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Greetings to one and all! I am currently looking for 1 replacement character for an ongoing Giantslayer game that is at the beginning of Book 2. The party is well balanced with the exception of the need for a divine caster. So recruitment is open to characters that fit that description. Acceptable classes will include: clerics, inquisitors, warpriests, oracles, and so forth. The party currently consists of a chavalier, rogue, hunter, a wizard, and ranger. There are currently no dwarves in the party, which is a complete shame for Giantslayer, so bonus points to someone if they can cook up a dwarf divine caster! About this game - Giantslayer For old grognards like me this is a flashback to the early days of gaming, with direct roots in the old "Against the Giants" series of modules published originally in the late 1970's. It is because of that old "dungeon crawl" feeling that I have been looking forward to this AP since it was announced. A feeling I hope to capture once more in this game. I will be shaping and modifying parts of this AP to give that "old school" feel and sense of danger. So, if you are a fan of playing only "by the book", this one will not be for you! Expect to be surprised, challenged, thrown for a loop, beaten up with rocks, stabbed, pounded, chewed on, you name it. I will challenge you not only with the mechanics of the game but also with role-playing situations. Every choice you make will have an impact. For everyone still interested, I invite you to sit a spell, and listen to a tale... Adventure Background:
Deep in the Mindspin Mountains, a storm giant warlord known as the Storm Tyrant has seized control of a cloud castle and an Orb of Dragonkind, and is gathering an army of giants from across western Avistan—first to bring the orc hordes of Belkzen under his banner, then to conquer the neighboring realms. Heroes defending the human town of Trunau from an orc raid discover that the attack is just a precursor to the Storm Tyrant’s larger plans. Working their way through an abandoned border fort, an ancient giant temple, the tomb of an undead frost giant, and an elite fire giant training facility beneath a dormant volcano, the heroes eventually take the fight to the Storm Tyrant himself inside his flying fortress. Can the giant army be defeated before it can conquer the human lands of the Inner Sea, or will all of Avistan bow down in fealty to the Storm Tyrant? Character Creation: - Starting level - 4th - See above for class restrictions. - Standard races are preferred, but others will be considered. I'm not overly fond of the strange races, but I'll give it consideration. No custom races allowed. Because of the proximity to Belkzen there is a bit of leeway when it comes to the more exotic races, but once again I prefer the classics. - Archtypes are ok. - 25 point buy for stats. You are going to need them. Now, having said that, I would highly advise against min/maxing your stats. Not only could it hurt you, but the GM will see through your shenanigans and will likely not consider you. - Starting gold of 4000gp. - GM's privilege: This is something I have done in many campaigns in the past. Once I have picked the group I will make a second pass through each character and on a one on one basis decide an extra boon for each of them. It could be a free feat, it could be a trait, it could be a special item or weapon, who knows? This will always somehow tie back to your background in some way. But it won't always be obvious. Extra incentive for writing a good character concept and story. However, if you stick a vorpal sword into your background hoping to gain it for your character, I will stick it into the application and behead it. The GM sees through all monkey business! - Good Alignment preferred. I'm not hung up on Lawful vs. Chaotic. If you want to play Chaotic Neutral you will have to convince me why you shouldn't be spending time in a padded cell instead of adventuring. Obviously we are dealing with an area of Golarion where the "human" inhabitants are in a daily fight with the evil orcs of Belkzen, so let's try to keep our intentions good and pure! - Max HP at level one. After that it will be player's choice of a GM roll or half HD +1. - One Giantslayer campaign trait and one other trait. I will allow one drawback in exchange for an additional trait, but there needs to be a justified reason for it in your character background and it needs to be something that is tangible to play. Picking something that gives you no drawback isn't a drawback. - Players may select a faction to belong to. I will use this for additional plot hooks and possible side activities. I will also allow fame and prestige awards from those factions based on your character's actions. - Crafting will be allowed, but closely monitored. If I feel you are taking advantage I will pull you aside and slap you with a pickled herring until you step in line. Applicants are expected to agree and adhere to the following - IMPORTANT - READ THIS: - You must be a daily poster. We've already lost three players because they did not meet regular posting requirements. Preference will be made for those who show higher activity on the boards and a history of PbP activity. I will strive to always keep the game moving and expect players who will do the same. I am usually online during the day and post mostly in that window of time between 6am and 6pm EST, so that is when my most active hours will be. Obviously things happen, so I do understand that at times you might be unable to post, or I also might be otherwise detained. If that happens in the case of a player, I will allow a reasonable amount of time before GMPC'ing you along. Right now my posting habits limit me to one or two posts per day, but this will hopefully increase in the near future. One post per day is considered acceptable from players, but more is always encouraged if it makes sense and you are able! - If a player fails to post within a reasonable amount of time without notifying the group that they will be unavailable they will be moved to inactive status, removed from the active game, and replaced with another applicant. I am taking this one seriously folks and I won't let an inactive player ruin it for everyone else. So understand what you are committing to before you apply. If you will be away a few days, let the group know and give us some standard marching orders for while you are away. The game will go on, but at least others won't be waiting for you. - You must be willing to ROLE play, not just ROLL play. The GM feeds off of the players, so a good group of role-players helps the game take on a life of its own. You don't have to fill every post with three paragraphs describing how you took your morning coffee, but you should be able to write well and play your character well. If I find all you do is post "I follow Bob, my sword ready" and post a lot of "Gug gug, I'm a barbarian" (unless you are Gug the Barbarian) type stuff, you will be summarily removed from the campaign, tied to a hippogriff, and flown over a field of elven archers for target practice. Your Application should include the following - A complete character stat block, hidden in you post using the spoiler tag or posted as an in-character alias account. If you do not know how to use this tag click on the button below "Submit Post" of your reply that says How to format your text. For a PbP game you should be familiar with all of these tags anyway. If you don't want to create an alias until you are accepted then post the required info in a reply to the recruitment thread. - A character background. This will allow me to RP with your character a little better, understand their motives, and even tailor hints or dialogue to them specifically. I will look upon those characters with a detailed background more favorably than those with two lines of "I was born, my parents were killed, I was an orphan, I want to kill things for revenge". Be creative! I can tell you right now that this piece is what will get you picked over someone else. The more effort you put into this, the more I will want you at the virtual table. - A brief note of your posting habits or schedule. If you are more available or likely to post on specific days or at specific times, let me know. Your posting habits here on the forums will be checked. Your post quality will be examined. And I will probably even look at some of your other characters to get an idea for how you interact with other players and carry yourself in a group. Hopefully this will allow me to provide the best players with the best companions. A win/win for everyone. How to get picked:
How not to get picked:
That's it! I look forward to seeing what the responses are and to finding that special group of folks who will be the brave heroes that Golarion needs to battle off the hordes of Belkzen! Recruitment will last until Monday or earlier if I find a really good fit for the group. If I am blown away by an amazing character that I want to snatch up I reserve the right to end this recruitment early. It's good to be the king! About Me: I've been gaming for over 30 years, having started as a much younger man with the original D&D Basic set. Yes, back when Elf was a class. Crazy isn't it? Since those times I've played and GM'ed in more games and campaigns than I could ever count. I've ran AD&D, 2nd Ed AD&D, 3.5 and 4e, Pathfinder, Gurps, Palladium, Mutants and Masterminds, Star Wars, etc. and so on. I am the Venture Captain of Kentucky for the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign. Because of this my weekends are usually full and you won't catch me online much. If you go to GenCon, let me know. I love getting together and playing with folks from online games. If you play Pathfinder Society it would be my pleasure to run you through a hard mode of the Waking Rune and splat your character to death! :)
Greetings and welcome to everyone. I wanted to take a few minutes to say hello as well as to spell out some guidelines for the game that I feel will be instrumental to the tempo and feel of the adventure path as well as some of my own custom ways of handling specific things within the game. I will be handling tactical movement in Roll20. I feel this will be the simplest way to allow scenes to evolve without me constantly updating images in a Google doc or other such tool. It also allows me to use some line of sight tools and the like as well as show off pretty maps! I ask that everyone maintain a level of honesty when using this tool, and not to move unless otherwise told to. I’d prefer to keep some things secret and peeking around corners can spoil surprises! If it turns out that Roll20 becomes too difficult for everyone to use, as I know some places of business block it, we can look at other alternatives. I've seen some clever use of Google docs in the past for maps, but I haven't really messed with that too much. Campaign details will be kept on my wiki site that I try to use to organize details of games. I will post maps, handouts, NPC details (for easy tracking and referral later), and other such things here. When required in a post I will typically link back to the respective page, but you should feel free to check the site whenever you need a refresher on something you have discovered or someone you have met. If something is missing, let me know or feel free to add it yourself. It’s in Wiki format so adding content is very simple. There are several areas where the responsibility of keeping the data updated will fall on the players, so hopefully a few of you are able to take the lead on that. You will find that having a resource like this does add another layer of depth to the game that you won't find in many PbP opportunities. The more we all use it, the better it will be. Once the wiki is ready I will post the link in the campaign details and it will appear at the top right corner of every page for the game. For ease of play I will always assume that you are taking 10 or 20 when possible. As experienced players I assume everyone is familiar with how this works, but if not you can do a quick Google search to find the answers. If you are in a situation where you can take 10 or 20 and you are performing an action that would allow so, simply give me the result in a format like Skill Check – Take 20 – Perception = XX where XX would be your result. Remember you can almost always take 10 on most skills, with very few exceptions (Use Magic Device being the primary one). Taking 20 is reserved for those instances where you have plenty of time and resources at your disposal. Most commonly taking 20 is used for things like Perception checks. Remember that in combat you cannot take 10 or 20, and if the result of a check could result in a negative effect for your character you cannot take 20. If for some reason I determine that you cannot take 10 or 20 after you make a post I will let you know so that you can roll your result. On the subject of rolls, I will be rolling for any of the typical stuff that you shouldn't know the result of. Disable device, trap-finding activities, etc. I will also be rolling these in person with real dice. So yes, that means you truly will not know the result, even if you find yourself tempted to peek at a spoiler. :) This will go the same for typical checks hidden from the party like Stealth and the like. Just be forewarned on this. Just because you don't see the roll doesn't mean it didn't happen. This will not only remove excessive spoilers from posts but should lend more of a storytelling feel to the game. I handle combat in a journal style of format. I feel that this method leads to a more vivid and interesting feel, as it plays out more like a story than a random set of rolls. Because of this method I use party initiative for combat. Everyone will get a roll, with those beating the combined roll of the enemies getting a "Free round" of attacks. My initiative style almost always favors the party, since you have more chances to get the jump on the bad guys. Once the high initiative characters act, the enemies will act in concert, then the party takes its turn. Because of this style of combat, its important that I have everyone's actions before I do an update. I will usually wait a reasonable amount of time, but if you are the last one we are waiting on to post, and an hour or so has went by, I will try to determine an appropriate action for your character to move combat forward. When doing this I will never expend your spells or items unless the situation involves the potential death of a party member. If you want to give me a running list of options you might take in the event I need to GMPC you, just place those in your profile under a "GM Instructions" spoiler. How you all choose to handle loot, gold, etc will be entirely up to you. I leave that for the group to figure out. There is a section for this on the wiki, and will be where I post loot for the party to divvy through. From there you can use whatever method you choose. When it is time to level up I will let you know. When leveling up be sure to run any feats or choices by me that do not appear in the Core rule book so I can approve them for play. I’m sure I won’t have a problem with this but I want to make that part clear. I will be keeping a page on the wiki for each of your characters, and will update it when you level. I use Hero Labs for this to make things easier on me, so if you are also using that software you can either paste the info in yourself, or send me a .por file if you choose. When you level you will also have the choice to add (HD/2)+1 in hit points (Just like Pathfinder Society) or tempt fate with having me roll the dice for your HP. In either case the choice will not be reversible. I will not make you track mundane items like food and water, but anything else must be on your character sheets. I will maintain a copy of these on the Wiki site that will update as the game goes on. If you use expendable items I expect those to be adjusted there when you have a chance. You should be tracking encumbrance but you can ignore coin weight unless it is due to loot gained during an adventure. I will assume cash on hand has been exchanged for high denomination coins or trade-able gems. When you are in a city and there is downtime announced you are free to shop, create items, and so on. I will generally announce how much downtime will be available before the next plot hook takes place and will allow you all some time to handle housekeeping activities. This is also typically when you will be leveling up. Cities will have limits to what can be purchased, so keep that in mind when planning your shopping. You won’t just be able to waltz into a shop and pick up a +2 Giant Bane Greatsword. On the wiki there are explanations of downtime activities as well as a listing of discovered shops that you can use for purchases. Their stock will rotate somewhat randomly, but they will have fixed items. If there are specific things you want, crafting is going to be your easiest, and cheapest, solution. In the event that a character dies, and you do not have the means to bring them back to life, that player may choose to create a new character for the game that must adhere to all of the rules I set forth during recruitment. That character will start one level behind the existing party in terms of experience and will at some point catch up and be equal to the party. With that I will turn it over to the group. Now is the time to work out any adjustments you might want to make. While I don't want people rebuilding their characters, you might give some thought to seeing what your other party members have in terms of abilities and skills and work to make sure you have your bases covered. This will be a long and detailed campaign, and you will be challenged at every opportunity, so the better you can work together as a team the better your chances are. Before we start I will need to know where each of you spends your nights while in town. The inn of choice for this campaign will be "The Murdered Mare", an inn in the Coins district, which is where many of the beginning stages of the campaign will center around. As cliche as it is, every good adventuring group gets their start in an inn, this is an RPG fact. :) However, your character is free to live wherever they choose, as long as it is within their means. See the Lodging area on the wiki for upkeep costs. The Murdered Mare offers both poor and average lodging options. Good luck and I look forward to the upcoming adventure!
