourself.

Human Magus (Esoteric)5
Level 1 Feat: Weapon Focus - Improved Unarmed Strike
Level 1 Bonus Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Feral Combat Training
Level 3 Feat: Power Attack
Level 5 Feat: Furious Focus or Evolved Familiar (Skilled: Use Magic Device)
Level 5 Bonus Feat: Dragon Style

Level 2 spells you must have, either on scrolls, in potions, or tattooed per the Tattoo Spells Esoteric ability: Shadow Claws and Pouncing Fury

The main problem with this build is that you don't have claws all the time or claws you could pop out with a Swift action. You DO however have a monk's Unarmed Damage progression so by level 5 you're dealing 1d8 without claws.

For your level 3 Arcana you COULD give yourself a Familiar. If your GM allows it, here's a build to give yourself a Familiar that buffs you with wands:

1. Take a Raven familiar since it can talk and hold wands; give it the Sage Archetype
2. Get the GM's buy in to retrain the Raven's level 1 Feat to Extra Traits
3. Take the traits: Pragmatic Activator and Underlying Principles. The Familiar now has Use Magic Device as a Class skill with a +1 bonus and uses it as an Int based skill
4. At level 5 take the Evolved Familiar feat instead of Furious Focus
5. Spend the 1 Evolution point from Evolved Familiar on Skilled: Use Magic Device.

Sage familiars gain 2 skill ranks/your class level. By level 5 it could spend 5 of those ranks on UMD and have UMD +17. It needs to roll a 3 or better to use a wand to buff/heal you with, or it automatically succeeds if its a wand it's used successfully once before.

Upsides: you have the spells, feats and...

Dude! This is quite something! I'll start checking it out tomorrow but this looks like gold for me! Thanks a lot for taking the time, I appreciate it!

Could a warpriest with deity with improved unarmed strike do the same.

It gives me weapon focus and unarmed strike + 2 wil save I badly need and a minor domain spell.

Well, that leaves me with one less base attack so that kinda sucks.

Thanks for answers.

I want the dragon style feat for my vivisectionist feral mutagen beastmorph build. I plan to utilise Pouncing Fury a great deal.

Further more I need or want climb and swim atleast as class skills, since our campaign will involve trials we have to pass.

I also want a lot so i need many feats as possible.

Weapon focus - Feral Combat Training, Dragon style, power attack, and all the extra discoveries I can. To also get in addition to Feral Mutagen, Bleed, the discovery that lets you put potion back into the bottle when drank for reuse and potion duration increase.

So a dip that gives me the class skills, extra feats, and improved unarmed attack to take dragon style or gives me dragon style. In order to save as many feats as possible.

We will start at lvl 5 and prob end at 9 or 10.

To not be restricted by lawfull, iv chosen to take unarmed fighter archetype to gain dragon style with my Feral Vivisectionist beastmorpher.

But is there a better way to get it? Another class or archetype of a class that would give me a better 1 lvl dip then unarmed fighter. There is the monk but the damn lawfull part sucks.

My character starts at lvl 5. I did consider just going without dragonstyle, but for our campaign I also need climb, swim as class skills or should have. So Ill get that with dip aswell.

Iv started work on a bloodrager and looking at archetypes to see if it can be great.

I wonder if I can make someone with high ac, good saves and still dish out decent dmg.

The opposite of a glass cannon.

I think my psywar is that in a way, but wanna see what else i can get.

Could you rate my current choices of builds or perhaps make them better? Ill post my alchemist first and a psywarrior a bit later.

1 lvl unarmed fighter dragon style feat
4 levels of w / beastmorph
20 str 14 dex
11 con16 int 7 wiz7 cha
Feats: Dragon style, WP claws, Feral Combat training, power attack.
Feral Mutagen & Bleed discovery

Extracts: Pouncing fury, Expeditious Retreat and perhaps enlarge person.
AC 16 (22) 2 with mutagen + 4 with shield.
*Claw [Power Attack] +10/+10 1d6+11
*Bite: 1d8+7
*Bleed +4 dmg per round for anyone i hit.
*Sneak attack: 4d6.

It's a bit of a glass cannon? Terrible will save, not to high ac, specially without buffs and ish low HP.
But it does what i want though. Hope to charge ppl flat footed or flanked.


