-First, when convenient I use G. Magic Weapon (CL9, so +2), I now have a +2 gun.
-Then I can use Arcane Weapon as a standard action, which states its enhancement bonuses stack with other bonuses. I now have a +4 gun for 10 rounds. (I tanked charisma)
-Then I can apply Mage Bullets as a swift action, and consume a 4th level spell. This gives me +4 in bonuses to allocate through the Mage Bullets class feature.
-I can use those 4 "points" of bonuses for flaming, frost, shock, and vicious.
My air repeater gun is now +4 to hit, and 1d8+4+5d6 damage. In addition, my spells that roll to hit are +4 to hit, and my spells that allow saves have a +4 DC thanks to Arcane Gun.
That of course, assuming this all works like I think it does. Here's the questions and assumptions I guess.
Assumption 1: I cannot use 1 "point" of the Mage Bullets bonus to raise my gun to +5 after using GMW and Arcane Weapon, because the Mage Bullets do not explicitly stack. Is this correct?
Assumption 2: At lower levels, I can do something similar. Per my reading, Mage Bullets does not require an enhancement bonus to be on the gun to add weapon properties. So at say, Wiz 1 / Arc 4 I could turn two second level spells into flaming / shock and then vicious / frost.
Possible problem with 1 and 2: The wording on mage bonus says it can turn a spell into a weapon bonus = to the spell level sacrificed. I don't think "weapon bonus" is a term anywhere, other than an untyped chart on magic weapons explaining that a weapon does not go above +10 in bonuses.
What I don't know is if Mage Bullets bonuses are exclusive or considered a typed or named bonus, meaning I get either the level of spell sacrificed through the mage bullets feature, OR a combination of GMW + Arcane Weapon (which states that its enhancement bonuses stack) / Mage Bullets + Arcane Weapon.
To rephrase, if I raise my weapon to +4 through GMW and Arcane Weapon, does Mage Bullets even let me add its weapon properties or enhancement bonuses?
Two Part Question: How does gaining the spell storing property work with a ranged weapon. Does it just mean that in the 4 minutes the weapon has that property, I can cast a spell into it and then activate it after shooting a foe?
How does that react with the Infused Spell Cartridge feat? Can I store an intensified shocking grasp with spell storing, then in another round cast intensified shocking grasp through the gun to do 2d4 with the force bullet and 2x 10d6 shock damages? Would the force bullets get the bonuses from all the enhancements as listed above?
If so, since force bullets are the guns ammunition, we are looking at 2d4 (force bullet) + 4 (enhancement bonus ) + 2 (arcane strike) + 5d6 (frost, shock, vicious) + 10d6 (spell store intensified shocking grasp) + 10d6 (intensified shocking grasp delivered through gun for infused spell cartridge).
25d6+2d4+6 with no saving throw and I can swap between snowball or shocking grasp or Acid Something? for resistance on enemies.
That seems pretty good for a blaster mage blowing his load at 11th level?
It would be nice if this all worked like I think it does.
I know its not a world beater, but when out of spells it doesn't seem like a bad fallback. I know I could in theory just use that 4th level spell to do something like a metamagic fireball, but that 9d6 happens once and they can save against it.
I think at this level my to hit line looks something like +4 bab, +4 dex + 4 enhancement to weapon. And that's without other buffs like haste, heroism, divine favor, etc. So I should be hitting touch AC pretty well.
Its also a flavorful way to play a spellcaster without wanting to control the game or up the power curve for the DM. I can outlaw star as much as I want, and wizard when needed.
If anyone doesn't mind critiquing, here's the build and character sheet so far. I've yet to spend my gold because I have no idea what to buy.
I have an abyssal sorcerer that I am writing up for a play by post game, and to be honest I am looking for the fairly absurd. I've been accused in the past of playing characters that are way too crunchy, so I'm going off the rails.
First, the idea is for an abyssal sorcerer that is all about having underlings. She is chaotic good, but pretends and acts like she's evil and antagonizes the party paladin constantly, mostly to convince herself she's evil and not a failure in the eyes of her demonic accountant father.
Please help me in these very broad categories.
1. Coming up with small evils that aren't really evil. They can even be mean or painful, just not truly evil.
In this campaign setting, all player character MUST be good. So I can't do real evil. Instead, I do things like..
