
Akanaaz's page

Goblin Squad Member. 42 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

Yay! Congrats guys. I am pretty happy its stayed so well on track so far.

Goblin Squad Member

Fiore (a Italian swordsman) once had a codpiece made with the likeness of a man he was to duel engraved on it. He then pointed it out to him and described the ways the man's face cradled him....some people were really into their codpieces.

Goblin Squad Member

Federal Way, WA (All of us Seattle folks should get some drinks and play some games at the AFK Tavern some time xD)

Goblin Squad Member

Loving the art style, a huge fan of the simple design but good details. I hope end tier armor looks like this.

Goblin Squad Member

As someone who is very in to medieval and ancient martial arts, spears with proper animations would be awesome. Just seems difficult to do if you really want "proper" animations, as a spear is easily the most versatile weapon of any age. I will take a spear over a longsword any day, just because the sheer amount of options one has for attack and defense.

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks! Can't wait for the new forums though, these ones just really aren't conducive to easy reading.

Goblin Squad Member

Probably going Cleric and a ranger of questionable morals...

Goblin Squad Member

I got a suggestion, can you add a feed with the "blue tracker" sort of thing that WoWhead/worldofraids uses? Would be nice to have one spot to check out official posts.

Goblin Squad Member

It would be great to hear more on this. More of my friends are questioning just how much they will get to PvP now days.

Goblin Squad Member

What Hobs is showing is what I truly wish to see, and the fact is that many of these things are doable in several modern MMO's. My hope is that we will build a community focused on enjoying our trip in PFO and not just a rush to get better gear to go "pernonin" noobs.

What it comes down to is us, we need to be a strong community that supports each other and the events/roleplay atmosphere, even for those who do not wish to RP. We need to band up against griefers and put a stop to the bad types early on.

Now, if the devs do give us more tools to create content, there are even more possibilities. If not, addons can handle part of the strain as long as they let some freedom there.

Goblin Squad Member

From Washington State here, been gaming since I got my first nintendo. I enjoyed reading fantasy, got into all the staples of fantasy gaming from there. Currently playing WoW (for RP primarily) and a few single player games while I await PFO and Arche Age.

As for Randomwalkers mention of The Mongoliad, I would agree. I fence with one of the writers of that series. Fun stuff :D

Goblin Squad Member

Yay! ^

Goblin Squad Member

Yeah got the fast travel bit, however I would still like to see something else if were to make no mounts early on, a bit more accessible since it may take a while for the settlements to gain the proper upgrades and many of those settlements could be hostile.

Goblin Squad Member

I agree, mostly. As long as there is an alternate travel for vast distances between fixed points. I don't always have enough time to trek an hour across the globe, although it would be fun and the trip is most of the adventure. Think how boring Lord of The Rings would have been in Gandalf had summoned the eagles and just flown close....

Goblin Squad Member

Hey guys, if anyone else has a spare shieldmate slot let me know, would love you forever :D

Goblin Squad Member

Good on GW to let the post get answered for a bit, and not just shutting down anything negative said about them. However, I think it is safe to say that most of the community disagree with the OP. I know I do.

Goblin Squad Member

I think it will make it. Check out all the gaming websites. They got like 3 banners on MMORPG.com, a interview up and ads on Massively and PC Gamer going pretty heavy right now.

Goblin Squad Member

Just remember that 25% of funding for most Kickstarters come in the last 3 days, on average. A lot of people are on the fence till they see that magic 75%. What, today alone we saw nearly 100k?

Goblin Squad Member

^ Alpha is never considered game in any game. Its how you find problems before the game and get a rare chance to participate in the development of a game you love.

Goblin Squad Member

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I don't really want to see any sustained flight. Very short term things is cool, but I dislike sustained flight in MMO's. Cheapens the experience a lot.

Goblin Squad Member

I'd think they need to go guerrilla marketing on it and start hitting the forums. Get on the game list on MMORPG.com, talk in the forum there as well as here. The funding has really dropped off these past two days.

Goblin Squad Member

As for boob plate, my wife actually enjoys that aspect of fantasy MMO's. Just saying. And it is really too hard to make it optional, so the dev's are going to simply decide on what portion of their market either type appeals to, and go with the larger market appeal.

Goblin Squad Member

I only heard about it from a friend, and I regularly am on several MMO sites.

Goblin Squad Member

HolmesandWatson wrote:
Elth wrote:
It saddens me that the core PvE fan-base are still unable to give this concept a chance. I am a adventurer, explorer, crafter and I am most looking forward to playing in a world where there is a real risk of losing my gear If I don't use my wits. I wasn't going to back the second kickstarter but I succumbed eventually because I believe in GWs vision. One thing is certain though, If GW give in and change their vision to placate the current sqeaky wheel then I will withdraw my funding. I am backing the current PFO vision, I will not back a watered down carebear version of it.

