Aaqir al'Hakam's page
5 posts. Alias of Mark Moreland (Director of Brand Strategy).
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Arodus, 4714
Honored Colleague,
This letter is one of many pages splayed across my desk—normally kept so tidy but now overgrown with contracts, orders, and confirmations sealed in a rainbow of wax with a menagerie of stunning signet rings. In other circumstances I might be anxious about the disarray, but instead I have good reason to be excited. When I meet with a dear friend tomorrow and sign on the dotted line, I will terminate my commission as an official representative of Qadira and create a new business—with you as a stakeholder.
It may seem like folly to abandon the backing of the Qadiran satrapy, but I assure you that there are advantages. Many of our new clients have expressed reluctance to work with anything but an independent outfit, and my former superiors have vetoed several otherwise lucrative ventures on political grounds. These fine men and women have acknowledged and honored my decision, ensuring that Qadira remains a friend in the future. We are no longer bound by those restrictions, and lucrative opportunities await.
I have already set in motion a merger with Guaril Karela's operation, and based on projections, this growth should establish us as a force to be reckoned with in markets across the Inner Sea. Keep in mind that while the Sczarni employees are very capable business people, they sometimes pursue less savory business practices to manage the competition. Finding the right balance between our styles will be an early growing pain, so please be accommodating as we find the appropriate middle ground. If anything, their diverse skill set should help us adapt to fulfill countless commercial interests.
The Pathfinder Society has taken an interest in our young company, too, and I have a meeting with several investors from the Grand Lodge later this evening. With a broad enough trade network, I may be able to negotiate exclusive contracts to supply the Society in future expeditions. As you travel abroad, remember to study the markets and build connections with well-established, independent merchants. At an earlier meeting, a Society representative mentioned the Mwangi Expanse, which has long been beyond our reach—until now.
To our future success,
Trade-Prince Aaqir al'Hakam
The Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign begins the Year of the Sky Key, its sixth season of Pathfinder RPG adventures. Keep the words of Trade-Prince al'Hakam in mind, and be on the lookout for opportunities to help the new Exchange faction succeed in its objectives. When the time comes, endeavor to participate in Pathfinder Society Scenario #6-03: The Technic Siege.
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Abadius, 4714
Most Valued Associate,
Have you noticed our offices' recent renovations: the intricate rugs, delicate vases, and shining candelabras? I felt it appropriate to spend a fraction of our recent profits on enhancing our image to reflect the lucrative business deals that you have helped secure. Through some delicate handling, the dwarves and the Kalistocrats are both willing to do business with us, though I imagine it's only a matter of time before their rivalries flare up and force us to choose who our real friends are. Even then we shall enjoy the fruits of cooperation with the Rahadoumi, whose location offers us greater access to the west coasts of both Garund and Avistan.
Before we break open the Chelish wine, however, we must maintain our momentum; I can manage the consolidation of what we have already acquired if you can find and seal more contracts. Making our mark on the Katapeshi markets will have to wait until our network is particularly robust, so look elsewhere. I have made arrangements with the Pathfinder Society to send you to Eto, a thriving crossroads city in Osirion, to see what you can learn there. Should you meet a particularly capable powerbroker or merchant lord, see if you can bargain for a few trade secrets or news of any up-and-coming trading centers worth our attention. Of course, I expect you to follow through on that advice, so be prepared for extended travel.
Stay well while you are abroad. My colleague Guaril Karela has been looking particularly ill recently, and each month that passes seems to age him another year. I also hear that my mentor in Qadira is bedridden, and I shall travel to see him soon.
To a bright future,
Trade-Prince Aaqir al'Hakam
The Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign continues the Year of the Demon, its fifth season of Pathfinder RPG adventures. Keep the words of Trade-Prince al'Hakam in mind, and be on the lookout for opportunities to help Qadira succeed in its objectives. When the time comes, ensure that you represent Qadira proudly in Pathfinder Society Scenario 5–12: Destiny of the Sands, Part 1: A Bitter Bargain, Pathfinder Society Scenario 5–18: The Stranger Within, and Pathfinder Society Scenario 5–21: The Merchant's Wake.
