Game and Activity Signups are open for PaizoCon Online 2024!

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Hail and well met!
We hope you’ve had a chance to look at the 2024 Programming Schedule, because game signups are officially open!

If you haven’t already purchased your tickets, check out this step by step breakdown for getting badges via Tabletop.Events this year.

PaizoCon Online 2024: Save The Date: May 24th through the 27th

Game Signups

And here’s a step-by-step breakdown for this year’s game signups!

  1. Find the game you would like to sign up for on the Schedule of Events. This schedule can be filtered by many different criteria including name, event type, date, and time. Click on the event entry (either the name or the number to the left).
  2. On the right side of the screen, click the large green button that says “Get Ticket for YOUR NAME.” This will add the event ticket to your cart, but you’re not done yet!
  3. screenshot of the step by step breakdown of how to sign up for a game with tabletop events

  4. You can go and add more tickets to your cart if you like, as your tickets are saved for two hours. Once you’re all done, click “Checkout” in the cart to the right of the screen.
  5. screenshot of the step by step breakdown of how to sign up for a game with tabletop events

  6. Click “Check out for Free.” You’re all set! You can view your schedule on the “My Schedule” page at any time.
  7. screenshot of the step by step breakdown of how to sign up for a game with tabletop events

Please note that there is a limit on our new content this year. To ensure everyone gets a chance to play the new scenarios, you may not sign up for more than one session of a new release. These new releases are:

  • SFS1 Intro: Year of Era's End
  • SFS1 7-02: Zo! vs. Zo
  • PFS2 5-16: A Lie Told to Strangers
  • PFS2 5-17: Stranded on Yesterday's Tide

Submitting Community Events

While the main schedule has been released, community gaming event submissions are still open! These can be RPG events featuring Pathfinder or Starfinder, as well as other systems or even other types of games entirely! Want to introduce people to your favorite indie RPG? Looking for players for the new board game you just bought? Finally want to settle who the best Mario Karter in the community is? You can host all these events and more!

PaizoCon on Tabletop.Events Ticket purchasing screenshots

  1. From the PaizoCon convention page, go to “Host” in the top bar, then click “Submissions.”
  2. Click “New Submission” and choose an event type. For this explainer we’ll be using an RPG event, but most events will ask for the same or similar information.
  3. Fill in the requested information! Let the staff and prospective attendees know as much as you can about the event you’re submitting. Once you’ve filled in the information, click Create!
  4. After submission, staff will review events and either approve them (adding them to the schedule), contact you for more information, or reject them. We reserve the right to reject events for any reason.

You can submit events at any time before May 24, 2024. 

If you have any questions about event submissions, please reach out to us at

Other Activities

Portfolio Review Sign Ups

Portfolio reviews are now open to general attendees! Anyone is welcome to fill out the form, book a slot for portfolio review, and join us on the Paizo Events Discord server! Get thoughtful and detailed feedback on your illustrations from Paizo’s art directors and narrative team. Learn what we look for and how to get there. We are here to help! Sign up to have our team review your portfolio, and we’ll give you a constructive critique on your work.

The art and writing reviews are separate, so you are welcome to sign up for both, but please only sign up for one review per subject.

Review Guidelines

  • Reviews will be done over Discord; please remember what time you signed up and join the Discord chat at your time as to not intrude on someone else’s review.
  • Please only choose one slot per review subject; we have a limited number of times and want to give as many people a chance as possible.
  • Please link to your portfolio so we have a chance to review your work beforehand.
  • No AI generated work.

Appointment reminder emails will be sent out the week before PaizoCon, and again the day before a scheduled review. We can’t wait to see your work!

Sign up for an art review! | Sign up for a writing sample review!

Friends of Paizo:

We’ll once again be joined by multiple friends of Paizo in the Discord this year! Chat with, ask questions of, and learn more about the amazing work of teams like BKOM Studios, Foundry VTT, Roll20, and more!

Last year’s convention was entirely online, but this year we’re introducing PaizoCon@! Our new pilot program allows you to experience PaizoCon in person with your fellow Pathfinders and Starfinders at participating local game stores! Check back on this blog to learn more.

We look forward to seeing you all online this year!

Get your tickets for PaizoCon Online 2024 today!

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Conventions Organized Play Paizo PaizoCon

It seems the website is overloaded and blocking people from getting to the event page. I've tried multiple times and can't get in.

This link provided above didn't work. booo. I tried to enter the schedule through a different link and things worked fine.

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