I love to see the equivalent of "I'll take my ball and go home" if they change the premise.

How many PvPers on this thread, trying to convince or insult (ie, carebear) PvEers, are only casual players? Because when you have limited time (and money) to play, PvP is neither enjoyable nor desirable. It's a lost opportunity to enjoy your limited gaming time.

I've read every post in this thread. I'm a PF Play by Post Player and GM and a paying subsciber to an MMO.

The problem isn't that I'm not "giving PFO a chance." It's that they're builidng an MMO out of my favorite RPG. And it doesn't offer what I want. So I'm sticking with Age of Conan.

I RP/PvP. I manage a resteraunt and have 3 kids under 4. I haven't been a "hardcore" player in over 3 years, but I always manage to stick with WPVP and stay up on competitive PvP as well. I do PvP better with less time then PvE, which is actually how I switched from PVE to PVP was due to my inability to play as much.

Goblin Squad Member

I agree, I love my PvP and trade stuff, but some times I do just want to go hunt down something in the wilds. And as for dungeons, this Pathfinder so I really do hope to see well thought dungeons that have more going for them then just the fights.

Goblin Squad Member

Drakhan Valane wrote:
vjek wrote:
DeciusBrutus wrote:
... Plus at some point anything that successfully evades the intended cost for a behavior becomes exploiting a bug.

In the past, prior to 1999, I could see this being a deterrent.

Today? The motto of every MMO player I know is: "Exploit Early, Exploit Often" because there are zero consequences. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

Wait. What? I've been playing MMOs for a while and this is the first I've heard that motto. An exploit is something you bring to devs' attentions so the can get fixed.

It depends on the community and game type. Most F2P games do have a large number of exploiting gamers who live for that. I find most P2P gamers are against it and are quick to call exploiters out and get them banned. Some F2P communities are solid enough where they do this as well, but they are less frequent.

Goblin Squad Member

I personally love that system idea Rokolith, especially if more dedicated healers could have a cooldown ability that could diminish the grey area as well.

Goblin Squad Member

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Ryan Dancey wrote:

@All - lots of points to make.

Player Loot: When you die, other characters may get part of your carried inventory. That's a hard & fast rule.

The elements of the design that are being worked on determine what of your inventory is vulnerable to being looted and how you can influence that vulnerability.

What This Means

1: You won't leave an area you consider extremely safe carrying valuable inventory. Because you'll spend a lot of time in areas that are not safe, you'll accumulate a lot of Gear that you can afford to lose. Having some of your stuff taken off your body is not the end of the world when that stuff represents a small fraction of your net worth.

2: Attacking other players has an upside in that the stuff you loot from them may be worth the effort. This will create a value in PvP and therefor people will engage in it.

3: The accumulation, loss, and replacement of Gear on a very regular basis drives the economic engine, which makes harvesting resources, processing and transporting crafting materials, and crafting items a worthwhile and interesting part of the game.

4: People will carry too much valuable stuff, get killed, loose it, and quit in anger. It's the nature of the beast. Sometimes they come back after a cooling off period, sometimes they leave forever. Pathfinder Online won't be a game everyone likes to play and we're OK with that.

Guard Contracts: Like Bounties, they'll work best when you offer them to known trustworthy individuals or groups. Offering an open contract to guard something is going to be pretty darn risky. Offering it to a Chartered Company with a great reputation for showing up and beating off interlopers, and not acting as spies for the interlopers will be the smart thing to do.

If you "cheat" on a Guard Contract and gank your employers, that will not be considered griefing. They should have done a better job vetting their employees. Your reputation will collapse quickly and your alignment will quickly shift to...

Thank you Ryan for the post. This is the one that convinced me to back the project fully now and start talking to my circle about it.

@Morg, I think he was being definitive, not rude. He was clearing the misconceptions.

Goblin Squad Member

That is what I gathered too Andius.

Goblin Squad Member

Yeah. I have been in roleplaying in every single game I have ever played that even remotely has the possibility of it. I guess it depends on who you played with, but yes I know both types. My circle (who are currently playing GW2/TSW/WoW and have over 200 active members across the games) are all pretty into PVP and are very into roleplaying.

EDIT: As for the risk/reward, the risk for the bandits would be the large amount of time wasted if they fail, on top of the other risks. Sure, it may be a higher risk for the merchant, but honestly that excites me as a merchant. I am not saying I speak for everyone, I am just stating my view and how I feel my circle feels about these things. Honestly though, I am not feeling like we are discussing anything anymore, more of arguing our obviously different views because we can not simply agree that different people want different things. Since that seems to be the case, I won't be responding to your posts, but I do respect your viewpoints. The developers will read all viewpoints and go with what they feel is best regardless.