Hehe yeah actually been on the thought of it!
Love monks it's just that lawfull part that kinda sucks, however taking a few levels in it then something else could work just fine.

Hmm, forgot about Racial Heritage! Thanks!

But question, how would you do this or do you have any fun ideas about this concept?

1 Dip in a class that gives improved unarmed combat + some flavor towards sneak, stealth etc to take dragon style.

I'm thinking a crazy alchemist vivisectionist beastmorpher, taking feral mutagen.

I want to become a monster that crepes around in the dark.

Alesander wrote:

I just figured out that I can't be half orc or other races, we are bind to Human! :((

I'm thinking towards alchemist vivisectionist beastmorph with dragon style & Feral Mutagen.

1 Level dip in Unarmed fighter to gain dragon style. I could do monk but dont want to be limited by lawfull.

Lol crazy!

I just figured out that I can't be half orc or other races, we are bind to Human! :((

I'm thinking towards alchemist vivisectionist beastmorph with dragon style & Feral Mutagen.

1 Level dip in Unarmed fighter to gain dragon style. I could do monk but dont want to be limited by lawfull.

Dang! This is nice!
- are you a guru?

Thanks! Ill check this out!

Sorry for not saying, i was in a bit of a rush and made a new post better post.

We start at lvl 5 and will go to 10 and we have no gold, we start with 200 x)

Love the idea, Ill save it for another campaign! thanks for the answer!

Is a wildshaper polymorpher my best bet?

What's your idea?

Sorry for making several posts. I'm deleting the old once.

I wanna be savage but versatile.

We start at lvl 5 and probably wont go past 9 and we start with 200 gold.

What would your focus points be for a character like this?

Probably not a pure caster. I've made a psywarrior which is pretty good with his buffs, but lacks a bit on the dmg side. But fast movement speed, lots of battlefield control and mobility / actions on other players and npc's turns.

Perhaps an archer? Wilde shape? Natural weapon attacker?

I mentioned OP but I don't want to use exploits of the system in a very obvious way.

So her are my stats:

13 strength for power attack
16 dex + 2 from dual tallent
10 con
8 int
20 wizdom + 2 from dual talent +1 from lvl 4 attribute point.
7 charisma.

Mind Knight

Blind Fight
Combat Reflexes
Intuitive fighting
Psicrystal Affinity
PsiCrystal Containment
Expanded Knowledge (share pain)

Spells 1:
Call Weaponry
Inertial Armor

Spells 2:
Strength of My Enemy
Resist Toxin

So my thought is to cast Strength of my enemy together with expansion and reach weapon. Deal lots of aoo to increase my strength rapidly.

However against singel enemies I'm not sure with low strength.

How would you go on about a reach fighter with focus on aoo, strengt of your enemies to sap strength & expansion?

Expansion greatly reduces your dex which I need for AOO.

So wizdom dex then sap peoples strength for strength?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Also a question that has eluded me, what is the max amount of power points i can spend in augments?

I'm at lvl 5 now.
I'm sure it says somewhere but missed it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Heather F wrote:
Thread moved to third party advice.

First, sorry for posting in wrong place.

Secondly, thanks! :D

I find this class quite advanced with many good options so it's hard to choose.

I think I opt for either Natural attacks or 2h, perhaps mostly Natural Attacks since I haven't played a character like that before.

I will check out the feats you mentioned!

As a two hander or natural attacker would you opt for expansion and reach? If, what do I do with dex and aoo per round?

Because it's a viking them we are humans.

Any other suggestions for builds is greatly appreciated.


I recently found this class and find It quite amazing.

- Now I'm not quite sure what I should go with in terms of fighting style.

What would you suggest?

- I'm leaning towards the infiltrator, our theme is kinda viking ish and Ill
worship Freya god of love and war.

We are playing humans only.

What I want is a character with high mobility, speed & raw combat ability.

Several choices

Is a the monk archetype with crane style viable / doable?

A pure strength monster with minor metamorphizes and focus on the enlargement and reach? Think this one is what I like the most, without without natural attacks?

Or opposite, dex based build, natural attacks, metamorphizes to become smaller?


I recently found this class and find It quite amazing.

- Now I'm not quite sure what I should go with in terms of fighting style.

