
ABCoLD's page

Organized Play Member. 99 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist.

Wishlists and Lists

Wishlists allow you to track products you'd like to buy, or—if you make a wishlist public—to have others buy for you.

Lists allow you to track products, product categories, blog entries, messageboard forums, threads, and posts, and even other lists! For example, see Lisa Stevens' items used in her Burnt Offerings game sessions.

For more details about wishlists and lists, see this thread.


If only....

(4 items)

A lonely gamer out in the boondocks. Bereft of groups or game, I still faithfully support Paizo by buying their wonderfully priced PDFs when I can!

But some times you look at a book or other product and wistfully, yes wistfully, think... if only.... the time, the money, the people....



(11 items)

This is my first adventure path and I'm pretty pumped! I'm playing by post and trying to collect all the lovely little bits of Kingmaker I can find in one place!