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Melkiador wrote: You might try a swashtigator. That's where you take one level of inspired blade swashbuckler and then follow that up with levels of investigator.
Rogue Phantom Thief is the most social and skilled of the rogues, especially if unchained, and it natively has a noble association.
If leadership is allowed, you might try going for the noble scion prestige class..
Yeah swashbuckler was what i had in mind when i tried to think of a noble with combat capability but i dont know about the investigator (never build one ), Rogue Phantom Thief is the archetype i thought to use for the butler (npc via prestige ) of the main character, noble scion is a class that i might take.
Mysterious Stranger wrote: That being said my advice for a potential ruler would be bard Sadly i dont know why but i really dont make a lot of bard as my character, i just dont find it appealing :/, i know its really versatile but every time i'm thinking of making a character this class would never cross my mind.
Trokarr wrote: It’s one of my favourite archetypes so I’m biased but may I suggest Courtly Hunter? Never saw that archetype and clearly didnt expect it from a hunter archetype ^^, look kind of fun, like the animal companion could be the spirit link to the family that is passed down to each heir and that guide him, since it have intelligence and can have a lot of skills on his own.
I will try and think about those classes but as you said, the class would matter a little for making a royal character, so what feat/trait could complement this concept?
Cause i only saw the Noble Scion feat, some trait that are more fluff than anything (prince/princess trait). Do you know of some thing that gave interesting ability and not just "+1 in X skill and its now a class skill"
In a homebrew campaign, I want to play the heir to a royal family from any given kingdom. The campaign is more focused on roleplay—interactions between characters and the wider world—rather than constant combat like in some of Paizo’s Adventure Paths. While fights still happen, they’re rarely lethal.
I’m aiming for a character with high Charisma and strong social skills. Ideally, I’d like an archetype or prestige class that offers features to enhance roleplay. However, since the campaign is still about 20–30% combat, I also want to remain useful in a fight, either on the front lines or in a support capacity. I’m open to a Charisma-based spellcaster or a Dexterity-based melee type (something like a swashbuckler).
Melkiador wrote: Phantom Blade archetype is even more Bleach-like It seems like this could work, but there's something I don't quite understand about the Phantom Blade:
- Does it have to be a one-handed slashing weapon, a rapier, or a sword cane (similarly to a Black Blade)? The description says, “A phantom blade begins play with an ectoplasmic sentient weapon known as a phantom weapon, whose weapon type is chosen by the phantom blade. The weapon type must be one with which the phantom blade is proficient. A phantom weapon functions similarly to the black blade of the bladebound magus archetype.”
- Does the weapon need to fulfill any specific prerequisites for enchantments? For example, disrupting can only be placed on a bludgeoning weapon, so can I still apply disrupting to a Phantom Blade if it’s in the form of a sword?
A player want to know if there is already something in pathfinder (or even 3.5) that would let him have some kind of aura that let himput pressure on people around him?
He describe it as the reaitsu aura from the Bleach anime, if it help.
And what would be a good feats or maybe another talent to denied someone dex to AC while fighting?
Yeah but fortitude ST are one of the highest one and 10+1/2lvl+Int doesnt look that high :/
The concept of the character is that he is an assassin so his goal is to kill his target in one strike if possible (ofc if it fails it should still be able to hit hard) for that i thought of 3 path :
- Vital Strike
- Kinetist (cause the dmg can be really high)
- or rogue
But idk wich would work best and how to build them,especially the vital strike one, i saw the mortal usher that gave the feat for "free" and would start ranger so that i have access to leads blades.
What would you do?

I'm trying to build an Eidolon with the Aberant subtype /Base Form, but when i read everything some things are weird.
- It seems like the base evolution were not updated cause i dont see why and aberration cant take the Bite or the Claw evolution.
- In the grab rules it said "If the creature does not constrict, each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the attack that established the hold. Otherwise, it deals constriction damage as well " does that mean that by default any eidolon attack with grab deals the damage of its attacks? or is it something else?
- If i have Tentacle Mass[Grab] & Bite[Grab] how does grapple work? can i have 2 target grappled or since maintaining the grapple is an action i can only chose one of them? Or does the grapple with natural attack work differently?
The goal is to make something that look like Shub-Niggurath or the Gibbering Mouther, so lot of tentacle, teeth and eyes.
