Savage Tide Adventure Path

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AP 3 : "Savage Tide"

Query for Critical Threat?

Something Not Involving Adapting AP3 to Eberron

Time for a Savage Tide message board?

Conversion Notes contest for Savage Tide Hardcover

Adventure Path insight?

NPCs and Ethnicity


Release Date / Issue?


The one magic item I would love to see in Savage Tide

Die, Monkey Boy, Die!

Isle of dread...

Wait for it!!!

Holy jumping sahuagins, Batman!

Two random ideas

New Ap?

Steal this IoD campaign idea....

More poster maps?

Returning Characters

Sounds like Reavers? Shiny!

Savage Tide idea for GameMastery product


Will we find out more about the two different heads of Demogorgon?

Savage Tide and Fiendish Codex

NPCs and Ethnicity

What has been done before (Shackled and Worms Spoilers)

Ships Carpenter

Can't wait

Torrents of Dread: A Prelude?

Common D&D Pirate Miniatures: WoDQ's Eberron Cloudreaver

My tribute to Savage Tide

Pregenerated Characters: Savage Tide "Dream Team"

135 Editorial Adaptation Notes? (Warning - Spoilers)

Of Spells and the Sea

Does south pacific and dinosaurs mean D&D to you?

139 Cover and Savage Tide Iconics?

Savage Tide Artwork?

when does Savage Tide take place?

Demogorgon's Internal Feud

Backdrop article suggestion

Under Water?

Inspirational Reading

Demogorgon Avatar Request

Average Module Game Time and Marathon Play

Authorial Freedom

Pirate Name Generator

DMing Psionics in Savage Tide

The "Keeping the Abyss Out of Savage Tide" Thread

Has Anyone Read That Entry in Fiendish Codex Yet?

Pirates on the River Styx

Getting the PC's that you want (as a DM)...

Dragons Landing Podcast

Demogorgon's CR?

Savage Tide BBGs

Savage Tide Map Request

Savage tide : wealth of PCs

Savage Tide Podcast

Savage Tides / AOW

Savage Tide DM-screen

Abyssal Seas

Perfect PCs for the STAP (SPOILERS)

Affiliations (from PH II) in Savage Tide?

Bringing the PCs together

Please, promise me something.

Early hints of AP3

Still huge? (& building a empire)

Ironic Similarity

Question about Demogorgon as written in Fiendish Codex I

Question about the Greyhawk version of Savage Tide

Starting level for this AP

Savage Tide Player’s Guide at this year’s Gen Con Indy

Isle of Dread Backdrop?

Savage Tide Miniatures

Pirates! How could that work -economically?

What level do the pc's hit the Isle of Dread?

No Jesse Decker Adventure???

Torrents as Prologue for Savage Tide

Rival Captains

Demogorgon is a chick.

Where is the Isle of Dread on Greyhawk map?

Savage Tide overview in Dungeon 138 is awesome!

Savage Tide Overload?

Making characters for STAP

The Fantastic Four

Hallowed ship?


Savage Tide... Soundtrack?!

Side Adventures?

Ship Design

Low-Tech Savage Tide

Unique Dilemma (Shackled City Spoilers!!)

Suggestions for DMPC Spontaneous Arcane Spellcaster

Adventure 4

STAP - How many PCs is too many?

These boards are a bit confusing

Number of Characters and types (James Jacobs)

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