A.Steal snacks, rations, food, etc.
B.Try to convince merchants to give me more copper pieces in change than strictly necessary.
C. Make my summoned creatures wear ridiculous outfits.
D. Researching a papercut spell that inflicts a papercut on the party wizard when he scribes scrolls.
Etc etc.
2. Fun with Summons. I am really trying to find a way to do things like summoning fiendish dolphins that can be thrown, and then explode. I'd really like to find a way to use intelligent, humanoid demons (or not humanoid ones) as mounts. Level 15 (or 11 with an item).
Is there any mechanic that you know that allows me to call the same summoned creature, equipped with items I buy? Maybe I could put a demon in a white wedding dress, or something silly, and make it fight with a bouquet.
3. Spell choices that emphasize this characters desire to inherit an underworld legion from her father. Currently she's only level 4, and I've even wasted a slot on Unseen Servant, so she has someone to boss around all the time. Is there a faster or better version of servant that has a long duration?
I'd love to have her lounge on floating discs while being charioteered about by summoned spirits.
I've got a character I want to play in a campaign setting that allows beastkin. This is the stat block for them.
Beastkin Stats:
Racial Traits
Beastfolk are humanoids and members of a noble race.
Ability Scores: +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence, +2 to one other stat, see below
Small: Beastfolk are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Normal Speed: Beastfolk have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Beastfolk can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Keen Senses: Beastfolk receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
Natural Armor: Beastfolk have fur and hide that offers a +1 natural armor bonus to their Armor Class.
Natural Attacks: 1 bite for 1d4 or 2 claws for 1d2/1d2 (player choice).
Languages: All Beastfolk speak Common,
Beastfolk vary in the following ways, based on animal type:
Feline - cat, lion, tiger, jaguar, puma, cheetah, or leopard heritage.
+2 Charisma
Impassive: +2 on Bluff checks
Canine - wolf, dog, fox, or coyote heritage.
+2 Intelligence (cancels -2 penalty)
Social: +2 on Diplomacy checks
Ursine - bear, sloth, panda, or racoon heritage.
+2 Strength
Individualistic: +2 on Survival checks
Rodent - rat, mouse, squirrel, beaver, or rabbit heritage.
+2 Constitution
Sneaky: +2 on Stealth checks
Avian - hawk, owl, eagle, or falcon heritage.
+2 Dexterity
Flighty: +2 on Fly checks and on Acrobatics checks to jump.
1. I want to use this race to create a natural weapons character who is strong in melee. This probably means having at least claw claw bite.
2. They don't have to equal fighter output, as long as there's some other perks in there as well, like neat skills or other class features.
3. Only the core book plus custom site content is allowed. They really hate strong characters here and try to keep it easy for their DMs. Certain things are allowed case by case, from the APG.
A. A rogue type melee character, using the claws with sneak attack. I kinda consider this somewhat better than a halfling with twf, because the beastkin get 1 Nat Armor and move 30ft. They wont get the crit range of a kukri though. =(
B. I've been told the nat weapon ranger specialization is available. That would probably make the Aspect of the Beast worth taking, because then I have the d4 bite as a racial and the d4 claws from the feat.
C. There's an easy to access prestige class that at 5th level gives you scent and a pair of claws. It also gives you the following SLA's each once per day by its 5th level: Beast Shape I, II, and III Plant Shape I and II, Barkskin, Spider Climb, Water Breathing, Gaseous Form, Longstrider, Enlarge Person, Reduce Person, Bears Strength, Cats Grace, and Bears Endurance.
D. There's also an annoying to access prestige class (Animal Affinity, Self Sufficient, and some skill tax) that does something crazy. If you take a character with an animal companion, you basically have a shared HP pool, can attack in unison, and combine each others natural weapon damages.
You cant wear armor or use manufactured weapons, but you do gain a +1 thru +5 enhancement bonuses (that dont beat DR =( ) to your nat attacks.
E: The prestige class mentioned in C has some charisma based abilities. Maybe a sorc thru 5 levels before switching over?
F: Totem barbarian seems legit. I wouldn't need the bite rage power, and it could eventually grant me pounce.