Any idea for the feat/evolution? And for information i will all in on the eidolon so i will try to get as much evolution point as possible (Soulbound, Half-elf FCB, Extra Evo Feats) so i will have something like 13point by level 7 and and 23 by level 13 (level for Huge evolution)
Thanks , i didnt saw the "its maximum number of ranks in any given skill is equal to its master’s class level", i'm blind --', so it mean that his skill per level is like 2+mod INT, is there a way for it to gain more ?

Sphynx wrote: Rules
It gets fast healing 5 when attached to the Mesmerist. In all ways except appearance, it is a tumor familiar.
An eyebiter imbues one of his eyes with limited sentience, so that he can pluck it out and allow it to move on its own. The eyeball familiar functions similarly to the tumor familiar alchemist discovery (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 17) except as follows. The eyeball familiar does not have fast healing. The eyeball familiar doesn’t resemble an animal, and its size is Fine for a Medium or smaller eyebiter (or one size category larger for every size category the eyebiter is larger than Medium). It has a fly speed of 20 feet (perfect maneuverability) and no physical attacks (though it can still deliver touch spells once the eyebiter has reached 3rd level). The eyeball has a Strength score of 1, a Dexterity score of 12, and a Constitution score of 10. It has no set Hit Die, base saves, or skill ranks of its own, though it uses its master’s when a familiar normally would. It doesn’t grant its master any familiar bonus, nor can it ever be an improved familiar.
No it doesnt gain Fast healing this is why i'm asking :/
I'm trying to make a Mesmerist (Eyebiter) and i was wondering what to do with the Eyeball Familiar :
- First of all it does not have fast healing so how does it heal? If you put it back it heal with you when you rest or receive healing? Do you need to heal it alone?
- It has no set Hit Die, base saves, or skill ranks of its own so how does the sage archetype work? The sage archetype give 2 rank per level of the master and since the familiar INT increase a lot then it should gain more SP but since you cant add more rank thant your level/HD to a skill does that mean that it cant even put rank in it?
- If i cant use the Sage archetype is there any other fun/usefull archetype?
-What would happen if someone cast regeneration on the character while the eyes is away? Does it grow back and i have 3 eyes?(one of them floating cause he cant come back)
Its more about flavor than power yeah and i know about synthesist but "fusing" with thye eidolon is not what i'm looking for.
Except Kitsune is there another race that can shapeshift into small form (fox for kitsune)
Cause hiding the summoner mark can be done with clothe or something else as long as its not an illusion made by magic. And for the archetype i'm think of going Soulbound Summoner so the mark will be somewhere else than the forehead.
What i want is more flavor than power, i want my group to think that my eidolon is my character and that my true character is either his little pet (if i'm in kitsune fox form ) or an inanimate object like a wooden puppet in case of a construct race like wyrmwood
The goal is to make it look like the Eidolon (which would be biped) is the character and the true character is either an object/trinket (if i use a construct race like wyrmwood) or the pet of the Eidolon (if i take a race that can shapeshift like kitsune or some small/tiny race that can pass as a pet)
I'm trying to make a Summoner character that is hiding in a big bag (or even a box), the character should be able to pass as an object or a pet.
How would you make such a character?
I tought of using a wyrmwood character cause its small and could be passed as a puppet but maybe there is a better fit for this

Thanks for your answers, i think i will go with Toshy and OmniMage ideas cause it seems close to what i was looking for.
@Mysterious Stranger
Yeah i tought about it but the players are 2 friend, one of them is playing a noble scion (the one with the murderous tendancy) and the other his childhood friend who is now the butler of his family, and they really want the concept of the butler brewing the potion with tea and serving it to his master instead of just an amulet/ring.
I dont really want infinite thing or doubling the duration cause i like the fact that if something happen and the player miss the tea time it can start getting bad (he dont have a madness so he will not go berzerk but who know when there will be a chance to finish someone off).
I was wondering if there was a way to put some default in it like "each time it is use the elixir has 5% chance to have real magical property" to reduce the price or is the only way to reduce price is to make it useable only by certains class/alignement or with a skill?
Hi as the title said i need help to create a magic item or to know if it is possible.
