
Aleppo Nadun's page

29 posts. Alias of Fatespinner (RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32).


Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

I think I'm going to take the opportunity to bow out of this one, guys. I've been a little out of the loop lately (no internet at home and have been sick from work for most of the week) and just can't find the momentum to get as involved as I should be here. Feel free to carry on without me and I wish you all the best.

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Aleppo remains respectfully quiet during the interactions with the elves, offering only a smile and appreciative nod when warranted. After Lyria escorts them to the tent, he finally speaks. "I appreciate your generosity... and the rescue. I've a bit more experience in dealing with the illithyri than many of my kind and would be glad to do my part to assist you. The offer of sleep, however, is most enticing. Thank you again."

With that, Aleppo begins removing his gear and prepares to sleep. It had been a long, hard day... and tomorrow would likely be no better.

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

After the search turns up empty-handed and it is clear that no more demons are lurking about, Aleppo returns the spear to Kyson.

"Indeed it would seem we are lucky to have had someone experienced with these creatures happen across our path.... and armed for the occasion at that! If nothing else, perhaps a priest of Lady Luck can turn the baleful gaze of Beshaba off us for a tenday or so." The Sembian smiles, but two members of their group had simply vanished without a trace. Whatever fate was in store for them was almost certainly not a pleasant one.

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Aleppo nods at Ruhk's request for assistance in finding the other party members. He offers Kyson's spear back to him. "I appreciate the weapon, sir. It seemed most... effective, if not my usual style."

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Aleppo whirls around, seeking any other demonic threats. Seeing none at hand, he lowers the spear tip as the elves approach and raises an eyebrow at Ruhk's display.

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Ah, yes, I hadn't noticed that it says you reroll ANY d20s, I thought it was just the first. In that case...

Retry crit confirm: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14. Damage rolled above already if successful.

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

The demon's momentary pause is all the rogue needs to get a proficient grip on his newly-acquired weapon. As the monster lunges towards the gunslinger, he lashes out with the spear tip.

AoO: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15, dealing 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 damage if it hits. Weapon is cold iron.

Second roll for Kyson's "Bit of Luck": 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22 to hit, if better than the other roll. EDIT: Yup, that's a crit threat. Confirmation: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7. Dealing 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (4, 1) + 2 = 7 more damage if successful.

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Aleppo gives the man a bewildered look before glancing between the spear and the approaching demonic creature. Looking back to Kyson, he sheathes his daggers and accepts the spear with a nod. "A spear... okay... it's been awhile," the Sembian mutters shakily as he readies the weapon for use.

Move action to sheathe weapons, move action to take the spear.

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Grabbing a fistful of leaves and dirt, he tosses it in the monster's eyes to buy him a fleeting moment to escape.

Using a 'dirty trick' from the APG to blind the creature for one round. CMB: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13. I don't have Improved Dirty Trick (yet) so that will provoke an AoO from the creature. That's a standard action. My move action depends on the success or failure of this roll...

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Seemingly faced with an invulnerable opponent, Aleppo resorts to his training and seeks an immediate escape from the situation. While the beast undoubtedly possessed some form of night vision, it did still seem to rely on it's eyes.

Are we rolling initiative? I'm not used to this kind of freeform combat without a grid and stuff. :)

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Attack of Opportunity: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 to hit, dealing 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 piercing if successful.

The Sembian's reflexes do not fail him as he quickly avoids the attack and counters with a swift strike from his own blade. Squaring off against the monstrosity, Aleppo knows that there are likely other enemies nearby and so he immediately begins to plan his escape.

Waiting for a layout of the scene before my next move. I assume you want an initiative roll as well? If so: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14 for init.

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Knowing full well that darkness is no impediment to the drow, Aleppo maintains his stealth by sticking to cover as he moves from tree to tree and eventually to the outer palisade. Seeing the others approach despite his warnings to the contrary makes the Sembian roll his eyes in disappointment, but he remains hidden, watching for any signs of movement that aren't coming from his companions.

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Well, he said we're still some 20 minutes of travel away from the place, but Aleppo will shadow the party from the woods while we all advance, but once we're within maybe 10 minutes he will have them stay put and advance to scout.