The basic premise of the class is that you take a neat companions, and you and it fight together as one creature, and share some stat bonuses from time to time. For the purposes of this, please note that races are NOT basic PF 1 races. They are all on the host sites wiki. There are 3 large races, Liontaurs, Centaurs, and Minotaurs. They all have natural attacks, so they'd gain a bite at best.
I'm thinking a Medium character and something like a badger, since it gets some good abilities, and I'd get rage out of it, but I'm sure someone else can help me out more than that.
Maybe a Centaur with a Horse companion? That though, creates an abomination in my minds eye when they merge using Synthesis!
Blink has a spell has got me a bit confused. There's so much talked about in the spell description.
Here's the spell.
Blink said wrote:
"You "blink" quickly back and forth between the Material Plane and the Ethereal Plane and look as though you're winking in and out of reality at random. Blink has several effects, as follows.
Physical attacks against you have a 50% miss chance, and the Blind-Fight feat doesn't help opponents, since you're ethereal and not merely invisible. If the attack is capable of striking ethereal creatures, the miss chance is only 20% (for concealment).
If the attacker can see invisible creatures, the miss chance is also only 20%. (For an attacker who can both see and strike ethereal creatures, there is no miss chance.) Likewise, your own attacks have a 20% miss chance, since you sometimes go ethereal just as you are about to strike.
Any individually targeted spell has a 50% chance to fail against you while you're blinking unless your attacker can target invisible, ethereal creatures. Your own spells have a 20% chance to activate just as you go ethereal, in which case they typically do not affect the Material Plane (but they might affect targets on the Ethereal Plane).
While blinking, you take only half damage from area attacks (but full damage from those that extend onto the Ethereal Plane). Although you are only partially visible, you are not considered invisible and targets retain their Dexterity bonus to AC against your attacks. You do receive a +2 bonus on attack rolls made against enemies that cannot see invisible creatures.
You take only half damage from falling, since you fall only while you are material.
While blinking, you can step through (but not see through) solid objects. For each 5 feet of solid material you walk through, there is a 50% chance that you become material. If this occurs, you are shunted off to the nearest open space and take 1d6 points of damage per 5 feet so traveled.
Since you spend about half your time on the Ethereal Plane, you can see and even attack ethereal creatures. You interact with ethereal creatures roughly the same way you interact with material ones.
An ethereal creature is invisible, incorporeal, and capable of moving in any direction, even up or down. As an incorporeal creature, you can move through solid objects, including living creatures.
An ethereal creature can see and hear the Material Plane, but everything looks gray and insubstantial. Sight and hearing on the Material Plane are limited to 60 feet.
Force effects and abjurations affect you normally. Their effects extend onto the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, but not vice versa. An ethereal creature can't attack material creatures, and spells you cast while ethereal affect only other ethereal things. Certain material creatures or objects have attacks or effects that work on the Ethereal Plane. Treat other ethereal creatures and objects as material."
I -think- it does the following.
1. You gain a 50% miss chance against melee, reduced to 20% if someone can see invisible creatures. Blindsight is no help.
2. You gain a 50% chance for enemy targeted spells to fail, reduced to 20% if someone can see invisible creatures or affect the ethereal plane. This is completed negated by force effects since they affect both planes.
3. You take half damage from area attacks.
4. You can step through solids at risk of being shunted.
5. You can attack Ethereals.
Those are pretty basic. Here's where it gets tricky.
"the Blind-Fight feat doesn't help opponents, since you're ethereal and not merely invisible."
Okay great, so we are ethereal.
"An ethereal creature is invisible, incorporeal, and capable of moving in any direction, even up or down. As an incorporeal creature, you can move through solid objects, including living creatures."
Excellent. So blink has a built in fly that's not really a fly. And we are invisible and incorporeal, so non magic weapons won't do anything.
"Although you are only partially visible, you are not considered invisible and targets retain their Dexterity bonus to AC against your attacks. You do receive a +2 bonus on attack rolls made against enemies that cannot see invisible creatures."
Wait! I thought I was ethereal, which also makes me invisible and incorporeal!
"You take only half damage from falling, since you fall only while you are material."
Wait! How can I take falling damage if I can move any direction I want, to include down or up?
I DM a game over at www.woldiangames.com, a very long running PBP gaming site where we run about 7 or 8 game online.
One of our games, Humbles Ford, is needing some new players to replace a few who have had to step out.