Hello to all brave souls and welcome to my campaign “Rise of the Greenskins!” This game is intended to be a light hearted and fun approach to your more traditional Play by Post game, and does not intend to ever take itself seriously. It is however a roleplay heavy idea of mine, so the focus is on those players who find themselves on that side of the gaming fence. We are currently looking for one goblin to replace a recently lost player. A melee based character will be the most desired, as they have most of the other bases covered. Still with me? I can hear the little buggers chanting in the distance... Goblins chew and goblins bite,
Goblins race and goblins jump.
Chase the baby, catch the pup.
Adventure Background:
In the land of Varisia there is a place of wonders. Of limitless food and yummy bits and all the pickles you can eat! The longshanks call this place Sandpoint, but the goblins call it their next conquest! There are longshanks to eat, dogs to slice, and horses to chop! Too long have the greenskins been kept from their birthright! To rule Sandpoint! This adventure takes place from an alternate view of the popular adventure path Rise of the Runelords. The players take on the personalities of the goblin tribes from the surrounding area, using Thistletop as their base of operations, and strike out once and for all against the humans in an attempt to take over the village and claim it as their own. This is a custom game, with a somewhat familiar setting. Many aspects of the adventure path will be changed to fit the theme.
Character Creation:
- You gotta be a goblin! No other race will be considered. You do have the option of playing a “Over-Sized Goblin”, see SRD – Goblin - Classes are limited to those that would fit a goblin. Core classes preferred. - Alignment can be evil of course. Good alignment is not permitted. Neutral is ok too. - 15 point buy for stats. You may be heroes, but you are still goblins! Play up your flaws! - You will start at level 3 - Starting gold of 250gp. You will also start with your choice of the following; one magic weapon, one magic armor, or a masterwork weapon AND masterwork armor. - Max HP at level one. After that it will be player's choice of a GM roll or half HD +1. - Two traits of your choice, one must be racial. These have to make sense for a goblin. Applicants are expected to agree and adhere to the following:
- You must be a daily poster. Preference will be made for those who show higher activity on the boards and a history of PbP activity. I will strive to always keep the game moving and expect players who will do the same. I am usually online during the day and post mostly in that window of time between 6am and 6pm EST, so that is when my most active hours will be. Obviously things happen, so I do understand that at times you might be unable to post, or I also might be otherwise detained. If that happens in the case of a player, I will allow a reasonable amount of time before GMPC'ing you along. - If a player fails to post within a reasonable amount of time without notifying the group that they will be unavailable they will be moved to inactive status, removed from the active game, and replaced with another applicant. I am taking this one seriously folks and I won't let an inactive player ruin it for everyone else. So understand what you are committing to before you apply. If you will be away a few days, let the group know and give us some standard marching orders for while you are away. The game will go on, but at least others won't be waiting for you. - You must be willing to ROLE play, not just ROLL play. The GM feeds off of the players, so a good group of role-players helps the game take on a life of its own. You don't have to fill every post with three paragraphs describing how you took your morning coffee, but you should be able to write well and play your character well. If I find all you do is post "I follow Bob, my sword ready" and post a lot of "Gug gug, I'm a barbarian" (unless you are Gug the Barbarian) type stuff, you will be summarily removed from the campaign, tied to a hippogriff, and flown over a field of elven archers for target practice.
Your Application should include the following:
- A complete character stat block, hidden in you post using the spoiler tag or posted as an in-character alias account. If you do not know how to use this tag click on the button below "Submit Post" of your reply that says How to format your text. For a PbP game you should be familiar with all of these tags anyway. - A character background. The background must be written in the first person, as a goblin would tell it! This is going to help show me who can really play up a goblin for what they really are. Be creative! I can tell you right now that this piece is what will get you picked over someone else. The more effort you put into this, the more I will want you at the virtual table. - A brief note of your posting habits or schedule. If you are more available or likely to post on specific days or at specific times, let me know. Your posting habits here on the forums will be checked. Your post quality will be examined. And I will probably even look at some of your other characters to get an idea for how you interact with other players and carry yourself in a group. Hopefully this will allow me to provide the best players with the best companions. A win/win for everyone.
That's it! I look forward to seeing what the responses are and to finding that special group of folks who will finally lead these poor goblins to victory after all these years! Recruitment will last until I’ve found a good candidate that I like, so the early bird, with a good application, gets the worm! About Me: I've been gaming for over 30 years, having started as a much younger man with the original D&D Basic set. Yes, back when Elf was a class. Crazy isn't it? Since those times I've played and GM'ed in more games and campaigns than I could ever count. I've ran AD&D, 2nd Ed AD&D, 3.5 and 4e, Pathfinder, Gurps, Palladium, Mutants and Masterminds, Star Wars, etc. and so on. I am the Venture Captain of Kentucky for the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign. Because of this my weekends are usually full and you won't catch me online much. If you go to GenCon, let me know. I love getting together and playing with folks from online games. If you play Pathfinder Society it would be my pleasure to run you through a hard mode of the Waking Rune and splat your character to death! :)
Grand Absalom, city of the Starstone, and the hub of the Inner Sea. Beneath the daily hustle and bustle of everyday life lives a web of intrigue and power that touches nearly every citizen of this great city in some way or another. Guilds war with each other in the shadows, each one fighting for the right to control the lucrative coastal smuggling and trade opportunities that the city’s great port represents. Factions plot against one another to control the many aspects of life in Avistan, and send agents forth to carry out their private agendas. Mighty forces buried beneath layers of lies and illusion secretly control positions of power to further their own needs, acting as puppet masters in some grand game. And on the surface, a dizzying array of commoners, merchants, tradesmen, and adventurers, all looking to somehow make a living for themselves and rise to greater things. Buried deep beneath these many layers of power lies an even greater force, a threat that could shake the very foundation of Golarion itself. A great hunger stirs somewhere in the darkness, and agents come forth to serve the call of the Master that Sleeps. Around every corner lies a potential enemy, and behind every handshake lurks the possibility of betrayal. In this dark time, a group of heroes emerge from obscurity. From all aspects of life and every corner of Golarion they come. Honed by a trial by fire and forced to act against an ancient enemy, it is they who are the true hope for civilization. But will they be able to stop the ticking clock of fate? Campaign Information:
This is a homebrew campaign set in the Pathfinder world of Golarion. It will be loosely based on some material in print but will be a custom campaign for the most part. The goal is to have a good combination of all of the aspects of RPGs that make them great. There will be a good mix of roleplaying and combat opportunities, with plenty of side plots, quests, and sandbox elements to keep things interesting. In the end, the outcome of where the game goes will rest strongly on the decisions and actions of the party, and while there is an underlying story involved, they are free to act however they see fit in respect to that story. I will strive to give the game a true feeling of an old school tabletop game. If you were a fan of Greyhawk and the works of Gary Gygax, David Sutherland, Tom Moldvay, and David Cook then you should find this campaign a welcome and familiar setting. While Golarion is not Greyhawk, my goal is to incorporate the feel of the old settings into the game as much as possible. You will encounter situations that require difficult choices, and those choices will impact the game. You will encounter items or creatures that will test you, make you question yourselves, and put you in situations where there may be no wholly good outcome. You will gain access to incredible power, but with it will come incredible consequences. Character Creation:
Attributes: 20 point buy, no stat can be lower than 10 before racial modifications. Classes: Anything Paizo will be allowed, this includes Advanced Class Guide classes and those from Pathfinder Unchained. See my notes in the House Rules section for additional information related to specific classes. Gunslingers are permitted but the setting is Emerging Guns only. Only “Early” firearms will be available, and never as loot. Psionic classes from Ultimate Psionics will be allowed. Path of War will not be allowed. 3rd Party Prestige classes may be allowed but will need to be approved on a case by case basis. If you have a character idea that depends on 3rd party material make sure you run it by me prior to being accepted, making 7th level, and realizing I’m not going to allow it. Archtypes: Most archtypes will be permitted. Master Summoner and Synthesist Summoner are not permitted. Archtypes that grant animal companions are not permitted. Archtypes that grant access to firearms are not permitted. Races: All Core races are allowed without restriction. All other Paizo races may be considered acceptable on a case by case basis. I will not tell you prior to me selecting characters if your race is ok. If you have a doubt, it’s probably not ok. Any non-Core race with an RP cost of 11 or more will be a +1 level adjustment race, meaning while the party is level 2, you will get to spend an additional level at 1, always remaining 1 level behind the group. Psionic races will not be allowed. Alignment: All good, and all neutral alignments allowed, with the exception of Chaotic Neutral. Due to the elements of the storyline this alignment comes into conflict with some of the ideals and goals of key NPCs and elements of the game. This is meant to be a heroic adventure and should be composed of characters who adhere to such. True Neutral characters will be considered on a case by case basis, mainly based on background. Traits: Two traits of your choice, which must come from sources other than Adventure Paths. One trait must be racial or society based. No drawbacks allowed for additional traits. Faction: Characters will be allowed, and encouraged, to choose a faction to work for. Factions bring with them specific benefits as well as requirements. You will be asked, or even required, to complete tasks for your faction during the course of your career. Some of these will be simple, others might place you in difficult situations. Working for a faction has several benefits, including the ability to earn Fame and Prestige that can be used to purchase goods and services from your faction. The available factions for this game include; Arcanamirium, Bellflower Network, Bloodstone Swords, Eagle Knights, Green Faith, Kitharodian Academy, Lantern Bearers, Lion Blades, Mendev Crusaders, Ninth Battalion, and Pathfinder Society. It is suggested that if you wish to play as a member of a faction that you have access to the Pathfinder Faction Guide. There are specific details and services of each faction in this guide and it would be considered an important resource to be able to turn to. Those characters who do not wish to belong to a faction will not be required to do so, but you can potentially miss out on favors, loot, and services that others will be able to make use of. Background Skills: In addition to a character’s usual compliment of skills, each character will get 2 skill points per level to spend on background skills. These skills must somehow be explained in the character background and represent life before adventuring. Skills qualifying for Background Skills include; Any Craft, Any Profession, Any Performance, Appraise, Handle Animal, Sleight of Hand. Hit Points: Hit points will be gained at each level equal to ½ class HD +1. You will receive maximum HP for first level. Starting Gold: 150gp plus your choice of a masterwork weapon (with a price limit of 375gp), 1st level wand with 25 charges, or a combination of 350gp worth of 1st level potions and scrolls. If you select scrolls, they must be from spells you have access to, meaning no wizards getting a bunch of free spells not in their spellbooks. How you acquired these additional items should be explained in your background. Character Background: This is a critical piece of the selection process. I am looking for players who are both creative and articulate. Your background should include what led you to Absalom to seek out the life of an adventurer, some information about your upbringing, and details explaining how you came to have the characteristics you have today (traits, feats, etc.). Each background also should include the following; one close friend, one unknown friend, one known enemy, one unknown enemy, and one contact within your faction should you choose one. Please include an appropriate amount of detail for each. If you are not selecting a faction, also include one contact in Absalom for your character if you do not originate from there. Some of these NPCs will make an impact during the game, so consider this part carefully. House Rules:
