Use him as a token for negotiation: Give him back under the condition that the players will fix the damage they caused (scarecrow, etc.). And while they are at it, they can do the old lady a favor and gather some stuff in the greenbelt she needs for her potions. If necessary, point out that they were trespassing and she merely defended her property. And: That she does not want to be disturbed again.
Hello folks! Not sure if I am in the right forums, but I have a quesion regarding the OGL and usage of kingmaker artwork. My friend is currently working on a program to aid my group with the kingdom rounds between our adventure sessions. Pretty much like the Excel sheets that can be found in the forums, but based on Java. The program is non-commercial, but he might want to use it in his portfolio to demonstrate his skills with Java. Now the question is whether he is allowed by OGL to use kingmaker artwork like the building pictures or the Brevoy map presented in the players guide. I have seen some Excel sheets that have added pictures of the building, but from our understanding (we are non-native english speakers), the OGL does not apply to artworks and thus my friend would require a special permission from Paizo - is that correct? Thanks in advance,
No plan survives contact with the enemy.
As for the fudge: It is really a question of what your group thinks about it.
My suggestions: (1) Involve the players in the assassination attempt. Don't just say "news of the day: the baron is dead!". Try to stage the assassination at a place and time where the players have a chance to interact and influence the actual outcome. (2) Think of a good reason WHY the assassination takes place. Such attempts happen for a good reason. That should also prevent your players from suspecting the future spouse of your baron as the primary plotter. I don't know why they would have to suspect her anyway, since she has the most to gain from being married to the paladin anyway. Best build a small sideplot around the assassination. Maybe something like the Girona-cult sidequest from RRR. (3) If you still fear that your players will accuse the baroness, prepare to play out the confrontation (and, if that does not disperse their suspicion, the trial). If the baroness feels at least a bit of affection, she should be pretty devestated by the event - and the PCs should be able to notice the fact that she is not lying with sense motive checks. (4) Should the PCs still insist to put her on trial, they should really come up with a good reason *why* the woman is guilty. The fact that someone is "not guilty until proven otherwise" is an old RL principle that dates back to the Romans, so I guess it should be a widespread principle in Golarion, too. Also expect that Varn will come to aid his sister and prove her innocence. Should the PCs really convict the women without any reasonable proof, that decision should surely result in public unrest against their rule. Merchants who trade with Varnhold would protest against the judgement in fear or revenue loss if Varn should stop trading with the player's barony, any law-abiding clerics should be angry about the obvious arbitrariness and the common folk should sympathise with the bride that lost her future husband. If the PCs fabricate a proof, Varn should be smart enough to find out inconsistencies with his own investigation of the issue. If the players really try to banish the woman without a trial, well, then they should better start a good propaganda campaign to either cover up the issue or fix their reputation. Barons have to abide to the law, and in that case you should decide if their barony is de-jure and de-facto part of Brevoy and if Brevoy's laws apply. In any case, the unrest caused by such an outcome should not die down with a stability check during the next kingdom phase. Some actions should have long-term effects aside from actual unrest. In my campaign I created a "temporary modifier" for the kingdom stats, so if my players go down the tyranny route to solve their problems, loyality and stability start to deteriorate until they fix their problems. In addition, Varn should be quite displeased if the PCs convict or banish her sister, so that should cause severe damage to the relations between the two baronies. (5) As for your "two NPC rulers" problem: A NPC ruler is not that bad. My campaign has the same problem : the paladin PC was the ruler and married an NPC (a human bard), but the player wanted to change his character, so his character was send to the world wound. With the paladin gone, his spouse is more or less ruler of the kingdom. But: That doesn't mean that she can reign like an absolute monarch. In order to keep a somewhat democratic approach that allowed each player to raise his voice, we decided that one player should be ruler, but that that he has mostly a representative function. All important decisions are decided by a council with majority vote. The council consists of the most important positions in the realm:
In addition, once the kingdom is large enough, there will be a representative from the burgers, the church (probably replacing the high priest), the aristocrats (including all vassals) and the merchants. The ruler has only a single vote, like every other member in the council, but if a vote should tie, he is allowed to resolve it as he pleases. You could also think about granting both ruler and his/her consort a vote, but only one of them is allowed to decide ties. Maybe such a council would be an interesting idea for your players, too? It also has the advantage that new characters can easily work their way up in the council and become eligble voters. Should make PC death a bit less messy for the player.