What would you suggest?

- I'm leaning towards the infiltrator, our theme is kinda viking ish and Ill
worship Freya god of love and war.

We are playing humans only.

What I want is a character with high mobility, speed & raw combat ability.

Several choices

Is a the monk archetype with crane style viable / doable?

A pure strength monster with minor metamorphizes and focus on the enlargement and reach? Think this one is what I like the most, without without natural attacks?

Or opposite, dex based build, natural attacks, metamorphizes to become smaller?

I see! Thank you for a good answer!

And thanks for the spell! Have not seen it before, but not at that level yet. Looks like a perfect combination. Aspect of the Stag on me and my wolf + entangle.

Spell Longstrider + 10 feet
Animal Aspect Raptor +20 feet
Animal Focus Stag +5 feet

I presume Longstrider and Animal Aspect wich both are spells won't stack.

Anything else a hunter could get to buff walk speed? w

In my campaign there will be a Wayang who works in the dark to find evidence of a demon scheming/starting a race war in the region the players will be involved in to gain power to be resurrected.

The Wayang is under a curse of this demon, which turned it into a wayang gravewalker from the fey sorcerer it used to be.
Iv made the character sheet. Its focused on being able to get away from combat with feats:
Spell focus Necromancer, Ability Focus Slumber, Extra Hex.
Not sure what Patron to use.
Traits: Stealth & disguise self to class skill traits.
Spells: Not sure other then Blend with surroundings so he can easily just "disappear" hide from players trying to kill him.

So if someone could list the things I need to know it be amazing.

The story in more depth if your interested.

He will appear to do evil things, but in reality he seeks knowledge and answers to stop a terrible demon to cause more trouble in the region.

The demon gave clues to some (not sure what race yet) to find a boss(not know yet) that seemingly protects a scroll. The scroll contains information leading to the group finding it starting a cult of superior races, to enslave or cleanse the weaker races in the region.

This information is obviously falsified to give the demon strength to use a bug in the universe to escape its prison in the underdark/darklands and into this realm to further wreak havoc and chaos.

One boss iv thought about is mad dryad. Having 200 feet radius of undeads around her with entangle.
Walking from graveyard to graveyard increasing her "domain" /Radius.

Hi. Player 1. Starts off locked in a cellar under a fortress in the mountain. Just on the outskirts of Ibhrim. He is placed there by a group of mixed superior races, at least that is what they think. They round up lesser races in camps in the region. Trying to completely overtake it.

However a recent feud within two of the groups races , grew to an all out battle clashing over the rights to the prisoners in the fortress, leaving it empty for a little while. Not everyone was in favor of going to war for it .

Player 2. Playing a suppressed race, with the help of an ally wizard have used alter self with prolonged effect from metamagic to infiltrate the small scout party sendt from the mixed group to access and bring home any injured or still alive imprisoned survivors of lesser races. Such as player 1. And this is where the game starts. Player 2 finds player 1.

What races would be a nice mix for the two sides. What reasons have they for the ongoing war of territory. Etc etc. Thanks!

How many spells can I add and of what levels? How do i know?

I am a lvl 5 oracle.

Arcane Enlightenment (Su): The shaman’s native intelligence grants her the ability to tap into arcane lore. The shaman can add a number of spells from the sorcerer/wizard spell list equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1) to the list of shaman spells she can prepare. To cast these spells she must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell’s level, but the saving throw DCs of these spells are based on her Wisdom rather than Intelligence. When she casts these spells, they are treated as divine rather than arcane. Each time the shaman gains a level after taking this hex, she can choose to replace one of these spells for a new spell on the wizard/sorcerer spell list.

Hi! I want some short & powerful ways of creating rapid conflict between npc's in our roleplaying game.

What spesific rumors can plant in order to create, advanced, or crazy conflicts, based on lies told and truth bent?

I want ideas as like: I go to shop a potion and let the potion master know that the other potion master has been given certain advantages by the governor in order to gain benefits him selfe and in return get your bussiness off the streets.And perhaps before this stalk to find out who the potion masters friends are in order to plant a whisper of rumour so that the potion master gets the added affects of his friends knowing about it to if he where to ask.

For what purpose I have no idea yet, I just need good examples of crazy so that i have some inspiration going forward trough the campaign.


