Alendrethala Lossëhelini's page
120 posts. Alias of Gandal.
Do you think it is the case of searching for another DM? Of course he would have to come up with another plot, since we don't know the current one.
Everytime i asked the others said it will resume once 2012 has begun, so i'm waiting
Hope the game didn't already die.Happy holidays everyone
I can't wait to leave this place, but i'm not too confident for the near future anyway
"As i said, i have no use for both.I'll simply put the weapons in the wagon carrying the party shared equipment, then anyone who want them can do as they like"
maybe i should ask Inwe to check his laryinx
Alendrethala recovers the weapons, until someone else asks for them.
Maybe he got wounded in his throat
Not sure what Ruhk means, and having said she isn't using them, Alendrethala hands over to the man the dagger and the falcata.
"Hope you were asking me to give you these, or else feel free to do whatever suits you once you have them.I'm more at my ease with rods and wands"
"There is Natasha's falcata which is a magical blade, and i still have this magical dagger from that evil cleric encounter"
"I don't fight in close range, and even thou i know how to use a blade maybe they are better used by some of the close range fighters"
"Well, we are not stealing it, it has some faint aura om it.We were trying to determine its magicl properties"
The elven mage thanks Ruhk deeply, then checks the blade.
Spellcraft to identify 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Assuming Ruhk already told Alendrethala the falcata is magical
F***ing dicebot.If Alendrethala has time she will prepare and cast Identify which will give her another +10.May i assume she had the time to and roll again at +20?
Seeing Ruhk in difficulty with the examinaton of Natasha's falcata Alendrethala approches him with the most polite manners she is capable of.
Last time he examined a weapon it was magical, maybe.....
"Excuse me mister, may i help you? You are trying to read the aura of that sword?"
Alendrethala thanks Velnik and waits for the funeral ceremony to have ended in silence.
Don't remember if it has been already said, so asking now
"Did natasha have relatives other her step sister here? I don't need any of her possesion, but i think their value should go to her family, at least in part"
I'm having the same problems, feeling better, but obscene amounts of work.
Won't be able to post much until after X-mas.
While assisting her sister:
"Inwe, maybe you can solve a doubt i've had while at the stream.I would have liked to pray for Nat's soul, but i don't think Corellon takes in non elven souls.And i cannot pray to other gods, but i would like to contribute in giving peace to Natasha"
I'm under migraine and flu,so not looking much here
If nothing happens during Alendrethala bathing scene, you can assume she has done and back to the camp
Alendrethala is sitting on a shore, naked.
She is looking at the moon and have yet to enter water, but for now she is weeping silently.
How can it be? I know people die everywhere and for every reason, right or wrong it may be, but i already witnessed someone dear to me dying to save me, and now the very same scene goes all over again.What are you trying to tell me Corellon? I shouldn't have fled from the school in first place, i'm such a coward.Least i can do now is get a hold on myself and never run away again, not now that i've finally found a part of my family
Again, Alendrethala puts down all her equip and weapons, taking only a towel and clean clothes, then she is off to the stream.
It is dark,i should be safe enough,but just in case...
The elven girl calls Kathai and Inwe "Please, if you see someone going to the stream, tell them i'll be there , and i'll be undressed for sometime"
This must be a trial Corellon cast me into to test my faith,and i won't betray him
"If she was speaking the truth about her people, i fear how she is going to rule will be the lesser of our problems"
Alendrethala diverts her eyes from Natasha's lifeless body.
"I need some time for myself, i apologize for leaving,think will take that bath Natasha told me to take later"
Alendrethala too is astonished at the scene.
It seems like i was right, pity i only saw a little part of the whole
"You disappoint me, both of you.From what i saw back at the stream i believed there was something special between the two of you, but i never thought it was complicity in a cold murder intentions.The other have said pretty much there was to say, so what now?"
Alendrethala gestures toward Nekat to leave and hide.
He is serious! Well i'm not an expert at relationships either so won't mock him
Alendrethala finishes her exposition to Ruhk
"I'm afraid i was serious.Of course this was just an impression at a first glance,but i don't think i got it wrong"
Alendrethala cannot make a DC25 perception, even on a natural 20
The elven girl looks at Ruhk a bit astonished, trying to figure whether he is serious or not.
But she cannot answer openly, so Alendrethala walks to the man, her lips closing his left ear. Then she whispers "Velma wants to have sex with the prisoner.Is it clear now?"
The girl blushes and bows while stepping back, waiting for the man's reaction.
"My....apologize for being so rude"
Better i keep my voice low
"I cannot be sure of course, but at the stream i clearly saw Velma staring at the prisoner with something more in her eyes then simple devotion to duty.I think that ranger girl has a crush on the prisoner and even though i know this is nothing of our business, i suggested that maybe we can exploit this feeling
I can't believe i'm saying such horrible things
"Count me in, unfortunately i'm a disaster in sentimental or personal relationships.You should have seen the time i tried a spell i was experimenting.It was meant to clean clothes istantly....but something went terribly wrong and instead my clothes vanished all at once, leaving me completely naked.And the other students in the hall were all boys, i was so embarassed i spent a week reclused in my private rooms.To think now it is exhilarating, but i found it very difficult to approach a boy since then"
"And i don't know why i told you this now"
Once she is back to the wagons Alendrethala hurries to Kathai with the water and the news.
