Acexe's page

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Our Price: $16.00


Still worth it...


Even though there was a bit of a price hike between this new foundry module and the other ones, it's still easily worth the price. The amount of time it saves, and the stellar level of quality in the map design/arrangements is remarkable. You're not just paying to have the maps from the PDFs - there is so much extra detail and improvements made to the original module on top of having everything organized nice and neat. It's especially nice to see Paizo take advantage of some of the special features of foundry, such as the ambient sounds that can be set up. Gonna be buying all the modules for this AP as they come out.

P.S. The Qhallaqh Manor map is even more gorgeous than I ever thought it would be. Whoever made that map did an A++ job.

Our Price: $7.00



Our Price: $7.00