Currently, the campaign is at 10th level, and we plan to play to 20th. If you are interested, please send an email to wartortle84@gmail.com and post here and I will get to you asap. We post once a day, and have been around for over 15 years as a play group.
Hello all, I have a few questions regarding the Blink Spell.
1. Are you invisible or not?
There's several lines of text in the spell that seem to imply you are in fact that and then some.
"An ethereal creature is invisible, incorporeal, and capable of moving in any direction, even up or down. As an incorporeal creature, you can move through solid objects, including living creatures."
Then however, it mentions are you not invisible and people don't suffer loss of dex to AC. But then it ALSO mentions you are ethereal, and not merely invisible.
What a cluster.
2. Can you still manipulate objects?
Since you are incorporeal and all.
3. Can you be grappled?
You don't have a physical body and are immune to all nonmagical attack forms, since the spell specifically states you are incorporeal.
My 13th level caster can effectively shrink 26 cubic feet of items with Shrink Item.
I want to pay to have a wooden statue made that I can shrink for transport, then enlarge for combats to be used with Animate Objects.
Question 1.
Is it possible to have a Gargantuan Statue made small enough to shrink? What's the minimum cubic feet of a gargantuan item?
Question 2.
Where on earth do I dig up the combat stats for such a creature. I've found one chart.
Is this what I use?
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/animated-objec t
The good part about doing it this way is that I can pretty much make a sheet for it and it would be constant. That said, are these considered Core Rules?
1. Is it an error that Grapple is the only combat maneuver you can use on foes 2 sizes larger than you? A halfling with a high grapple can effectively stop an ancient dragon mid-flight if he grapples well enough?
2. When some very large falls on something very small, how do the rules reflect this?
Example 1.
A character has used Shrink Item on a massive object, gets overhead, and drops massive object weighing many tons on a small npc.
Is it instant death? Does the npc just auto-move out of the way? Is he stuck underneath an impossible strength check?
Example 2.
For that matter, lets say a dragon or other heavy monster says "meh", and just sits or belly flops onto a pc. The monster weighs 9600 pounds. The PC isn't going to lift him back up. How is that resolved?
Thunderfrog Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9
So one of my issues this year is thus.
My item is currently very thematic and follows a tight theme. That said, other people might be like, I don't want THAT theme, I want a choice of themes.
But making it more generic detracts from having a theme at all.
This Gibblygoo is really super cool at killing things with legs. It is powered by a demon from the realms of no-legs. It does great things vs things with legs, as outlined below.
My issue is whether or not I should be like..
This gibblygoo helps people kill things. It can be powered by a demon from the realms of no-legs, no-arms, no-brains, or no-eyes. Against things that that demon hates, it does the great things as listed below.
I hope I was clear. Do I make my item have more broad appeal by giving up theme and focus, or do I stick with my niche?
I am looking for two players for a once daily play-by-post for a campaign I am DMing called Agents of the Fist.
In Agents you play as a mercenary in the good-aligned Mailed Fist, an elite organisation that sells it sword out to those who need their help.
-Both outdoor and indoor adventuring in a highly detailed campaign world.
-Long term campaigns. Most characters raise from 1 to 20.
-Simple pathfinder. We play core rules with some homerule and APG content.
-Great custom content. From blood-witches to shapeshifters to tree-mages, there's always something for everyone.
My character has a homebrew spell that basically allowed her to create a summoned creature of CR5 or less.
I chose a ghost drow noble cleric.
1. Do her spells, SLA's and attacks only have a 50% chance of affecting the party, or is that an old Ethereal hold over? I read the rules for incorporeal and I don't see that anywhere, even under corrupting touch.
2. Since the rules clearly explains that I only have a 50% chance of affecting her, shouldn't spectral hand allow me to buff her with range touch spells without worry?
3. I assume that her spell component pouch wouldn't stay "topped off". Remember that she is summoned, not called. But she could cast spells that only have a divine focus, seeing as that doesn't get used up.
4. Are incorporeal creatures always invisible? Or can they be seen if they choose?
Thunderfrog Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9
3 people marked this as a favorite.
1. Pretend to raise your children by making eye contact and talking to them, only to look away and give them "Uh-huhs" while you read the next entries.
