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Diablo experience, Mage and Demon Hunter

The Mandalorian

XCOM Enemy Unknown

Star Trek: Beyond

Star Trek (2009)

I...just...what...WHAT have they done to thief?

Stargate Universe

Benedict is...

Female Thor!! *Identity as yet unknown*

What do authors owe fans?

People can be horribly disgusting

The Hugo Award controversy

TES V: Skyrim (forget Hunted!!)


Spider-Man Homecoming

Dragon's Crown

Dialogue you won't hear from the Hulk

Apple Products and their Business Model

Best Movies You Can't Stand

Iron Woman

The Desolation of Smaug

Whoa...Disney in negotations to buy Fox Studios

Critically acclaimed fantasy novels that you just don't like.


I'll Draw your Pathfinder / RPG Magic Item

Mad Max: Fury Road

The Legend of Korra Book 4: Balance ***Spoilers***

Peter Jackson's The Hobbit to be Made into a Trilogy

Why I will not be going to see Star Trek

Did you find Star Wars 7 new lightsaber great or ridiculous?

Ant Man trailer

Diablo 3 Clan - Pathfinder Society

Who is River Song?

Suicide Squad

Hugo awards 2015 discussion

SF / F Authors clash over Sexism, Chain-mail bikinis

Dresden files

Captain America

Dragon Age

Erik Mona and Metal


Netflix The Punisher

Paizo has guilds on World of Warcraft

The Infinity War Thread! Once You See the Movie Post Your Reaction Here! There Will Be Spoilers!!!

Marvel Studios' What If...?

The Legend of Korra Season 2

X-men Days of Future past trailer

John Napier's AMV Channel

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier


Disney Buys Star Wars

Loki (Disney+)

Battlestar Galactica is the... most Violent TV ever. (Spoilers)

Would you watch a new Star Trek Voyager series?

If the author is dead, why is the english teacher alive?

doctor who alert!!

kitty pryde comes out as gay

Star Trek 2: Into Darkness

Civil War

Advanced Readings in Dungeons and Dragons

Is there still a market for (highly) derivative Tolkienian fantasy?

Legend of Korra

I want my MTV!

HeroLab vs RPGXplorer vs PCGen

Marvel's The Inhumans


Avengers: Endgame SPOILERY AF Review Thread. Don't read if you haven't seen the film!

I would like to politely point out an attitude on this forum (and, well, quite a few other places) that is getting on my nerves.

Favorite underrated fantasy films

What killed-off comic character do you most miss?

The oddness of saying Tolkien “is too hopeful, not grim enough”

Favourite Video Game of All-Time?

Ghostbusters Trailer

Fallout 3

Top Ten Comicbook Super heroes.

Pokemon Ultra Sun / Moon

Guardians Of The Galaxy vol. 2 sneak peak

Poll: Your Favorite Joss Whedon TV Series?

Douches in movie theaters.

Which scifi / fantasy novels do you think should be made into movies or not?

The Walking Dead Season 2 October 16th

Warner Brothers and Amazon developing a Lord of the Rings TV show

Babylon 5

Orson Scott Card rewrites Hamlet and makes it all the fault of evil gay people

Obscure Movies that Rock

Are there any remakes that are *better* than the original?

Paizo Peeps in GW or CoH?

C-3PO says SW:VII will be better than "The Empire Strikes Back"

Is Diversity in Comics Good or Bad for business

Deadpool test footage leaked

Netflix's Castlevania anime

Marvel's Legion on FX

Hobbit 3: The Battle of 55 Armies

The Hobbit Review (no spoilers)

Diablo 3 comes out tuesday. Who else is drinking the kool aid?

Doctor Who Series 4

Avatar - the Last Airbender series

The best Computer RPG ever?

Solo A Star Wars Story

Looking for a good MMORPG

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