I will be borrowing from a wide selection of source material for the campaign, but for the most part all mechanics decisions will be based on RAW (Rules as Written) within the Pathfinder system. Exceptions or additional information include: Pathfinder Unchained Classes: Rogues, Monks, and Barbarians can be Core or Pathfinder Unchained versions. For Rogues, I strongly suggest Pathfinder Unchained, as it removes a lot of feat tax and gives the class several new and very useful abilities. Barbarians: Rage cycling is not permitted. No feats or items that make a character immune to fatigue will be permitted. All once per rage abilities should be read as “once per combat, while under the effects of rage”. Fighters: All fighters get 2 additional skill points per level which must be spent in either Climb, Swim, Survival, or Perception. All fighters gain the Combat Stamina feat for free at first level. See below for details on Stamina. Oracle: No Legalistic curse allowed. Your curse must truly be prohibitive to your character. Paladins: Paladins are allowed to worship any good deity, not just those who are one step within their alignment. Monks: No vows are allowed. Summoners: Summoners must utilize the Pathfinder Unchained rules for the class. Multiclassing and Variant Multiclassing: Multiclassing is allowed, however dipping in several classes is discouraged. The Variant Multiclassing rules from Pathfinder Unchained are available for use. You are expected to have a copy of this material if you wish to use this feature. Stamina, Stamina Pool, and Combat Tricks: These features and feats from Pathfinder Unchained are allowed for this campaign. Signature Skill Feat: This feat and the associated bonuses detailed in Pathfinder Unchained are allowed and used in this campaign. Critical Hits and Misses: A natural 1 represents a critical miss. These rolls are then confirmed by a second attack roll. If the second roll is also a miss the character fumbles the attack, which can mean any number of things based on the situation. Critical hits that confirm with a second natural 20 are considered massive critical hits and will be resolved using my own system, and usually result in very bad things for the creature hit. Evil Spellcasting: Casting any spell with the evil descriptor is considered an evil act. Repeated evil acts will cause alignment shifts. If your alignment is ever evil, the character will be removed from the game. Clerics worshipping a good-aligned deity may not cast any spell with the evil descriptor. Downtime: During specific periods of the game there will be downtime. During these periods the downtime rules from Ultimate Campaign will be used as needed to represent character activity. Personal holdings are also permitted and can be developed during this downtime. Crafting and Magic Item Creation: These functions are allowed within the campaign, used as downtime activities. All created items must first meet GM approval. If I feel something might imbalance the game I will not permit its creation. Player and Posting Requirements:
- You must be a daily poster. Preference will be made for those who show higher activity on the boards and a history of PbP activity. I will strive to always keep the game moving and expect players who will do the same. I am usually online during the day and post mostly in that window of time between 6am and 6pm EST, so that is when my most active hours will be. Obviously things happen, so I do understand that at times you might be unable to post, or I also might be otherwise detained. If that happens in the case of a player, I will allow a reasonable amount of time before GMPC'ing you along. I’d like to shoot for at least 2-3 posts per day from my players, depending on the situation. If the group manages to keep up with me and posts more than that, I will be extremely happy. - If a player fails to post within a reasonable amount of time without notifying the group that they will be unavailable (generally this time is 3 days, not including weekend days) they will be moved to inactive status, removed from the active game, and replaced with another applicant. I am taking this one seriously folks and I won't let an inactive player ruin it for everyone else. So understand what you are committing to before you apply. If you will be away a few days, let the group know and give us some standard marching orders for while you are away. The game will go on, but at least others won't be waiting for you. I will look through your past aliases. If I find that you make a habit of vanishing without a trace from games you will not be considered for this campaign. - You must be willing to ROLE play, not just ROLL play. The GM feeds off of the players, so a good group of role-players helps the game take on a life of its own. You don't have to fill every post with three paragraphs describing how you took your morning coffee, but you should be able to write well and play your character well. If I find all you do is post "I follow Bob, my sword ready" and post a lot of "Gug gug, I'm a barbarian" (unless you are Gug the Barbarian) type stuff, you will be summarily removed from the campaign, tied to a hippogriff, and flown over a field of elven archers for target practice. Sometimes one line responses are all that are required for a situation, but if that becomes your only method of posting I will be unhappy. I will be looking over the past posting habits of any candidate for the game before making my selections, so if you are regularly guilty of this you might as well save yourself some time. Application Guidelines - Read Carefully:
- A complete character stat block, hidden in your post in this thread using the spoiler tag. If you want to create an alias for the character prior to selection that is fine as well, but you must also post the character submission in this thread as well. If you do not know how to use this tag click on the button below "Submit Post" of your reply that says How to format your text. For a PbP game you should be familiar with all of these tags anyway. - A character background, hidden in your post in this thread using the spoiler tag. This is going to help show me who can really play up a goblin for what they really are. Be creative! I can tell you right now that this piece is what will get you picked over someone else. The more effort you put into this, the more I will want you at the virtual table. - A brief note of your posting habits or schedule, hidden in your post in this thread using the spoiler tag. If you are more available or likely to post on specific days or at specific times, let me know. Your posting habits here on the forums will be checked. Your post quality will be examined. And I will probably even look at some of your other characters to get an idea for how you interact with other players and carry yourself in a group. Hopefully this will allow me to provide the best players with the best companions. A win/win for everyone. - A note as to what role you see as your character's main focus. Roles include: melee, ranged, skills, divine, and arcane. Obviously some characters fit several roles, so I am only asking for your focus. I’m putting this out about 30 days before I am going to be ready to kick this one off, so recruitment will last for a good deal of time. Right now my target date to end recruitment is May 16th, but this could be shortened or lengthened based on applications. I will choose characters one at a time, and will be making selections based on a reasonable party makeup if at all possible. This means that ideally from the list of candidates there will be two melee focused characters, one ranged focused character, one skill focused character, one divine focused character, and one arcane focused character. Once characters have been chosen I will gather the party and spend a few days ironing out background details with them before we start. If you have any questions not covered in the information above please feel free to let me know. If you ask me a question that has already been answered in the details above I’m going to assume you can’t read, which will be bad for your chances of making the game. :) About Me: I've been gaming for over 30 years, having started as a much younger man with the original D&D Basic set. Yes, back when Elf was a class. Crazy isn't it? Since those times I've played and GM'ed in more games and campaigns than I could ever count. I've ran AD&D, 2nd Ed AD&D, 3.5 and 4e, Pathfinder, Gurps, Palladium, Mutants and Masterminds, Star Wars, etc. and so on. I am the Venture Captain of Kentucky for the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign. Because of this my weekends are usually full and you won't catch me online much. If you go to GenCon, let me know. I love getting together and playing with folks from online games. If you play Pathfinder Society it would be my pleasure to run you through a hard mode of the Waking Rune and splat your character to death! :)
Greetings to one and all! I am currently looking for 1 replacement character for an ongoing Giantslayer game that is currently nearing the end of Act 2 of the first book. The party is well balanced but could really use a divine based character due to a recent withdrawal from the campaign. We are also currently recruiting an arcane character which is in a different thread. So recruitment is open to characters that fit that description. Acceptable classes will include: clerics, shamen, oracles, druids, and inquisitors. I will also consider warpriests, but there are several melee based characters already and throwing any more into the mix could get challenging from a tactics perspective. I REALLY want a dwarf in this game. This is Giantslayer and the lack of a dwarf greatly saddens me, as that is THE iconic race to take on a campaign like this. So if you are up for playing a dwarven priest of Torag or the like then you will have a definite advantage. The party currently consists of a chevalier, rogue, hunter, and ranger. About this game - Giantslayer For old grognards like me this is a flashback to the early days of gaming, with direct roots in the old "Against the Giants" series of modules published originally in the late 1970's. It is because of that old "dungeon crawl" feeling that I have been looking forward to this AP since it was announced. A feeling I hope to capture once more in this game. I will be shaping and modifying parts of this AP to give that "old school" feel and sense of danger. So, if you are a fan of playing only "by the book", this one will not be for you! Expect to be surprised, challenged, thrown for a loop, beaten up with rocks, stabbed, pounded, chewed on, you name it. I will challenge you not only with the mechanics of the game but also with role-playing situations. Every choice you make will have an impact. For everyone still interested, I invite you to sit a spell, and listen to a tale... Adventure Background:
Deep in the Mindspin Mountains, a storm giant warlord known as the Storm Tyrant has seized control of a cloud castle and an Orb of Dragonkind, and is gathering an army of giants from across western Avistan—first to bring the orc hordes of Belkzen under his banner, then to conquer the neighboring realms. Heroes defending the human town of Trunau from an orc raid discover that the attack is just a precursor to the Storm Tyrant’s larger plans. Working their way through an abandoned border fort, an ancient giant temple, the tomb of an undead frost giant, and an elite fire giant training facility beneath a dormant volcano, the heroes eventually take the fight to the Storm Tyrant himself inside his flying fortress. Can the giant army be defeated before it can conquer the human lands of the Inner Sea, or will all of Avistan bow down in fealty to the Storm Tyrant? And so we begin! Character Creation: - Starting level - 2nd - See above for class restrictions. - Standard races are preferred, but others will be considered. I'm not overly fond of the strange races, but I'll give it consideration. No custom races allowed. Because of the proximity to Belkzen there is a bit of leeway when it comes to the more exotic races, but once again I prefer the classics. - Archtypes are ok. - 25 point buy for stats. You are going to need them. Now, having said that, I would highly advise against min/maxing your stats. Not only could it hurt you, but the GM will see through your shenanigans and will likely not consider you. - Starting gold of 900gp. - GM's privilege: This is something I have done in many campaigns in the past. Once I have picked the group I will make a second pass through each character and on a one on one basis decide an extra boon for each of them. It could be a free feat, it could be a trait, it could be a special item or weapon, who knows? This will always somehow tie back to your background in some way. But it won't always be obvious. Extra incentive for writing a good character concept and story. However, if you stick a vorpal sword into your background hoping to gain it for your character, I will stick it into the application and behead it. The GM sees through all monkey business! - Good Alignment preferred. I'm not hung up on Lawful vs. Chaotic. If you want to play Chaotic Neutral you will have to convince me why you shouldn't be spending time in a padded cell instead of adventuring. Obviously we are dealing with an area of Golarion where the "human" inhabitants are in a daily fight with the evil orcs of Belkzen, so let's try to keep our intentions good and pure! - Max HP at level one. After that it will be player's choice of a GM roll or half HD +1. - One Giantslayer campaign trait and one other trait. I will allow one drawback in exchange for an additional trait, but there needs to be a justified reason for it in your character background and it needs to be something that is tangible to play. Picking something that gives you no drawback isn't a drawback. - Players may select a faction to belong to. I will use this for additional plot hooks and possible side activities. I will also allow fame and prestige awards from those factions based on your character's actions. - Crafting will be allowed, but closely monitored. If I feel you are taking advantage I will pull you aside and slap you with a pickled herring until you step in line. Applicants are expected to agree and adhere to the following - IMPORTANT - READ THIS:
- You must be a daily poster. We've already lost two players because they did not meet regular posting requirements. Preference will be made for those who show higher activity on the boards and a history of PbP activity. I will strive to always keep the game moving and expect players who will do the same. I am usually online during the day and post mostly in that window of time between 6am and 6pm EST, so that is when my most active hours will be. Obviously things happen, so I do understand that at times you might be unable to post, or I also might be otherwise detained. If that happens in the case of a player, I will allow a reasonable amount of time before GMPC'ing you along. - If a player fails to post within a reasonable amount of time (generally 3-4 weekdays, I consider weekends as "free time") without notifying the group that they will be unavailable they will be moved to inactive status, removed from the active game, and replaced with another applicant. I am taking this one seriously folks and I won't let an inactive player ruin it for everyone else. So understand what you are committing to before you apply. If you will be away a few days, let the group know and give us some standard marching orders for while you are away. The game will go on, but at least others won't be waiting for you. With today's technology almost everyone owns a smartphone, and it only takes a few minutes to post a quick "unable to post for a day or two" message to the boards. Google the Wayfinder app if you are interested in this option. - You must be willing to ROLE play, not just ROLL play. The GM feeds off of the players, so a good group of role-players helps the game take on a life of its own. You don't have to fill every post with three paragraphs describing how you took your morning coffee, but you should be able to write well and play your character well. If I find all you do is post "I follow Bob, my sword ready" and post a lot of "Gug gug, I'm a barbarian" (unless you are Gug the Barbarian) type stuff, you will be summarily removed from the campaign, tied to a hippogriff, and flown over a field of elven archers for target practice. Your Application should include the following:
- A complete character stat block, hidden in you post using the spoiler tag or posted as an in-character alias account. If you do not know how to use this tag click on the button below "Submit Post" of your reply that says How to format your text. For a PbP game you should be familiar with all of these tags anyway. If you don't want to create an alias until you are accepted then post the required info in a reply to the recruitment thread. - A character background. This will allow me to RP with your character a little better, understand their motives, and even tailor hints or dialogue to them specifically. I will look upon those characters with a detailed background more favorably than those with two lines of "I was born, my parents were killed, I was an orphan, I want to kill things for revenge". Be creative! I can tell you right now that this piece is what will get you picked over someone else. The more effort you put into this, the more I will want you at the virtual table. - A brief note of your posting habits or schedule. If you are more available or likely to post on specific days or at specific times, let me know. Your posting habits here on the forums will be checked. Your post quality will be examined. And I will probably even look at some of your other characters to get an idea for how you interact with other players and carry yourself in a group. Hopefully this will allow me to provide the best players with the best companions. A win/win for everyone. How to get picked:
How not to get picked:
That's it! I look forward to seeing what the responses are and to finding that special group of folks who will be the brave heroes that Golarion needs to battle off the hordes of Belkzen! Recruitment will last until Monday or earlier if I find a really good fit for the group. If I am blown away by an amazing character that I want to snatch up I reserve the right to end this recruitment early. It's good to be the king! For those interested in looking at the current campaign, the link is HERE. About Me: I've been gaming for over 30 years, having started as a much younger man with the original D&D Basic set. Yes, back when Elf was a class. Crazy isn't it? Since those times I've played and GM'ed in more games and campaigns than I could ever count. I've ran AD&D, 2nd Ed AD&D, 3.5 and 4e, Pathfinder, Gurps, Palladium, Mutants and Masterminds, Star Wars, etc. and so on. I am the Venture Captain of Kentucky for the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign. Because of this my weekends are usually full and you won't catch me online much. If you go to GenCon, let me know. I love getting together and playing with folks from online games. If you play Pathfinder Society it would be my pleasure to run you through a hard mode of the Waking Rune and splat your character to death! :)
Greetings to one and all! I am currently looking for 1 replacement character for an ongoing Giantslayer game that is currently nearing the end of Act 2 of the first book. The party is well balanced with the exception of the complete lack of an arcane-based character. So recruitment is open to characters that fit that description. Acceptable classes will include: wizards, sorcerers, witches (and warlocks if you are a male and don't like being called a witch!), arcanists, bards, and skalds. I would prefer the first four, but will accept the latter two with good enough submissions. The party currently consists of a chavalier, rogue, hunter, druid, and ranger. There are currently no dwarves in the party, which is a complete shame for Giantslayer, so bonus points to someone if they can cook up a passable dwarf arcane caster! About this game - Giantslayer For old grognards like me this is a flashback to the early days of gaming, with direct roots in the old "Against the Giants" series of modules published originally in the late 1970's. It is because of that old "dungeon crawl" feeling that I have been looking forward to this AP since it was announced. A feeling I hope to capture once more in this game. I will be shaping and modifying parts of this AP to give that "old school" feel and sense of danger. So, if you are a fan of playing only "by the book", this one will not be for you! Expect to be surprised, challenged, thrown for a loop, beaten up with rocks, stabbed, pounded, chewed on, you name it. I will challenge you not only with the mechanics of the game but also with role-playing situations. Every choice you make will have an impact. For everyone still interested, I invite you to sit a spell, and listen to a tale... Adventure Background:
Deep in the Mindspin Mountains, a storm giant warlord known as the Storm Tyrant has seized control of a cloud castle and an Orb of Dragonkind, and is gathering an army of giants from across western Avistan—first to bring the orc hordes of Belkzen under his banner, then to conquer the neighboring realms. Heroes defending the human town of Trunau from an orc raid discover that the attack is just a precursor to the Storm Tyrant’s larger plans. Working their way through an abandoned border fort, an ancient giant temple, the tomb of an undead frost giant, and an elite fire giant training facility beneath a dormant volcano, the heroes eventually take the fight to the Storm Tyrant himself inside his flying fortress. Can the giant army be defeated before it can conquer the human lands of the Inner Sea, or will all of Avistan bow down in fealty to the Storm Tyrant? And so we begin! Character Creation: - Starting level - 2nd - See above for class restrictions. - Standard races are preferred, but others will be considered. I'm not overly fond of the strange races, but I'll give it consideration. No custom races allowed. Because of the proximity to Belkzen there is a bit of leeway when it comes to the more exotic races, but once again I prefer the classics. - Archtypes are ok. - 25 point buy for stats. You are going to need them. Now, having said that, I would highly advise against min/maxing your stats. Not only could it hurt you, but the GM will see through your shenanigans and will likely not consider you. - Starting gold of 900gp. - GM's privilege: This is something I have done in many campaigns in the past. Once I have picked the group I will make a second pass through each character and on a one on one basis decide an extra boon for each of them. It could be a free feat, it could be a trait, it could be a special item or weapon, who knows? This will always somehow tie back to your background in some way. But it won't always be obvious. Extra incentive for writing a good character concept and story. However, if you stick a vorpal sword into your background hoping to gain it for your character, I will stick it into the application and behead it. The GM sees through all monkey business! - Good Alignment preferred. I'm not hung up on Lawful vs. Chaotic. If you want to play Chaotic Neutral you will have to convince me why you shouldn't be spending time in a padded cell instead of adventuring. Obviously we are dealing with an area of Golarion where the "human" inhabitants are in a daily fight with the evil orcs of Belkzen, so let's try to keep our intentions good and pure! - Max HP at level one. After that it will be player's choice of a GM roll or half HD +1. - One Giantslayer campaign trait and one other trait. I will allow one drawback in exchange for an additional trait, but there needs to be a justified reason for it in your character background and it needs to be something that is tangible to play. Picking something that gives you no drawback isn't a drawback. - Players may select a faction to belong to. I will use this for additional plot hooks and possible side activities. I will also allow fame and prestige awards from those factions based on your character's actions. - Crafting will be allowed, but closely monitored. If I feel you are taking advantage I will pull you aside and slap you with a pickled herring until you step in line. Applicants are expected to agree and adhere to the following - IMPORTANT - READ THIS:
- You must be a daily poster. We've already lost two players because they did not meet regular posting requirements. Preference will be made for those who show higher activity on the boards and a history of PbP activity. I will strive to always keep the game moving and expect players who will do the same. I am usually online during the day and post mostly in that window of time between 6am and 6pm EST, so that is when my most active hours will be. Obviously things happen, so I do understand that at times you might be unable to post, or I also might be otherwise detained. If that happens in the case of a player, I will allow a reasonable amount of time before GMPC'ing you along. - If a player fails to post within a reasonable amount of time without notifying the group that they will be unavailable they will be moved to inactive status, removed from the active game, and replaced with another applicant. I am taking this one seriously folks and I won't let an inactive player ruin it for everyone else. So understand what you are committing to before you apply. If you will be away a few days, let the group know and give us some standard marching orders for while you are away. The game will go on, but at least others won't be waiting for you. - You must be willing to ROLE play, not just ROLL play. The GM feeds off of the players, so a good group of role-players helps the game take on a life of its own. You don't have to fill every post with three paragraphs describing how you took your morning coffee, but you should be able to write well and play your character well. If I find all you do is post "I follow Bob, my sword ready" and post a lot of "Gug gug, I'm a barbarian" (unless you are Gug the Barbarian) type stuff, you will be summarily removed from the campaign, tied to a hippogriff, and flown over a field of elven archers for target practice. Your Application should include the following:
- A complete character stat block, hidden in you post using the spoiler tag or posted as an in-character alias account. If you do not know how to use this tag click on the button below "Submit Post" of your reply that says How to format your text. For a PbP game you should be familiar with all of these tags anyway. If you don't want to create an alias until you are accepted then post the required info in a reply to the recruitment thread. - A character background. This will allow me to RP with your character a little better, understand their motives, and even tailor hints or dialogue to them specifically. I will look upon those characters with a detailed background more favorably than those with two lines of "I was born, my parents were killed, I was an orphan, I want to kill things for revenge". Be creative! I can tell you right now that this piece is what will get you picked over someone else. The more effort you put into this, the more I will want you at the virtual table. - A brief note of your posting habits or schedule. If you are more available or likely to post on specific days or at specific times, let me know. Your posting habits here on the forums will be checked. Your post quality will be examined. And I will probably even look at some of your other characters to get an idea for how you interact with other players and carry yourself in a group. Hopefully this will allow me to provide the best players with the best companions. A win/win for everyone. How to get picked:
How not to get picked:
That's it! I look forward to seeing what the responses are and to finding that special group of folks who will be the brave heroes that Golarion needs to battle off the hordes of Belkzen! Recruitment will last until Monday or earlier if I find a really good fit for the group. If I am blown away by an amazing character that I want to snatch up I reserve the right to end this recruitment early. It's good to be the king! For those interested in looking at the current campaign, the link is HERE. About Me: I've been gaming for over 30 years, having started as a much younger man with the original D&D Basic set. Yes, back when Elf was a class. Crazy isn't it? Since those times I've played and GM'ed in more games and campaigns than I could ever count. I've ran AD&D, 2nd Ed AD&D, 3.5 and 4e, Pathfinder, Gurps, Palladium, Mutants and Masterminds, Star Wars, etc. and so on. I am the Venture Captain of Kentucky for the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign. Because of this my weekends are usually full and you won't catch me online much. If you go to GenCon, let me know. I love getting together and playing with folks from online games. If you play Pathfinder Society it would be my pleasure to run you through a hard mode of the Waking Rune and splat your character to death! :)
Word spread quickly, even for the chaotic mess that is the loose community of goblin tribes in the coastal region of Varisia that surround the town of Sandpoint. A call had come to all tribes that Ripnugget, greatest of the Thistletop goblins, had a plan that would surely spell doom for the pesky humans of Sandpoint. A plan that would lead the goblin tribes to the city and beyond! A plan that involved looting and eating and burning! And my, how they responded. Like a tide the goblins from the area flowed to the keep called Thistletop. Little goblins, big goblins, smart goblins, stoopid, goblins; all converging on the magnificent goblin fort on the rocky island. All wanting for the chance to pillage and burn, kill and main, bite and chew. Those goblins who were deemed worthy enough (meaning they didn’t drool overly much and had the common sense not to stab themselves during the testing process) were taken before the great and mighty Ripnugget, to be evaluated. This was their chance to be included in the great massacre to come, their chance to cast off the shackles of their race and rise above, their chance to taste human flesh. Seated atop the high and mighty wobble-throne, Ripnugget cast his glance across each goblin sent before him, his thick arms crossing his chest, looking down, far down, to the goblins at his feet as the pleaded and begged, showed their skills, and fought with one another. The chaos of dozens of goblins pushing, biting, and kicking was a thrill for the goblin warchief to see. So many of his kind ready to take the fight to the humans. The first scene involves the PCs, as goblins, making their case to Ripnugget to be included in the raids to come. You are surrounded by at least 30 other goblins, all talking and screaming at the same time as you. You will need to stand out, to get his attention, if you are to be selected.
Greetings and welcome to everyone. I wanted to take a few minutes to say hello as well as to spell out some guidelines for the game that I feel will be instrumental to the tempo and feel of the game as well as some of my own custom ways of handling specific things within the game. I will be handling tactical movement in Roll20. I feel this will be the simplest way to allow scenes to evolve without me constantly updating images in a Google doc or other such tool. It also allows me to use some line of sight tools and the like as well as show off pretty maps! I ask that everyone maintain a level of honesty when using this tool, and not to move unless otherwise told to. I’d prefer to keep some things secret and peeking around corners can spoil surprises! Rise of the Greenskins – PbP Roll20 Site For ease of play I will always assume that you are taking 10 or 20 when possible. As experienced players I assume everyone is familiar with how this works, but if not you can do a quick Google search to find the answers. If you are in a situation where you can take 10 or 20 and you are performing an action that would allow so, simply give me the result in a format like Skill Check – Take 20 – Perception = XX where XX would be your result. Remember you can almost always take 10 on most skills, with very few exceptions (Use Magic Device being the primary one). Taking 20 is reserved for those instances where you have plenty of time and resources at your disposal. Most commonly taking 20 is used for things like Perception checks. Remember that in combat you cannot take 10 or 20, and if the result of a check could result in a negative effect for your character you cannot take 20. If for some reason I determine that you cannot take 10 or 20 after you make a post I will let you know so that you can roll your result. On the subject of rolls, I will be rolling for any of the typical stuff that you shouldn't know the result of. Disable device, trap-finding activities, etc. I will also be rolling these in person with real dice. So yes, that means you truly will not know the result, even if you find yourself tempted to peek at a spoiler. :) This will go the same for typical checks hidden from the party like Stealth and the like. Just be forewarned on this. Just because you don't see the roll doesn't mean it didn't happen. This will not only remove excessive spoilers from posts but should lend more of a storytelling feel to the game. How you all choose to handle loot, gold, etc will be entirely up to you. I leave that for the group to figure out. When it is time to level up I will let you know. When leveling up be sure to run any feats or choices by me that do not appear in the Core rule book so I can approve them for play. I’m sure I won’t have a problem with this but I want to make that part clear. When you level you will also have the choice to add (HD/2)+1 in hit points (Just like Pathfinder Society) or tempt fate with me rolling the dice for your HP. In either case the choice will not be reversible. You will be gaining some early levels rather quickly, so I wanted to make sure I spelled all of this out. All equipment must be on your character alias on the message boards. You should be tracking encumbrance but you can ignore coin weight unless it is due to loot gained during an adventure. I will assume cash on hand has been exchanged for high denomination coins, trade-able gems, purple slugs, peeled eyeballs, and so on. In the event that a character dies, and you do not have the means to bring them back to life, that player may choose to create a new character for the game that must adhere to all of the rules I set forth during recruitment. That character will start one level behind the existing party in terms of experience and will at some point catch up and be equal to the party. With that I will turn it over to the group. Make any adjustments you would like to your backgrounds before we start. I will likely be making the first post in gameplay later this evening or over the weekend. Just so you are all aware of my posting habits, I am definitely more active during the day between 7am and 6pm EST. My evenings are usually busy and weekend are typically reserved for supporting local gaming stores, conventions, etc. Starting from early April until after GenCon in August I will likely not be making posts from Friday-Sunday as I have about 9 conventions on my summer schedule. Just so you know what to expect! Good luck and I look forward to the upcoming adventure!
Greetings and welcome to everyone. I wanted to take a few minutes to say hello as well as to spell out some guidelines for the game that I feel will be instrumental to the tempo and feel of the adventure path as well as some of my own custom ways of handling specific things within the game. I will be handling tactical movement in Roll20. I feel this will be the simplest way to allow scenes to evolve without me constantly updating images in a Google doc or other such tool. It also allows me to use some line of sight tools and the like as well as show off pretty maps! I ask that everyone maintain a level of honesty when using this tool, and not to move unless otherwise told to. I’d prefer to keep some things secret and peeking around corners can spoil surprises! Campaign details will be kept on my website that I try to use to organize details of games. For those who played in Kingmaker you might have some memory of this. I will post maps, handouts, NPC details (for easy tracking and referral later), and other such things here. When required in a post I will typically link back to the respective page, but you should feel free to check the site whenever you need a refresher on something you have discovered or someone you have met. If something is missing, let me know or feel free to register on the site and add it yourself. It’s in Wiki format so adding content is very simple. For ease of play I will always assume that you are taking 10 or 20 when possible. As experienced players I assume everyone is familiar with how this works, but if not you can do a quick Google search to find the answers. If you are in a situation where you can take 10 or 20 and you are performing an action that would allow so, simply give me the result in a format like Skill Check – Take 20 – Perception = XX where XX would be your result. Remember you can almost always take 10 on most skills, with very few exceptions (Use Magic Device being the primary one). Taking 20 is reserved for those instances where you have plenty of time and resources at your disposal. Most commonly taking 20 is used for things like Perception checks. Remember that in combat you cannot take 10 or 20, and if the result of a check could result in a negative effect for your character you cannot take 20. If for some reason I determine that you cannot take 10 or 20 after you make a post I will let you know so that you can roll your result. On the subject of rolls, I will be rolling for any of the typical stuff that you shouldn't know the result of. Disable device, trap-finding activities, etc. I will also be rolling these in person with real dice. So yes, that means you truly will not know the result, even if you find yourself tempted to peek at a spoiler. :) This will go the same for typical checks hidden from the party like Stealth and the like. Just be forewarned on this. Just because you don't see the roll doesn't mean it didn't happen. This will not only remove excessive spoilers from posts but should lend more of a storytelling feel to the game. How you all choose to handle loot, gold, etc will be entirely up to you. I leave that for the group to figure out. I will be using some guidelines from the adventure path as well as changes of my own to determine where you are in terms of level. When it is time to level up I will let you know. When leveling up be sure to run any feats or choices by me that do not appear in the Core rule book so I can approve them for play. I’m sure I won’t have a problem with this but I want to make that part clear. When you level you will also have the choice to add (HD/2)+1 in hit points (Just like Pathfinder Society) or tempt fate with me rolling the dice for your HP. In either case the choice will not be reversible. I will not make you track mundane items like food and water, but anything else must be on your character sheets. I will maintain a copy of these on the Wiki site that will update as the game goes on. You should be tracking encumbrance but you can ignore coin weight unless it is due to loot gained during an adventure. I will assume cash on hand has been exchanged for high denomination coins or trade-able gems. When you are in a city and there is downtime announced you are free to shop, create items, and so on. I will generally announce how much downtime will be available before the next plot hook takes place and will allow you all some time to handle housekeeping activities. This is also typically when you will be leveling up. Cities will have limits to what can be purchased, so keep that in mind when planning your shopping. You won’t just be able to waltz into a shop and pick up a +2 Giant Bane Greatsword. In the event that a character dies, and you do not have the means to bring them back to life, that player may choose to create a new character for the game that must adhere to all of the rules I set forth during recruitment. That character will start one level behind the existing party in terms of experience and will at some point catch up and be equal to the party. With that I will turn it over to the group. Make any adjustments you would like to your backgrounds before we start and come to an agreement on how you met, why you are in Trunau, etc. Before we start I will need to know where each of you spends your nights while in town. There are several available places to stay which can be located in the Player’s Guide. Just because you might be a resident that doesn't mean you own a home. Good luck and I look forward to the upcoming adventure!