The magic item will be a wondrous item, it will be a decanter that will create 2 dose of Elixir of repression per day (if they are not consumme after 24h they will lose they property).
Is it possible? If it is how much would it cost to make, what spell do i need and should i put restriction on it to maybe lower the price?
If you want to know why its because in a campaign a player have some tendancy (sadly murderous one :/) but another player want to craft a magic item that produce 2 Elixir of repression per day (cause it last for 12 hour) to calm those tendancy but neither of them or me know enough about magic item crafting to know if it is possible.
While looking at classes and feat i tought of something is there feat/trait/class feature that let you remove body part and let you use it to do one specific thing, act like a familiar or anything else?
For now i only saw those :
- Mesmerist Eyebiter archetype : that remove the eyes to have a flying familiar
- Hand's Detachment feat : that make you hand a wizard familiar.

Question about natural attacks, i dont know if i understand the rules about NA and i have a question about some situation :
- Natural weapon are melee weapon so if a feat or ability talk about weapon it can be use on a natural weapon (for exemple Weapon Mastery (Ex) of the battle mystery should work if i select Bite)
- If you only have one natural attack you deal damage equal to 1,5*STR + the attack damage
- If you only have one natural attack it is a primary natural attack even if it was considered a secondary (like a tail slap or the Bite given by the oracle's Hunger curse )
- If you use a weapon every natural attack become a secondary NA
Now the question :
If you have a single natural attack can you attack multiple time if your BBA is high enough? Or since its a natural attack even if you are full BBA you only gain one ?
IF you gain the same natural attack from multiple source do you keep only one of your choice and gain only its effet or do you take the best of both? For exemple if you gain Unusual Heritage (Dhampir) feat which give you a bite attack that deal 1d4d and 1d4 bleed then you take the oracle curse Hunger which give you a bite attack of 1d6, do you have a bite attack that deal 1d6 + 1d4bleed or only one of them?
Yeah for the form when i was looking up its the lamia matriarch form if i was talking about the nagaji its because we played a pf2 game last time and another player was a Sacred Nagaji
And the GM was alright for replacing one existing trait of the nagaji with some legless trait that replace legs with tail and he cant be tripped.
I didnt know about Assume Appearance but i think it might be the solution since i though of using a lot of clothe to hide the tail he could still use a lot of clothes so the other PC dont realize that he change body, disguise skill could work if he keep the same body type.
In a game someone want to play a lamia (with the serpentine tail, since it look like some nagaji are in this form the GM was ok to have the legless from the Merfolk to replace the nagaji's "Serpent’s Sense" trait) but the GM told him that some people could be scared or hostile to him, cause he look a little like a monster, i know that the disguise skill can be use to try to hide race and even size at -4 on the check,but i find it strange cause idk how can he hide the long tail.
So i want to know if there is some way feat/trait/spell that can let him hide his tail for an extended period of time (min 4 hours), if its a spell it must be from the alchemist spell list or you must find a way to gain acces to the spell.
4- Now that i read about the poison stacking, and it doesnt say if the DC is reduce at one point only that if you manage to cure one stack you cure all stacks, does that mean that at one point the DC is unbeatable ? If i use sticky poison and i hit a lot +2 on the DC can go quite high if i manage my poison generation+hit or does it decrease at one point?
5- Final question (for now), do you have any feat/item/trait that can help the toxicant? (Except adder strike, toxic&Virulent weapon, Pernicious Stab cause i might go vivisectionist)

Archaeik wrote: 1. No, this only applies to attackers, you must spend the action to poison your claws
2. You normally only get one attack per dose of poison
What you want is this
To answer your question more directly:
A creature makes a save when
a)it hits you with an attack designated in the entry
b)you hit with a poisoned weapon
c)once per round that it still has duration left (adjusting the DC for the number of concurrent doses)
3. You will need Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus(claw), and Feral Combat Training, but unless you also secure a ruling at your table that swifts may be taken as a standard (this is the amount of "effort" the book says they represent), you will need a 2nd round to finish prepping your combo
Adder Strike
ok thanks for the answer
1- Yeah thats what i tought but i tought that maybe there was a rule which said something like "if an effect it induce by ennemy touching you with natural/unarmed attack then your natural attack can apply this effect" cause you know they are technicaly touching you when you hit them :p, but thats ok
2- Yeah i know about the Sticky Poison discovery the question was more about stacking poison cause i didnt know how it work but thanks to the link of happykj
3- Nice one didnt tought of FCT to use adder strike with nat attack, and yeah i was wondering if there was a rules to use move/standard action to make a swift action, i will try to see that with my MJ thanks

Hi, i'm looking at the toxicant archetype and i found it amazing since i think poison in pf or even dnd is a little bit underrated :/, so i have a few question
1- The Toxic Secretion inflict the poison on any natural attack or unarmed strike that touch the toxicant cause the poison is secrated through the skin and ofc if you touch it you are f*~%ed, but if the Toxicant have natural attacks like claw or bite (from the feral mutagen or even race trait ) does it apply the poison?
