It's always an exciting day when an envelope arrives containing a monthly Paizo subscription. It's even better, however, when that envelope is replaced by a box. In the near future subscribers to the Pathfinder Pawns line will find in their mailboxes not only a box, but a box inside a box—the Inner Sea Pawn Box!
This large pawn collection features over 200 unique figures and 439 total pawns, assembled from such seminal Pathfinder Campaign Setting sources as The Inner Sea World Guide, Inner Sea Gods, Inner Sea NPC Codex, Paths of Prestige, Inner Sea Combat, and Inner Sea Magic. But even with so many incredibly illustrated sources to draw character images from, we still wanted more. So we ordered new pieces to fill in the gaps.
Among the pawns I'm most excited to get out into the wild are a priest and priestess of each of the setting's core twenty gods, and mounted versions of a Hellknight, a Knight of Ozem, iconic cavalier Alain, and a Sable Company marine.
While most of the pawns in the set represent nameless characters from nations or organizations from the Inner Sea region, there are also a fair number of named individuals like Grandmaster Torch, the Gorilla King of Usaro, the iconic characters from the Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, and the Advanced Class Guide, and the goblin adventurers from We Be Goblins!
What archetypal Inner Sea encounter are you going to use the characters in the Inner Sea Pawn Box to run first?
Mark Moreland