A Look at 2014

Monday, December 9, 2013

It's a busy time of year around the Paizo office as folks are working ahead to ensure that everyone can get their products on time even as the diligent editors, developers, graphic designers, and others look forward to taking a little time off. I spent much of last week outlining and assigning scenarios, and you should be seeing the product pages going up soon. Here's what to watch for:


#5–12: Destiny of the Sands, Part 1: A Bitter Bargain (Tier 1–5)
#5–13: Weapon in the Rift (Tier 5–9)


#5–14: Day of the Demon (Tier 3–7)
#5–15: Destiny of the Sands, Part 2: Race to Seeker's Folly (Tier 1–5)


#5–16: Destiny of the Sands, Part 3: Sanctum of the Sages (Tier 3–7)
#5–17: Fate of the Fiend (Tier 7–11)

Yes, that's right; the third scenario in the three-part series is actually one tier higher than those that precede it. This is the first time that we've jumped tiers during a named series, and there are very important in-game reasons for Part 3 being the level range that it is. Don't worry about having to play the three scenarios one after another, though; there are no plans to include a reward for consecutive play. Of course, there is something else that makes this series particularly special, but I won't spoil that just yet.

In the meantime, it's back to development. I want to make sure that everyone has the December scenarios to enjoy over the holidays.

John Compton

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Grand Lodge 5/5

Andrew Christian wrote:
All that glitter got caught in their throat. Kinda hard to guard against a dragnmoon if you keep hacking up glitter balls.

I just assumed that was a Supernatural Ability that got added by some crazy template Kyle and Doug added to the basic yeti when they found them.

Edit: Plural of yeti? Yetis? Just yeti still?


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Thomas, the Tiefling Hero! wrote:
Akerlof wrote:
#5–13: Weapon in the Rift (Tier 5–9) Do... Do we have Chris Mortika to thank for this one? :P
Bring it on.

My Inquisitor feels the same way: "Oh, you stole my glaive? Well, here's a stick on the ground and, whattya know? It happens to be a Good Aligned Demon Bane stick that punches right through their DR. The stuff people just leave laying around..."

Seth Gipson wrote:
Edit: Plural of yeti? Yetis? Just yeti still?

I think the plural of 'Yeti' is 'Abominable Snowmen'.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Bigrin da Troll wrote:
Seth Gipson wrote:
Edit: Plural of yeti? Yetis? Just yeti still?
I think the plural of 'Yeti' is 'Abominable Snowmen'.

Actually, from what I have seen, the plural of Yeti is "Ouch."

I think the only reason we were able to defeat that Yeti we fought was that one of the casters was able to spam Glitterdust on it, and it rolling horribly for that first save every time.


Just noticed that Destiny in the Sands will be the first low-tier scenario set in Osirion (1-5 or 3-7) since The Third Riddle (#0-11) was retired.

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

My inquisitor will appreciate a Silver Crusade scenario in the rang he needs to run.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

John when are we adding these to the Product list and releasing the release dates?

Normally it would be the Last Wednesday of the Month, but this month that would make it very difficult to schedule in the month of January since there is no January weekend after that.

Any chance of the release day for January being the 22nd?


Kyle Baird wrote:
They were never the same after they got attacked by that purple catbunnygnome thing.

What .... I tamed them .... taught them how to purrrrrr .... the hacking up glitter balls is from licking training....

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Majuba wrote:
Just noticed that Destiny in the Sands will be the first low-tier scenario set in Osirion (1-5 or 3-7) since The Third Riddle (#0-11) was retired.

Isn't Rebels Ransom set in Osirion?

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Andrew Christian wrote:
Majuba wrote:
Just noticed that Destiny in the Sands will be the first low-tier scenario set in Osirion (1-5 or 3-7) since The Third Riddle (#0-11) was retired.
Isn't Rebels Ransom set in Osirion?

Yep, but it's a 5-9, and a deadly (and awesome) one at that.


Dragnmoon wrote:

John when are we adding these to the Product list and releasing the release dates?

Normally it would be the Last Wednesday of the Month, but this month that would make it very difficult to schedule in the month of January since there is no January weekend after that.

Any chance of the release day for January being the 22nd?

I'm actually looking forward to the week shifting for my biweekly gameday. We've been running the new scenarios three days after they're released and I like to give GMs more time to prepare.

I imagine this is the perfect time to have an extra week though, with the holidays delaying releases.

FYI - great job getting December out early John!

DrSwordopolis wrote:
Andrew Christian wrote:
Majuba wrote:
Just noticed that Destiny in the Sands will be the first low-tier scenario set in Osirion (1-5 or 3-7) since The Third Riddle (#0-11) was retired.
Isn't Rebels Ransom set in Osirion?
Yep, but it's a 5-9, and a deadly (and awesome) one at that.

Right - Rebel's Ransom, deadly and awesome, is/was the only scenario for characters under L.7 to play set in Osirion. Wonders in the Weave part I scratched the itch as well though, but also 5-9.

For a society strongly influenced by Indiana Jones type adventures, it took a very long time to get to the dunes.

Huge +1 to the idea of sanctioning J1 - Entombed with the Pharaohs! (And the sequel has a great potential boon as well).

Shadow Lodge 5/5

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any clue whats going on with the season 5 EX ... its around this time of year that its generally announced

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