2- If you poison your claws (either is the answer to 1 is yes or if you use action to poison them) does your poison stacks? Or does it just reset? Or just nothing? Like if i hit someone with the first claw then he must succeed a save or take MOD INT dmg and if i hit him again with the claw does it take the damage again on the on hit and next turn, and next turn does he have 2 save to make to avoir taking MOD INT dmg two time or its only one save and it took MOD INT dmg*2
3- Any way to poison multiple weapon in one round?
A player want to play a character that is slowing becoming more dragon like (claw, teeth, scale, tail, wing,etc..) as time passes (or as he gain level), for the claw, scale and the wing since he his playing Sorcerer it work, then for the bite, and later the full transformation, he will go Dragon disciple, but before gaining this he would like to unlock something like a tail and some horn.
So my question is "Is there any way to gain some feature like tail & horn other than multiclassing? Is there a feat or even a trait that can gave this?"
I asked Fey too cause i know a friend who want to have like Fairy butterfly wings.
Well first question is "do they work together?"
Then if it work and i'm understanding everything we have something like this
Fighting Defensively : -4 Attack Bonus & +2 Dodge AC
With the deed Dizzying Defense : -2 Attack Bonus & +4 Dodge AC
With Crane Style : -2 Attack Bonus & +5 Dodge AC
With Crane Wing : -2 Attack Bonus & +5 Dodge AC & +4 Dodge VS melee attack (so +9 total vs melee)
With Crane Riposte : -1 Attack Bonus , +5 Dodge AC & +4 Dodge VS melee attack (so +9 total vs melee)
Is it right or am i missing something?
And what does making Fighting Defensively a swift action change?
So this is the situation, i have a mesmerist and in the trick ability it said "To implant a trick, the mesmerist must take a standard action and either touch a willing creature or implant the trick in himself."
What i want to do is :
- Cast charm person so he is friendly
- Use the Chain of eyes trick on him
- Then i use False Belief or Lemory lapse to make him forgot about the trick
So if i cast charm person does he count as willing?
zza ni wrote: Hungry Ghost monk? also take the Qinggong archtype to get at level 10 the ki leech sla.
when used on a normal (not hungry ghost) monk my gm question the morality of such spell. I explained that thematically it work just like a gunslinger grit \ a swashbuckler's panache regain ability and no-one claim they are doing evil things.
Can i use the monk UC for this archetype?
Niemand wrote: you just need ranks in profession (plumber)... Nice one

Azothath wrote: on a more serious note - there are a couple of problems with this strategy;
1) Normal parties run off regular (positive energy) healing and this really puts the recovery crunch on dhampirs and undead PCs. It's workable BUT the PC has to be an arcane caster - aka wizard. Sorcerers just don't have the flexibility, Arcanists cost too much in magic items, the other casters don't keep up with the school specialist Wizard.
2) Evil Acts. Really. This is a major Game issue unless the party is Evil (can you say Ravenloft?) otherwise you'll go round and round with the GM on the greased path into Evil.
3) The, let us say loophole, is Death Knell and Aura on animals or non-sentient monsters. They are fair game and bypass any Evil Acts (unless your game is vegan).
so my suggestion is IF you do this, play a school specialist wizard (likely Necro, Ench, or the standard Divnr, evoK, Conj), think about picking up a level in Cleric arch Varisian Pilgrim for domains and all those divine spell triggers/completions and an okay weapon, so you don't have to go Samsaran. This lets you do Infernal Healing and choose among dhampir, wayang, changling, tiefling, aasimar etc. If you want some RP thematics there's bloatmage, etc.
