Alaera's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts (8 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 7 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.



I help my husband coordinate PFS events for our location and the store we use is a fairly busy location for PFS. We often have walk-ins who show up to see what PFS is like. We are now wanting to start the PACG as an extra table on some of our regular nights.

Can a player who has no expectation of the game and has not bought a deck be able to borrow my second deck for the first game? It sounds like players can borrow other players' decks when Taking One for the Team, but what if they don't have a deck at all?

Can they use a pregen from the Base Set? I'm assuming that's a no, since it sounds like pregens from the Base Set are only allowed for the demo and On the Horizon and not for any of the full scenarios.

Or do they need to pay the $20 for a deck before they've even tried the game? I realize the demo is available for new players and I am going to try to run that regularly, but I'd hate to turn someone away from a first game when they want to try it before committing to a Class Deck. Also, I know the rules say a Class Deck is required, but for PFS it is permissible to use a pregen when a character hasn't been created yet.

I'd love some clarification so I can make the event as inviting as possible (though the store has also been forewarned to have some decks on hand). Thank you.

I would appreciate any help that can be given in the following situation:
My PCs are fighting bandits who have riderless horses in tight quarters. One of my PCs is specifically trying to panic the horses. How would I apply the rules in this scenario?

Thank you in advance for suggestions.