Aquatic Elf

Aiyoku's page

Organized Play Member. 15 posts (25 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.


Scarab Sages

Vanara Inquisitor of Besmara (current captain)
Full Orc Druid (shark shaman)
Samsaaran Wizard (focused on crafting)
Kitsune Sorc (only shows up 1/3 the time)
Catfolk Rogue
human freebooter ranger
Full Orc Samurai (I have NO idea how we picked him up)
Human (raised by changelings) sorcerer
Human life oracle.

We're a regular menagerie.

Scarab Sages

We almost went with "Michael Bolton" because of this song:

but the captain veto'd it and we went with "the Fighting Honeybadger"

Scarab Sages

Mattastrophic wrote:
Quishadi wrote:
1. I can't replay modules
There is nothing in the Guide to Organized Play that says you can't tag along for a module you've already played.

But just tagging along tends to be tedious. Many people have been pulling for a movement to be able to replay modules. The same ones get run over and over again. I've seen "Frostfur Captives" and "Mists of Mawangi" run about 15 times in the past year. You run out of options pretty quickly.

Scarab Sages

I also didn't realize the playtest had even come out, let alone ended... until today. I didn't get any e-mail or anything from Paizo about a playtest that I've seen in my inbox, and slightly annoyed at that. Checked my trash bin for it, too. No word of it. But reading through the playtest brought up some questions for me.

playtest wrote:


racial abilities: Weapon Familiarity

What is their weapon familiarity with? It's not in either Bestiary...

Other than that, I have a few very strong issues here with the build rules. Negatives to "save stats" should be worth less RP. It can be crippling in a point-buy when you want to make, say, a fighter that gets a negative to con (like elves) or a catfolk cleric whose will save will be bad because of it. If a -2 penalty is placed on constitution, dexterity, or wisdom, -1 RP should be in order to balance it out a bit more. Charisma and Intelligence and even strength aren't really as strong of statistics as those three "save stats" if you're going to try to make something moderately effective on a 20-point build.

Now, I do have to say that I tend to powergame just a little, and the dear boyfriend is the poster child for powergaming, so I may be slightly biased on the above point. But I feel very strongly about this, and truly believe that my solution is more fair and sensible. It's just LOGICAL that the more important stats should be worth less race points if there is a penalty to something as crucial as saves, which half the game is based on.

Specifically regarding Catfolk, the wis penalty kind of doesn't make sense to me, either. Cats are good at perception, survival, and heck, I'm sure they're good at heal checks because of their innate empathy-- all wisdom-based skills. I'd like to see an int or str penalty instead because it makes more sense for the nature OF cats and therefore makes sense for humanized versions.

Rationalization: cats are fast and sleek but not beefy, and the fact that cats don't have an extensive repertoire of skills other than those wis-based skills and acrobatics. Climb is only valid if they have claws, and I imagine human cats to not really have them since they get no natural attacks.

Edit for addition:


playtest wrote:

Ability scores:
+2 strength
+2 dex
+2 constitution
+4 intelligence
-2 charisma

+4 intelligence? Shark-people aren't that intelligent, in theory. But the array seems correct: "Pick a mental or physical ability scores. Members get +2 to all these scores, and a +4 to one score of the other type, and -2 to one ability of that type.

I'd propose to give them a standard +2 Strength (sharks are strong) +2 wisdom (survival and perc is high, heal is needed to not eat something sick) and a -2 charisma or int... because face it, sharks don't have personalities, and their skills are really limited.

Or mixed weakness +2 str, -2 dex (out of water= clumsy. Even in water, their maneuverability isn't as good as say, a dolphin or even a seal, as they tend to make wider turns and are REQUIRED to keep moving constantly or else they'd die) +2 wisdom, -4 int for their limited skillset that comes with being nature's killing machine.

Playtesting this as written, despite my misgivings, but sticking the player on a slow xp progression in Jade Regent. The others are playing base races are on fast and the advanced race playtesters on medium.

