Pathfinder Battles Preview: Random Chaos

Friday, November 15, 2013

In the "Woe is Me" department, I'm being paid to play Pathfinder all day today for generous donors to the Pathfinder Online Kickstarter effort from last year, so I've got precious little time for this blog today. There are characters to kill, after all, and we can't keep Pharasma waiting too long for their tortured souls.

With that in mind, I want to take a quick hop, skip, and jump around January's 55-figure Wrath of the Righteous set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic gaming figures to highlight a few minis that I really like from the set.

Without much further ado, here they are!

Here we have the multi-faceted Mongrel, a combination creature made up from the parts of several different creatures. Every Mongrel looks unique and different, but this one looks exactly like the one statted up on page 191 of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2. This is an amazingly detailed sculpt for a common, and I find a new cool detail every time I look at it. From the segmented insect eye to the giant claw, this guy is a winner. Or, rather, he's probably a huge loser, but his figure sure looks cool. The Mongrel is a Medium, common figure.

What's scarier than an undead humanoid? Why, a FLYING undead humanoid, of course. Here we have the Berbalang, a classic creature from real world mythology and fantasy gaming, straight from page 40 of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3. The Berbalang is a Medium, common figure.

We want you to live! Or, at the very least, we want you to never turn into this thing. Behold the Suicide Demon, from page 58 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Book of the Damned Volume 2: Lords of Chaos. Suicide Demons play an important role in the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path. They stand about 7 feet tall, are covered in self-inflicted wounds with teeth, and they've got four blood-soaked arms. COOL. The Suicide Demon is a rather large Medium figure, slated at the uncommon rarity.

Here we have Jaruunicka, a nasty black annis cleric of Sifkesh, demon lord of heresy. She's got an amazing design right down to the blood-soaked hem of her dress. She doubles easily for any Large hag or hideous crone spirit, and I cannot wait to field her against my PCs. Her pose is excellent, and the sculpt is impeccable. Jaruunicka appears on page 35 of Pathfinder Adventure Path 75: Demon's Heresy". She is a Large, uncommon figure.

We just released a cool Serpent Demon in our most recent set, Legends of Golarion. That figure used an off-beat paint scheme and wielded a bunch of colorful weapons, which had a lot of reviewers complaining that we didn't take a more traditional approach with that figure. I didn't worry about it, because I knew this figure would follow right on its heels. Here we have Aponavicius, the serpent demon general of the demon lord Deskari's Worldwound host. She stands considerably taller than the Legends of Golarion Serpent Demon, and she's one of the most gorgeous figures in this set. The paint scheme is great, as are the array of exotic weapons she wields (which took us about 9 tries to get right at the factory). I hope you love her as much as we do! Aponavicius is a Large, rare figure.

And that's it for today's preview. I'm off to go run four adventurers through "The Throne of Azlant," the dungeon level I designed for the upcoming Emerald Spire superadventure that was generated as a result of the Pathfinder Online Kickstarter. Wish me luck!

Better yet, wish THEM luck!

See you next week for more exciting Pathfinder Battles previews!

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

Aponavicius is excellent.

These are all fantastic. Aponavicius, in particular, is a remarkable sculpt and color scheme! She's definitely *several* steps up from the LoG serpent demon.

Yep, these are all cool, but the Serpent Demon is a rockstar. Personally, though, I'm most excited about finally having an Annis Hag mini, since that's a slot that has never been filled in PPM till now! Scratch that one off my list of minis-to-beg-for.

I have to agree, the Serpent Demon is the best of the batch.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Wow, this is a great review. SO glad to see the mongrelman, and such a good sculpt. As for the demons - suicide gets a big tick (hope the final paint job is just as detailed on her face) and Aponavicious is simply awesome - she looks imposing, beautifully (?) detailed and with such a nice variety of weapons - not sure how I'll field the Legends one next to her though.
As for the berbalang - interesting choice. Its a nice mini but I wonder why it was chosen, and as a common - it appears only once, individually as far as I can tell.

I personally drastically prefer the Serpent Demon to Aponavicious, but don't get me wrong, I am eager to add Aponavicious to my collection. As for the Mongrelman, I can't help but thing "is that a glabrezu graft?"

Grand Lodge

Wow! Just when I though it couldn't get any better. I will have to chat about this more over at the Plasticrypt site.

"Every Mongrel looks unique and different"... except for the ones your party actually meets on the battlefield which all look exactly like this one. ;D

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

That's an assumption, of course.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Ah, so perhaps ere is anoher?

Dark Archive

At last! An annis hag! My accursed collection can grow again!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"Every Mongrel looks unique and different"
that's why this one is a common figure with 3 to 5 per case?

DropBearHunter wrote:

"Every Mongrel looks unique and different"

that's why this one is a common figure with 3 to 5 per case?

I figure what I will do is use mine as a base and change what ever I get so that each is "unique". I mean I have to od something with all those old Mage Knight figures I have in that bag under my desk. :-)

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