Diseased Rat

Ackattack's page

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So guys, with the new Ultimate Combat book out, there are some nifty new firearms to use. The Advanced Firearms take the game to the late 1800s, perfect for a Wild West setting. But only the Gunslinger comes with the ability to wield these weapons. So how would you guys homebrew the other classes to being able to use guns?

Can sorcerers and wizards use pistols or rifles? What about druids or monks? Fighter's should easily be able to wield a variety of guns, but what about bards? What do you think? After all, by that point guns are pretty widespread.

Yes, yes, I realize that it's a PC game from nearly a decade ago. I like old games. And besides, I just found it in a thrift store for $0.50.

My question is, should I install it and play it right now, or should I actually play through Neverwinter Nights first? Because at the time of their release, I was busy playing console games and not considering fixing my busted PC.

So sell me on one of them...or I may just go back to playing Titan Quest.

I've asked a couple of questions about Monk rules lately, but now I'm interested in something I read under the new alternate Barbarian classes, specifically True Primitives. The Trophy Fetish ability lets me attach fetishes from kills to armor and specific primitive weapons the barbarian wields for extra damage or higher saves.

Based on the reading, I've come up with a few conclusions: I can't attach fetishes to shields for any bonuses, and I can't use them in conjunction with unarmed strikes or natural weapons in any way. I'm a little surprised at the list of selectable weapons though, mainly because none of the new Stone Age weapons made the cut.

I am also wondering how fetishes work with piecemeal hide armor. It says specifically "suit of hide armor," so if I'm wearing bone armor(which true primitives are also proficient with) I guess I can't use them, but what if I'm going the piecemeal route and have a combination of bone and hide armor?

Hey guys, I had a question earlier about the use of Vicious Stomp, but this brought up a further inquiry.

I'm currently looking into playing a monk using some of the new feats from Ultimate Combat, and I noticed that Vicious Stomp allows me to get an attack of opportunity against anyone who goes prone adjacent to me. I was wondering how this might work with people I trip using Greater Trip, like if I had done so in the middle of a Flurry of Blows.

Basically, if I trip during a Flurry of Blows and possess both Greater Trip and Vicious Stomp, will I receive one or two attacks of opportunity? Greater Trip says that the trip attack is what allows me to have the attack of opportunity. Vicious Stomp instead goes off whenever an adjacent foe goes prone. So if I trip someone with these two feats, do I get an attack of opportunity for a successful trip and then get a second for my foe going prone, or do I just get one? If so, which feat am I getting it from?

I should probably note that Vicious Stomp requires Combat Reflexes.

Thanks for the input fellas.

So having read a bit on the new combat styles in the Ultimate Combat, I'm really interested in how Janni Tempest, Flurry of Blows, and Vicious Stomp would all work together.

If I'm in Janni Style and I hit with the first hit in Flurry of Blows, I then get the bonus to trip and bull rush for the rest of the attack. Since FoB allows me to substitute in trip attacks for unarmed strikes, I'm assuming this would work seamlessly as my second attack. But when would the attack of opportunity for Vicious Stomp go off? Would I get it in the middle of the FoB, or would it not count until the very end?

I have a few more questions that will likely spawn off of this, depending on how it gets answered. Thanks for any insights that are provided fellas.