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Two funny moments:

The Kobold Cleric decided to ride on the Warforged's shoulder. The Warforged has adamantium plating, and the kobold is a dragonwrought kobold, of the black variety. He sits on the Warforged's shoulder and then says aloud, "Lead on my Nubian Brother!"

The party ambushed Kullen's gang, the two characters out in the open were disguised. The color sprayed the whole group unconcious except for Kullen. While trying to soften up Kullen they accidently killed him with a critical. The rest of Kullen's gang awoke, they were interrogated and right before they were beat into unconciousness the masked fighters tell them, "This is what you get for exhuming the dead for foul deads, beware the Restful Watch!" The party then stripped them naked and left them on the side of the road.

So my team easily cut down filge. They went in through the second floor winow after casing the Observatory to see what time Filge went to bed .They waited until he came down the stairs for bed after work. They hid, he rolled an 8 for his spot. One character threw a thunderstone, it went off, he failed the save. So now he is deafened. The next person up is the kobold cleric who throws a tangle foot bag, which hits and he fails the save. Then came the wizard who color sprayed him, and he failed his save.

So Filge is stunned, deaf, blind and a pretty gooey. His AC is now 3. One character shoots him in the shoulder with a heavy crossbow, while the cleric summons a monkey. The monkey jumps on Filge and proceeds to beat him about the head.

So we have a stunned,deaf, blind, gooey wizard with one crossbow bolt in his left shoulder and a monkey literally on his back thumping on his skull.

I explained to the group that Filge was shrieking like a little girl, whirling his arm like a windmill, with a monkey biting him in the head.

Then the fighter takes Kullen's battle axe and beheads Filge in one hit.

It could only be better if they lit him on fire while they were at it.

The missed out on a lot of information than if they had interrogated him, but the imagery was classic.

What kingdom will your PC's inherit? How will this change the scope of Eberron, where your PC's are literally the most powerful mortals in existence.

Assuming the PC's retire as the rulers, and you start up AP3 with new PC's, how are you going to change the political dynamics of the game?

Skafloc - Aerenal Elf Wizard - Patient, thinks things through before acting.

Melnick Kobold Extraordinaire, Worshipper of Siberys, the Great - Kobold Cleric of Siberys - Suicidal, rascist, dragon wrought Kobold of the Black Dragon variety, and the comedian of the group.

Romero 'Rom' Kristos - Human Artificer - The oldest member, patient and helpful

Arik Dejardan - Human Fighter - Still a teenager, unsure of how to act. Looks to others to lead.

Nameless - Warforged Fighter - The Adamantium Tank, nicknamed the Nubian Brother by Melnick, blocker of doorways, mighty steed of Melnick.

I play an Eberron and I think the death penalty is my game is pretty harsh. The chances of a player getting raised, or resurrected are essentialy nil. Even if a player character reaches the level to cast the spells they won't know how. Short of going to the leader of one of the churches and agreeing to a life of indentured servitude or someother great cost you aren't coming back.

So I try not to kill the characters, at least from dice rolls. If they die through bad decision making, well then that's the way the cookie crumbles, but I won't kill them because of bad dice rolls. I want to tell a story, one in which the players pay the central part. It's a bad story where every other chapter someone dies and another random person just happens to want to join the group.

I've decided to replace Lashonna with Vol. So the Emerald claw has a much larger place in my version. I'm stealing the previous comment about the rise of the 13th Moon and the return of the Mark of Death.

To accomplish this I'm using the 3FoE. I will keep it as written except the purpose of the whole complex is to be a sacrificial altar. All the parties in complex believe and would give their lives willingly to complete the ritual. Vol, wrote the ancient texts per the whispered instructions of Kyuss. They were placed long ago in the complex and then covered up. The cult is actually trying to raise the Overgod, but it won't work. The real purpose is for a willing group to be sacrificed, by the chosen ones(PCs) who will do so with good in their hearts.

At the end of 3FoE instead of the Overgod, it will instead be an undead puppet of Vol who thanks the PC's for being such willing pawns and bringing about another sign of the AOW, essentially it monologues and drops hints about blackwater keep. The puppet then tries to slaughter them, as per the Draconic Prophecy they are the only ones who can stop Kyuss.

I think it is very Noir, as the PC's through good actions bring forth an unbelievable horrific event, their actions further the plans of Kyuss.

I have an elf player, I may even give them the mark of death...Hehe

I haven't really had the time to read through the adventure, but just from the conversion notes provided by Keith it doesn't really ring true. I don't like the idea of the Ebon Triad at all, I would prefer something to tie in the Emerald Claw and Erandis.

Has anyone else edited or replaces 3FoE? If so with what?

What is the # of the Dragon magazine that deals with the old miners house the PC's can use as a base?

Actually I believe that they were 1d6 18-20 x2 light exotic weapons. I had a character who used one on both hands to fight.

Can you shoot me a word document with the stat block conversions?


13x13 @ 13x13.com