Tin Golem

AbadarCorp Tier 2 OmniDroid's page

2 posts. Alias of thecursor.


Oh the heck it is! I'm programmed for like appliance repair! This is corporate level...stuff.

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Flush Gurdon wrote:


"Yeah. I'm an Abadar-rated service tech calling about a Mark Four-Seven power armor actuator assembly sequence from AbadarCorp's 'Starkton' Series. I've turned the thing off and back on, I've turned it off and removed the power and the restored the power and turned it back on, and the thing keeps falling apart citing 'Improper Occupant'.

Personally, I'd just trash the thing and tell the owner t' get a new one, but he seems to have his heart set in this one.

Don't refer me to IT, I need Tier Two support, please."

Greetings, I am the OmniDroid! I'm twenty feet tall and ready to deploy some Loud guitar music Next level support!

Okay, reviewing submitted files, calculating possible problems and solution rendered, tell your customer that first off:

We no longer support the Mark Four Seven, it is crazy old and he's a weirdo for actually hanging on to the gosh darn thing. Plus the Starkton Series was buggy as hell to begin with.

Second, I actually have a solution to this problem. Mark Fours came with a Identi-Key biometric lock system and they were so buggy that it's one of the reasons they discontinued the Mark Fours. While it seems like the actuator went bad, in reality he's experiencing problems because the suit's Identi-Key no longer recognizes the users. You can test this by turning off the Identi-Key (little round black thing on the rear of the main housing of the actuator) and then running the full suit in test mode. If that works, then that's your problem. He'll need to replace the entire security system, Identi-Key, Biometric Suit Matrix, all of it. The whole thing needs to be torn out. Which we will not do for him because, as I said, it's not covered under our support QA. Tell him what's wrong, then direct him to a third party vendor or offer him a new suit.

OmniDroid, out Loud rock music