PaizoCon Event Registration Closes Soon!

Friday, June 6, 2014

PaizoCon 2014 is swiftly approaching in less than a month and we are super excited to start seeing our friends and fans rolling in from both far and near!

Last week we opened up the lottery for event preference ranking and earlier this week we announced our special guests, Frank Mentzer and artist Jesper Ejsing.

You can view the jam packed PaizoCon 2014 schedule here. You'll notice there are two tabs on the events page. One is for "Lottery" and one is for "Open Events". We've also got a special page for events that are on-going throughout the convention, like our infamous Delves, and events which do not have online sign ups, such as the 1-on-1 sessions for editing and fiction writing. We are also happy to announce that there are a few new events at PaizoCon 2014 which will have signup on site at the convention. Check out this page for more details!

What is the PaizoCon Lottery?
PaizoCon has a ton of events and some have a limited-availability events, including games run by Paizo staff members, exhibitors, and special guests. Because there are lots of attendees and a limited number of seats, we use a lottery system so as many attendees as possible have a chance to get into these games and events.

How does the lottery work?
Once the preference selection deadline passes, the Event Lottery will begin assigning attendees to events, based on a random drawing. The lottery works best if you use your actual preferences. We know you might love optimization problems, but please don’t try to get fancy.

When is the deadline for selecting my preferences?
You have until 2 PM Pacific time on Monday, June 9 to make your PaizoCon Event Lottery selections. If you have any trouble selecting your lottery preferences please let know as soon as possible so we can assist you! Once you choose your selections, you are done! There is no submit button you need to worry about and you can adjust your preferences if needed up until 2 PM Pacific time on Monday, June 9.

Am I guaranteed to get into a lottery event?
No. There are a lot of attendees and a limited number of seats, not everyone may end up in a lottery event.

Do I have to have a badge already to participate in the lottery?
Yes! You must have purchased or received a regular 3-day badge to select preferences for the lottery and register for events.

What happens if an event doesn't fill up after the lottery process has been run?
It will become available for open registration along with the "Open" events at 2 PM Pacific time on Wednesday, June 11.

Happy lottery-ing and hope to see you at PaizoCon!

Sara Marie
Customer Service Manager

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: PaizoCon


This Blog was up for less than 3 hours before it was replaced on the front page :)

Just over 4 Hours everyone until Lottery closes!

Dark Archive

When do we find out which events we may have entered into through the lottery?

Shadow Lodge


Digital Products Assistant

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You'll find out this Wednesday at 2PM Pacific time! :)

the Haunted Jester wrote:
When do we find out which events we may have entered into through the lottery?

This was my question as well. I noticed that there is no clear indication that it is actually Wed afternoon. That fact is not posted somewhere obvious.. Perhaps it could go on the schedule page, in place of the schedule not being available yet?

Scarab Sages

I wouldn't mind finding out before open registration starts. I really like to plan ahead. :)

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

Only posting the lottery results at 2:00 is making things rather more difficult than it needs to be for those of us who make plans involving other people. My wife and I try to play at the same table, where possible. But we both work during the day (not at the same location), and there's no guarantee that both of us will be free to even talk on the phone at 2:00. If we don't know which (if any) lottery games we've got into, we don't know which slots are free for both of us to sign up for a game we want to play together, and which slots either of us need to fill with a game that works for whichever one of us failed to get into a lottery game.

We had hoped that the results would have been available this evening, so we could have made plans appropriately.

Planning is also made far harder than it needs to be, as apparently the signup pages no longer show lottery preference choices after signups are closed :-(

Liberty's Edge

My only issue here is the blog title:

PaizoCon Event Registration Closes Soon!

It would of read more accurately as:

PaizoCon Lottery Registration Closes Soon!

For a momentary second I did panic because I knew I hadnt entered my event signups yet, then realised this was actually referring to the lottery.

Also, if you look on the event registration board, it claims that event trading closes today at 5... even though it hasn't opened yet. I swear it used to be a timeframe for when it opened, instead.

Liberty's Edge

Never Mind. I see then reveal time was answered above. Was confused that it said event trading ends at 4pm today, but next line says it ends on July 25th.

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