
Akiz Mairan's page

25 posts. Alias of Cuàn.


Male Tengu Alchemist (Plague Bringer) 5 | Cavalier (Fell Rider) 5

Akiz simply stands back, but when Dardlara gets some herbs he moves forward in order to get his hands on some. He needs to understand the product in order to best bind his pathogenic agents to it.

Meanwhile his new horse just stands back, nibbling on blades of grass.

Been busy lately, sorry for the lack of posts

Male Tengu Alchemist (Plague Bringer) 5 | Cavalier (Fell Rider) 5

"I think I'll stick around till my things are finished. That also gives me the opportunity to work in your lab beforehand." And grab some things from there so he could get working on his own, portable kit.

Then he moved to the pile and started searching for the bag and the quivers with arrows. He actually also came across a saddle and all other needed riding gear, which was truly weird if she didn't even know the horse was there. Once finished he saddle the horse and loaded everything in the saddlebags he found. "Thank you. And now, on to the lab. How would I know when these craftsmen are finished enchanting though?"

Forgot the bit of riding gear on my sheet so I figured I'd add that now

Male Tengu Alchemist (Plague Bringer) 5 | Cavalier (Fell Rider) 5

"Nutcase", is all that goes through Akiz' mind when he sees Dardlara mutilate herself. If she kept doing things like that it wouldn't be his fault his she caught something deadly.

"I have a small selection of things I need, most of all a portable alchemy kit and gear for my horse. Besides that I want some odds and ends." He starts writing his desires down: An enchanted mithral breastplate (+1), an Elven Blade (Elven Curve Blade +1), a headband of vast intelligence (+2) and, maybe most important right now, a new composite longbow (Darkwood, +1). In addition he lists thins like a handy haversack and arrows.

Male Tengu Alchemist (Plague Bringer) 5 | Cavalier (Fell Rider) 5

At hearing her weird comment Akiz turns around and goes to retrieve the horse, bringing it with him to the others. "This black horse."

Male Tengu Alchemist (Plague Bringer) 5 | Cavalier (Fell Rider) 5

Akiz loses the group the moment they pass the worn door. Somehow what this body yearns for is beyond that door. He waits for the others to move on a bit before he opens the door.

Once he opens his eyes after being knocked down he see a beautiful, big, black horse with white socks. What would he do with a horse? Yet, it somehow must be significant to his new body, which likely meant it used to belong to an accomplished rider. Then something clicked: He was to be a Horseman, the Horseman of the apocalypse. A Horseman needed a horse.

He slowly got up and gently patted the animal. Sure, it complicated matters as he now had to find away to keep his steed alive among all the disease and famine, but that could be solved. He gave the beast one last pat before he left through the door he just came through.

"I'm taking the black horse." Was all he said when he entered the room where the others had gathered.

As far as roles go, Akiz is by nature very much a behind the scenes guy, but that will most likely change over time. Beyond that he is a Knowledge guy with some social skills as well. Most of all though he's an alchemist and he might in fact start as a travelling doctor now that he has his horse. He'll help people, gaining their trust and a good name, doing things like releasing small disease strains and then selling the cure, more for trust than money. It also allows him to do test runs with strains.

Male Tengu Alchemist (Plague Bringer) 5 | Cavalier (Fell Rider) 5

Chemical use? Good. These people came with their own delivery system. "Oh don't worry, I'll keep in touch. Just make sure not to kill my little birds when one lands on your shoulder. Besides, I think we'd best travel together and only separate just outside the city walls."

At her mention of gifts he once more turns to his hostess. "Yes, please. I think we need some equipment. While I can use the lab here I still need my own field kit for emergencies. Oh, and I still feel this longing coming from this body, a nagging feeling that something is missing. Did you take anything from him? Or perhaps found something near him?"

Basically referring to the bond between a cavalier and his mount. It'll be something that frustrates Akiz as it means he has to figure out a way to either make his steed immune to plague or to make the plague avoid his horse.