Hello to all brave souls and welcome to my campaign “Rise of the Greenskins!” This game is intended to be a light hearted and fun approach to your more traditional Play by Post game, and does not intend to ever take itself seriously. It is however a roleplay heavy idea of mine, so the focus is on those players who find themselves on that side of the gaming fence. Still with me? I can hear the little buggers chanting in the distance... Goblins chew and goblins bite,
Goblins race and goblins jump.
Chase the baby, catch the pup.
Adventure Background:
In the land of Varisia there is a place of wonders. Of limitless food and yummy bits and all the pickles you can eat! The longshanks call this place Sandpoint, but the goblins call it their next conquest! There are longshanks to eat, dogs to slice, and horses to chop! Too long have the greenskins been kept from their birthright! To rule Sandpoint! This adventure takes place from an alternate view of the popular adventure path Rise of the Runelords. The players take on the personalities of the goblin tribes from the surrounding area, using Thistletop as their base of operations, and strike out once and for all against the humans in an attempt to take over the village and claim it as their own. This is a custom game, with a somewhat familiar setting. Many aspects of the adventure path will be changed to fit the theme.
Character Creation:
- You gotta be a goblin! No other race will be considered. You do have the option of playing a “Over-Sized Goblin”, see SRD – Goblin
Applicants are expected to agree and adhere to the following:
- You must be a daily poster. Preference will be made for those who show higher activity on the boards and a history of PbP activity. I will strive to always keep the game moving and expect players who will do the same. I am usually online during the day and post mostly in that window of time between 6am and 6pm EST, so that is when my most active hours will be. Obviously things happen, so I do understand that at times you might be unable to post, or I also might be otherwise detained. If that happens in the case of a player, I will allow a reasonable amount of time before GMPC'ing you along. - If a player fails to post within a reasonable amount of time without notifying the group that they will be unavailable they will be moved to inactive status, removed from the active game, and replaced with another applicant. I am taking this one seriously folks and I won't let an inactive player ruin it for everyone else. So understand what you are committing to before you apply. If you will be away a few days, let the group know and give us some standard marching orders for while you are away. The game will go on, but at least others won't be waiting for you. - You must be willing to ROLE play, not just ROLL play. The GM feeds off of the players, so a good group of role-players helps the game take on a life of its own. You don't have to fill every post with three paragraphs describing how you took your morning coffee, but you should be able to write well and play your character well. If I find all you do is post "I follow Bob, my sword ready" and post a lot of "Gug gug, I'm a barbarian" (unless you are Gug the Barbarian) type stuff, you will be summarily removed from the campaign, tied to a hippogriff, and flown over a field of elven archers for target practice. Your Application should include the following:
- A complete character stat block, hidden in you post using the spoiler tag or posted as an in-character alias account. If you do not know how to use this tag click on the button below "Submit Post" of your reply that says How to format your text. For a PbP game you should be familiar with all of these tags anyway. - A character background. The background must be written in the first person, as a goblin would tell it! This is going to help show me who can really play up a goblin for what they really are. Be creative! I can tell you right now that this piece is what will get you picked over someone else. The more effort you put into this, the more I will want you at the virtual table. - A brief note of your posting habits or schedule. If you are more available or likely to post on specific days or at specific times, let me know. Your posting habits here on the forums will be checked. Your post quality will be examined. And I will probably even look at some of your other characters to get an idea for how you interact with other players and carry yourself in a group. Hopefully this will allow me to provide the best players with the best companions. A win/win for everyone. How to get picked:
1. Write a great background, make me BELIEVE in your goblin.
How not to get picked:
1. Submit a character outside of my creation criteria
That's it! I look forward to seeing what the responses are and to finding that special group of folks who will finally lead these poor goblins to victory after all these years! Recruitment will last until 3/6/15 or until such time as I see fit. About Me: I've been gaming for over 30 years, having started as a much younger man with the original D&D Basic set. Yes, back when Elf was a class. Crazy isn't it? Since those times I've played and GM'ed in more games and campaigns than I could ever count. I've ran AD&D, 2nd Ed AD&D, 3.5 and 4e, Pathfinder, Gurps, Palladium, Mutants and Masterminds, Star Wars, etc. and so on. I am the Venture Captain of Kentucky for the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign. Because of this my weekends are usually full and you won't catch me online much. If you go to GenCon, let me know. I love getting together and playing with folks from online games. If you play Pathfinder Society it would be my pleasure to run you through a hard mode of the Waking Rune and splat your character to death! :)
Greetings to one and all! I've recently returned from an extended absence from PbP and am opening recruitment for an upcoming Play by Post game of the recently released Giantslayer Adventure Path. For old grognards like me this is a flashback to the early days of gaming, with direct roots in the old "Against the Giants" series of modules published originally in the late 1970's. It is because of that old "dungeon crawl" feeling that I have been looking forward to this AP since it was announced. A feeling I hope to capture once more in this game. I will be shaping and modifying parts of this AP to give that "old school" feel and sense of danger. So, if you are a fan of playing only "by the book", this one will not be for you! Expect to be surprised, challenged, thrown for a loop, beaten up with rocks, stabbed, pounded, chewed on, you name it. I will challenge you not only with the mechanics of the game but also with role-playing situations. Every choice you make will have an impact. For everyone still interested, I invite you to sit a spell, and listen to a tale... Adventure Background:
Deep in the Mindspin Mountains, a storm giant warlord known as the Storm Tyrant has seized control of a cloud castle and an Orb of Dragonkind, and is gathering an army of giants from across western Avistan—first to bring the orc hordes of Belkzen under his banner, then to conquer the neighboring realms. Heroes defending the human town of Trunau from an orc raid discover that the attack is just a precursor to the Storm Tyrant’s larger plans. Working their way through an abandoned border fort, an ancient giant temple, the tomb of an undead frost giant, and an elite fire giant training facility beneath a dormant volcano, the heroes eventually take the fight to the Storm Tyrant himself inside his flying fortress. Can the giant army be defeated before it can conquer the human lands of the Inner Sea, or will all of Avistan bow down in fealty to the Storm Tyrant? And so we begin! Character Creation:
- All Core sources are allowed. By core I mean a hard back book printed by Paizo. Anything beyond Core Rules you are allowed to submit as well, but there will be a bit more scrutiny on these applications. I will allow Ultimate Psionics as a consideration, but the idea is going to need to wow me. - Standard races are preferred, but others will be considered. I'm not overly fond of the strange races, but I'll give it consideration. No custom races allowed. Because of the proximity to Belkzen there is a bit of leeway when it comes to the more exotic races, but once again I prefer the classics. - Core classes preferred. I will entertain your ideas for other classes, but see "How Not to Get Picked" below for details. - 25 point buy for stats. You are going to need them. Now, having said that, I would highly advise against min/maxing your stats. Not only could it hurt you, but the GM will see through your shenanigans and will likely not consider you. - Starting gold of 150gp for all characters. - GM's privilege: This is something I have done in many campaigns in the past. Once I have picked the group I will make a second pass through each character and on a one on one basis decide an extra boon for each of them. It could be a free feat, it could be a trait, it could be a special item or weapon, who knows? This will always somehow tie back to your background in some way. But it won't always be obvious. Extra incentive for writing a good character concept and story. However, if you stick a vorpal sword into your background hoping to gain it for your character, I will stick it into the application and behead it. The GM sees through all monkey business! - Good Alignment preferred. I'm not hung up on Lawful vs. Chaotic. If you want to play Chaotic Neutral you will have to convince me why you shouldn't be spending time in a padded cell instead of adventuring. Obviously we are dealing with an area of Golarion where the "human" inhabitants are in a daily fight with the evil orcs of Belkzen, so let's try to keep our intentions good and pure! - Max HP at level one. After that it will be player's choice of a GM roll or half HD +1. - One Giantslayer campaign trait and one other trait. I will allow one drawback in exchange for an additional trait, but there needs to be a justified reason for it in your character background and it needs to be something that is tangible to play. Picking something that gives you no drawback isn't a drawback. - Players may select a faction to belong to. I will use this for additional plot hooks and possible side activities. I will also allow fame and prestige awards from those factions based on your character's actions. - Crafting will be allowed, but closely monitored. If I feel you are taking advantage I will pull you aside and slap you with a pickled herring until you step in line. Applicants are expected to agree and adhere to the following:
- You must be a daily poster. Preference will be made for those who show higher activity on the boards and a history of PbP activity. I will strive to always keep the game moving and expect players who will do the same. I am usually online during the day and post mostly in that window of time between 6am and 6pm EST, so that is when my most active hours will be. Obviously things happen, so I do understand that at times you might be unable to post, or I also might be otherwise detained. If that happens in the case of a player, I will allow a reasonable amount of time before GMPC'ing you along. - If a player fails to post within a reasonable amount of time without notifying the group that they will be unavailable they will be moved to inactive status, removed from the active game, and replaced with another applicant. I am taking this one seriously folks and I won't let an inactive player ruin it for everyone else. So understand what you are committing to before you apply. If you will be away a few days, let the group know and give us some standard marching orders for while you are away. The game will go on, but at least others won't be waiting for you. - You must be willing to ROLE play, not just ROLL play. The GM feeds off of the players, so a good group of role-players helps the game take on a life of its own. You don't have to fill every post with three paragraphs describing how you took your morning coffee, but you should be able to write well and play your character well. If I find all you do is post "I follow Bob, my sword ready" and post a lot of "Gug gug, I'm a barbarian" (unless you are Gug the Barbarian) type stuff, you will be summarily removed from the campaign, tied to a hippogriff, and flown over a field of elven archers for target practice. Your Application should include the following:
- A complete character stat block, hidden in you post using the spoiler tag or posted as an in-character alias account. If you do not know how to use this tag click on the button below "Submit Post" of your reply that says How to format your text. For a PbP game you should be familiar with all of these tags anyway. - A character background. This will allow me to RP with your character a little better, understand their motives, and even tailor hints or dialogue to them specifically. I will look upon those characters with a detailed background more favorably than those with two lines of "I was born, my parents were killed, I was an orphan, I want to kill things for revenge". Be creative! I can tell you right now that this piece is what will get you picked over someone else. The more effort you put into this, the more I will want you at the virtual table. - A brief note of your posting habits or schedule. If you are more available or likely to post on specific days or at specific times, let me know. Your posting habits here on the forums will be checked. Your post quality will be examined. And I will probably even look at some of your other characters to get an idea for how you interact with other players and carry yourself in a group. Hopefully this will allow me to provide the best players with the best companions. A win/win for everyone. How to get picked:
1. Write a great background
How not to get picked:
1. Submit a character outside of my creation criteria
Note: I have several returning players from a Kingmaker game that will be given preference in this application process, so while I am selecting from a field of applicants, some slots are pretty much already in the bag. That's it! I look forward to seeing what the responses are and to finding that special group of folks who will be the brave heroes that Golarion needs to battle off the hordes of Belkzen! Recruitment will last until 3/2/15. If I am blown away by amazing characters that I want to snatch up I reserve the right to end this recruitment early. It's good to be the king! About Me: I've been gaming for over 30 years, having started as a much younger man with the original D&D Basic set. Yes, back when Elf was a class. Crazy isn't it? Since those times I've played and GM'ed in more games and campaigns than I could ever count. I've ran AD&D, 2nd Ed AD&D, 3.5 and 4e, Pathfinder, Gurps, Palladium, Mutants and Masterminds, Star Wars, etc. and so on. I am the Venture Captain of Kentucky for the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign. Because of this my weekends are usually full and you won't catch me online much. If you go to GenCon, let me know. I love getting together and playing with folks from online games. If you play Pathfinder Society it would be my pleasure to run you through a hard mode of the Waking Rune and splat your character to death! :)
Please help me welcome Nathanael Broomall to the VO corps as the new VL for Frankfort and Lexington, KY. Nathanael has been instrumental in helping grow the Pathfinder Society community in these areas and has shown incredible talent behind the GM screen. He has been a constant champion for organizing regular play in his area and has been a key to the success of our special events in recent months. He has dedicated much of his time to making sure that regular games are being run and has worked closely with the local store owners to get the word out to old and new players alike. I look forward to having Nathanael on the team and continuing to grow PFS in the state with his support.
