Adam Bradford's page
Demiplane. Organized Play Member. 21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
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DogBoySB wrote: There is something I would like clarified, as it stands now the FAQ heavily implies that you lose access to the free pdf if you delete your nexus account as it was not "purchased directly from paizo" but given freely by nexus. I can confirm beyond any doubt that you would not lose any access to a PDF granted as part of a Pathfinder Nexus purchase (unless that access is somehow removed by Paizo).
I'll also share, now that the first part of the Game Compendium is live in Early Access, the game mechanics contained therein are freely accessible, just as Pathfinder game mechanics are free anywhere else on the internet.
Pathfinder Nexus follows the same model that all official partners follow, in that game mechanics are available for free, and other features (like upcoming character management) have purchase options.
More to come as Early Access progresses - thanks!

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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote: I am not seeing any reason to switch from my HLO account to this. Herolab has a character generator that I know works, the one here has not been shown. My information is safe with HLO, this platform has not commented on how safe our information will be.
I get HLO for a fraction of the cost of the supposed discount that is being offered here.
Sorry. This does not look like a prudent spending on my part, but it is pretty.
I'm a bit confused by the take here, but I will comment on two parts:
- You're absolutely right, you can't see a reason to switch from anything at this stage because it hasn't been shown and doesn't yet exist. You will be able to make an informed decision once we release character management for Pathfinder Nexus. You'll also be able to make that decision based on the full suite of tools that will be available beyond character management.
- You mention "this platform has not comment on how safe our information will be," but that's not accurate. We have a Privacy Policy that covers that user information is secure on our platform. I went back and looked to see what I missed, and I did not understand that your doxxing comments were directed at Demiplane/me. If what you are looking for is a comment specifically in this forum thread, then, yes, I can confirm that user information is safe on our platform and for more information, you can check out our Privacy Policy.
rathen45 wrote:
Hey, how will your interface differ from that of herolab?
It is a bit too early to talk about this one, but we'll share more details (and you'll be able to see for yourself with the free content) later in Early Access. Thanks!
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Themetricsystem wrote: This is the point at which you should probably clarify exactly how the price structure works and incorporate that detailed explanation in the FAQ because some people don't seem to understand that the combined cost of the packages for Nexus products + the PDF rights is going to be higher than just the PDF alone.
Using the term discount is not doing any favors in this case I think.
We appreciate the feedback - we have that information in the FAQ now, but perhaps it's buried too deep.
We'll see what we can do to highlight it more. Thanks!
Dancing Wind wrote: Aaron Shanks wrote: If you buy a product on Pathfinder Nexus you will get the PDF for free. Will this PDF be in your Paizo account Digital Downloads? Or is it delivered some other way?
I'm asking because I want to be sure that any PDF I buy from Paizo Nexus has the same upgrade/errata/corrections status as my other Paizo PDFs. Yes, if you unlock the digital book content on Pathfinder Nexus, the PDF will be added to the digital downloads on your Paizo account on Paizo.com.
Rude_ wrote: Will Nexus have the ability to plan out a character somehow? So far I think only Pathbuilder has this type of feature. With other builders you have to level up and save various versions of that character
This is a planned feature for sure...we have talked about it a good bit actually. I can't say that it will be available when character management is initially released, but it is on the roadmap for sure. Thanks!

