Note: The Pathfinder RPG Prerelease Discussion forums will be locked on Friday, October 16, 2009. You will not be able to create new posts after this date, but existing discussion will still be available for reading.

When starting a thread, please list rules in question and a page reference in the subject line of the thread. For example, New Combat Feats - Page 34. Please take a good look through all of the threads first to see if there is already one in progress about the rules in question. As future Alpha releases become available, new forums will be created to support those releases.

Skills & Feats

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Background Skills & Favored Classes + Skills

Power Attack, Combat Expertise.

Linguistics, Pg 44

Combat Expertise

Linguistics question p.45

I like it . . .

Tumble is missing from table 5-3

Improved Grapple, Improved Bull Rush, etc. +2? How about +3?

Table 5-4: New Skills . . . I hope Paizo isn't done yet . . .

Tracking - pg. 48-49

Synergy, Whats the Deal?


Familiar Feat...

Skill list & descriptions - what's changed?

Thankyou for Double Slice & Rend

PrC skill requirements

Auto-Detect Features for races

Learn language

"level 0" or background skills, feat and hp as optional rule

On Combat Feats and Mobility

Fly skill & Skill ranks (p.43)

Why are Arcane Armor Training / Arcane Armor Mastery combat feats?

Combat Feats and Mobility

New Skills, Table 5-4; pg 38

Acrobatics errata and question pp. 37, 39

Class vs. Cross Class Skills in Pathfinder

Small errata Table 6-1 p. 53

Errata Perception (touch) p. 47

Feint = Deception Skill Check? Is this Bluff? Sleight of Hand?

Suggested Uses for Sense Motive

Feedback: Acrobat Skill pg 39

Turn Elemental / Turn Outsider - p52

Razor Sharp Chair Leg

Caught Off-Guard -> A Rogues Best Friend?

Perception (Taste) [pg 46]

Table 5-1: Skill Ranks page 57

Rage point / power suggestions / thoughts

Two feats needed for effective finesse fighters?

Effect of Increasing Intelligence

Vital Strike = awesome, y / n?

Escape Artist p.36

Thoughts on Bluff

In the spirit of condensing skills

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