While the Pathfinder: Secrets of Magic liveplay is usually on Wednesdays at 6 pm Pacific, we are taking the night off to support and call attention to the growing problem of hate raids on marginalized streamers. In short, there has been a “recent explosion of ‘hate raids’—in which trolls overwhelm streamers’ chats with bot-powered fake accounts that spam hateful messages.” We are standing in solidarity with other streamers to take September 1 off to say #TwitchDoBetter. We need Twitch to make additional tech tools to create a safer space a top priority. You can join us tomorrow, Thursday September 2 this week.
Gaming Is for All
Whether you are the GM or a player, participating in a tabletop roleplaying game includes a social contract: everyone has gathered together to have fun telling a story. For many, roleplaying is a way to escape the troubles of everyday life. Be mindful of everyone at the table and what they want out of the game, so that everyone can have fun. When a group gathers for the first time, they should talk about what they hope to experience at the table, as well as any topics they want to avoid. Everyone should understand that elements might come up that make some players feel uncomfortable or even unwelcome, and everyone should agree to respect those boundaries during play. That way, everyone can enjoy the game together.
Pathfinder is a game for everyone, regardless of their age, gender, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other identities and life experiences. It is the responsibility of all of the players, not just the GM, to make sure the table is fun and welcoming to all.
—Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook, page 8.
Now, back to the story! In the Pathfinder: Secrets of Magic liveplay, you can have a great time learning the Pathfinder Second Edition game and see the exciting material from the Pathfinder Secrets of Magic rulebook, which is now available!
Join a halfling summoner, dwarf wizard, half-elf magus, and kitsune witch for a first look at some of the exciting new content in the upcoming Pathfinder Secrets of Magic and watch as they uncover the true danger that awaits them in the sands of Thuvia! This unique, 10-episode, actual play show airs live every Wednesday at 6 PM Pacific through September 15 on Twitch.tv/OfficialPaizo!
In Episode 01 | A Lively Welcome: Four scholars are sent to a small desert town to investigate a wild tale. Rumor has it that everyone in the community has developed magical abilities. Upon arriving, they learn that the rumors might be true—and that such power can be quite dangerous!
In Episode 02 | Merchant of Lies: After dealing with an inn run amok, our scholars finally get a chance to rest and learn about the town, but their investigation is stymied by a massive commotion. A local merchant is selling marvelous gold and gem-encrusted wares at incredible prices. Too good to be true, or the deal of a lifetime?
In Episode 03 | Season of Flame: Dancing flames race through the tiny town of Zaltir, causing panic and chaos in their wake. They move so fast that it may be impossible for our scholars to catch them before the town burns to ashes!
In Episode 04: The Great Goat War, Part 1: Two goatherders have declared war on each other, and the nearby village is caught in the carnage! Using their newfound magical powers, these two threaten to bring ruin to the community as armored goats run amok.
In Episode 05 |The Great Goat War, Part 2: It’s war! Two goatherders fight over a small patch of arable scrublands that their goats use to feed, but this "No Goat's Land" isn’t big enough for the both of them. Can our scholars and investigators broker a peace before the war spills over into the nearby town?
In Episode 06 | Shadows and Song: A master thief is on the loose in Zaltir, using powerful magic to steal from the unsuspecting people of the tiny desert town. Can our scholars from Absalom track down this rogue and bring them to justice?
In Episode 07 | Caught by the Tale: Waiting in ambush, our scholars hope to catch the treacherous thief who stole a number of their prized belongings. Meanwhile, a visiting noble's parties are growing out of control, threatening to engulf the town in endless revelry.
What will happen next in Episode 8 of the Pathfinder: Secrets of Magic liveplay?
In Case You Missed it!
Your heroes are:
- Xander Jeanneret as Ingot - @Xanderrific
- Michelle Nguyen Bradley as Hachi - @iamchubbybunny
- London Carlisle as Dond Oom - @LondonCarlisle
- Bonnie Gordon as Fairel - @BonnieBellG
Meet the Cast! | See the Character Art!
Watch the premiere on YouTube or listen to the podcast on Amazon Music, iHeart Radio, iTunes, Listen Notes, Player FM, PodBean, and Spotify!
In the Pathfinder: Secrets of Magic liveplay, you can have a great time learning the Pathfinder Second Edition game and get a first look at some of the exciting new content in the upcoming Pathfinder Secrets of Magic rulebook scheduled to release September 1! Catch Episode 3 of this unique, 10-episode actual play show as it continues tonight at 6 p.m. Pacific at Twitch.tv/OfficialPaizo!
Join us on Twitch.tv/OfficialPaizo!
Watch Secrets of Magic Liveplay on Thursday!
Wednesday, September 1, 2021