8Brit's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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Do wish Necromancer had something to push into a melee direction, ala Warpriest or Battle-Harbinger. A Death Knight type character is pretty awkward to do right now even with those.

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+1 for these being reprinted! I understand why the AP specific ones may not be but these would be fantastic for nearly every table!

I would not even mind a VTT token pack!

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So I do have the Beginner Box and Bestiary modules for Foundry, very good stuff.

I found the Beginner Box actually has hand-made token versions of, and the full sized art images of, the player pawns that come in the physical box! These are great and I'd love to have the full set from the Player Character Pawn box set! Ordinarily I'd try and make my own but unfortunately I can't find high res versions of the pawn artwork (likely for obvious reasons) and the images in the PDF are too blurry and low res for this.

Is there any chance we could get a player token pack similar to the Bestiary? The artwork is very varied and of great quality so I'd buy it immediately (I wouldn't mind a physical reprint of the player pawn box either, it is impossible to find in the UK...). The artwork is great and I can definately see myself using many of them. Some of my friends even used the tokens that came with the Beginner Box module for their dwarf and elf characters!

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Out of interest if a module is updated do I have to reimport everything? Will I lose any notations, journals, player fog of war, etc from my current version?