Cleric of Brigh

Alathea of Solace's page

1,015 posts. Alias of Dennis Harry.


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Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Looks like we are done. Nice gaming with you all!

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

OK for me Spaz.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9
Spazmodeus wrote:
Are you all ok with Jereru's figher submission ?

I am ok with it.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Recruitment is UP!

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Well we've been doing ok with 4 but another front liner could not hurt.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
How hard is it to get a new DM especially one that is a DL fan?

Not sure to be honest, I've seen people get good success with seeking out DM's of course for AP's its a bit easier...

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:


Are we still interested in continuing?

As in Recruit a new DM? Sure, we got this far!

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

I'd be surprised if this one was not dead at this point.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Work ruins my rich fantasy life!

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Playing in 20+ games and running 26 (soon to be 27) is time consuming. Outside of the boards I have a fairly busy work schedule and of course a life!

Often I find that if I fall behind in updates, I need to make time to simply update a Discussion Thread to inform the PCs of a particular game that I am either going to be posting later in the day or week or will be on a break form the boards for one reason or another.

To save time updating so many damn threads I am going to open this thread and link all of my DM aliases (and PC aliases) to this thread to inform people as to my status. So if I am missing for a time, just go ahead and click on the link in my Avatar and you will be able to ascertain my board status.

My sincerest apologies if this is a bit of an inconvenience where you are waiting on me for an action but posting "I will be away for the next 3 days" 47 times (or more) is just not working for me any longer. Thank you for your understanding!

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
I wonder if anyone would like to take it over?

Not it!

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Been a month + with NO update. I hope High God is ok but I get the sense we are likely not going to continue. I'll still keep the game on my radar but a month plus is usually not good.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Fine here ;-)

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Have not seen any activity from the DM. Hopefully he will pop back up again!

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9


I've been on a board break for a few days (especially DMing) I needed a breather :-)

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9
High God of Krynn wrote:

The Spell has the fire descriptor so the whole spell fails to work.

Nonmagical fire (including alchemist’s fire) does not burn underwater. Spells or spell-like effects with the fire descriptor are ineffective underwater unless the caster makes a caster level check (DC 20 + spell level). If the check succeeds, the spell creates a bubble of steam instead of its usual fiery effect, but otherwise the spell works as described. A supernatural fire effect is ineffective underwater unless its description states otherwise. The surface of a body of water blocks line of effect for any fire spell. If the caster has made the caster level check to make the fire spell usable underwater, the surface still blocks the spell’s line of effect.

You can hero point to reroll if you wish.

Understood, not worth THAT high of a DC on a re-roll.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9
High God of Krynn wrote:

Ok Alathea, Unfortunately Fire Descriptor Spells don't work too well underwater. You'll have to make a DC 25 caster level check. I'll roll for you to see if it works. Even if it is 1/2 divine damage, the spell has the Fire Descriptor so follows those effects.

Unfortunately the spell fizzles as the water blocks the line of effect to the target. Fire unfortunately does not work well underwater.

Half the damage is divine so does not that half take effect? OR can I use a Hero Point to have cast the spell successfully?

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Round 2

Reflex Save 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24 - Somehow I missed the first one. Much like Jor, I take no damage due to House Rules.
Reflex Save 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Alathea is unable to avoid the icy blast from Veylora.

She responds with a Quickened Channel Selecting out the Foes 7d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 1, 6, 6, 6, 6, 3) + 1 = 33

She then follows up by beseeching Zivilyn to, "Smite the unholy creature!"

cast Flamestrike on the Aboleth - Reflex Save DC 21 or take 9d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 5, 1, 6, 4, 2, 6, 6) = 41 damage 1/2 Fire & 1/2 Divine.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Round 1

Alathea casts Holy Smite on the aboleth (and any evil creatures near it), "Zivilyn, rid the world of this horrific beast!"

Will save DC 20 or take 4d8 ⇒ (8, 4, 6, 6) = 24 and Blinded for 1 Round. If it saves it takes 1/2 damage and is not Blinded.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Initiative 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11


Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Can someone use the +2 armor since it resizes. Can the cleric?

My armor is better.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Alathea recovers the Tear and appreciates its warmth in her hand.

"Agreed Seaquake, we must break their will to threaten your people".

The Cleric will use the wand to further heal the Dragons' wounds.

Cure Light Wounds x7 7d8 + 7 ⇒ (7, 5, 3, 2, 2, 8, 5) + 7 = 39

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Suggested Gear Split:

A medallion of faith (Zeobim) - bury on land.
+2 Chain Shirt - Sell.
+2 Large Falchion - Sell.
Gloves of Dexterity +2 - Athola.
Ring of Protection +2 - Terevalis or Alathea.
Cloak of Resistance +2 - Gabriel.
Pearl of the Sirines - Terevalis or Alathea.

I think we should Recruit to replace Jor as we are down to 4 PCs now that we lost him and Mithas some time ago but that is up to the DM.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Ignoring the obviously fleeing creature, Alathea approaches Seaquake seeking to bind his wounds.