Here are three NPCs from my campaign: (1) Salina Avesli de Garress (CG Female Human Bard): Spoiler:
A bastard child from the current patriarch of house Garess and a maidservant. Her and her mother's cunning allowed the two to survive several attempts of other siblings to get rid of them.
She left her home (or "viper's nest", as she calls it) at the age of 16 and travelled around in Brevoy for several years. When reaching Restov she heard about the newly founded colonies and decided that this might be her chance to finally prove that she is a valuable part of the family and not a disgrace as most of her kin thinks. She is a kind women, though quite sly. As a skillful persuador and adept negotiator and can serve as a diplomat, spymaster, envoy or lady-in-waiting. If she has the chance, she might try to start a romantic relationship with one of the male PCs, looking for marriage with an eligible bachelor. In our game she ensnared the group paladin and became Queen Consort. Now that the paladin has been called to the World Wound (the player wanted to change his character) she is in fact Queen of the little nation of Riverwatch. :) (2) Vitus of Stormpeak (LN Male Human Fighter): Spoiler:
As fifth son of the duke of Stormpeak, Vitus knew that he had no chance to become part of the succession. His father sent him to one of the war academies in Brevoy, where he learnt all the crucial things about the art of war.
He served as a soldier in the royal army, was wounded during a heroic defence against an invading barbarian tribes from Numeria and received an honorable reputation for his bravery during the battle. After leaving the army, he became captain of a mercenary group and led several other small battles. But time has taken it's toll and after his 50th birthday, he finally noticed how stiff his wounded leg really had become and decided to retire. Now he is looking for a quite place to settle down, start a family and spend the remaining days of his live in peace, with an occasional chance to use his experience to aid others. The newly founded colonies in the stolen lands sound just right for that... Vitus is a skilled soldier, though the years when he enters battle himself are over. With over three decades of combat experience, he is a skilled tactician and commander and may serve as a commander, general, quartermaster or drill instructor for the PCs. Female PCs who look for an easy way into the nobility of Brevoy can consider him as a legitmate spouse, although Vitus' conservative attitude is probably not every woman's taste. In our game he became captain of the royal guard and commanded a part of the kingdom's forces during the first (and until now only) battle. (3) Eliscia of Greyford (NG Female Human Aristocrat): Spoiler:
After the first year, the players were visited by Eliscia of Greyford and her father, Sir Embald of Greyford. The fair maiden was almost a cliché damsel in distress: Her father had been striken by a strange illness a few years ago (at least that's what she thought) and had henceforth been unable to rule his small fief. Most of the time he was in a comative state, only with very brief moments an at least somewhat clear mind. Since her mother had did shortly after her birth and she had no other siblings, Eliscia had to take care of the most important affairs herself.
Due to scheming of a rival noble family, the Greyford's tribute to their liege was intercepted twice in a row - and after a short trial, her family was accused of withholding taxes and stripped of land and title. Eliscia used the remaining money to buy a carriage and left for the south, hoping to be able to begin a new life there and somehow cure the illness of her father. On her way, she heard about the player's new colony of Riverwatch and decided to take a detour - after all, their court might have been in need of a lady-in-waiting. Unfortunatly, that was not so much the case - except for a castle and the required NPC for the kingdom positions there was not much of a "court" to speak of. However, her plead in front of the current ruler (a LG paladin of Iomedae) and the other players (particulary the party wizard who instantly had a crush on her *giggles*) convinced them to give her family and the remaining servants shelter. The plot twist? Eliscia is in fact not the daughter of Sir Embald Greyford, but rather Tamara Surtova, the third child ("eliscia" means "the third" in hallit language) of King Noleski Surtova of Brevoy. Her two older brothers, Alexi and Timirov, were known for their deadly schemes at the court, so Eliscia's mother, Queen Consort Amiria Orlovsky, staged a faked "bandit attack" on her carriage when she was a small child and entrusted her most loyal knight, Sir Embald of Greyford, with the safety of her daughter. The bigger plot twist? Her oldest brother Alexi was killed by a scheme from his sibling Timirov - and Timirov and Queen Consort Amiria were both killed by the plague two years later. As for Sir Embald, the long intoxination has left permanent damage to his body and soul. It looks like he will never revocer. Since nobody told Eliscia about her real origin, she still believes to be the daughter of Sir Embald. But there is a proof: a sealed document, hidden in the Greyford family crypt, written by the queen herself, proving that Eliscia is a rightful Princess of Brevoy. The EVEN bigger plot twist? Since her two older brothers are dead and Brevoy has a true-cognatic primogeniture succession law, Eliscia is not only a Princess, but also the rightful heir to the throne of Brevoy. Of course, her two younger brothers will not be amused by this - and will fight to denounce her claim with all they've got... Some additional ideas can be found here:
There is one thing players can do to divide power within the kingdom: Create ducal titles and assign them to their characters. This way each PC can tinker in his own part of the kingdom and can do as he or she pleases (as long as they stay within kingdom laws), but they are still vassals of the king (who, of course, can also own a dutchy himself - preferable the area around the capital). BP can either be shared equally each round or each player receives an own "kingdom" sheet were he can plan and play, just as the group pleases. I recently created a map for Brevoy (still WIP) with de-jure feudal titles (dutchies and counties) and their de-jure owners.
