Pathfinder Infinite: February in Review

Friday, March 31, 2023

Hey Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite fans! We’re squeaking it in at the last minute, but here’s a look at last month’s Infinite top performers!

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February's Top Performers

Titles are ranked by an average of units sold and revenue earned and presented in alphabetical order. Asterisks indicate titles that are appearing on this list for the first time. Because they’ve consistently topped the list, and due to the number of their titles that typically take up spots, “Team+” and “Team Index” have asked to be removed from the calculations for ongoing top performers lists. This will allow newer publishers or book series to get more attention. Thanks, all!

Character Classes: Tarotmaster (P2)*
Strange magic awaits within the tarot, waiting to be discovered. Including three focus arcana subclasses, card-casting capabilities, and many ways to manipulate your Major Arcana deck of spells, will you control fate, or will fate control you? Includes over 50 class feats and a multiclass dedication for those who wish to dabble only slightly in the tarot. Includes 23 pages of content for the class, five of which include art for each of the Major Arcana cards and information on spells associated with them.

Deep Space Adventures: Eldritch Emissaries (SF)*
Wielding ancient knowledge and mystical power, eldritch emissaries are individuals who have made deals and agreements with otherworldly forces that often stay hidden in the fabric of the multiverse to fulfill their own ends—but they are in turn manipulated by those same forces. This has all the rules needed to play an eldritch emissary, including new weapon special properties, critical hit effects, fusions, aeon stones, and other magical items. It also has rules for making NPC eldritch emissaries and applying optional rules to them.

Everything Shields (P2)
Take your shields to the next level! With the Everything Shields Pathfinder Second Edition supplement, you can create hundreds of customized shields and shield-focused characters. Do you want to play a swashbuckling, targe-wielding duelist whose shield can exude darkness on command when you get in a pinch? Or a mobile warrior who throws a mithral hoplon that returns after each attack? How about a witch who has etched a hex onto the face of their shield to make enemies falter when they attack? All of these options and many more are possible with Everything Shields!

Frontiers of Magic (P2)*
Magic is an ever-expanding field of study. Wizards construct new spells, druids befriend newly observed species, occultists uncover secrets thought lost, and clerics receive novel blessings. This book explores these lesser-known facets with new player options for Pathfinder Second Edition. This 144-page supplement of player options includes two new classes (mesmerist and shifter), 35 archetypes, new class options and feats for most spellcasting classes, spell skill actions, and over 60 new spells (including consolation cantrips).

Golarion Unseen: Relics of Power (P2)*
Golarion Unseen: Relics of Power offers a wide and detailed expansion to the world of relics established in the Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide.

Impossible Paths: Clockwork Clinic (P2)*
People from all over the Impossible Lands gravitate to the Clockwork Clinic, queer boarding house by day, mob doctor by... well, whenever people get shot up. The reasons people were drawn here are different: to heal, to learn, to love, to escape, but the destination is always the same. What Impossible Paths brought these folks together? This book details the Clockwork Clinic and 11 new NPCs hailing from across the Impossible Lands, with art and adventure hooks. Each is meant to be a launching point into future supplements with even more material in other regions.

Minotaurs Unleashed: A Pathfinder Second Edition Ancestry (P2)
The minotaurs of Golarion are a powerful and brave people who have been overlooked for years, considered by some to be violent monsters and worshippers of the demon lord Baphomet. What many don’t know is that there are a number of diverse minotaur cultures across Golarion that seek a different path and have long since forged their own destiny. If you wish to play a powerful and cunning ancestry with a complex and untold history, Minotaurs Unleashed is for you! In this book, you’ll find the minotaur ancestry, with six heritages and 24 ancestry feats; lore from the three major centers of minotaur civilization—the Isles of Kortos, Vudra, and Iblydos; the new longhorn greataxe advanced weapon for the minotaur ancestry; a conversion of the Iblydan hero god Iapholi from Pathfinder First Edition; and hand-drawn illustrations displaying a variety of minotaurs from all across Golarion. Includes Pathbuilder 2e and Foundry VTT Support!