1) Yeah but i dont like dhampirs (already played with a lot ) this is why i'm not looking for undead PC solution about drain. Is there a good wizard archetype you can think of?
2) Its for a custom evil campain so evil act are ok :p
3) Oh yeah i forgot about this spell but did you mean 'Death Knell Aura' or aura mean something else?
In one of my campain i want to make a character base on draining the life of creature or plant, OR/AND draining energy.
I thought of the Blighted Defiler (Kineticist) who drain nature and wildlife and the voidborn discipline of the Psychic but i dont think they are what i really want.
So this is what i want :
- Ability to drain something (life, energy etc... except blood i dont want to make a vampire --')
- The drain is not just a debuff draining empower the character either by gaining a buff, recovering HP or even recovering spell slot if the class is a caster.
- The draining can have some limitation but not like the Blighted Defiler that f~#%ed up a huge area and you cant use the drain in that area again (or you must have a way to counter the limitation)
Yeah idk why its create 2 post instead of one, thats strange :/
Christopher Van Horn wrote: It does not, but will be very hard to get a very large bonus on reliably as you cannot overlap areas for it. It adds to the bonus they already have. But what do you mean when you said that ?
Cause in Elemental Might it doesnt specify a limit which mean that at lvl 3 you could have 7 burn (3+ 4 STR mod) then add like 4 steal power uses so you go to +11 to determine the bonus given instead of a maximum of +1 at level 3 for a normal kineticist. That's the limitation i was talking about. You dont overlap anything it use Burn number + Steal Power uses to determine the bonus there is no overlaping bonuses
In an evil campain a player want to play a Kineticist Blighted Defiler, but when i read the archetype i didnt understand 3 things :
- Does steal power affect insect swarm ? Cause it affect minor wildlife so locust in a swarm doesnt have individual stat so would it kill the swarm ? Cause i dont think just them staying close to each other would buff theif vitality :/
- In the Stolen Strength feature it say "A blighted defiler can never gain a defense wild talent or the expanded defense utility wild talent." but in steal power it say "Alternatively, they can use gather power to reduce the cost of a defense, infusion, or utility wild talent by 1, regardless of whether they gather power for longer or have abilities that increase the burn reduction from gather power." Is it a mistake or was their an errata that didnt make it to d20pfsrd?
- Does Elemental Might have the same limit than elemental overflow which is the max bonus is equal to 1 per 3 kineticist level
Yeah i know this one but its wasnt the one i was looking for.
After some searching on an other pc i found it again at this link
A long time ago i found a list of the boon of a lot (almost all if i remember correctly) but now i cant seem to find it :/
All i remember is it was in a table format so i didnt have to look at all the deity one by one.
Anyone know where i can find it?
So my question is for the Wing power of the DD, if i'm a bloodrager does it use the sorcerer one or the Bloodrager one? Cause if its the bloodrager that a weak augment 80ft => 90 ft and only while raging, its weak af for a 9th level feature.
And for the breath weapon is it the same but instead of sorcerer level for the DC its Bloodrager?
As in the title i'm going to play an evolutionnist, i planned to play as a melee vital to deal dmg and tank a little.
For the augment i have no idea what to pick for early level :/, people dont seems to like this class since i cant find a lot of build idea or tips.
At Mid level i know that Early Stage Adaptation Graft is a good for the double STR to dmg but for this one augment i wonder does it count as a Prerequisites for Adaptive Resistance?
For the feat i have some idea :
- Weapon Focus for accuracy
- Enhanced Resistance for tanking a bit more
- Iron will cause evolutionnist(vital) will save sucks
But i didnt played enough starfinder to know what kind of feat would be good for this class.

Mark Hoover 330 wrote: If you are using skilled work to generate Capital, you take your skill bonus added to the modifiers from the rooms/teams of the business. You can choose to take 10 on this check.
If you're out of town the business can still generate GP or Capital. Simply take 10 and add that to the modifiers, no skill check involved. If on the other hand you have a Manager who is using their own skill in conjunction with the business, their skill's bonus can be added in place of your own.