Starocotes wrote: Since there are representatives of Paizo AND Demiplane on here I wanted to touch on something that really would help making Nexus even more interesting.
If there was one shop where I have my books and charaters in both englisch and german (or french, or any other language Pathfinder is offered in) it would greatly help Gamemasters to manage their games. In my groups players use both languages and it is sometimes hard to find the right feats or talents. If I had one place where I could search for both and switch between languages it would be very helpfull.
I'm certain that is not something with a very high priority, but as a software developer myself I know it is best to know such requests beforehand so you can plan accordingly.
I can share that we are considering the possibility of translations from the start, but I will also admit that doesn't make localization any less of a challenge. We would love to be able to do it at some point, but there's nothing we can confirm at this stage.
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Rude_ wrote:
With future playtests of classes, is that something Nexus would support?
That is the plan! We are in the early stages of exploring character management, but we have discussed with Paizo and are aligned on how useful playtesting classes would be on PFN.
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marv wrote: This is great! Appears to fix PF2’s biggest pain points. I’m sold!
And I have no problem giving my money for the labor/service provided by Demiplane. That some people do puzzles me. I mean If they don’t want it then don’t buy it. No need to be critical of what appears to be a fair cost structure. And the topic of hard bound books is a long one with no good solution. So, back to the celebration…
This appears to be the tool my group has been waiting for!!
Question: Will you be able to save your character sheets to PDF?
Yes - PDF export for character sheets is a requirement. Thanks!
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Unikatze wrote: H2Osw wrote: Unikatze wrote: CaffeinatedNinja wrote: I get that people don't want to re-buy content. But realistically you can't expect that every new service will be free if you got your content elsewhere. That is a guaranteed way to make it fail.
The closest analogy might be a videogame. I have Dark Souls on my playstation. It is also available on PC. But I don't get a free copy on my PC because I have the playstation version. It took time and money to convert, etc.
But in that same vein, why would I want to repurchase the same PC I've already paid for on Playstation? Are you telling me you only own 1 version of Skyrim? Yup. For PC. Well, I can certainly agree with Unikatze's take on this. :)
OCEANSHIELDWOLPF 2.0 wrote: @BadEye: you are doing an awesome job under somewhat trying conditions! Thanks for the kindness - we are stoked to be making this happen for Pathfinder and to be working with Paizo!

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Dancing Wind wrote: Tues, Oct 26, 1:30 pm
Laarafel wrote: Does anyone know if they intend to make it screen reader friendly? Tried looking on the Demiplane website to find contact info but couldn't find it - never a good sign. Tuesday, Oct 26, 3:30 pm
Dancing Wind wrote: Laarafel wrote: Does anyone know if they intend to make it screen reader friendly? Tried looking on the Demiplane website to find contact info but couldn't find it - never a good sign. This was posted nearly 3 hours ago. In that time, the spokesperson for Demiplane has posted twice, once just 30 minutes ago.
Are you ignoring the issue or do you simply not know whether your product is ADA compliant? Wednesday, Oct 27, 1 pm
Cori Marie wrote: Hey BadEye, did you miss the questions about screen reader compatibility? Thank you Cori Marie. Third time's a charm.
It was certainly an honest mistake with no slight intended. Not offered as excuse but rather explanation, we have a very small team working though dozens of question/feedback platforms.
I realize that perhaps trust hasn't been earned yet, but I'll still ask that everyone give us the benefit of the doubt that we are not ignoring any questions or feigning any ignorance - over time you'll see that I won't shy away from being transparent and willing to answer most anything.
If you still have questions that you don't feel are answered here between Demiplane or Paizo staff, feel free to reiterate it and I'll get to them as soon as I can.
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Cori Marie wrote: Hey BadEye, did you miss the questions about screen reader compatibility? I certainly did - thanks for calling it out!
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Laarafel wrote: Does anyone know if they intend to make it screen reader friendly? Tried looking on the Demiplane website to find contact info but couldn't find it - never a good sign. I'm sorry I missed this on my first pass - signals coming from all over yesterday and it was a challenge to keep up!
Yes, Pathfinder Nexus will be compatible with screen readers. Accessibility is very important to us, and in my former gig I was able to see the positive impact that prioritizing accessibility can bring to the game.
I will ask for some patience as we learn and optimize on that accessibility mission. We are working with consultants and are making development decisions based on accessibility, but we still need all the help we can get to validate it is the meeting needs of the community. We welcome feedback all along the way - thanks!
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Rude_ wrote: In the future will Nexus support 3rd party pf2 products or ability to add homebrew content?
Will the character manager allow a GM to import monsters and organize npcs and creatures for planned encounters?
Regarding homebrew content, absolutely, customization is a requirement for Pathfinder, and it is essential we support it. For thirdy-party content, we are open to exploring possibilities and will share more details about that as we get a little further down the road.
As for the monster/NPC/encounter management, that wouldn't take place in the character management part of the toolset, but it is absolutely on the roadmap.

