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I posted on the forum site of PFS, FL for a game night, commenting on a GM refusing me a seat at a table because 'we are already too far into it (emerald spire) to add a new player'. I had just finished running book 1 of shattered star, and had at least 5 people that sat in on only 1 of the four sessions it took me to take a 'group' thru this book; I did not refuse a seat to anyone any night we had someone not show, had a seat, et al.
Our Venture Captain, James A., removed my posts, then had a nasty tone when he announced at the next game night that "it has always been the policy if you are a GM or an Event Coordinator, that you can refuse a seat to ANYONE".
I do nthink this is appropriate. Unless a person has exhibited disruptive behavior and has had to be talked to by a Venture Officer, then I don't care if you are 3 adventures into a game (like a shatterd star book), if you just started, or if you just don't like someone... I believe that if it is ORGANIZED PLAY, at a GAME STORE, POSTED, with an EVENT CODE from Paizo; and with Paizo supporting the Pathfinder Society with staff coordination, products, the online community/organized play concept itself--- then to start saying 'we don't have to sit you', is to announce that you are discriminatory, and I don't hold with this.
I have created my own event code and will be reporting any tables I gm under this code. I will be running my tables as part of our regularly-scheduled game nights at our local game store on Tuesdays, and I am inviting a few people at first to come play with me, then we will fill up the remaining slots (up to 6) with WHOEVER WANTS TO PLAY< REGARDLESS OF what I think of you :). You are welcome at MY table, and I am not going to be part of some 'clique' that says just because I'm a Venture Officer, I can remove your posts because you slurred my friend or spoke badly of my lack of organizing (our store 'rep' had not shown for nearly 2 months now- that was the other post that got removed)... and 'because I'm a gm/organizer' I can say whether you play or not. That is ... cannot post bad words. It's just not right, and I feel PFS should not endorse such statements.
Cary Holladay