Male Tengu Alchemist (Plague Bringer) 5 | Cavalier (Fell Rider) 5

Oh wow, those two fools were already subjecting themselves to the pompous, aristocratic wench. Hopeless. "I will not join you in Arcata. I will find myself a quieter place to set up, though that area does offer me what I need right now. You'll probably find me in a small town somewhere south of it." Small towns were perfect for the first part of his experiment, especially since everyone thought they knew their neighbours and the people were more likely to focus inward and ignore news of death and destruction in the big city. Simply put, it was a nice, quiet place to contemplate his ideas. "If you could get your hands on a map of any underground area in Arcata I'd be very much interested."

Male Tengu Alchemist (Plague Bringer) 5 | Cavalier (Fell Rider) 5

"If there are any strong enough to survive it I have failed and must start over. That is, unless they end up killing each other over what is left of their food supplies. Even the strong will be overcome by grief or anger and, in time, will succumb. I am patient." The monkey didn't quite understand the meaning of his words when it came to his followers. Predictable. The ape was sure to be a pain but could also be very useful.

Akiz doesn't care about conquest. He has just hatched his own little plan of which only the outliers were in that internal monologue. Simply put, he wants to kill everything and everyone and harvest their souls to fuel his own ascendance to godhood/being the One Horseman and Bringer of the Apocalypse.

Male Tengu Alchemist (Plague Bringer) 5 | Cavalier (Fell Rider) 5

"I'm not sure you'd like me around miss, your congregation would shrink quite rapidly with me around." And he wouldn't be able to guarantee she didn't catch anything.

"Breeds stagnation and weakness" But that is exactly what he was after. "Even if it had monkey boy, you're dead aren't you? Any followers would have moved on by now. Besides, do you really think people in a mellow, peace-loving world would follow you?" Either the man had always been thick or they put him into an actual monkey instead of one of those humanoids. Hominid and humanoid were quite similar verbally, it would be an easily made mistake.

The ape would be trouble, just like the woman. Neither of them seamed capable of long term plans, both striving for instant gratification of their superiority complexes. Then again, that would make it hilarious if they ended up contracting some disfiguring disease that would leave them wrecked.

Then again, this place was devoid of the horsemen, with the exception of some lingering influence from Charon. He could, in fact, take upon him all four roles. He turned to the "brelani" "Miss, do you have a map or something of this world? Preferably one that shows where the most food is produced and what kinds of food they produce wear." Perhaps he wouldn't need to attack the populace directly. Attacking their livestock was less conspicuous and had the same effect in the long run, maybe even more.

Male Tengu Alchemist (Plague Bringer) 5 | Cavalier (Fell Rider) 5

Old age? That meant Charon still held sway here, whether they liked it or not. He had always been patient and persistent. But he wouldn't be able to actually cash in and take their souls. A niche, or multiple ones. The soul trade would be virtually non-existent here. "I'm sure that, in time, their memories will refreshed. But first things first: I need my lab, ramshackle though it may be. Without it I'm afraid my options are limited."

This actually brought up a question: What do you think about building a base or bases of operation? I don't mean as a goal on it's own or right now, obviously, but it would be of great help.

Male Tengu Alchemist (Plague Bringer) 5 | Cavalier (Fell Rider) 5

"You're an ape because some of us need things to experiment on." Akiz attempted humor but sadly the sound of his new voice wasn't the same as his old one and nuances sounded slightly different. "But do tell me, is there truly no evil here? Not even the horsemen trying to usher in the apocalypse? No disease, no plague, no famine? No war? Is there death at all?" Plans were already starting to take shape in his head. Plans that could make great use of his new "allies", or at least some of them.

"I for one rather like this shape, assuming the people in this world still see ravens, crows and other corvids as ill omens."

Male Tengu Alchemist (Plague Bringer) 5 | Cavalier (Fell Rider) 5

Akiz gets up the moment he is released. "That would explain the rags. Any idea as to cause of death of this poor sap?" It clearly wasn't disease, there would have been pock marks and his clothes would be whole.

"I have a faint feeling that something is missing, or at least that's what I get from this body. It's incomplete somehow." Why did he get saddled with the runt? At least the form was limber.