Aleppo clings to the shadows of the forest as he advances alongside the party, eventually signaling them to stay put along the road while he closes in.

Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Survival: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

Aleppo frowns a moment, sniffing the air. After a brief moment of thought, his eyes go wide and he snaps his daggers into his hands from their concealed sheathes.

"That's no cook fire... it's a funeral pyre. Steel yourselves, gentlemen, there's evil afoot."

Aleppo strays from the path and begins to move along the border of the woods, sticking to the shadows. "When we get up there, I'll have a look to see if whatever did this is still around... and hope to spy some survivors."

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

"I'm not certain that a one-man crusade against the illithyri would be terribly productive, Daen, but at least your heart is in the right place," the Sembian claps the paladin on the shoulder good-naturedly.

"We have strength in numbers, now, and if these drow are anything like the others I've known they'll crumble in a stand-up fight. They are fond of their ambushes, though, so keep your eyes peeled and ears open. We're mostly safe during the daylight hours, but come nightfall they'll have the advantage."

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Kn Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

"If memory serves, we're not far from a trading outpost called 'Fort Oak.' I imagine we can find decent shelter there for the night, unless one of you is particularly fond of sleeping on the ground?" he glances about with a smirk, shrugging casually.

"Say... would you mind filling us in on why we're going into this forest? I mean, I did say I'd come along for lack of anything better to do, but I'd at least like to know our purpose here. Assuming that purpose is something more elaborate than simple revenge on the drow," he directs the question at no one in particular, but looks between Ruhk and the elf with a raised eyebrow.

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Well, with my 8 CHA and 0 ranks in Intimidate... I suppose a +1 to Stealth is cool.

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

The Sembian smirks and makes a salutatory gesture with his spoon as he consumes another bite of his breakfast. "So be it, then. Should we encounter more of the black-skinned elves under any conditions other than violence, my mentor in Sembia was drow and thus I know a thing or two about them... including their language. Most of them will likely not be inclined to parley with us, but should we uncover any written correspondence, I should be able to decipher it."

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Aleppo looks around for a moment and shrugs, returning to the table with his rapidly-cooling bowl of oats.

"I've no particular direction or desire to be anywhere but away from Sembia. Beyond this bowl of oats, I have no plans for myself. Far safer to travel with others than alone, though, especially if there are drow about. If you think you have need of my skills on the road, well, I am at your disposal for the time being."

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

The Sembian inclines his head towards Daen as he reaches the bottom of the stairs. "Good to see you up and about, then. Drow often poison their weapons, but by the grace of Tymora you have survived," he offers with a smile.

"I am Aleppo Nadun. I brought you here when I found you injured in the woods. I am no medic or druid, but my legs work well enough and you seemed rather reluctant to die."

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

"Well I don't know if I'd call him my 'companion' or not. I don't even know his name. He was half-delirious and near unconscious with blood loss before I found him. He's lucky to have survived the trip... and fortunate that I was able to carry him so far," the Sembian smirks. "Still, Lady Tymora gave me a chance to bring luck to the man... I only hope I've earned a bit of it for myself."

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Aleppo looks up at the ceiling of the first floor and indicates the direction of Daen's voice. "That would be him, I think."

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Aleppo seems surprised by the gesture, and Ruhk's hand clamps down on a hard leather bracer with a thick metal spine inside it. He recovers his composure well enough, however, and returns the gesture in good spirits.

"Well... not to overly belabor the point, but I was a member of an organization there called the Night Knives. They are, as the name would imply, a guild of thieves and assassins. After spending the better part of my life amongst them, I quickly grew disgusted with the way they took advantage of the citizens there... and how they bribed and manipulated the guards so easily. As soon as I got the chance, I fled... and found myself continuing to flee all the way here."

The Sembian's stance relaxes a little and he leans slightly against the nearby bar. "I am here not so much by choice but rather by circumstance. This inn was certainly not my destination when I left Sembia, but rather I ended up here after discovering a wounded man in the woods last night. Had it not been for him I might well have passed it by and continued north."

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Aleppo lays his spoon down on the table and lets out a low whistle. "Drow and priests of Shar, eh? Sounds like you've drawn the ire of some mighty unfriendly folks. We might have more in common than you think, then."