If you want to keep a somewhat democratic approach on kingdom issues and decisions, create a "Council of the Noble Lords" where each duke has one vote. This way players can still discuss important decisions (Should we increase kingdom taxes? Should we declare war on Pitax? Should we support Tamara Surtova's rightful claim on the throne of Brevoy?). This setup allows a lot RPing of politics, intrigues and cloak and dagger scheming. If the king is an NPC, the PCs can, for example, compete about influence to receive certain favors. And if you want, you can even implement elective succession, so the Council of Nobles designates the king and his heir - each person has one vote, winner becomes king. :)
A castle is not the most cost effective building for the very early game, but it adds a flat +2 bonus to all stats in the very first round. If you want to receive the same result by cost effective buildings, it will take at least 3 turns. At this time the "instant" bonus from the castle might already have paid off - if it helps you succceding with a single ECO check, two STA checks or if it pushes two ECO checks towards an additional BP, it was a worthy investment. The "halved cost" boon is also great: A townhall for 11 BP grants another +1 bonus on all stats and an additional cost reduction for the dumb, an useful and cost effective building. A noble villa for 12 BP counts as a house, also grants +1 to all stats and and unlocks yet some more price reductions (exotic craftsman!). Last, leaving the kingdom system aside, having a fully developed castle as a base for your early adventuring is a tremendous benefit roleplay-wise! And, btw, resources and landmarks do not prevent you from building farmland. Even if your GM rules it does, just claim the river crossing in round 1 and the hex east to the staglord ford in round 2. Build two farms and you are self sufficient. edit: And don't forget to enable light taxation for extra ECO.
Stay small during the early game to reduce kingdom DC and upkeep. 3-4 hexes are enough. Build farms asap until you have reduced upkeep to 0. Make sure no council positions are vacant and select ECO as bonus where it is possible. With this, you should have a 100% (95% if you treat a 1 as an automatic failure) chance to succeed with your economy check, giving 4-5 BP each round. Stability will be problematic, but 1 unrest from a failed STA check can be offset by the royal assassin, or by building some cheap UNR reducing buildings. LOY is unimportant as it will only be used when you go to war or roll certain events. If you found your city on the Stag Lord's fort, you will receive a 50% cost reduction for a castle - this should be your first building. Afterwards, focus on ECO buildings until you are up to +50 ECO. Develope the city before you expand any further and always make sure to build farms to so upkeep stays at 0.
I regularly play via Teamspeak, using Fantasy Grounds II as an additional tool. In the end, the choise of tools is probably about personal preferences - as for me, I like FG2 the most. I usually improvise a lot during our sessions, so I want a large amount of material ready for ad-hoc usage - FG2 allows me to do that. For example, I have a pool of 260 currently NPS with pictures at hand. Whenever I want to throw in a new NPC, I just pick one from my list - required time: 15 seconds. Being able to share drawings is also a good thing. If there is combat from a random encounter, I just sketch the map, place some tokens and off we go. Automated roll calculation is nice - and since FG2 does show real dice rolls (instead of mere results) the feeling of being "at the table" is still there. On hint I can give:
Reminds me of the time when Benjamin the Elephant (aka Benjamin Blümchen), a popular audio-play and cartoon character for german kids, was accused of leftist bias in 2005. According to the professor who wrote the article, the stories of the left-winged, social-liberal elephant would encourage anti-authoritarian behaviour, undermine confidence in the state and state authorities and establish anti-democractical thoughts in the heads of the young listeners. Six years later, this terrible beast is still on the loose, poisoning the minds of innocent children, selling a hundred thousand copies of each new volume. Do not make the same mistake we did. I am one of his many victims and I will give you this warning: Save your children from leftist bias in the media! Do only watch Fox - in the end, it is your only safe bet against them! This post *might* contain sarcasm.
