You Are What You Choose to Be

Monday, January 18, 2016

I find that every time I take time off to visit family at the end of the year, I bring a project to work on in my spare time. As I packed my bags and finished my last minute Christmas shopping, the Adventure Path section of my Pathfinder bookshelf begged my attention. There huddled Iron Gods and Giantslayer between a support group of other volumes, staring out at me with what I surely imagined were the tear-streaked puppy dog eyes of misfit toys positively quivering with sadness. This hallucinatory guilt trip continued, even as I tried to show that I had downloaded all twelve PDFs for review as though it were some sci-fi version of the Twelve Days of Christmas. Even while I watched the latest Star Wars installment with my family, I had the premonition that some Ghost of Christmas Past were hovering over my shoulder asking, "Rey gets a spaceship. Why can't we have spaceships in Pathfinder Society?" By the end of it, I was running through the rain-flooded streets of the southeast United States, shouting holiday well wishes, hefting Tiny Tim on my shoulders, and telling him how to be one of Hell's Rebels.

At least that's how I'd rather remember it. Ultimately, it comes down to telling a fun story, and today we add two more fun stories to the list of sanctioned Adventure Paths: Iron Gods and Giantslayer. I recognize that it's been quite a while since I first acknowledged that I would sanction these adventures for the organized play campaign, and I know that some of you already started playing them. In the past, we've prohibited retroactive credit for adventures played before the Chronicle sheets were available. This time we're doing something a little different. If you are still in the middle of playing one of these Adventure Paths but have not yet concluded it, you can receive retroactive credit for all of that Adventure Path's earlier volumes the next time you earn a Chronicle sheet for that campaign. For example, if you're just about to finish #93 of Giantslayer, when you receive that Chronicle sheet, you can also earn the Chronicle sheets for #91 and #92.

Currently, I'm be in Columbia, South Carolina as a guest of SCARAB, where I'm overseeing some interactive specials, running some of the recent scenarios, and herding kobolds through one of this year's exclusive adventures.

John Compton

Quick Housekeeping Note: You'll be able to find both of these sanctioning documents on the Additional Resources page/PDF and respective product pages later this week.

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Tags: Giantslayer Iron Gods Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Society
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Sovereign Court

That's too bad, I was really hoping we were missing something. I've got a natural weapon fighter who would love to go Cybersoldier when he hits that chronicle, I guess I just sit and hope that cybernetic arms show up somewhere at level 5/6 before he hits level 5. Not likely I'm sure considering we seem to be out of the tech-theme for PFS scenarios. I could understand if there was a way to take the archetype later, but from 5-11 it's a pretty hefty drawback for a fighter, and you have to take it by level 5.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

Andrew L Klein wrote:
That's too bad, I was really hoping we were missing something. I've got a natural weapon fighter who would love to go Cybersoldier when he hits that chronicle, I guess I just sit and hope that cybernetic arms show up somewhere at level 5/6 before he hits level 5. Not likely I'm sure considering we seem to be out of the tech-theme for PFS scenarios. I could understand if there was a way to take the archetype later, but from 5-11 it's a pretty hefty drawback for a fighter, and you have to take it by level 5.

Option B would be to take the 5th or 6th chronicle sheet (where such things appear) and reduce the gold down to 1398 to put on a level 1 PC - you'd miss out on the gold later in the character's career and also wouldn't get the boons until later, but you'd have access to the gear "on time" at least?

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.

There is also the distinct possibility that we'll include a cybernetic arm on a future Chronicle sheet.

When Season 3 came to a close, many were concerned that there would not be any more adventures in Tian Xia, yet we continued to revisit the continent because it is both fun for everyone and rewarding for those who built characters tied into that theme. The same happened with Season 4 and Varisia as well as Season 5 and the Workdwound (we have an adventure set there this month). I can speak with considerable confidence when predicting we'll see another adventure every so often that speaks to the tech-savvy PCs born of Season 6.

Never know what could show up on that Chronicle sheet...

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

Even a chronicle sheet with the Spanish Inquisition?

Sovereign Court 4/5

Jeff Cook wrote:
Even a chronicle sheet with the Spanish Inquisition?

We can hold out hope that Hell's Vengeance gets sanctioned.

Sovereign Court

Mike Bramnik wrote:
Andrew L Klein wrote:
That's too bad, I was really hoping we were missing something. I've got a natural weapon fighter who would love to go Cybersoldier when he hits that chronicle, I guess I just sit and hope that cybernetic arms show up somewhere at level 5/6 before he hits level 5. Not likely I'm sure considering we seem to be out of the tech-theme for PFS scenarios. I could understand if there was a way to take the archetype later, but from 5-11 it's a pretty hefty drawback for a fighter, and you have to take it by level 5.
Option B would be to take the 5th or 6th chronicle sheet (where such things appear) and reduce the gold down to 1398 to put on a level 1 PC - you'd miss out on the gold later in the character's career and also wouldn't get the boons until later, but you'd have access to the gear "on time" at least?

True, now I'm even more sad because my fighter is level 2 so that won't work for the character I really want it on. Oh well, my GM boon will just go to a gunslinger instead!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

FiddlersGreen wrote:
John Compton wrote:
Andrew L Klein wrote:
Tonya, are we correct in interpreting that, because of legal items, the Cyber Soldier archetype not only doesn't help till level 11 (an Iron Gods chronicle finally gives items the archetype works with), but actually hurts you due to losing those class features effectively without anything replacing them?
The archetype functions as written, which means that one would need to have a cybernetic arm to make the most of it. The Chronicle sheets printed to date do not provide such an item until higher levels. That means that the archetype does result in some delayed satisfaction—at least until we have such an item appear on a lower-level Chronicle sheet.
Those guys could really use a hand. Their archetype bonuses cost them an arm and a leg.

That pun is a bit of a reach.

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