2. Catch 3 pokemon. (As long as they are caught on the first throw.)
3. Feed the cats.
4. Saunter to your significant other for an awkward 45 second display of affection before scooting back to the computer chair.
5. Read two Order of the Stick episodes.
6. Refresh the "Things I've seen so far thread." about 3 times.
7. Groom your fingernails, which are immaculate, because you've groomed them 72 times since you sat down to vote.
8. Refresh the "Items I've seen so far" thread, hoping your item is there. (Mine isn't.)
9. Nap. Hey, if I nap for 59 seconds and spend 10 seconds voting, I'm getting good sleep per hour!
Fresh off your induction into the Society and the completion of their basic training within the organization, you find themselves in the office of Ambrus Valsin, the venture-captain in charge of daily operations in and around the Grand Lodge. The efficient and straightforward chamberlain greets you curtly and motions for you to sit before jumping straight into your assignment.
I'm starting a small run of PbP's for PFS. I'll start with the First Steps games, and eventually would like to start a ongoing game cycle similar to what DM Kluwe and a few others have going.
I hope this is in the right spot, as I am unfamiliar with Paizos system on the DM side of things.
I hope to start on Monday, if we have enough interest.
Okie doke. With the newish FAQS on EK's and SLA's, I'm trying to build a Sohei EK.
I like that he can use his weapons and his fists in a flurry, which means that if I'm already holding a charge and I insert fists before weapons as needed... of course the BEST part about this is that it inspires a weird type of horse-monk!
Here's my thoughts and sample build. As an aside, I like to make an interesting character over a powerhouse, there's enough of those in society play. I just don't want to be a hindrance...and sometimes my desire for unique flavor makes me just that. (Which is why I bounce stuff off the boards!)
(Now.. I dunno if its a bug with my HeroLab, but it seems that since monks dont have to meet the prerequisites for their bonus feats, I can take the Mounted Skirmisher feat at 1st level since Sohei add all mounted combat feats to their bonus feat list.)
2 Sorc: Wildblooded, Empyreal
Touch of Fatigue, Mount, Color Spray
3 EK: Weapon Focus - (Thinking 9-Ring Broadsword)
3 EK: Power Attack (Bonus)
4 EK: So on and so forth..
Here's the things I'm thinking.
Spells I really want..
Shocking Grasp, Ghoul Touch, Vanish, Bulls Strength, Spectral Steed(?) Monstrous Form and a few other self buffs.
My goal is having a guy who can melee well and is always eligible for mounting up. When Flurrying and attacking I can switch between held touch spells and flurry, I CAN use a lance, but I can't flurry with it I dont think, which is poopy. This is why I think I'll ignore spirited charge and ride by attack. Then again, that's the point of being mounted in combat >.<
Help me with design please Paizo!
I do realize my AC is potentially yucky. I took Wisdom in the flesh to use my Wis for ride and acrobatics checks after tanking my dex. (AC 24 ish? 10 + 6 (wis) + 8 (Mage Armor/Shield) + ?
It's a full progression spontaneous caster with all class spells known. But it uses Adept level spells per day and can choose whether it has Cha or Wis for a casting stat. And it gets a domain.
Anyways the point of the thread is that while the class gets a lot of Transmutation and Enchantment early, it has 0 damage, and weve been fighting lots of undead immune to a lot of my usual stuff. Our DM is also very combative in nature, and likes to make very complicated encounters that nullify a lot of the basic buffs like Hastes and Fly.
Point being, I feel like I want to make a few staves to cover damage and some utility I don't have on my list. My UMD is high enough I can activate a scroll of the spell going into the staff without much problem.
I was looking for help and ideas. Here's what I have so far.
Staff of the Wicked Witch
Fly (or rather, my Blood Witch version of it)
Fireball or Call Lightning
Fog Cloud or some other mist spell
As I understand it, I have to buy these at min spell lvl 8, but when casting I use my own level and stats for the effects and saves. Can I use metamagic feats on these spell when imbuing them into the staff?
Over the last few years one of the games I DM online has had a bit of player attrition, so I thought I'd come here to try to wrangle up a few new folk.
The game I am recruiting is called "The Forged." It's a gritty Dwarves only campaign set in a harsh and unforgiven land called The Scab. The party, who have named themselves the "Grim Guard" have found themselves not only enmeshed in political plots by rival clan lords, but as the targets of a group of evil necromancers.