So my group has recently started their first war: the "Woodcutter War" against the Lumber Consortium (who were a thorn in their side for quite a while). We used a slightly altered combat ruleset adapted for a hex map, giving the players a few more opportunities to move their counters around before the big fights started. I am curious:
I will start: Battle at the Thorn River Camp Date:
Lumber Consortium and allies:
Commanders and leaders:
Lumber Consortium and allies:
Lumber Consortium and allies: 140
Casualties and losses:
Lumber Consortium and allies: 104 (30 thereof taken prisoner)
Troop deployment:
The battle:
All in all the battle was a quite decisive victory against their nemesis - they showed good tactical and strategic skills (we used a tactical hex map) and had a lot of luck with their attack rolls.
My humble suggestion:
Be honest. Remember, you are playing this game together and not against each other. You should have fun, your GM should have fun. Choosing the "best class for a stingy GM" will not solve the problem, since it just conceals the symptoms. Suiciding a characer to get a new one with better equipment doesn't help either. Better heal the illness itself. Explain the problems you have and try to find a solution to solve them. Together. Be ready to make concessions to your GM. If he is frustrated by the summoner's eidolon tune it down a notch. Eidolons can be very, very annoying for a GM - and from what I read here, your GM can't handle it. (To be honest, I somewhat understand why. I have a summoner in my Kingmaker campaign (level 6 atm) - and his eidolon is a beast. It can fly, has 4 attacks - bite, two wings, tail - with elemental damage each round and an AC of 23+ plus darkvision, flyby attack, evasion, plus several other nasty feats. It is enlarged in almost every battle, increasing damage significantly. It brutally outmatches any character in my group and makes the paladin look like a sidekick in melee.) In return, speak with the GM to solve the current wealth issue. He can easily add a few quests that yield a decent reward if he wants to. Or he can tune down the encounters a bit, maybe best get rid off all the ability draining. Try to find a consensus that is acceptable for everyone. If that fails, decide if you are really willing to play in a group where it isn't fun for everyone. I wouldn't. Cheers,
Well, my players are in the early stages of RRR and - after two years of city building - finally started to explore the southern Greenbelt. Since they do all enjoy the political aspects of the campaign, I have decided to make a few changes to RRR and add some additional factions. What I did so far: (1) The fair maiden and her ill father:
After the first year, the players were visited by Eliscia of Greyford and her father, Sir Embald of Greyford. The fair maiden was almost a cliché damsel in distress: Her father had been striken by a strange illness a few years ago (at least that's what she thought) and had henceforth been unable to rule his small fief. Most of the time he was in a comative state, only with very brief moments an at least somewhat clear mind. Since her mother had did shortly after her birth and she had no other siblings, Eliscia had to take care of the most important affairs herself. Due to scheming of a rival noble family, the Greyford's tribute to their liege was intercepted twice in a row - and after a short trial, her family was accused of withholding taxes and stripped of land and title. Eliscia used the remaining money to buy a carriage and left for the south, hoping to be able to begin a new life there and somehow cure the illness of her father. On her way, she heard about the player's new colony of Riverwatch and decided to take a detour - after all, their court might have been in need of a lady-in-waiting. Unfortunatly, that was not so much the case - except for a castle and the required NPC for the kingdom positions there was not much of a "court" to speak of. However, her plead in front of the current ruler (a LG paladin of Iomedae) and the other players (particulary the party wizard who instantly had a crush on her *giggles*) convinced them to give her family and the remaining servants shelter. The plot twist? Well, it turned out that one of Eliscia's servants, a young girl called Emilia, was by no means as harmless as it appeared: In fact, she was a halfling rogue/cleric of Norgorber (hurray for the childlike APG feat!) and responsible for the strange "illness" of Eliscia's father. After two weeks she tried to sabotage the constructions in town by setting a pile of wood ablaze - only quick reaction prevented a great fire. Afterwards, she tried to poison the castle's well, but was observed by the elf druid of our party. She still managed to lure him into a trap ("Mylord! There was a strange man with a black coat inside the well!"), managed to backstab the elf to unconsciousness and gave the alarmed PCs one hell of a fight (deeper darkness, blindness, channel smite). In the end she was slain and the players found out about the poisoning of Eliscias father. Unfortunatly, the long intoxination has left permanent damage to Sir Embald's body and soul. It looks like he will never revocer - or will he? Low level magic had failed, but maybe restoration or limited wish can bring him back. :) Anyway, so far it looks like one of the players is going to court Eliscia. She will, of course, ask her father for permition, if necessary waiting a year until he has a clear moment again. And maybe on this day, her father will not only allow this, but also tell his new son-in-law where the family heirloom (a +2 giant bane Greatsword) is hidden... (1) NPC: Emilia Lavandir (CR7):
XP 3200 Female halfling cleric of Norgorber 6 / rouge 2 NE Medium humanoid Init: +4; Senses: ; Perception +10 Defense:
Prepared Spell List:
Deity: Norgorber; Domains: Charm, Trickery Tactics:
Special Qualities: Aura of Evil, Copycat (7/day), Fearless, Halfling Luck, Keen Senses, Orisons, Spontaneous Casting, Sure-Footed, Trapfinding, Weapon Familiarity, Feats: Armor Proficiency, Light, Armor Proficiency, Medium, Channel Smite, Extra Channel, Improved Channel, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Toughness, Weapon Finesse Skills: Acrobatics +7, Bluff +7, Climb +2, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +6, Disguise +13, Escape Artist +5, Fly +3, Heal +8, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (Religion) +4, Perception +10, Perception (Trapfinding) +11, Profession (Servant) +5, Ride +1, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +16, Survival +4, Swim -4, Combat Gear: Dagger (x3); potion of cure moderate wounds; potion of darkvision; scroll of contagion; studded leather, belt of dexterity +2 Please be aware that her stats might not be 100% accurate - I used an old version of PC Gen to generate her! (2) The lumber consortium:
During the second year, the players expanded westward and tried to establish a lubercamp at the edge of the forest. Hearing about the PC's interest, Jolan Hergen (LN rouge) from the lumber consortium (LE in this part of Golarion) approached them and offered their service and experise in exchange for a contract of exclusive production and selling rights for lumber and timber within the Riverwatch. The players accepted since their treasury was almost completly empty, but soon it dawned them that their decision was a mistake. A month later the consortium had build a tentment for it's workers within the city (no BP cost for the players) and offered to finance the construction of a brothel (50% BP discount), which they accepted. The new chance for labour also created a great influx of new citizen, increasing the kingdom population from 350 to 500 (we play with reduced pop number per building). The problem: The new citizens were loyal to the consortium instead of the PCs. As the consortium silenty spread it's influence within the city, the initial +1 ECO bonus from the consortium turned into a +2 ECO, -2 STA, -2 LOY penalty. As it is now, the consorium has secretly taken over the brothel (they made a special contract with the matron) - since this was the only place of entertainment until the PC had build a theatre last month, it made the consortium even more popular within the ciztizens of Riverwatch. Later they used strawmen to 'buy in' some of the local taverns at the harbor and the newly constructed brewery. However, since they are not tinkering directly with these persons, the PC cannot call upon any law to cut the ties. But after all, the lumber consortium is a quite effective mafia-like organisation - the know the game and the rules. They have - so far - refrained from messing with the city guard (which is under control of one PC) and intervening in the local politics. but after the last spy master report, the PCs were quite alarmed: All in all the consortium controls roughly 25% of the city and it's population. It has enormous funds it can mobilize - if necessary by calling for aid from other branches within Brevoy, so both trade war and direct action seemed feesible (and would have resulted in counteraction by the consortium that might lead to massive unrest or even a small scale civil war). So instead of opposing the consortium, they have begun to establish new buildings directly under the control of loyal NPCs (like the theatre and another tavern) to attract more people and make the buildings controlled by the consortium less interesting. Will they suceed in diminishing the consortium's influence over the city? So far everything looks good, but will the consortium just sit back and give them a free hand? And even if the players prevail - why shouldn't the consortium just establish an own settlement a bit further to the north? All in all, that plot has some great potential for a 'political nemesis' faction that will haunt the players throughout the whole campaign.
