Pathfinder Battles Preview: Fiendish Friday

Friday, November 22, 2013

Another Friday is upon us, and I’ve got five more sweet, sweet figures from January’s Wrath of the Righteous set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic figures to reveal!

This week it’s a mix of heroes and villains—two iconic Pathfinder heroes and a trio of sickening fiends soon to bring trouble and mayhem to your campaign. On with the previews!

Here we have our iconic inquisitor, the half-orc Imrijka! She first appeared in the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide as the iconic for one of that book’s six new classes, and since then she’s just become more and more popular. WizKids did a great job on this sculpt, and the colors are nice and vibrant. I always throw them some curveballs when it comes to Wayne Reynolds’s highly detailed iconic characters, and true to form, our partners there have absolutely delivered an amazing figure. This Medium figure is, incredibly, at the uncommon rarity.

Like I said, I like to throw them some curveballs. The set already includes a standard Alain, Human Cavalier figure that we revealed in an earlier preview blog. But cavaliers really shine on mounts, so it seemed only natural that we also include a mounted version of Alain in this set, so he can really take the battle to the Worldwound’s demons at his most effective. Of course, having both a mounted and unmounted version of the same character gives a lot of flexibility for player and GM proxies, as well. I can’t say much about this figure that the photographs don’t already say. This Large figure is slated at the uncommon rarity.

The loathsome Tarry Fiend is the grunt of fiendish armies, savaging enemies with two weapons and adhesive skin. The figure has great armor detail, and towers over heroes at about 7 feet tall. The Tarry Fiend is a Medium, uncommon figure. It appears under a slightly different name on page 71 of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3.

If you think tar is disgusting leaking out from a fiend, how about acidic slime? Here we have the exceedingly gross Slimy Fiend. Shock troops and slavers alike, Slimy Fiends scour the lower planes looking for captives to bully, exploit, and work until death. The Slimy Fiend is a Medium uncommon figure. The Slimy Fiend appears under a slightly different name on page 70 of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3.

Even leaky fiends need leadership. Here we have the Shaggy Fiend, the obese outsiders that keep the other fiends in line. The Shaggy Fiends serve their thantotic titan leaders as advisors, covert agents, or battlefield generals. They look a bit smaller than their fiendish cousins, but don’t let it fool you. These bastards are CR 18. The Shaggy Fiend is a Medium uncommon figure. It appears under a slightly different name on page 69 of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3.

And that’s it for this week. Tune in next week for an early look at more exciting upcoming Pathfinder Battles releases!

Erik Mona

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Demodands! Wow, that's one group that has not been represented in miniature form at all as far as I can recall. Excellent sculpts. And Imrijka?! Didn't expect her, but it fits. Also nice mounted an uncommon?!? This is fantastic! Great reveal! :D

2 people marked this as a favorite.

A figure that has both a mounted and unmounted version in the same set?

And an awesome looking figure at that?

You've outdone yourself with this Erik.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Alain mounted and unmounted? I'm sold. More like this please. Not neccesarily just mounted, but multiple pose figures.

Silver Crusade

Really liken the Imrijka figure, except for the face, needs some work.


Shackled City!

WHOAAAAAA!!!!!! Thank you for making these!!!! :)

Shackled City was my first thought too! This reveal is awesome. I'm thrilled about every mini in this batch. And that the two iconics are uncommons!?! Just too cool for words.

Interesting! I don't remember seeing any demodands thus far into Wrath of The Righteous. Does this mean they will have an appearance later?

Sovereign Court

Demodands!?! I am in shock. Happy shock, but shock nonetheless

Some great figures in this post. I love them all.

I just hope the ones I get look at least mostly as good as these do.

2 people marked this as a favorite. made two of those funny little statuettes of Alain... Do you realise how much his head is going to swell from this?

Oh man I need that Imrijka so bad.

Grand Lodge

Imrijka looks really good. I do like that hat.

Having both a mounted and un-mounted option for a mini is a good idea. I would like to see more of that for PC types.

The Demoda...I mean Fiends are nice to see. It is always cool to have another option to torment my PCs.

Dark Archive

Alain on horseback! Amazing! :)

Sovereign Court

Love the roman styling of the demodands. The tarry's dimachaeri style gladiator armor and the slimy's lorica segmentata. You've even got the red shirt beneath!

--For those about to Vrock, we salute you!

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