The Secret Society of VO Shirtmakers needs the services of a dedicated artist who is willing to work for a firm handshake and a solid pat on the back. Must be open to insane ideas and should be able to draw and color while laughing quietly to themselves at some secret joke. If you have the skills, and can create iconic looking art in the Pathfinder style, inquire within! We need YOU! :)
It is Wealday, the 24th of Sarenith, in the year 4713. The call has went out to the heroes and their like in the kingdom of Brevony. The area known as the Stolen Lands is to be explored, mapped, and conquered for the throne. Outside the small hamlet of Brelton a traveler on his way south has stopped at a roadside shrine to Erastil to pay his respects. Kneeling at the shrine is a large, muscular man, with a shield strapped across his back and a flail hanging ready at his belt. His clothing and armor show the obvious signs of dust and dirt from the road and his travels. Down the road comes a small woman, with blond hair and shining blue eyes which hold a certain amount of innocence. As she approaches she seems to soak in everything her eyes land upon, as if she was seeing the world for the first time. She is garbed in fine clothing and jewelry and seems very out of place in this remote area. The man at the shrine, finished with this prayers, stands to his full height, which is impressive.
It is Wealday, the 24th of Sarenith, in the year 4713. The call has went out to the heroes and their like in the kingdom of Brevony. The area known as the Stolen Lands is to be explored, mapped, and conquered for the throne. The sun is shining on a road not far from Silverhall, the last city before the great expanse known as the Greenspan. These are House Lebeda lands, and are somewhat civilized by the knights and people of the Ledeba family. Down the road comes a large man, human in origin, with a mighty hammer across his back and a look of determination in his eyes. His body is covered in scars, far too numerous to count, and it is obvious that he has seen his share of battle. As he makes his way down the road, heading ever westward, he comes across a younger man who has stopped along the road, and appears to be tending his horse. He hears the man curse to himself as he pries a dagger against something stuck in his horse's shoe, ever careful not to expose himself to a kick. The man, hearing the approach of the larger man, turns his head to see just who else might be sharing the road with him... Brom and Castor are now free to make their introductions.
I wanted to get this out there as the first post so it will be easy to find down the road when we are (hopefully!) 5000+ posts into the game! Important Links: Pathfinder d20 SRD - Useful site - For rules questions and information, everyone should be familiar with the site. The "Other" Forums - Some info will be here - Likely spot where handouts and other links that need a more static home will be posted. When we get to that point we will discuss. - Kingdom sheet permissions will be given out once we get to that point and figure out who needs access. - For reference and can be updated with new house rules or changes as the campaign moves forward. - While not directly from Kingmaker, these are pretty much word for word. This system will become more important down the road.
Some people have asked for it, and I've got the bandwidth to run this one, which I have been eyeballing for quite some time now, so without further ado, Kingmaker recruitment! The land rush is on! Sent south by Brevoy, the heroes have the unenviable task of venturing into the infamous Stolen Lands and annexing the territory, facing down monsters, bandits, and worse. It's hard enough to conquer territory—but does a ragtag band of adventures have what it takes to found and defend a burgeoning kingdom from the terrors of the wild? The Kingmaker Adventure Path takes the heroes from encounters with mysterious bandit lords and barbaric raiders through the trials and tribulations of developing and defending their new settlement in the notoriously lawless River Kingdoms. Yet when war comes to the Stolen Lands in earnest, it's up the heroes to take up a mystical blade and stand tall against the horrors of man, beast, and strange creatures more dangerous than either... Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne. And so we begin! Character Creation: - All core sources are allowed. By core I mean a hard back book printed by Paizo. If you want to use something from one of the Chronicles, Companions, etc. you are welcome to do so, but be prepared to fit it into your character through your background, and sell me on it. The exception to this is Ultimate Campaign. Nothing from that sourcebook will be allowed. It's just too new and there is some incoming errata to be sure. - Standard races are preferred, but others will be considered. I'm not overly fond of the strange races, so you won't be helping yourself by picking one, but I'll give it consideration. - Core classes preferred. See "How Not to Get Picked" at the bottom for further explanation of this one. - 25 point buy for stats. This is Kingmaker! You are the best of the best! Now, having said that, I would highly advise against min/maxing your stats. Not only could it hurt you, but the GM will see through your shenanigans and will likely not consider you. - Starting gold of 150gp for all characters. Sorry, PFS is just in my head way too much. This number works well for me. - GM's privilege: This is something I have done in many campaigns in the past. Once I have picked the group I will make a second pass through each character and on a one on one basis decide an extra boon for each of them. It could be a free feat, it could be a trait, it could be a special item or weapon, who knows? This will always somehow tie back to your background in some way. But it won't always be obvious. Extra incentive for writing a good character concept and story. - Good Alignment preferred. I'm not hung up on Lawful vs. Chaotic. If you want to play Chaotic Neutral you will have to convince me why you shouldn't be spending time in a padded cell instead of adventuring. - Max HP at level one. After that we will roll or you can take the PFS standard HP for the class. You decide before any rolling is done. - Nothing will be allowed from any publisher other than Paizo. - One Kingmaker campaign trait and one other trait. Applicants are expected to agree and adhere to the following: - You must be a daily poster. Preference will be made for those who show higher activity on the boards and a history of PbP activity. I fully expect to complete the scenario as quickly as the players set the pace for. I am online for 8 straight hours during the day (7am-4pm EST) and can move things along rather quickly during that time. On the weekends there may be less activity, but I will likely make at least 1-2 posts, sometimes more. It is summer after all. Get some sun! - If a player fails to post within a reasonable amount of time without notifying the group that they will be unavailable they will be moved to inactive status, removed from the active game, and replaced with another applicant. I am taking this one seriously folks. I fully intend for this PbP to make it through all of the books, and I won't let an inactive player ruin it for everyone else. So understand what you are committing to before you apply. - You must be willing to ROLE play, not just ROLL play. The GM feeds off of the players, so a good group of role-players helps the game take on a life of its own. You don't have to fill every post with three paragraphs describing how you took your morning coffee, but you should be able to write well and play your character well. If I find all you do is post "I follow Bob, my sword ready" and post a lot of "Gug gug, I'm a barbarian" type stuff, you will be summarily removed from the campaign, tied to a hippogriff, and flown over a field of elven archers for target practice. Your Application should include the following: - A complete character stat block, hidden in the main post using the spoiler tag or posted as an in-character alias account. If you do not know how to use this tag click on the button below "Submit Post" of your reply that says How to format your text. For a PbP game you should be familiar with all of these tags anyway. - A character background. This will allow me to RP with your character a little better, understand their motives, and even tailor hints or dialogue to them specifically. I will look upon those characters with a detailed background more favorably than those with two lines of "I was born, my parents were killed, I was an orphan, I want to kill things for revenge". Be creative! - A brief note of your posting habits or schedule. If you are more available or likely to post on specific days or at specific times, let me know. Your posting habits here on the forums will be checked. I will check each and every applicant for this. If you have a total of 40 posts on these boards between six aliases, sorry, but you aren't going to make the cut. I'm looking for dedicated PbP'ers who will see this one through to the end. How to get picked:
How not to get picked:
That's it! I look forward to seeing what the responses are and to finding that special group of folks who will make their mark on the River Kingdoms forever! About Me: I've been gaming for over 30 years, having started as a much younger man with the original D&D Basic set. Yes, back when Elf was a class. Crazy isn't it? Since those times I've played and GM'ed in more games and campaigns than I could ever count. I've ran AD&D, 2nd Ed AD&D, 3.5 and 4e, Pathfinder, Gurps, Palladium, Mutants and Masterminds, Star Wars, etc. and so on. I'm a regular at Gen Con and am currently gaming through online methods due to a dry spell in this area for good local gaming. So far it has been almost as rewarding as an actual tabletop game.
The party, having rested for a day from the previous mission, and then spending a fine evening watching Astarton perform at the Belching Boggard, finds themselves once again summoned before the local Venture-Captain. When they arrive they notice another Pathfinder in attendance as well. Venture-Captain Hestia Themis, a small, dark-haired, and dark-eyed Taldan woman, sits behind her enormous blackwood desk in the Pathfinder lodge in Cassomir and clears her throat. “My friends, thank you on the success of your recent mission, but we have need of your services yet again on such short notice. The Countess Arieta Patrizia, is dead. She escaped her capture by the fiends who operate beneath Cassomir only to succumb to disease and wounds incurred in Cassomir’s disgusting sewers. Ordinarily, this would be a matter for the Taldan authorities, but Arieta came to me directly after escaping and recounted a story that leads me to the natural conclusion that only the Pathfinder Society can resolve this issue.” Venture-Captain Themis rises and paces back and forth behind her desk. “Arieta told me of an artifact she saw while in captivity below Cassomir. This artifact, called the jet rat, is known to us, but we must confirm that what she saw is indeed true. She claims to have seen it transform normal rats into something bigger, more vile and mean. If that’s true, the artifact she saw down there is old, evil, and should be stored safely in the vaults beneath the Grand Lodge in Absalom where we can study, catalog, and examine it. Worse, she claims to have seen this object in the hands of the derros, vile Darklands creatures that we have long suspected are responsible for the Cassomir kidnappings. I have a map here that shows the location of the sewer grate Arieta was dropped through when she was kidnapped. She could not, due to her illness, recall much about how she got to the location where they kept her in captivity, but she knows where they dropped her into the sewers and you’ll find that location on this map.” Venture-Captain Themis stops pacing and eyes you across her desk. “Bring me back this artifact—if you happen to free a few captured Taldans along the way, that’s good news, but the artifact is your mission. Any questions?”