When you choose to generate Capital instead of GP, you still have to pay the cost of the Capital even if you had been out of town/away. You can pay for some or all, but you need to pay that earned cost.
If you're looking for buildings and organizations to pay for themselves, it could take an entire campaign for that to happen. Gaining cheap Capital however is an easy way to gain up to a +5 on a skill check in the settlement or reduce the costs of crafting items. Also remember that Followers gained through Leadership can help. Finally certain Rooms or Teams can help with crafting.
Imagine you build the Scriptorium room and hire a Mage team representing a Wizard 3 NPC. Said NPC may have the Scribe Scroll feat and could be either generating Magic capital while you're away or producing cheap spell scrolls for you of L1 and L2 spells that NPC can cast or know.
Last but not least, there is no MECHANICAL reason to upgrade a Storage room to a Vault or an Office room. Instead the reason would be security.
An Office has a Simple lock on the door, so the room doesn't help you make money anymore but it does keep stuff stored inside safer. The Vault would be a further upgrade along the same idea.
However, remember that you can start with a Shack which only gives you a basic room for sleeping, including a cot. That room can be upgraded to Storage, then to an Office. During all of those upgrades, what happens to the cot from the Shack?
I've allowed players in my own games to build a Shack in a building, then upgrade it to an office...
Ok Thanks a lot it help me to understand cause when i look up how people use it some of then use their skill bonus to the capital check and some use the capital value instead (like if you have 16 in goods you do 1d20+16+business Bonus) but if you have multiple building in the same settlement do you use your skill for both of them or only one? (Like the staff do some of the work and you come to check and do some of the hard part)
And is there any reason to upgrade a storage to a vault or and office?
Cause you lose the gp +2 if i'm not wrong
Hi, some of my player want to do some downtime activity cause they almost always go back to the same city between quest so they want to buy a tavern.
But i have a lot of question on how it work.
What impact the capital check? In some thread on other forum some people are saying you add the character skill if it's work,for exemple if he has a smithy the capital check would be 1d20 + Craft(Weapon) + Building modifier. Is that it?
And if it is the good check do you still use the character skill even if he is not in the settlement or do you use the manager's skill if you are away?
When you choose to get capital instead of GP do you need to pay for the earned cost? For exemple if you roll a 30 Goods with the building do you need to pay 30 * 10(earned cost) like you do when it come to skilled activity?
Cause i cant see how you make a building worth the cost :/
Do you control the fleshwarped creature like you do when you create a golem or animate an undead (with no int mod) ? If you dont how can you make sure that the fleshwarped creature obey you or at least dont want to kill you?
What i want to know is if all Witch's hex are consider curse for the purpose of the "Stubborn Curse" feat
Hi, one of my player want to craft some golem,its not for using them in every battle/dungeon its just for the flavor of having a golem like servant/mount etc... And i was wondering if there were some way to reduce the cost of crafting construct.
For the golem i know there is the Golem manuel for the golem, and i dont know if golem are magic item for the purpose of trait like spark of creation or hedge magician
And i wonder if there is other way to reduce it
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Not same action economy cause if you start the day by using 3 cure to stack them then in combat you can use 1 action to heal the same amount of 3 cure so 3 action
Hi, i want to build a summoner and i start planning what evolution i want but for the Large evolution its written
"The ability increase evolution costs twice as much (4 evolution points) when adding to the Strength or Constitution scores of a Large or Huge eidolon. Requirements: Summoner level 8th (13th for Huge), Medium size."
Is it retroactive ? So i must pay 6 point to become Large if i already have one increase in STR ?( 4 for the large evo + 2 for the difference between what i paid the first time 2 and the cost after it become large 4)
Or does it only increase the cost after taking the feat? If it does, does that mean that using Transmogrify can make me lose evolution point cause it reallocate the count of point?
So i want to make a Naturalist unchained Summoner but i'm not sure about some things:
1. Can i use the Naturalist archetype for the unchained Summoner, cause i look what it replace and everything is the same as the CS :
- Summon Monster
- Shield Ally
- Aspect
- Greater Shield Ally
- Life Bond
- Greater Aspect
Those are the abilities that are replace by the Naturalist archetype and they are the same for the Unchained and the Chained Summoner, so i think its okay but maybe i miss a FAQ that say otherwise
2. When using and unchained classes does the Favored Class bonus change or is it the same ?

Firebug wrote: From the Skeleton page on AoN, and bolded for answers to your questions:Variant Skeletons wrote: Numerous variant skeletons exist, such as those whose bones burn with an unending fire and those who drip with gore and reassemble themselves over time. Both of these variant skeletons(referring to bloody and burning skeletons) can be created using animate dead, but they count as twice their normal number of Hit Dice per casting. Once controlled, they count normally against the controller’s limit.