Goblin Squad Member

I don't feel that Lawful Good needs to be better. With the settlement perks for LG, it seems that going evil will already have enough disadvantages.

Goblin Squad Member

Robb Smith wrote:
Akanaaz wrote:
I have not read of too many fantasy merchants who didn't travel with some sort of escort, unless they were into really naughty things. And yes, in most civil countries merchants are not attacked very often. Their establishments are still robbed fairly frequently, but that is beside the point.

The point I am trying to make is that you don't get to make potentially 3 or even 4 attempts against what could be the same caravan.

If they are not high enough to substantiate that, then why is everyone so concerned? If that cargo really isn't valuable and can be replaced in a couple days, then why the fuss about people attacking and taking it? Why would anyone but a small amount of ornery people be doing this if the reward isn't high enough to be worth losing alignment/reputation and possibly items from their own inventory if they fail?

There's a substantial difference in margins to be considered between making/transporting/selling goods and "taking them for free".

Are you sure they would get multiple attempts? Are corpse runs for sure included or do you resurrect at a bind point? Are bind points allowed to be bandit hideouts? Too many unknowns right now to just make the assumptions you are making. If your bind point is far away, the caravan will be gone. If you are doing corpse runs, the caravan may still be gone. Do you know where they are going? Are they going to divert to a nearby settlement now to cure their critical wounds? Too many unknowns to just claim what you are claiming.

Goblin Squad Member

Why are his last points blind assumptions? There are numerous open pvp games that have guilds who protect new players/new guilds. I can see PFO being even more into that with how many RP'ers are likely to pick up the game.

Goblin Squad Member

Robb Smith wrote:
Akanaaz wrote:
And that is why successful merchants will do as real merchants do, and hire protection, use routes that pass through heavily patrolled lawful good areas and not move too many expensive goods at once. Mix your loads so that only a few extremely valuable items...

In fairness, we're talking about a fantasy world here. Fedex trucks do not get randomly attacked by bandits, and in the real world you do not just respawn when you die. Most of the "risks" to moving a caravan in PFO would not apply to moving a caravan in the real world, because in the real world, if someone shoots you with an arrow, you either die from the wound or die slowly from the resulting infection.

Having 3 or 4 armed and armored guards with a caravan would have likely been an ample deterrent for the real world, because most people aren't willing to risk their lives over some silk and spices unless they're completely desperate. In PFO, you respawn and try four more times and hope one of them you get lucky, and then boom, you're rich, they're poor.

And, being pretty blunt, the margins on craftable items cannot possibly be high enough to substantiate the sort of effort you're referring to, or the economy will absolutely explode with inflation.

I have not read of too many fantasy merchants who didn't travel with some sort of escort, unless they were into really naughty things. And yes, in most civil countries merchants are not attacked very often. Their establishments are still robbed fairly frequently, but that is beside the point.

If they are not high enough to substantiate that, then why is everyone so concerned? If that cargo really isn't valuable and can be replaced in a couple days, then why the fuss about people attacking and taking it? Why would anyone but a small amount of ornery people be doing this if the reward isn't high enough to be worth losing alignment/reputation and possibly items from their own inventory if they fail?

Goblin Squad Member

Patrick Curtin wrote:

Lets look at the ambush scenario from the crafters viewpoint:

You as a crafter have spent a lot of time and effort crafting a wagonload of magic weapons to sell at a well-known fair at another town. You need them moved and put out a call for guards. The ambush happens and,

A) they are beaten off. No harm no foul onto the fair

B) they kill everyone and loot your wagon. Now, you Rez at whatever save point and you can put together a posse to hunt them, put bounties out on their heads (assuming you caught their names-I'm sure this will be easy to do), BUT...

You the craft master are out the loot. All that time, effort and gold wasted. You might kill the little jerks that stole it, someone might have a fun time arranging a revenge posse, but the likelihood of recovering that cache of weapons is likely nil, unless you have some way off immediately tracking them down and killing them. If they are smart they'll cache the loot quickly, as they won't want to lose the items they lost reputation for

Now, as that craftsman, I would be devastated. Assuming maybe I put in a full two weeks of game time crafting to make that stuff, it all seems worthless now. I am officially someone's NPC victim. The frustration would be intense, and a scenario like that would likely ruin any fun I had in the game for quite a while.

Like I said before, I understand that this game is set up a certain way. I am merely trying to explain what some of the concerns are for those of us not thrilled by PvP. Saying 'try it you'll like it' doesn't help. Neither does 'just join a big company'. If those are the choices, then it's going to turn off a segment of the population. I'm going to try it, but I am also going to make my concerns known.

