“Pathfinder: Abomination Vaults” is 100% funded on Kickstarter!

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

We did it! “Pathfinder: Abomination Vaults” is 100% funded on Kickstarter!

From everyone at BKOM Studios, we are extremely thankful for your support. We couldn’t have done this without you! Thanks to you, together we're gonna create something legendary. We can’t wait to have you join us soon... down the Abomination Vaults!

For the occasion our CEO, Frederic Martin, wanted to say a few words:

Hello, Fred Martin here. I’m one of the founders of BKOM Studios and have had the privilege of working alongside a really passionate team of game smiths for the last 26 years and counting. I’m also a lifelong fan of fantasy stories where elves, dwarves, goblins and sorcerers share the stage as the main villains and heroes.

I felt like I had to say thanks. Big thanks in fact. Huge thanks to you, the supporters of this project, who have allowed us to reach this point in the campaign. Huge thanks to my colleagues, who are working very hard on this initiative because they also believe in it. And huge thanks to Paizo for entrusting us with such a precious IP and adventure path.

All the good vibes you are sending are really fueling our conviction that this game is going to become an awesome reality. The energy behind your contribution is also encouraging others to join. And thanks to that, we reached our goal and we are hopeful for the last week of the campaign. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to say thanks, on my behalf, and on behalf of the incredible BKOM team.

Let’s make this game!
Fred Martin
Team member at BKOM Studios

Pathfinder Abomination Vaults 100% Funded Kickstarter

But it doesn’t end here, there’s still time to unlock some stretch goals! The Potion-Crafting System with Nezrin Fizzletop's Alchemitorium has already been unlocked! It allows adventurers to craft their own customized potion by mixing and matching different ingredients found within the Vaults. Create potions for healing, protection, self-strengthening, speed, or anything in-between!

The Wardrobe system and one alternate outfit have also been unlocked! Amelia Candlebright can fix up her grandmother's tailoring shop in town and offer bespoke tailoring and aesthetic options. Defeat enemies to collect rare dyes and fabrics which can be used to swag out your hero. Because at the end of the day, we all know adventure is really about: fashion!

We also revealed the Runesmithing System & Kargas' Runeforge! The runesmith Kargas Featherstone offers a quest to retrieve ancient runes, which he can use to customize your weapons and armor.

And there’s more to reveal yet. Who knows, maybe even a certain iconic goblin alchemist!

There’s a few hours left in the campaign. Thanks for sharing the page and continuing to make some noise: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bkomstudios/pathfinder-abomination-vaults

—The BKOM Team

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Tags: Abomination Vaults Community Pathfinder Pathfinder Second Edition Video Games

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Very much looking forward to this.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm completely apathetic about this. I'm supposed to want this instead of Diablo, or Path of Exile, or Grim Dawn? Because of Pathfinder in the title and some icon skins?

Give me something that actually uses the PF2e ruleset instead of just branding. Like the Owlcat games, but without the janky min-max complexity that came with PF1e. I'll throw lots of money at it.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
SoulSherpa wrote:

I'm completely apathetic about this. I'm supposed to want this instead of Diablo, or Path of Exile, or Grim Dawn? Because of Pathfinder in the title and some icon skins?

Give me something that actually uses the PF2e ruleset instead of just branding. Like the Owlcat games, but without the janky min-max complexity that came with PF1e. I'll throw lots of money at it.


I understand that an ARPG was what not many wanted. If you want to play the other games, go ahead, no one's stopping you.
This is a note of thanks from what seems to be a passionate dev, who's excited to do their thing.
Being apathetic is fine, but if you truly are, why bring this up here? There's different forums for that.
Let these people doing their thing celebrate their goal being worked on. If you aren't cheering someone's passion on, please don't put them down. Let them be.

Am very excited for that game hopefully it be available in Nintendo switch

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