
Acev's page

Organized Play Member. 150 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.

Dark Archive

Work in progress pics of a mini conversion I'm doing. My first attempt at sculpting green stuff.

The goal is a Zon-Kuthon worshiping Anti-Paladin.

Base mini: Ulern Anti-Paladin
Front 1
Front 2
Close up

The chains look amateurish, but I'm still pretty happy with them.

Dark Archive

Just finished running my group through Age of Worms, and mixed in with the exciting moments were some really disappointing battles. The spellweaver lich, Dragotha, Kyuss, chumps the lot of them.

Before I start running Runelords, I would appreciate a heads up on any BBEGs who end up being as dangerous as a five year old with a lollipop.

So any chumps in RotR?

Dark Archive

I was originally sceptical about the way stat blocks were presented in Pathfinder, but now I like them alot. I just started reading The Skinsaw Murders and already find the whole defense/offense/tactics/statistics/special abilities thing quite intuitive. I find I'm able to get to the info I want with a minimum of fuss.

I absolutely love the way magic items are presented. Great idea adding the Aura, CL and Slot to the description and construction.

The facelift traps have gotten hasn't gone unnoticed by me either. All of these changes add greatly to the quality of your products.

Thank you

Dark Archive

Would it be possible to stamp "DON'T FOLD" on the packaging for pathfinder? I received my copy of rise of the runelords with a damaged spine.

Although, the damage is not bad enough for me to ask for a replacement, receiving a damaged copy of a book I bought sucks to the highest degree.

I'm well aware that the stamp would, most likely, not have helped, but would have added strength to the complaint I'll be making at the local post office.

Dark Archive

Anyone listen to podcasts? List your favorites here.

My favorite one at the moment is Midnight's Lair. These guys put out quality stuff.
I also greatly enjoy Fear the boot.

Dark Archive

I noticed Planet stories is gonna put out Robert E. Howard’s Almuric. Is their any chance of PS getting the rights to publish his Conan stories?

I have never read them and am unable to find them in bookstores.

Dark Archive

God even after sitting through all of it. I don't know how a movie can be so bad. I mean Spiderman 1 and 2 rocked. They were awesome. How can 3 suck so bad.

The fight scenes were cool but it wasn't enough. Overacting on par with the first D&D movie. Peter turns Emo for half the movie, black eye liner and hair in front of his face. More cheese than a pizzeria.

Seriously, save your money or give it to charity. Stay the f%@& away from Spiderman 3.