Following the advice of the daemon Ashtrious, the party is about to try and find a way to trace the Shadow Masters back to their lair and handle threat while rescuing their party member.
The campaign is currently 7th level and uses a 25 point buy. We have a number of special prestige classes and base classes in our campaign setting, as well as unique spells and many other options.
If you are interested you can contact me at wartortle84@gmail.com
Please note that there are a few items that we do not allow in the campaign setting, which is pretty much everything NOT listed in the BRB or on the Woldian Games website.
I was always under the assumption that magical ammunition did not require the +1 enhancement before you could add new properties to it.
A player has pointed out I'm not paying for the 1+ enhancement bonus, and for some reason I never thought it was necessary for ammunition. Like, there was a rule exclusion that made it allowable.
All I can figure is that in the description of magic weapons it says specifically you MUST have a +1 enhancement bonus, but not in the magical ammunition area.
I'm trying to find spells that keep me relevant next to our holy gun and gunslingers. I've put most my skills into knowledge, and contribute a lot (especially since this is a modern cthulu game). This profile is the character for the game. My Xp log is out of date. But again, whose isn't?
My DM is being VERY kind to my Spellslinger, allowing him a number of concessions on a few things.
1) Spells fired through the gun, including cones and such, can do bullet damage as well as spell damage.
2) Reach Spell allows touch attack spells to be treated as ranged touch spells, and thus eligible for firing through the gun.
3) I can purchase magical ammunition in singles. So, I can buy 2 holy rounds, a couple of bane rounds, etc.
I play in a custom campaign setting and I think I want to go this route with my next character.
That said, how can I make this useful without killing myself by the spellcasting restrictions? What are some good uses for the classes shifting powers?
Please help! I dont care if the build is beatstick, caster, or hybrid.
If you have access to cleric domains but your primary spellcasting stat is NOT wisdom, may you substitute that stat in place of Widsom when determining uses per day of the domain power?
Instead of 3+ Wisdom mod is there a way in core to use say.. 3+ Cha mod.
How would you build one or the other? RP is a large part of play by post but the setting has some tough encounters and I've died here before.
The Seer seems neat in that at 1st level I could fullfill all of either my arcane or divine requirements and focus on one class or the other. The downside is only 4 schools are available to you and the per level bonuses are so-so. More flavor, than anything else, but you get +1/+1 casting. (It might combo well with their own Blood Witch class, which can choose either Wisdom or Charisma as it's primary casting stat at level 1 Blood Witch.)
The Lost Child seems kindve cool. I can't fathom how to make it useful though. Druid levels or Ranger?
I thought there was a spell you could cast that made items fragile, but I can't seem to find it.
The only thing I can think of is using a knife-thrower build who only throws Goblin Dogslicers or weapons made of brass and stone.
If you could find a way to throw 9 fragile shurikens in a round that all stack 1d4 bleed damage.. well, you could really make something pretty annoyed. Especially if each shuriken was also poisoned and any doing sneak attack damage gained 1pt of str damage on top.
Edit: Title change. I confused Splintering and disposable. Here they are in full.
Splintering Weapon
Your fragile weapon works to your advantage, breaking off fragments in wounds you inflict.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1, proficient with weapon, weapon made of "primitive material".
Benefit: Whenever you use a melee or thrown weapon with the fragile weapon feature or similar quality and hit an opponent, you can give your weapon the broken condition to deal that opponent 1d4 points of bleed damage.
Disposable Weapon
You ignore the limitations of your equipment, striking harder despite the damage it does to your weapon.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, proficient with weapon.
Benefit: Whenever you use a melee or thrown weapon with the fragile weapon special quality to score a critical threat against an opponent, you can give your weapon the broken condition to automatically confirm the critical hit.
I've been wanting to play a gish character for the longest time. I'm a loooong time DM for Pathfinder and PFS, but when it comes to player time, sadly I don't have much.
That said, I've always been intrigued by the Eldritch Knight. It has always been written off as kind've bad, and I get that, but I'd like to make one (either using the Prestige class or in some other fasion.) anyways.