(edits for spelling errors and general thought organization. It's pretty late at night for me. x.x)

Scarab Sages

Lordtoad wrote:


Catlings are distant cousins to catfolk. They are a smaller breed that have become adept at city life.

Type: humanoid (catfolk) (0 RP)
Size: Small (0 RP)
Speed: Normal (0 RP)
Ability Score Modifiers: Standard (-2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha) (0 RP)
Languages: Standard (as catfolk) (1 RP)
Racial Abilities: Cat’s luck (1 RP); Low-light vision (1 RP); Skill bonus (Perception) (2 RP); Skill bonus (Stealth) (2 RP); Skill bonus (Survival) (2 RP); Spell-Like Ability (Feather fall) 1/day (1 RP)

I actually like this far more than I like the Advanced Races build for catfolk. The Wis penalty is just too much for me to get over, cats have decent wisdom, and it's a save-stat. I imagine cats would make good clerics in a fantasy setting, so the -2 str makes more sense.

Scarab Sages

Four witches, a cleric, and a fighter would own. They're such awesome debuffers and if you minmax right, near impossible to shake off the damn penalties. Just cast slumber on everything, the fighter or cleric (I'd go dwarven cleric) coup de grace. The cleric also has a few great AOE like that that fire pillar spell (forgot the name)

Scarab Sages

What we did, is houserule to give sorcs an ability to switch out one spell per level spontaneously. Like cast a spell they didn't know, basically.

Now my wizard vs sorc rant:

My problem with it is that if NERFS wizards. In comparison, NOBODY would EVER choose a wizzy over a sorc. Ever.

The one thing wizards always had over sorcs is utility. "Give me a day and I'll have the spell we need prepared"

They never had as many spells per day to cast, but they could cast anything they knew if it could be prepared.

Sorcs had more spells per day, but VERY limited in spells known. Like, WAY more restricted than a witch's list restricted.

That is how it should be. Period.

Scarab Sages

Oh lord, Clouded Vision sucks if you ever want to any kind of damage with a weapon. Since you can only see so far, it's hard to base up with any kind of enemy because you can't see. Ranged weaponry is out of the question.

I've played every Curse as an oracle and actually really enjoyed Tongues. I was a life-acle and kept speaking in Auran. We ended up meeting a Harpy that spoke it and the insulting back and forth was awesome.

Signing takes a lot longer time than speaking and since battle turns are only five seconds, it's rough to try and tell the oracle don't go near that hissing noise because it's a hot air jetstream that will melt her face off. Also, you can't sign with only one hand, so anyone with a weapon out? No signing. Unless you drip ANOTHER linguistics language into one-handed "modified" signing. (I'm taking an ASL class, and it's as different as French and Canadian French. Meaning it's very hard to understand when you only know one or the other)

We came up with RP rules that we had to pretend to sign if we were signing while talking. It came in handy in ambush situations for the rogue since we didn't have to speak, though.

The easiest is Haunted, in which you get a wrist sheathe on each arm for your wands. No needing to fumble in your bag, problem solved. But yeah, it did feel like a cop-out.

Blind was... interesting. It sucked so hard at lower levels, but I took a few points in Ride and rode the barbarian into battle until I could get Tremorsense. (I was a gnome)

Lame wasn't bad because I went Rage-acle and just used the Athletics skill to bunny-hop long-jump where I needed to go.

Scarab Sages

Goth Guru wrote:

I want to point out that cannabilism has never been accepted by any other culture.

Cannibalism is accepted by no *pc* races as a whole unless you worship that lawful evil BDSM god from "Curse of the Crimson Throne", you know, Shelyn's brother. I can never remember his name. They have sacred rites to go about it so it's painful for the living... uh... buffet. And even then, the one to be eaten CHOOSES to do it and pays good coin to be mutilated and eaten.