Figured as much, can wait no problem.My posting will slow dramatically over the next few weeks, with x-mas my job leaves me time for nothing else :(
Don't stress too much girl, remember you came here with your clothes only, no weapon, no spellbook or components
"Sorry for my curiousity, i'll came back later"
Alendrethala returns to the caravan.
Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
More and more weird
"I'ld have no problem in waiting a bit more, but Kathai has become ill and she asked me if i could come here as soon as possible, so to take her some fresh water when i return to the caravan."
"but forgive me, i cannot restrain from asking. What she has done to be so dangerous ? To me she looks harmless and lovely, am i right?"
How large is this stream? Does it look like there is room for Alendrethala without being too close to the prisoner?
I should have put more details.Alendrethala left all her gear at camp, she doesn't take the spellbook when she is bathing.Also i'm not sure whether she'll get there without having to interact with other PCs or NPCs, so for now i simply wrote she just begun heading that way
Alendrethala goes to her mule, from which she takes a change of clothing and a towel.
Than she begins walking toward the stream.
"Can't help there sister i'm afraid.I'm specializing in combat magic"
"We could pretend we need to bath too, and since we are girls too Natasha shouldn't have any objections to let us come along. I sure could use a bath in the stream, but she'ld probably say that we can wait our turn. Or she could ask to talk to Kathai in private."
"I'll pray Corellon for wisdom, nothing i can do about."
After Kathai's speech, Alendrethala stands in contemplation for some long seconds OH! Corellon, what have i get myself into?
"We do owe Natasha our lives, and we are talking of intervene in a political intrigue involving a civil war. While i won't go against the people of this caravan, i cannot stand aside when jaseera is killed out of convenience, and in a most gruesome way i bet.Did she tell you if she has other support? Someone who can be asked for help?"
I was playing Skyrim a lot, but checking here also of course. Was just waiting for the others
Alendrethala is still waiting for the scene between Ruhk and Natasha.
Kathai Lli wrote:
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 0
...and got distracted by a shiny rock, apparently. Mental note, get a friggin' rank in Sense Motive. This is ridiculous.
Completely agreed :(
Sense Motive 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
(+1 dagger "Snakehand" 2302gp 1lb) I estimated the cost based on the magical item creation table. I added the item to Alendrethala inventory to keep track of it, she doesn't mean to claim its property, if any of you thinks it should go to someone else.
Alendrethala begins to show interest in this "ledger affair" so she is neraby listening.
"Sorry, i'm not eavesdropping, i'm really interested. Resting became boring"
He is cute when trying to get social. Clumsy but cute
Alendrethala enjoys some deserved rest. If someone needs her, they know where to find her.
Good point there. It is just that after a zillion year or RPG one begins to make some confusion between "just fancy" and "in game bonuses" but i like your description
Alendrethala runs to Ruhk's side and greets him cheerfully
"Don't worry i'll use only few words, first i want to tank you for the gift. A mage is always interested in magical weapons, especially when she is trained in their use. Second it may be best used by someone who engages in melee range, but i'll let the party decide, i'll keep it unless someone else wants it. Bye and thanks again."
Maybe i'm lost, but the "snake handled" is a property? and the green glow is just fancy or actually inflicts some extra damage?
Yes, i know how to identify magic properties, only i rolled a "fumble" but that was to detect magic.
Spellcraft to identify the dagger 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
Edit : I deleted my post before submitting it, since i rolled to detect magic on the blade, but the dicebot said Alendrethala wasn't able to even detect the same very dagger she was holding :(
Up to DM whether he says Alendrethala has been told by Ruhk that the dagger is magical.I'll have to cast Identify then, which means rest and switch spells
"At least we don't need to fight this time, well as i'm dead tired as well. I think the most useful thing to do right now is to give a value to the jewels and dresses. And what is the nearest city? Logic suggest that whoever owns those ledgers must reside somewhere, and if he needed to check on caravan passing nearby he should live close to the village as well"
Appraise for pearl 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Appraise for silk dress 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
"I'ld suggest keeping our distance while Kathai examines the locks"
Lockjaw Stoneshield wrote: "Eh, you're too skinny fer me, watch yer own back."
Lockjaw stares at the trapdoor as Ruhk grasps it, ready to chop anything coming out of it.
"Than we agree on one thing for a change. I wasn't exactly thinking of you either"
Alendrethala takes Nekat in her arms.
"Another adventure so soon ? Luckily i had the time to recover my spells, and my wounds"
The last fight scared the young elven girl to death, and now she doesn't want to admit it.
"You open the way, i'll follow.Would be nice to have someone to look my back too. With back i mean my shoulders"
"And i found a concealed trapdoor inside that house, of course i haven't gone down, not alone"
This is what the spoiler was about
Since she had nothing to do while waiting for her companions to recover, Alendrethala spent some time looting the fallen enemies.
Not something someone like me would usually do, but they won't be using them any longer, while some of this stuff can still be used the right way, besides we need the money too
I'll assume it is almost evening
After quite some hours she calls for help, as the loot is way too heavy for her.
edit: DO NOT read my spoiler as it isn't about loot
"I only want my share of money, everything else isn't for me"
Perception isn't my speciality, but trying costs nothing
Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21 lucky shot :)
I usually don't like TPK, but we charged head low. Of course at level 1 you don't expect a cr 7 fight, so we both made a mistake.
The NPC intervention was logical this time, as they were there anyway, but again i'm against using deus ex machina solutions.
When GMing, i try to give players some advices if they are going against too hard CRs, but if they ignore those....well their own funeral :)