He stands up from the table, sweeping his cloak out to the side of his chair as he moves around to greet the man. "My name is Aleppo Nadun. I am, as you may have surmised, a Sembian... expatriate, if you will. I've no particular love for the political structure of my homeland, and I'm sure the feeling is mutual." He presented his hand to Ruhk with a smile, offering to shake.

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Aleppo vaguely smirks at the Illuskan's forwardness as he finishes another spoonful of oatmeal.

"Had a problem with thieves around here of late?" he says after swallowing. "Can't say I much care for them myself, having been in their company a fair bit more than might be healthy."

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

The Sembian appears somewhat weary, his cloak and boots thick with dust and dried mud from his travels. Before him is a bowl of warm oatmeal, which he looks up from for a moment to nod at the newcomers in acknowledgment. He then returns to his meal without further ceremony.

Male Human (Sembian) Rogue 2

Hey folks! Another of the newcomers here. I understand that all you magic types are in need of someone to poke holes in things for you. I hope to fill that niche adequately.

A brief word about my posting habits: I am on the East coast and do 90% of my posting from work. I am a Network Administrator and sometimes things get crazy around here or I need to take a network cluster down for awhile. I have no problem maintaining the 1-2 posts per day specified in the recruitment thread, but every once in a great while you may not hear from me for a day.

Thank you for the invite and I look forward to stabbing things for you all very soon!

EDIT: Oh, Rannick, I assume you looked at my character's languages and whatnot. I took "Thieves' Cant" just to help reflect his formal thieves' guild training, but some GMs don't allow it as a language (since it's a combination of hand signs, body language, and double-entendres). I'll leave it on there unless you have some objection, though I kinda doubt it'll ever get used (but very handy if we ever need to infiltrate a thieves' guild).

Rennick wrote:
Glad to see some interest guys, I'll check in after I get some sleep to look over the applications so far and give commentary, still open to submissions but I do like what I see.

Equipment is done now that I had a chance to get home and look at some books. The character should be 100% now.

"'Traitor.' 'Coward.' 'Heretic.' I have been called all these things... and worse. Training amongst the Night Knives taught me a great many things about myself and about my country. For that, I am grateful to them. The abuse that I suffered, however, both at their hands and at the corrupt hands of what Sembia calls it's justice system... for that I seek vengeance. They taught me to be a killer, and I am, but it is they who will become the victims... and perhaps the eyes of my fellow countrymen will be opened as mine were."

Aleppo comes from the Sembian metropolis of Selgaunt, a child raised like so many others in the inhospitable slums on the outskirts of town. To survive his day-to-day life amongst a sea of beggars, drunkards, and thieves he quickly allied himself with other local boys who traveled together for safety in his formative years. It was in this circle of friends that he first made contact with Raevin Duras, a recruiter for the Night Knives guild. The recruiter had noticed the boys' union and quickly motivated them to join the guild together when Aleppo was only 12 years of age. His early years in the guild were demanding, but the money he made performing various acts of mischief and thievery allowed him to provide for his starving family... and so he continued for over a decade, eventually earning enough to buy his family a small farmhouse in the outlying fields where they would no longer need to suffer the violence and turmoil of slum life.

It was too late for him, however. The guild had fully invested itself in the young man who had blossomed into one of their most successful initiates. Already he had seen three of his friends perish at the hands of guards or even other members of the guild for some perceived slight or another. Every day the thought of escaping gnawed at his heart until one day, during a routine con job, the senior thief he had been working with was captured by the guards and Aleppo seized the opportunity to flee, snatching the coin purse that the two of them had been filling all night. The guards gave chase, but the nimble Aleppo evaded them at every turn, finally fleeing into the open fields beyond the city walls. He was struck by an arrow just as he left the ring of firelight from the guard towers, but staggered onward to find his parents' home in the country before dawn.

His parents, now quite aged, understood when Aleppo told them his plans to flee the country. He left them a sizable portion of his profits, bandaged his wounds, and took his last rest at home. At dawn the next day, he set out for the Dalelands where he hoped to lose himself in obscurity, biding his time for the perfect opportunity to help Sembia break free of it's oppressive shackles.

Fatespinner checking in here. I haven't done equipment yet because I don't honestly remember what starting gold at level 2 is. HP for level 2: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9