Perhaps the most dangerous variant skeleton, though, is the skeletal champion. This skeleton retains its intellect, and often any class levels it possessed in life. A skeletal champion cannot be created with animate dead—these potent undead only arise under rare conditions similar to those that cause the manifestation of ghosts or via rare and highly evil rituals.
Each of the following skeleton types modifies the base skeleton in a few key ways. Except as noted, these variations can be stacked with one another—it’s possible to have a bloody burning skeletal champion.
1. Bloody skeleton doesn't gain bonus HD, but counts as double for purposes of creating.
2a?. Cannot, you must use a different spell. They were wrong.
2b?. Juju Zombie might get you what you are looking for. Mark of thevoted is probably the easiest way to get that going, or giving your recruits Wendifisa Spears. There are other, more powerful, undead that keep their class levels. But are not spell created. Graveknight, Lich, etc. Maybe planar binding on a Nabasu with the... He is arguing that you can set up the HD number without looking at the HD that the corpse has before his death since its not written that you MUST take the HD of the corpse in the spell
Chell Raighn wrote: Nothing in the spell description allows for changing the base HD of the creature. When the spell talks about creating a number of HD of undead, it talks only about a limiting factor to the spell. If you can animate only 8HD of undead and you try to raise a 10HD creature the spell fails, however if you try to raise two 4HD creatures it will raise them both, or if you tried to raise a 6HD creature and a 4 HD creature you would only be able to raise one of them per casting. i know but since its not written "You must apply the skeleton and zombie template to the creature that you raise" its hard to convince him
ok thanks for your answers, the 5. was because my GM told me that when you use animate dead you set the number of HD of the undead (exemple if you raise a human lvl 7 you can set him up to have 12 HD, wich i think is wrong) cause there is no mention in the spell that say that you must apply the skeleton/zombie template to the corpse, so to argue with that i would have love to find some rule or even one of tweet of paizo staff that explain it more more specifically but i dont think i will find it :/
5. In the spell description at no moment it is written that you must take the corpse stats, is it because it's obvious or is it written somewhere else?
For once i want to try and make a necromancer but when i read the rules i got a little lost and got some questions :
1. When you make a Variant like bloody skeleton, it increase the CR of 1, does it increase the number of HD too?
2. I saw some people speaking a lot about the fact that you cant use animate dead to create a skeleton champion but i cant find the rule on d20pfsrd but i find it one archive of nethys, did they miss it or does it get changed?
2.1. If there isn't a way to create a skeleton champion is there any way to get a human undead who keep his HD?
3. do you recommend some feats?
4. Apart from the Skeleton, zombie and Frostfallen, is there any other template that can be applied by animate dead?
That's all i think, thanks for reading
i'm looking at the unchained eidolon on nethys or d20pfsrd and it say claw did i missed an errata?
Link use : ons-unchained/#Biped ]d20pfsrd eidolon unchained]archive of nethy eidolon unchained
edit : oh yeah didnt saw that aberrant replace the claws my bad
avr wrote: Quadrupeds start with 14 Str, 14 Dex, bipeds with 16 Str, 12 Dex. If you go with aberrant then a biped gets a slam attack and no claws or bite, so you need to buy both (2 EP) to get to a claw/claw/bite attack routine. Quadruped abberants only need 1 EP to do so; more efficient. Biped daemons and demons could also get there with 1 EP because they start with claws but those might not be as good a match on flavour.
If you want to go with a biped that means you won't be getting pounce ever. Pounce is good. The +2 Str is an advantage to bipeds, certainly.
One suggestion; if your concept could be a half-elf or a vanara summoner, those get the option of taking +1/4 evolution point as their favored class bonus, which is obviously nice to have for a concept focused on their eidolon.
No the biped get Claw attack from what i read from Archive of NEthys