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OCEANSHIELDWOLPF 2.0 wrote: ... Hello OCEANSHIELDWOLPF 2.0, thanks for reaching out. Replies:
1. Yes, Pathfinder Nexus will absolutely have a searchable database of all rules elements with advanced filtering capability. You can see a quick glance of that in the announcement trailer with Dinosaur Form.
You will need to unlock content to see everything, but much of that content is available through the elements unlocked in the free Pathfinder Primer.
We call these database tables "Compendium Listings," and they will release as the next phase of Early Access. Keep you posted!
2. Yes, there is a cost to unlock content for use within the toolset. We have worked with Paizo to get that cost as low as possible, and owning the PDFs through Paizo.com does indeed get you a 33% discount on the pre-order. Connecting your Paizo account happens in the Account Settings > Sync Accounts menu at the top right of the top nav.
And I understand if you are hesitant to commit at this stage, because this is so early that one can't really see what Pathfinder Nexus actually will be. As I've said in a few places, today was an announcement, not a launch. Once we get to the actual launch, you'll be able to make an informed choice on whether Pathfinder Nexus is the right thing for you and your group.

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Kalanth wrote: I am not impressed here. The price point of buying a digital book being near full price, or a $10 discount for owning the PDF already? Why would I shell out nearly $100 / book to use this program? At the very least the price point should be in line with the PDF's that the site already. I hate DnDBeyond for this exact same problem and I am likely to never go anywhere near it. A couple of points of clarification:
1) Today was an announcement, not a launch. What you see in Early Access is not really close to what the full product will be once it is released. So asking the question of why you would shell out money based on what you see today is perfectly reasonable - Early Access and pre-orders are from people in the community that want to help us test and provide feedback to help us get to the launch with what we all want Pathfinder Nexus to be.
2) The price point is actually pretty in line with what the PDFs cost. The total price for the Core Rulebook on PFN is $29.99. If you make that pre-order, then you'll also unlock the PDF on Paizo.com for free (a $14.99 cost). If you already own the book/PDF through Paizo.com, the price is reduced to $19.99. So the PFN Core Rulebook isn't actually $30.
All that said, Pathfinder Nexus might not be the option for you and your group. We will be focused on making the game better however we can, and we understand that won't click for everyone. But we're thrilled to see it is resonating with so many fans in the response we've seen already, even in this super-early phase. We're excited to forge ahead. Thanks!
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote: Still can't get on a few hours after trying to sign up. Does not look good as an initial experience. Hello Terevalis, I believe I've pieced together that you have a support ticket in our queue. I'm sorry you've had some trouble today. The last screenshot you shared in the ticket shows that the username is incorrect.
Please check in on that thread and hopefully you can get in with the other username.
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Salamileg wrote: I'm all for this, but something I need to know is if I as a GM can share purchased materials with my players. I have the money to invest in this, but most of my players do not. Content sharing is definitely planned. We want to simulate sharing books around the table. We'll share more details soon!
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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote: Ya, so far I am not impressed, not even able to log on after my account has been validated. We got hammered by 1000%+ higher traffic for a little while there, so we had to get some reps under our belt to make adjustments.
If you give it a little while and still have problems, our Support team is eager to help (support@demiplane.com).
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Yoshua wrote: Yeah, I would never play random games with people if there was a public rating system. Alias or otherwise. If someone doesn't want to play with someone then don't play with them. Just because you/I had a bad experience doesn't mean that someone else wouldn't have a fantastic time with them and they should be ousted from all future sessions based on a social score.
People tend to remember to leave negative feedback and not the positive.
Hello there, Adam from Demiplane here. This isn't accurate about how using Demiplane's adventure portal "ratings" work. There are multiple protections in place and no negative feedback is displayed anywhere. It is more like "achievements" in something like Overwatch.
Simply clearing up the misinformation, because safety is very important to us.