Sahaguin (spelling? the shark people) and Goblins do it, iirc. And I'm sure some tribes of Mawangi do so to keep the "memories" of the deceased in the tribe, and even then only the well-loved members... but they are probably considered heretics by other, more "mainstream" tribes.

Scarab Sages

I, for one, HATE true neutral and chaotic neutral characters. They're loose cannons (and the alignment of the characters of players who hate roleplaying) and for me, RPG's are about heroics. So I'm biased. I love LG. (And I'm American!) I usually play smart paladins and clerics and I take my divine magic seriously.

There were so many Chaos points in what they did.

If you ever read the Pathfinder adventure path "Skinsaw Murders" you'll get awesome ideas for haunts, which are like traps, but they're supernatural. You cannot disarm them. I suggest the corpse's soul start a few of those. Make one for each character and theme them. Greed, Anger, ect. Use the cardinal sins and teach them a lesson.

Have you ever read the Magic of Golorion book? (I think that's what it is called) In addition to the spells that were lost for the Pally, depending on the paladin's god, you can give him a -4 to all his attacks until he atones because his weapon is too heavy (for Iomedae) For Sarenrae, he'd probably go blind, and incur all the penalties for that, unless he took Blind Fight feat line, in which he'd get a very painful sunburn that caused Con damage. For Erastil, every animal ever would attack them, no matter whether a druid tried to talk to them. Shelyn would drop their charisma to an 8.

ALL the LG and NG gods despise corpse desecration. It would basically falls into the realm of the Urgathoa or the lawful evil god of pain. The god of Necromancy would also get pretty damn pissed.

What I'd do is to put a sidequest in there that would give them half exp and treasure to put things right, using a divine intervention as a messenger. Haunts, and an antagonist ghost who made a friend with PC levels in Oracle or necromancer wizard/cleric. Negative energy clerics are beastly and will give the PC's a run for their money.

Scarab Sages

My boyfriend and I are hosting a Pathfinder game (Campaigns, not Society, but we might branch out) at our apartment on Sunday afternoon and evenings. I'm looking for any more gamers that would be interested who are in the Largo/Clearwater, Florida area. We have four people, but are looking for a group of seven-ish. (We like big parties, we can not lie)

It's an EXTREMELY drug-free environment, but once in a while we bust out beer for those of age. Cigarette smoking can be done on the balcony.

We're looking for more serious gamers, not the Munchkin/lulzy kind of campaign. Everyone in the group is expected to eventually run a campaign, but you don't have to until you're comfy with the idea.

Contact if you're interested, we'd have to meet you for lunch or something before we can confirm your spot since this IS the internets and it's our house we're playing at.

Thanks, guys, and we hope to see you!

Scarab Sages

I have three huge hates.

Number one is the one I'm most up in arms about. The one guy who everyone loves, the Helpful Guy who is awesome, but likes to bring this girl who hates RPG's to game with us. After about half an hour, she pouts and says something like "So... what are we gonna do now? This D&D is sooooooo boooooring!" and then starts talking about how she does all these illegal drugs and starts hitting on EVERYONE out of boredom, trying for attention. And then derails the whole group because she's cute and busty. This dude is kind of the heart and soul of the group, but his bringing of her is becoming the biggest threat to our cohesiveness, making the group unhealthy. I tried to talk to him about it, but he just got defensive. I don't know what to do, it's not like they're dating.

Number two is actually our GM's lack of appreciation for Pathfinder rules being independent of D&D 3.5 and will argue "That spell does NOT do that!" or "That's not how XYZ maneuver works." Then, we try to show him the book, and he acts surprised that Pathfinder is different.

Number three is derailed sessions in general. Like, we'll take a smoke break for the smokers, but instead of ten minutes, the non-smokers will start up a video game and want to play longer instead of playing the tabletop we started. Or, I'll get up (as the hostess) to prepare some food for everyone, but they all take is as if we're done and start talking about parties or something that isn't gaming related.