Male Tengu Alchemist (Plague Bringer) 5 | Cavalier (Fell Rider) 5

Akiz completely ignores the talking monkey, "How quaint. Miss, may I ask you what a Bralani is doing with the likes of me, or by the sounds coming from my colleagues, us? I don't think we are the regular crowd for your kind to mingle with." Least of all the kind to bring him back from the dead.

That, in fact, was even stranger. When he died his soul should have gone to his, probably former, master Apollyon and would most likely be consumed. Yet here he was, clearly with an unconsumed soul.

Male Tengu Alchemist (Plague Bringer) 5 | Cavalier (Fell Rider) 5

Akiz is woken up by the shouting man next to him. The man had changed? Weird. He then looks at himself but finds there is a yellow-ish beak obstructing his view. He was still black as before, but his fur changed to feathers and he almost doubled in size. "How odd. I did not see this coming at all. Miss, would you be so kind as to explain our predicament?" There was no point in being rude to those near death. "Oh, and how come he gained a tail while I lost mine. It's quite a handy tool if I may say so."

Knowledge Planes on the woman 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22

Shizzle69 wrote:
Hey Akiz, there is another bird avatar under Rakshasa I found as well. I don't know if it's any good for you?

Just looked it up. Sadly it's an eagle. I think I'll stick with the symbolism of a crow/racen and their association with death(crow), battlefields(raven) and trickery(both). Thanks for looking though.

As far as sheet goes: Fixed the cost and production issue and purchased the essentials when it comes to mundane gear (clothing, alchemist's kit and arrows) no idea what else I'll need when it comes to other mundane gear.

I actually did mess up there. I'll fix it.

Male Tengu Alchemist (Plague Bringer) 5 | Cavalier (Fell Rider) 5

Basically done, just need to fix my equipment because I had my base equipment crafted, which would take way too long. That and mundane gear.

Hmm, have to redo gear considering long craft times on things like Mithral Breastplates and Adamantine Elven Curved Blades, so basically I have to cut things.

Similarly Akiz is also done with the exception of gear (only bought a scroll in order to get a 3rd lvl 2 formula known). I saved the Megaloceros change for level 7 when the animal gets large.

I'd also very much appreciate it if you'd take a look and comment on it if needed.

The rolls for Akiza 4d10 ⇒ (6, 5, 9, 6) = 26
And for his mount 4d8 ⇒ (3, 8, 4, 8) = 23

And a single reroll for the mount 1d8 ⇒ 5

A question regarding armor and weapons: Is the base, un-enchanted price also the crafting price(1/3)? Mainly asking for the use of Special Materials.

While doing the stats on the Mount I just found a lovely clause (though somewhat silly as it can render most of the Beastrider archetype moot):

Cavalier Mount ability wrote:
A cavalier gains the service of a loyal and trusty steed to carry him into battle. This mount functions as a druid’s animal companion, using the cavalier’s level as his effective druid level. The creature must be one that he is capable of riding and is suitable as a mount. A Medium cavalier can select a camel or a horse. A Small cavalier can select a pony or wolf, but can also select a boar or a dog if he is at least 4th level. The GM might approve other animals as suitable mounts.

Would you, as a GM, say the Megaloceros I mentioned earlier would qualify as a suitable mount? Perhaps at level 7 when it would normally grow large (which could then be fluffed as my character actually modifying his horse to better suit his fancy instead of attracting a new animal)

Yeah, don't think that doctor's mask would fit over a Tengu's beak though. Thx for looking.

I don't think a Tiefling will have to blend in, everything is turned good so so are the present tieflings.

I truly wish there was a better tengu picture that would also fit my character (like, say, the Tengu from page 2 of the Godsmouth Heresy) or just a picture of a doctor's mask. This one looks too stupid and animalistic, which isn't strange as it's supposed to be a crow.

Isn't that yet another Tengu? I guess we'll end up with a full Tengu group

Cuan here, posting from my Alias. Haven't decided whether or not I want bombs or vivisectionist just yet.