A spirit guide gains one hex of her choice from the list of hexes available from that spirit. She uses her oracle level as her shaman level, and she switches Wisdom for Charisma and vice versa for the purpose of determining the hex’s effects.

Benefit of Wisdom (Ex): The shaman relies on wisdom rather than intellect to gain and retain knowledge. She can use her Wisdom modifier instead of her Intelligence modifier on all Intelligence-based skill checks.

Does this work?

It says i use charisma for hex abilities, so my charisma is the base for Benefit of Wizdom?

I play two characters :) The other one is a hunter lvl 4 with 1 lvl in brawler.
Feats: Pack flanking, outflank, combat expertise, + 1 from martial flexibility.

Thanks for your help. The teamwork feat with cavalier as a dip would be great. But you are right!

Ill lvl up oracle and follow your suggestion.

Im a sucker for advanced combinations and finding a great on drives me crazy. Kinda have adhd, does not help the matter.

Thank you.

So leveling up oracle to 5, im looking for ways to contribute to the fighting. And given my high amount of bluff, spiritual weapon, high con and a shield I think feinting is a good addon.

I take the teamwork feat Feint Partner. This will allow my wolf and hunter (using martial flexibility to take the feat) to attack enemies without there dex bonus. Should be pretty nice.

I will look for other uses of her feat but this is the best option iv found so far.

Minigiant wrote:
Alesander wrote:
Minigiant wrote:
Alesander wrote:
Minigiant wrote:

What Race are you?

If you are human, something like Fey Magic, the alternative racial trait could grab you Bluff, and UMD, at the cost of giving up Skilled

That is a solution i haven't thought about. But gives me -3 in the big

picture to either one of theme.

However, if i find a class that lacks one of them and suits me very well this can be the class saver.

In English? -3?

Trade multitalented for Fey Thoughts (Bluff&UMD)

Traits: Magical Lineage & Omen

Done, and no multiclassing

Sorry. I ment if i loose out on skill focus, my diplomacy max would be 3 less then if I gain the class skill and can still have skill focus.

Skill focus equals 1 feet and Im starved on feets.

But this can work yes! but i think i have found a combo, as mentioned above that can be worth loosing the late progression to lvl 3 spells.

My suggestion doesn't lose you Skill Focus though

And delaying access to level 3 spells is never worth it

Ah! I see, thanks! my head is overspinning.

Minigiant wrote:
Alesander wrote:
Minigiant wrote:

What Race are you?

If you are human, something like Fey Magic, the alternative racial trait could grab you Bluff, and UMD, at the cost of giving up Skilled

That is a solution i haven't thought about. But gives me -3 in the big

picture to either one of theme.

However, if i find a class that lacks one of them and suits me very well this can be the class saver.

In English? -3?

Trade multitalented for Fey Thoughts (Bluff&UMD)

Traits: Magical Lineage & Omen

Done, and no multiclassing

Sorry. I ment if i loose out on skill focus, my diplomacy max would be 3 less then if I gain the class skill and can still have skill focus.

Skill focus equals 1 feet and Im starved on feets.

But this can work yes! but i think i have found a combo, as mentioned above that can be worth loosing the late progression to lvl 3 spells.

Looking at the possible combinations now, of synergy between having my oracle being able to get and give 1 other player a teamwork feat.

Having 2 more teamwork feats on the ground could greatly increase the other players reach fighter and my Hunter which opts for aoo and flanking.

One thing that adds even more to the choices is that I play 2 characters where the other is a hunter focusing on aoo and flanking bonuses with his wolf.

Now i selected cavalier and he gets a bonus tactician which give me a teamwork feat, that he can also share with others!

This give me multiple advantages and choices.
Becuse my Hunter has 1 lvl of brawler dip to gain marital flexibility allowing me to situationally select teamwork feats on the fly.

This should need some nice combos with cavalier's ability to share teamwork feat.

Minigiant wrote:

What Race are you?

If you are human, something like Fey Magic, the alternative racial trait could grab you Bluff, and UMD, at the cost of giving up Skilled

That is a solution i haven't thought about. But gives me -3 in the big

picture to either one of theme.

However, if i find a class that lacks one of them and suits me very well this can be the class saver.

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