Niki’s Monster Logs: Gobbiestiary*
This goblin-focused rules supplement includes 10 mechanically unique new goblin monsters ranging in level from 1 to 4—from the longwinded goblin historian to the goblin follower who baits their opponents into being isolated before striking; a new weapon, the tallsplitter, that can be used by any goblin; 15 pages of pure goblin-ness; and a FoundryVTT module to make using these rules in your games even easier.

Revised Options: Curses and Wizardry (P2)*
Revised Options: Curses and Wizardry is a collection of fully rebalanced class paths for oracles and wizards! If you ever desired to play ancestors or lore oracles, or metamagical experimentation wizards, without feeling that some other curses or theses might have been more mechanically potent, look no further! Revised Options: Curses and Wizardry includes errata for the oracle class aimed at removing some feat taxes, such as Divine Access, as well as substantial empowerment of the less popular curses, enhancements for the less popular arcane schools and theses focused on improving the school spells, and a completely new arcane thesis—war magic!

Tasks and Deeds: 2 – Gogunta’s Lost Song (P2)
Gogunta's Lost Song is a simple encounter scenario designed for a single session, suitable for a 4th-level party of four player characters. While set among the swamps and fens in the central part of the Sodden Lands, the encounter can be easily adapted to take place anywhere there are swamps and marshlands. Simple application of the weak and elite creature rulesets allows the GM to quickly scale the encounter. The encounter has been designed to use the Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Wicked Dungeon map, available on or at your friendly local game store.

Pathfinder Infinite tarot master: by Aaron Brandon Stafinder Infinite : Deep Space Adventures: Eldritch Emissaries (SF) Pathfinder Infinite: Impossible Paths Clockwork Clinic by Helen Savore Pathfinder Infinite: Tasks and Deeds: 2 – Gogunta’s Lost Song (P2)

Infinite, Artificial Intelligence, and You

Last month, we discussed how potential changes to the Open Game License and the forthcoming release of the Open Roleplaying Content license would affect publishers on Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite. Well, this month, I wanted to address some questions from the community about Paizo's recent statement on content created by artificial intelligence. Put simply, Paizo’s “no AI” policy applies to works sold on Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite, too.

For those looking to get into publishing material on Infinite who had planned to use AI-generated artwork, I recommend checking out some of the community-run resources that exist to help people take those first steps into community content publishing, like r/pathfinderinfinite, the Infinite Possibilities Discord, or DriveThru's own Discord where publishers can all help one another out, both for Infinite or more general publishing. There are also Infinite publishers who make and sell stock art for both Pathfinder and Starfinder that cost only a few dollars and give the purchaser the right to reuse that art in their own Infinite publications. There are also hundreds of pieces of official Paizo artwork that Infinite publishers can use under the terms of the license.


There are lots of ways to get art made for your publications that both support real live artists, help build up the community, and don't rely on tools with currently questionable ethics or copyright ownership. If the tools and resources above don’t meet your needs, you may consider releasing your work under the Pathfinder Compatibility License instead of on Pathfinder Infinite in order to use AI-generated art free of these restrictions, and please use the comments of this blog to let me and the rest of the team know what other resources we can potentially direct you to or provide to make those first steps into self-publishing that much easier.

Thanks for everything you do to make Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite the thriving communities they are.

Mark Moreland
Director of Brand Strategy

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Pathfinder Pathfinder Infinite Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition Starfinder Starfinder Infinite Starfinder Roleplaying Game

What's that *s?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Laclale♪ wrote:
What's that *s?

"Asterisks indicate titles that are appearing on this list for the first time."

Sweet lord, they actually featured a Starfinder product! Thank you!

Scarab Sages

Love seeing the Starfinder title featured!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

3 people marked this as a favorite.

If folks want to see more Starfinder titles on the list, create and/or buy more Starfinder titles. At this point, the number of Starfinder titles in the running for top performer is a mere fraction of the Pathfinder content, so it's only natural fewer of them will crack into the top 10.

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