Aldern Foxglove

Akihiro's page

14 posts (128 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.

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Really awesome to see a thread for this. Popping in to say hi. I'm a gay college student and I've had a lot of trouble finding other gay men that I can relate to, mostly because I feel like there aren't very many gay people that have my interests. I know it's not really true, but it's kind of a problem for me.

I'm out to everyone that I know (with the exception of the grandparents, who I'm fairly sure would disown me... I'm not as worried for me as I am for my mother, because I don't really want her to make the choice between her parents or her son), and all of my friends are straight. Things are fairly easy for me, I suppose.

Also, Bob, I'm really glad that you're finally exploring this part of your life. You look great.