Existing party is looking to pull in an additional player for tier 3-4 gameplay of The Devil We Know Part 2 - Part 4. This is a fast moving game with great players. They completed the first part in under a month and are ready to move on to the next part. Because one of the party leveled to 3rd, they are going to "play up" to tier 3-4. The party consists of the following: 3rd Human Barbarian (Melee based)
Participants are expected to adhere to the following: - You must be a daily poster. Preference will be made for those who show higher activity on the boards and a history of PbP activity. I fully expect to complete the scenarios as quickly as the players set the pace for. I am online for 8 straight hours during the day (7am-4pm EST) and can move things along rather quickly during that time. On the weekends there may be less activity, but I will likely make at least 1-2 posts, sometimes more. It is summer after all. Get some sun! - You must have a PFS legal character. If you are not starting a character at the ground I may ask for your chronicle sheets to prove you have earned anything beyond your starting allotment. This also goes for any feats, traits, or other abilities that aren't considered core. You may be required to show proof of ownership of the material that allows for these to be used, per the rules set forth in Additional Resources for Players. - You must be willing to ROLE play, not just ROLL play. The GM feeds off of the players, so a good group of roleplayers helps the game take on a life of its own. The current group are exceptional role-players and it has led to a lot of humor. Your Application should include the following: - A complete character stat block, hidden in the main post using the Spoiler tag. If you do not know how to use this tag click on the button below "Submit Post" of your reply that says How to format your text. For a PbP game you should be familiar with all of these tags anyway. - (Optional) A character background. This will allow me to RP with your character a little better, understand their motives, and even tailor hints or dialogue to them specifically. While not required, I will look upon those characters with a background a bit more favorably. - A brief note of your posting habits or schedule. If you are more available or likely to post on specific days or at specific times, let me know. About Me: I've been gaming for over 30 years, having started as a much younger man with the original D&D Basic set. Yes, back when Elf was a class. Crazy isn't it? Since those times I've played and GM'ed in more games and campaigns than I could ever count. I've ran AD&D, 2nd Ed AD&D, 3.5 and 4e, Pathfinder, Gurps, Palladium, Mutants and Masterminds, Star Wars, etc. and so on. I'm a regular at Gen Con and am currently gaming through online methods due to a dry spell in this area for good local gaming. So far it has been almost as rewarding as an actual tabletop game.
Greets and good day gentlefolk, I am currently in the process of ramping up for a weekly online gaming session that will be playing through the Reign of Winter Adventure Path and am looking for players interested in joining in the fun. This will be a weekly get together using as the gaming medium with Teamspeak for voice chat. We will not be using the voice/video in Roll20 as it can slow down the game. I am looking for a solid group of gamers who would like to play through the adventure path as a group. I will be giving PFS credit for this AP so you will have a number of chronicle credits applied to a PFS character of your choice. How will the game be played? - Weekly session, Teamspeak for voice, plus some PbP between sessions when we stop at areas that allow for some additional role play opportunities between games. - Character management will be handled between gaming sessions via forum posts. Buying/selling/leveling and so forth will be handled outside of the gaming session to provide for more time actually gaming. - I will select 6 players for the game. The reason for 6 is in case we have one or two "no shows" we should still be able to play. - Players will be issued a PFS chronicle sheet for each part of the adventure path that is approved for PFS play. They will be able to apply this sheet to any PFS character they have, given some limitations that will be discussed after player selection. - EXP will be given each session. If you miss a session you don't get the EXP. If you miss three sessions you will be replaced. - I will keep contact information for all applicants in the event that we need to replace someone. When will the game be played? - The game will play Sunday evening at 5pm EST till 9pm EST. I may consider running this on Tuesday or Wednesday nights, depending on what works best for those selected. - Playing in this game should be considered to be the same commitment as if you were playing in a weekly tabletop game with local friends. I'd like to see the same group finish the AP that starts it, but I have grown to understand that sometimes you cannot get the same level of commitment from online players. You can be assured you will have a solid level of it from me. What are the character build rules? - Characters should be built using point-buy rules with 20 points. Any content in the Core (Hardcover) Rulebooks is allowed, with the exception of non-standard races. Any non-standard races will be considered but must have a very good back story and concept. Core races and classes will be given more consideration over non-core. - Content outside of the core rulebooks is allowed pending GM approval. All content must be PFS legal. - All characters must be of a good or neutral alignment, and Chaotic Neutral will not be allowed. You are heroes, not psychopaths. - Players will start with the average starting wealth for their class. - Characters will start with two traits. One must be from the Reign of Winter Player's Guide. - All characters must include a background that gives them a reason to be in the starting city of Heldren for the adventure. They can be a resident, traveler, etc. but there should be a reason for them to be there and want to help. I will be looking at applications for about a week or so, with my final decision coming sometime shortly after that. Once the group has been formed we will finalize the start date and get things scheduled. How to apply - Either create an alias with your character, post your character in this thread as a "spoiler" so it doesn't create too much spam, or message your character details to me on these forums. - Make sure to include your background, description, general mannerisms, and so forth along with your submission. - Let me know the days that work best for you (Sunday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, 5pm to 9pm EST. Also open to starting at 6pm if enough need it to be a little later). Thanks!
It is early in the day, as you are going about your business in the Pathfinder Lodge in the city of Cassomir, when an errand boy tracks you down during your regular duties and hands you a note with the seal of the Lodge Venture-Captain on it. Eager for a mission you quickly break the seal and read the contents of the letter. You have been summoned for a mission! You are directed to report to the main hall of the lodge at 2 bells past noon. You rush off to complete the rest of your duties, eagerly looking forward to the meeting. At the appointed hour you find yourself in the main hall of the lodge. Gathered beside you are other Pathfinders you have seen in passing during your stay. Venture-Captain Hestia Themis, a small, unassuming woman of Taldan heritage with dark hair and eyes, holds a large sheaf of papers in her small hands and clears her throat. Her booming voice, the antithesis of her stature, fills the main hall of the small Pathfinder Lodge in the Taldan city of Cassomir. “One of our own has been kidnapped. Pathfinder Cestis was taken just days ago from a relics auction in the Imperial Naval Shipyards, and we believe his disappearance to be related to the six dozen or so kidnappings of the last several months. Now that one of our own is missing, this has become a Society matter—something we’ll get to the bottom of.” Themis gestures to a teenage boy standing beside her, who nervously regards his surroundings and sweats profusely, his thick brown hair matted and wet against his head. “This is Nefti, the assistant to the biggest thorn in my side in Cassomir—an agent of the Aspis Consortium named Kafar. Kafar is also missing, taken from the same relics auction along with Pathfinder Cestis and a dozen other citizens of Cassomir. Nefti was at the auction, saw where a small group of the
Been scanning my books and I'm not finding the answer to this, so I'm hoping someone with some experience running PFS scenarios can lend me a hand. I'm currently starting up a game and the side missions for the factions leave several factions out. I know in games I played in the past certain factions used another faction's missions, such as Silver Crusade piggy backing off of Andorian. Is there a list somewhere that assigns who the backup factions are? Thanks in advance.
Venture-Captain Hestia Themis, a small, unassuming woman of Taldan heritage with dark hair and eyes, holds a large sheaf of papers in her small hands and clears her throat. Her booming voice, the antithesis of her stature, fills the main hall of the small Pathfinder Lodge in the Taldan city of Cassomir. “One of our own has been kidnapped. Pathfinder Cestis was taken just days ago from a relics auction in the Imperial Naval Shipyards, and we believe his disappearance to be related to the six dozen or so kidnappings of the last several months. Now that one of our own is missing, this has become a Society matter—something we’ll get to the bottom of.” Themis gestures to a teenage boy standing beside her, who nervously regards his surroundings and sweats profusely, his thick brown hair matted and wet against his head. “This is Nefti, the assistant to the biggest thorn in my side in Cassomir—an agent of the Aspis Consortium named Kafar. Kafar is also missing, taken from the same relics auction along with Pathfinder Cestis and a dozen other citizens of Cassomir. Nefti was at the auction, saw where a small group of the
Group Green Members: Birgit Birgissdottir - Human Oracle
Please feel free to chat among yourselves while I get everything prepared. As this is my first PbP GM experience on these boards please be patient as I work through everything!
Group Red Members: The Twigg - Gnomish Sorcerer
Please feel free to chat among yourselves while I get everything prepared. As this is my first PbP GM experience on these boards please be patient as I work through everything!
For my first shot at PbP on these boards I will be running a group of eager and ready Pathfinders through the first scenario of season 1, The Devil We Know - Part I. I will be running this as a tier 1-2 scenario, so new players/characters are encouraged to apply. Please review the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play for build rules if you are unfamiliar with setting up a character for PFS. The intention of this scenario is to start a longer running series of scenarios that will go through season one in its entirety. After the first scenario I will post recruitment for the second. Preference will be given to members to completed the first scenario and if all players wish to carry on to the next scenario then I will skip recruitment entirely. Ideally this may evolve into an actual PbP campaign, running through season one. I will be accepting applicants until Monday, May 20th, at which time I will select the group and start the scenario. Participants are expected to adhere to the following: - You must be a daily poster. Preference will be made for those who show higher activity on the boards and a history of PbP activity. I fully expect to complete the scenario as quickly as the players set the pace for. I am online for 8 straight hours during the day (7am-4pm EST) and can move things along rather quickly during that time. On the weekends there may be less activity, but I will likely make at least 1-2 posts, sometimes more. It is summer after all. Get some sun! - You must have a PFS legal character. If you are not starting a character at the ground I may ask for your chronicle sheets to prove you have earned anything beyond your starting allotment. This also goes for any feats, traits, or other abilities that aren't considered core. You may be required to show proof of ownership of the material that allows for these to be used, per the rules set forth in Additional Resources for Players. - You must be willing to ROLE play, not just ROLL play. The GM feeds off of the players, so a good group of roleplayers helps the game take on a life of its own. Your Application should include the following: - A complete character stat block, hidden in the main post using the Spoiler tag. If you do not know how to use this tag click on the button below "Submit Post" of your reply that says How to format your text. For a PbP game you should be familiar with all of these tags anyway. - (Optional) A character background. This will allow me to RP with your character a little better, understand their motives, and even tailor hints or dialogue to them specifically. While not required, I will look upon those characters with a background a bit more favorably. - A brief note of your posting habits or schedule. If you are more available or likely to post on specific days or at specific times, let me know. About Me: I've been gaming for over 30 years, having started as a much younger man with the original D&D Basic set. Yes, back when Elf was a class. Crazy isn't it? Since those times I've played and GM'ed in more games and campaigns than I could ever count. I've ran AD&D, 2nd Ed AD&D, 3.5 and 4e, Pathfinder, Gurps, Palladium, Mutants and Masterminds, Star Wars, etc. and so on. I'm a regular at Gen Con and am currently gaming through online methods due to a dry spell in this area for good local gaming. So far it has been almost as rewarding as an actual tabletop game.
New to the whole PFS online play and I have been having a hell of a time getting into a game. Either I don't know where to look or I'm just too slow on the draw. I've checked numerous boards with no avail, always a day late and a dollar short. I've got a lvl 1 cleric I'm looking to get started with, and I'm more than happy to fill the healbot role if needed. Thanks