6th Annual Gen Con Costume Competition

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Enthusiastic Pathfinder Society agents from PaizoCon 2012
With Gen Con a few short weeks away everyone here at Paizo is ramping up for our yearly exodus to Indiana. Most of Paizo will be able to make it to the convention with suitcase full of items airport security wouldn't take a second glance at. No armor, no wayfinders, no holy symbol to our favorite god that also happens to double as a mug. But for some con-goers, these are absolute essentials.

Anyone following our Gen Con blogs may recall our previous costume competitions, and I am pleased to announce their continuation with our 6th Annual Gen Con Costume Competition. Cosplaying is one of my favorite parts of every convention, and I know I'm not the only one at Paizo who enjoys seeing the worlds of fiction and fact brought to life in this manner. If you're planning on cosplaying anything from Pathfinder, make sure to swing by our booth and say hello. Chances are you've spent a lot of time on your costume learning a new medium or technique, or figuring out how to best apply makeup to look like a half-orc, and we'd like to show everyone your hard work!

Here's the deal: At some point during Gen Con stop by the Paizo booth while you're in your costume. Show off your handiwork to one of the Paizo staff members and make sure one of us is able to get a picture of your costume! Once Gen Con is over, we'll post the pictures to the Paizo website so you can vote for which cosplay is your favorite. The winner will receive $50.00 in Paizo store credit as well as the knowledge that he or she has won the admiration of the Paizo staff and fan base, although I suspect everyone who enters will receive the latter.

Please note that in order to be eligible for the contest your costume must be identifiably from Golarion or the Pathfinder setting. If you're looking for inspiration, we have some of the previous years contestants here, here, and here.

We look forward to seeing you at Gen Con!

Erik Keith
Customer Service Representative

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Tags: Community Conventions

If I'm not wrong, that's Joanna Gaskell "Edda" and Edwin Perez "Fernando" from Standard Action amongst those eager Pathfinders in the PaizoCon 2012 pic.

Paizo Employee Developer

You're correct! They awesomely helped out with the Grand Convocation that year.

Dark Archive

question for the contest, would creatures or NPCs from wayfinder count?

Grand Lodge

My wife will be very happy to hear about this. ;)

Paizo Employee Paizo Customer Service Algorithm

ulgulanoth wrote:
question for the contest, would creatures or NPCs from wayfinder count?

As long as the characters are identifiable as being from the Pathfinder setting you're fine.

Did I miss a blog? Are there any pictures & voting this year?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Erik Keith is working to get a blog and voting up as soon as possible.

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