Ghostly Guard

Adamantine Fury's page

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With the inclusion of classes that are presented in non-core material, I believe they should be allowed their exclusive spells in addition to the ones in the CRB. Spells from their non native book or CRB would have to be researched as normal.

The availability of spells from non-core sources is a highly subjective matter and might vary according to a variant of a character you're playing. For example: Someone decides to play a Divine Hunter Paladin. What I would do is take away some of their explicitly melee spells (such as Sun Metal and Holy Sword) and replace them with the ranged and archery themed spells available in other books. A Spellslinger Wizard would have the firearm-related spells available to them (a fair trade IMHO for sacrificing 4 schools)

The way I see it is that the non-core spells should be learnable through use of the Spellcraft skill and research, but not automatically learned through leveling, divine casters included. Doing this would put the advantage of learning new spells in the Wizard's court, which makes quite a bit of sense considering they are the most magic-oriented class and should be at the forefront of learning and creating new spells.

What hasn't been said about minmaxing and giving your character two 7'a in point buy? Optimizing is all about getting the highest relevant stats to a narrowly focused build with little to no regard for the less important ones. It's ok for a straight up hack n' slash, not so much for a more roleplay and story focused campaign.

Arcane Shield isn't technically a "spell" if you go by the rules as written. I'd probably classify it as (Su) and allow it to be used with the Controlled Rage.