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Arodus, 4713
Fellow Entrepreneur,
Despite its rich markets and the ravenous appetite for exotic goods, I am comforted to think that this is the last that I shall see of Varisia for a long while. I often mentioned my homeland when greeting local merchants, but instead of prompting curiosity or hospitality, being the direct representative of a nation seemed to establish me as an invader who had designs to carve up the region for Qadira’s benefit. Fortunately the dwarves of Janderhoff were not so easily ruffled, and I suspect the first caravans shall arrive in Katheer in another month. You played an instrumental role in securing this trade route, and the entire empire thanks you.
Being viewed askance for being a foreign agent in a distant land is nothing new, and several regions—particularly those dominated by our competition—have often restricted Qadiran shipments. Thus far we have fought every competitor, rarely showing any willingness to shake a hand over anything but a transaction. The crusaders of Mendev, who accept soldiers of any background and train them to work together, might serve as an example for us. Let us build friendships and alliances with one or more powerful trade partners.
I am sending agents throughout the Inner Sea, but we have a history together that I shall honor; I trust your logic and intuition more than most, and it will be your opinion that helps to shape the future of our faction’s economic might. If a prospective trade partner seems a good fit, court that organization as best you can. If someone offers to ally with us whom you believe unsuitable, I trust you to reject him or her politely.
To our shared fortunes,
Trade-Prince Aaqir al’Hakam
Fellow Entrepreneur,
Even as I set this pen to parchment, the coffers of Qadiran traders swell with the heady lucre of well-orchestrated plans. The agents of Qadira have opened many routes through the rough terrain of Varisia, and the cities show their appreciation with gold. Our efforts in Varisia have paid off many times what we invested, and I have you to thank for your diligent work abroad.
Janderhoff, once an inaccessible prize, has opened its doors to our traders. While I have stressed Qadira itself in my dealings with the city’s leadership, it is not the glory of the Padishah Empire that impresses the dwarves but rather our merchants’ keen business sense. Likewise, from the upstanding shopkeeps of Magnimar to the lowliest smugglers of Riddleport, the might of a distant nation carries less weight than a well-equipped caravan bearing exotic treasures. It is just as well that they underestimate Qadira’s power, and we shall continue to maneuver our way to greater influence.
In addition we may have the opportunity to exploit one more windfall: more reliable passage through the Hao Jin tapestry. I have on good information that the tapestry may soon allow access not only from Absalom to Varisia but to countless other markets across Golarion.
Despite our recent acquisitions and prospective advantages, we must not grow complacent and lazy; our competitors enjoy their own advantages, and they will overtake us if we celebrate for too long. Also, should the Lissalans succeed at restoring the slumbering runelord to power, our new trade contracts shall fall apart in the turmoil that follows. Cooperate with your fellow Pathfinders to ensure that the cult does not realize its goals.
To our shared fortunes,
Trade-Prince Aakir al’Hakam
Subject of the Satrap,
I have been known to have a good sense of when fortune lies over the horizon, and if we play our cards right, we may soon see profits such that neither you nor I have ever imagined. Wherever could such wealth have hidden where none have yet tapped it? Varisia, I tell you. Varisia.
And it just so happens that you have a special shortcut there that makes Bloodsworn Vale look like the long way from central Avistan to the ripe markets of Korvosa, Magnimar, and yes, even Riddleport. The shortcut I speak of none other than the Hao Jin Tapestry, of course—this unseemly rag allows Pathfinders to travel from the vaults of the Grand Lodge to anywhere within the pocket dimension contained inside its fibers, and from a specific location within that realm lies a stable portal to Varisia. You are a shrewd enough businessperson to see how this nearly instant travel could mean incredible profits for everyone invested in the venture, no?
Our primary and most transparent motivation in the coming months will be the establishment of formal trade relations with the cities of Varisia—especially Janderhoff, which to date deals almost exclusively with other dwarven communities and the nearby city of Korvosa. Work toward this goal openly among your allies who are not invested in this enterprise and you should draw suspicion away from our more lucrative plans. But while you venture into the wilds of Varisia, be ever watchful for new untapped resources to exploit and see to it that any competition for control of these resources are stopped—especially the Aspis Consortium, which has already taken from our grasp many resources from within the Hao Jin Tapestry.
And if during the coming year I or an associate of mine asks you to carry through the Hao Jin Tapestry a simple, nondescript bag (which may or may not hold within it more than it seems from its weight), think little of it, and know that your cut of the transaction will be paid in favors both material and intangible.
Great things lie in our futures, friend!
Trade-Prince Aaqir al’Hakam