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[iPhone APP] Summoner

Marvel's Ant Man, it's official

Man Could Face Ten Years for Modding XBoxs (Serious)

Fallout 76


Book(s) that changed your life

TV shows that you miss

What Games are You Playing While We Wait?

Deadpool 2

Pitch a terrible movie...

Manipulating the video game industry to push an agenda

Bryan singer accused of evil things

Seen Sucker Punch

Need the name of a old Sci-Fi movie from the 80's


The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson

Willow on Disney+

Classic or Popular Books You Can't Stand


You never forget your first Doctor...

The BBC has (apparently) found 'lots' of missing DOCTOR WHO episodes

Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug

Writer's Block: What would make a strong heroine character?

Watchmen gets full series order at HBO.

John Carter.... I want a sequel!!!

Almost Human

Uncle!... No more Marvel for me.

So What's Your Theme Song?


Transformers 2 is a Horrible Film

Young Justice News

DC post-Convergence (contains Spoilers)

Changes (Dresden Files) - Jim Butcher: Are you currently reading it? [spoilers]

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Are the Star Wars novels about the Yuuzhan Vong invasion good?

Dawnguard vs Dragonborn: Style over Substance

True Grit Remake, Is Nothing Sacred?

Turbine is already messing up!

Anyone write their own Music?

Project Valkyrie (FO4 Modded Playthrough)

C.J. Cherryh, anyone?

Makers of CANDY CRUSH successfully trademark word 'candy'

Avengers? Whedon? NooOOoooo...

Dragonlance the Movie!

More remakes on the way

Netflix's Bright

The final epilogue for "The Wheel of Time"

Star Wars films continuity - or lack thereof

Kindle died today

Eve Online - Northern War?

Path of the Necromancer D&D web comic

Tech Thread - Cool stuff, etc.

The Cheesiest Horror Movie Ever Made?

the new DC movies by James Gunn

David Tennant in Doctor Who 50th

Incoming! (Penny Arcade)

Star Wars: Andor

MS Paint Adventures

Destiny - Become Legend

Baldur's Gate 3?

We have our new Batman

Obscure Disney Movies

Trailer: Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Doctor Who: A Reboot?

Secret Invasion

Dark Souls 3 is here

Just for fun; Character Music

Rare, Forggotten, or Obscure 80's Cartoons

Dark Phoenix trailer.

You get to choose one book to be adapted...

The Official "lets walk down memory lane talking about Planescape: Torment" thread

Spidey comes home to Marvel Studios

Hunger Games

How many other DM’s run modules etc from their PC or Laptop? Can Technology play a greater role in table RPG.

Johnny Depp as The Doctor?

I've completed a run through of Diablo 3 with the new Paragon and loot drop

Pathfinder Tablet

Cyclops: The Worst Leader (an interview)

Movies that don't get enough respect

Your thoughts when first approaching a book



Theater release of "Interview" canceled after Hacker Threats.

Superman v. Captain Marvel (SHAZAM)!

Doctor Who Christmas Special


Superman Returns... Again

Titans trailer

The Great Wall

Give me reasons to finally watch Game of Thrones

World Of Darkness MMO in Development By the Makers of Eve Online

*GROAN* Here we go again...

Mass Effect 2

Cthulhu --The Movie

The Incredible Hulk

Westworld teaser

PLANESCAPE: TORMENT team working on a CRPG set in Monte Cook's new world

Doctor Who - Series 9

Anyone reading the new Marvel reboots?

Remakes You Do Want

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