Here's what I've got, using a modified standard array and our DM is maxing HP at lvl's 1 and 2. I had planned on a odd type of switch hitter build, prebuffing, opening with some spells, then going melee with a 2H weapon when they close. I don't plan to be a sturdy frontliner, but rather a source of versatile damage.
The concept for the character is one I've always wanted to run ever since reading about Irori. The premise is a Paladin of Irori who was a ward of the temple and grew up as a temple guard. His father is actually a holy guardian of the temple, and is the bloodline from which he draws his power. Having learned of his lineage, he's set off to achieve perfection in his own way, miming both his god and his father.
I'm torn between the Celestial and Destined bloodlines. Celestial is better for RP purposes but Destined fits as well, and can provide a number of bonus feats I want to take, including Leadership and Arcane Strike.
Ability Scores:
HP: 22 AC: 15/17 (Depending on sword/board or 2H)
Feats: Power Attack, Toughness, ????
Traits: Magical Knack, Natural Born Leader
Next I plan on the 7 long levels of Sorcerer. With my high strength I should be able to contribute well in melee until level 5 or 6, where I start to fall behind. I say 7 levels of Sorcerer because sticking it out one more level for the bloodline feat and spell seems worthwhile to me.
I also plan to take the alternate human option for favored class sorcerer and stash away a few extra spells once 1st levels are obtainable. At 10, current plan is to take my first level of Eldritch Knight.
Ability Scores:
Human Pal2/Sor7/EK 1
HP: 50ish AC: 19 w/ Mage Armor and Shield spells.
Feats: Power Attack, Toughness, Attack From Above, Leadership
Traits: Magical Knack, Natural Born Leader
Items: My wealth will go into defensive items and raising my charisma. I don't envision Orion as a tank, but at least capable of soaking a hit or two before having to step back and heal with items/scrolls/lay-hands.
How can I make this character effective and keep the feel I'm after and not rob our 4 man party? Our DM refuses to disclose party mechanics because he wants us to play what we want and not meta-game a role. I like this because I know he will re-adjust things if we wind up with 3 fighters and a rogue or something. I'm also open to different classes mixes, archtypes, or whatever, but I cannot run a Magus as it and Summoner are banned at his table.
After failing to convince the admins on my last PbP board to swap from 3.5 to pathfinder, me and my friend have decided to look for a game here on the Paizo boards.
I'm really charged about the system, and love a lot of things about it, especially the changes to Eldritch Knight and the pure Sorceror. My friend plays and DM's as well.
Anyways, were looking for a game to join. We aren't munchkins and aren't looking to pull from 80000 splat books either If anyones recruiting please feel free to let me know either on the boards or at Thunderfrog14@yahoo.com.
If it helps, I'm willing to DM a return game, to give the role-cast DM's a chance to vent and play in fights they aren't designed to lose every time.
I'm playing in a play by post campaign, which generally runs an 8 character party as opposed to a 4 or 6 character one.
Rules state that we come into play using the lowest Xp total of the current lowest guy, so I'm coming into play about 2 levels lower than our top guy.
There is a lvl 10 Wizard and a lvl 7/3 Cleric Ranger in the party already, as well as a 10 bard, a 5 Barb/3 Druid, a Duelist, and a 10 Fighter.
For the sake of fun, I've decided on a Mystic Theurge. I didnt pick straight Druid simply because I play one in another game already.
I decided, since the Barbarian is done with his Druid levels, to make my Theurge a Wizard 3/ Druid 3/ Theurge 2 at start.
I've started thinking over this a little more, and now am debating going Druid 7/ Wizard 3/ Theurge X.
Reasoning is that I might enjoy casting wizard spells as a flying bear or rhinocerous. (The campaign setting has a feat that lets you wildshape as if 1 level higher. So I have large sized forms at lvl 7 when taking the feat.)
Then I could be a flying rhino with mage armor, shield, barkskin, bears endurance, and all kinds of other cool stuff.
I just dont know if putting off my wizard progression for wildshaping is worth the tradeoff.
Keep in mind this is 3.5 PHB only, minus a very small number of world specific feats, none of which increase caster level like Practiced Spellcaster.
I know Druid is suboptimal, Theurge is as a whole. But I'm commited to this as a character. It's also a gnome with perma reduce person. Anyways, thoughts on 3/3/2 vs 7/1 with 7/3/X in mind?