Cure Critical Wounds Swap out Righteous Might - 4d8 + 9 ⇒ (5, 8, 4, 2) + 9 = 28

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Round 3

Alathea is engulfed by the creature and continues to heal herself in an attempt to give her allies a chance to rescue her. Soon she may need to do something drastic...

Channel Energy 7d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 3, 3, 1, 5, 1, 1) + 1 = 21

Of course, I will be selectively channeling the foes OUT of my heals as always. That's a lot of ones...Net 6 damage to me this round.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Is the Chuul on me defeated? I see it on the map and it did not attack me. If it is defeated I would move to aid the Dragon, if not there is not much I can do this round.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Round 2

Fortitude Save 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

As the wave of negative energy washes over her, Alathea Quickens a Positive Energy Channel to heal Jor and Terevalis.

Quicken Channel Energy 7d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 6, 4, 3, 2, 2, 4) + 1 = 24

Alathea is once more fully healed.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Round 2

Fortitude save - 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

Alathea manages to resist the paralysis.

Crushed as she is by the creature she has no legitimate way to break free. Concentration check to cast a spell will be too high.

Instead the cleric once again Channels Positive energy to heal her wounds.

Channel Energy 7d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 1, 1, 5, 4, 5, 3) + 1 = 23

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Round 1

Hmmm, you sure I'm not Grappled? The creature rolled a 20! I will assume that Alathea is Grappled.

The Cleric cries out as the creature grasps her in its powerful claw. Injured from the strike and the spell and unable to move or cast a spell with her head full of pain, Alathea channels the power of Zivilyn instead.

Selective Channel out any foes in range. All BUT the Dragon are healed from our party.

Channel Energy 7d6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 3, 3, 6, 6, 4, 3) + 1 = 27

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Round 1 - Initiative 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

As I likely go last, I will wait to see how the battle unfolds to state my action.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9
High God of Krynn wrote:
Well the dragon technically was at 1/2 health of his 150 HP so that brings him from 75 to 108.

I meant the party "we" but if he still looks injured.

Alathea's brows furrow, "Mighty Seaquake, I see you are still injured. Let me assist you".

Wand of Cure Light x6 8d8 + 8 ⇒ (5, 3, 1, 2, 2, 5, 6, 7) + 8 = 39

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

"You shall have it noble one", replies Alathea as she channels yet more energy to heal his wounds.

Channel Energy 7d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 3, 1, 6, 3, 6, 1) + 1 = 24

We should all be full on HP now.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Alathea will channel energy to heal the Dragon as well as any of her allies still ailing from earlier combats.

Channel Energy 7d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 5, 4, 2, 6, 4, 1) + 1 = 29

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Alathea looks to her allies, "Shall we investigate? Perhaps whatever lurks within is a prisoner of these foul creatures?"

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

"To the top according to Master Yap yes?"

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9


Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Do we need another fighter? We do have a paladin/knight.

I would think yes, more than one frontliner is generally desirable...

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Jor hasn't posted in almost 6 weeks, should we consider recruiting another Fighter once we complete this arc of the adventure?

Unless you are still with us Jor? :-)

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Alathea nods to Terevalis, "Agreed".

Once again she'll use clairvoyance to try and avoid halls with creatures on their way to the throne room.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Alathea looks surprised, I would have thought the basement to be considered the top under the sea..."

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

"Destroy them and put them out of their misery or leave them. We are here as captives and need to reclaim our items of power and return to that which we are set to do. We cannot interfere in every single terrible thing that happens everywhere. If we do the world will burn while our backs are turned..."

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

"Agreed Terevalis, let us head back to the North tunnels and see where they lead..."

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

"I shall follow your lead here Terevalis, shall we enter with hopes to find what has been stolen from us? If not then let's head in another direction..."

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Alathea looks to Yap and Terevalis, "Does it seem that the items would be hidden here utilizing the Undead as Guardians? If not, we should likely not expend resources in battling these creatures..."

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Alathea relays what she has seen, "We should approach the shrouded door as it may contain our stolen items"

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Alathea will use Clairvoyance on both directions to determine if either are occupied by foes, if there are any doors, or stairs leading up or down.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

I thought we agreed to head East but whichever way we go is fine with me.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Without being able to scry on the items though, do we know that they are in the citadel? The baddies might have them with them.

That was my assumption :-). I do not have Scry for the day though, just Locate Object which I already used.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

I was pretty sure that Locate Object would not work n the Artifacts, it did not last time so I had no reason to believe it would this time.

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Alathea looks at the carnage and shakes her head.

"Let us head east first".

Female Human Cleric 9 | HP = 61/71 - AC=23 - Channel 0/9 - Tear 11/20 - Hero Points 1/1 - Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +13 - Ini +1 - Per +14 Cleric 9

Round 2

Alathea fires at the Toa that Athola is struggling with.

Heavy Crossbow 1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 7 - 4 = 22
Crossbow Damage 1d10 ⇒ 4

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