(3) The druid council:
Deep within the greenbelt dwells the "Council of 5", a group of druids who tries to keep balance of nature within the stolen lands. Each member represents an aspect of neutrality of nature - and sooner or later, the PCs expanding kingdom will create a conflict with the druids: Aklamor (N male elf druid) is the head of the council and stands for the true neutrality of nature and all living things. He will not take any side in the discussion unless the scales are about to be tipped - but sooner or later, it will be the case... Salissa (NG female human druid) represents the kind side of nature. While nature follows no civilized law, it is home for the creature on Golarion, feeds them, shelters them, provides them with everything they need. As long as the PCs do not endanger the other inhabitants of the forest too much and respect that every being has the right to live, she will grant them space for their expanding kingdom. Illean Stormwind (NE male human druid) represents the dark side of nature: Everything is either hunter or prey - and only the strongest will survive. The PCs are a threat for the greenbelt and it's denizens - so the greenbelt must rise and fight them. One side will win - and winner takes all! Megalon (LN male human druid) represents the lawful side of nature: Unlike menkind, nature has it's own laws to follow. These laws are older than most races in the world - and thus they are true. The PCs, however, do not 'play by the rules' - Megalon will oppose their meddeling within the forest and vote against them - and for war. Tira Fairyfly (CN female gnome druid) is closest to the fey realm. She represents the ever changing aspect of nature and it's dynamics to adept to the things that come. Change is part of live, and from this point of view, the PC's kingdom is merely a new surrounding were nature will thrive. She has no obligations against the PC - and might even become their only real ally within the council. The council will be in a stalemate most of the time:
(3) NPC: Umbrafal, the sleeping hill (CR 11):
Greater Advanced Earth Elemental
Space 30ft, Reach 20ft Special Attacks:
Skills: Appraise 15, Climb 36, Know dungeon 15, Perception 18, Stealth 1
Note: I think I will spice him up a bit with a special extra feat or two - but, so far, no time for that. (4) Fawari, Queen of the Nixis:
Deep within the tuskwater, queen Fawari (CG female nymph druid) and her followers, a flock of nixis and nymphs, dwell in a small palace at the bottom of the lake. She considers these waters her domain, but might be willing to negotiate with the PCs. While it is unlikely that humans will dive down to the depths of her palace, she has a much bigger problem - a problem she cannot solve alone. A long time ago, the old denizens of the Candlemere tower made a pact with the nixis: In exchange for them watching the lake, they installed a magical mirrow on top of tower - a mirror that brought daylight down to the depths of Fawari's palace, basking it and the surrounding buildings in welcoming sunlight. However, a few years ago, the evil spirits of the tower let vines grow onto the top of the tower, enclosing the mirror, bringing eternal night upon Fawari's realm again. Since the pact makes it imposssible for her and her followers to enter the Candlemere tower (not that she would want to do that with all the will'o'wisp anyway...), she will rely upon the help of some brave adventurers to bring the sun back to the depths. As a reward, she is not only willing to take the PCs down to her realm and show them around (did I mention one of our PCs has a crush on nixis?), but is also willing to accept the PCs as new protector of her pact: As long as they keep her mirror safe, Fawari and her nixis will keep a watchful eye on taskwater and the connected rivers, increasing kingdom STA by +2. (5) Antigae 'the dreamer' and the horned elves:
Fawari is not the only queen to dwell within the Narlmarches: Veiled by a magical spell only elves can see through, Antigae (NG dryad druid) and her small sister Calypso (NG dryad ranger) are leaders of a small flok of elves within the forest.
The elves were once corrupted and enslaved by an ancient evil that lurked in the forest, but Antigae did not only slay the demon, but also created a home for them near her tree. Even today, many of the elves have strange horns growing from their forehead, most akin to Tieflings, but thanks to Antigaes curing magic, the evil influence within them has faded completly. While Antigae is most akin to a queen in the view of outsiders, many of the elves worship her as goddess. And while Antigae is a calm and kind spirit of the wood, the expanding realm of the PCs will sooner or later collide with her veiled grove (placed in the same hex as "A Delicate Situation" from RRR). Antigae is bound to her tree within the small lake of the elvish town, but she possesses the edritch power to enter the dreams of the living, giving messages, warning and advice. So far I have not made any further plans with Antigae and her elves, but much will depend on how the players react towards them. She can also be used as a plothook for a sidequest in a dreamworld or as a crafting NPC that may support the players with gear they desire (for a price). But one thing is sure so far: If a certain fairy "queen" (You GMs know who I speak off...) finds out about Antigae, she will meet a very painful death towards the end of the campaign - or will be turned into a mindless minion. Hope there is some inspiration for you inside. ;) |