And that is why successful merchants will do as real merchants do, and hire protection, use routes that pass through heavily patrolled lawful good areas and not move too many expensive goods at once. Mix your loads so that only a few extremely valuable items are in with that load of basic armor. You still get a high pay off from the expensive items and you don't have too big of a risk. But then, high risk is generally a high reward, if you can manage. As someone who is really looking forward to playing a merchant/running a merchant guild, these possibilities have me excited. I want that risk, I want those choices. I want to have an excuse to hire a armed group of friends to guard my caravan.

Goblin Squad Member

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Jameow wrote:
Akanaaz wrote:
I am with Psyblade, I could see the outcome being pretty fun either way.

Fun for all except the merchant moving their goods. Here we come to the point that has come up several times "I'm not paying to be someone else's content"

For me personally, yeah, it adds something, a problem to overcome. Do you hire a company to escort you and attract attention? Or do you go it alone and try for the fast and secretive? Stay off the main roads and take a winding, less travelled road? Or take the main way and hope for the best?

Put bounties out on the brigands and try again? So that there's even more incentive to kill them?

Or try subterfuge and hire an escort for a not so valuable cargo while secretly transferring something valuable by other means?

It all has possibilities. But for other people, none of that holds any appeal at all, and I think it's important to recognise that not everyone enjoys the same scenarios.

It sounds like those people want a themepark style game. Sandbox is about choice, and the merchants would have plenty of choice. If they want to just auto transport some goods to another city, might as well play Train Simulator.

You can not and will not make every person or group happy with any game that is made. If you make a game, you identify your market and make the game for that market. Everything I have read here on this site doesn't make it sound like this game is being designed specifically for the themepark fans. The whole point of taking those goods and selling them somewhere else is to make a greater profit then selling them where you made them. Why are they worth more else where? Probably because they are harder to get there or there are more people who would use them there. Why are they harder to get? Because there must be some risk or some difficulty in getting them at that location. Otherwise, why are you moving goods? To satisfy some merchant desire to travel around? That is easily done in numerous other games.

Goblin Squad Member

I am with Psyblade, I could see the outcome being pretty fun either way.

Goblin Squad Member


What in gods name would you need a sword that heavy for? My understanding is that most claymore's aren't even over 10 lbs. Not being a jerk, was honestly curious.

I feel that you should be able to customize your look without worry of abilities. It isn't really that relevant to immersion, as with proper strength training and personal build, strength can be very relevant.

Goblin Squad Member

As someone who has always ended up being a healer for my group of friends, I can say that I want a middle ground. Dedicated healing is very rewarding in good teams, but it can be tiresome when you are always the focus or burn target for enemies. I love PVP, and I always end up going for a healer with high survivability and large single heals.

For people who play dedicated healers, there is nothing else they want to play. For people who play hybrids, they generally can't stand dedicated healing. I love both, but for different reasons.

If I heal as a priest, I expect to be primarily healing and "curing" my allies while they protect me. If I play a paladin/cleric, I would like to be up there smacking things around while dropping large emergency heals and buffing/curing friends. I expect my damage to be moderate and my emergency heals to be powerful enough to turn a tide when used right, but not really a spammable thing. To prevent myself from being useless, providing some sort of buffing/curing to allies would also make me useful enough to bring along as support to the dedicated healer.

I feel both types have their place in a MMO, and both have their dedicated player base.

Goblin Squad Member

I do love the concepts discussed, it still just remains to be seen how it will work out exactly. Most of the initial player base and veteran players may be honest, but a vast majority of people are not and I would hate to see my reputation get massacred when everyone in one settlement down votes my reputation because I got into an argument over vent with one of them.

Goblin Squad Member

Yep Valkenr, that must be it =\

Goblin Squad Member

Why is everyone so against risk? The fact that nothing you do in current MMO's matters is why many of us are attracted to PFO. Without a risk, the rewards are negligible. If I build a mighty city with walls/towers and what not, and then it never gets attacked and my settlement never has to put up a fight against bandits, then why have a town? I want to have a settlement. I want my settlement to be so popular that people are fast traveling to and from, so that bandits are then encouraged to set up hidey holes. I want to police around my town to root out those bandits to keep my lands profitable. I want my settlement to join the others that are of my alignment in a glorious alliance to crush those who made the mistake of dwelling on the other side of the damn river and pissing in my stream. How does this not sound fun? Most of the risk is negated by having sieges require siege equipment (assuming a high cost so aggressor risks something, or perhaps having to own a settlement to declare war, therefore opening yourself up to invasion) and on a personal level by having a few random items in your INVENTORY lootable rather then a full loot game.

An Online world focused on social interactions, not solo play, with tangible rewards and consequences. Love the concept.