Inner Workings of the Clockwork Metropolis Part 2: Alkenstar

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Previously on the Paizo blog, author and Paizo developer Patrick Renie gave a sneak preview of some of the perils and enemies to be discovered in the Mana Wastes in the upcoming Pathfinder Module: Wardens of the Reborn Forge. In today's blog, developer Mark Moreland provides details on the geography of Alkenstar and explains how the magic-warping effects of the Mana Wastes play out in the City of Smog's society and culture.

Illustration by Sam Burley

Wardens of the Reborn Forge includes an extensive gazetteer of the city of Alkenstar, which straddles a 500-foot-tall waterfall that preludes an equally tall sheer cliff-side. While there are certainly clockworks, guns, and other steampunk elements in the adventure itself, it's in this gazetteer that the gloves come off as far as gears, goggles, and guns go. The city of Alkenstar is divided into two distinct parts—Smokeside and Skyside—naturally separated by the Ustradi River. The poorer and more dangerous half of the city, Smokeside, is located in a permanent pocket of antimagic, where spells both arcane and divine simply cease to function. Here, a tumble down the stairs can be just as lethal as a bullet wound (though the latter is far more likely), as magical healing is non-existent and unpracticed doctors are the only way for many citizens to remedy deadly injuries or disease. Gangs and criminal organizations operate out of soot-covered factories, ruling the streets beneath a perpetual cloud of lung-burning smog. For all its hazards, however, this side of the city is also one of the most highly sought out, since it's one of the few places in the Inner Sea where one can reliably avoid magical detection via divination, as scrying and other eldritch means of locating a person simply don't work among the smokestacks and filth-ridden alleys of Smokeside.

The half of the city on the eastern side of the Ustradi River is known as Skyside because the towers here are among the few places in Alkenstar where one can penetrate the blanket of smog and see the sky. The wide river itself is an area of unforgiving primal magic, which washes down the Alken Falls as surely as it occasionally seeps into the waters of Smokeside and Skyside from time to time. Only the wealthiest and most established Alkenstarians may live in Skyside. Here, the Grand Duchy holds sway, as do the myriad engineering guilds, metallurgic factories, Brigh- and Abadar-worshiping temples, and universities of alchemy and primal magic. The organizations and businesses of Skyside utilize the unpredictable fonts of magical energy that course through the soil—arcane remnants of the ancient wars between neighboring Geb and Nex—in order to drive their noxious industries ever forward in the name of profit, progress, and power.

Clockmother Athenth of the Temple of Brigh
Illustration by Daniel Warren

The result of these two distinct sectors is a dichotomy between the haves and have-nots—those who use haphazard magic in their privileged daily lives and those who must subsist in a raw, unforgiving world run by machinery and grit alone. Factor in the presence of clockwork automatons constructed by Skyside's wealthiest engineering guilds and the burgeoning technology of guns, and Alkenstar quickly proves to be one of the most fascinating, exotic, and compelling cities in the Inner Sea region.

Mark Moreland

Thus concludes the two-part blog preview of the upcoming Wardens of the Reborn Forge! Whether you're a fan of desert-roaming mutants or steampunk-inspired plots and locales, this Pathfinder Module is one no Pathfinder fan should miss! Pre-order your copy now or pick it up when it hits shelves this fall!

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Daniel Warren Pathfinder Modules Sam Burley

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm not one for the modules, but I will be buying this just for the Alkenstar gazeteer.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Omg omg omg omg omg squeee!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Why do I have to wait till November? :( It looks so good I want it now.

That first image is pretty breathtaking. I love it.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Squeee indeed!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Gods I'm so hot for this!

Shadow Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Not sure about others but I love the Alkenstar concept - guns, clockwork, machinery, oh my! This is going to be fantastic. I have waited soooo long for Alkenstar fluff. However does the gazeteer go into why the technology hasn't spread all over golarion? Tech, clockwork and guns are great equalizers. Also looks like I've found a place for my deep dwelling duegar engineers of certain dooooom.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Priestess of Brigh artwork

dat gear aesthetic

Oh God yes.

I was already excited about this module, but now? Hot damn.

edit-BLIMPS! :D

Sovereign Court Contributor

I'm very happy. Airships. Brigh. Guns. Steampunk and Revolutionary conflict (potentially).

Does Alkenstar use that useful energy from the waterfall for its machines?

Is it wierd that the Brigh part is what made me squee?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

*German accent* "We have one thing that they surely lack, ZEPPLINS!!!!"

Silver Crusade

Mojorat wrote:
Is it wierd that the Brigh part is what made me squee?

Those feelings aren't weird, they're natural and right.

Love that picture of the town itself.

Mikaze wrote:
edit-BLIMPS! :D

Unless things have progressed a lot from when we last heard of this, those are merely tethered observation balloons (that admittedly double as siege engine platforms), not any kind of powered air travel.

Still, the potential is there :)


Why haven't I heard of this deity before?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It is time to Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the airships of war!"

Silver Crusade

The Clockmother Athenth design is simply lovely and evocative.

Quite excited for this module!

Sovereign Court

Do the clockwork automatons still work on the smokeside? Or do they partly rely on magic?

Paizo Employee Developer

As with any construct or undead, their creation requires magic, but it's an instantaneous effect so they're not innately magical after creation. They thus can't be crafted in Smokeside, but can operate there just like any other creature.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I know I sound like a broken record, but .... I am totally looking forward to this!! Also, that Sam Burley pic is WAY awesome!!

Sovereign Court

Mark Moreland wrote:
As with any construct or undead, their creation requires magic, but it's an instantaneous effect so they're not innately magical after creation. They thus can't be crafted in Smokeside, but can operate there just like any other creature.

Good point well made. I should have considered the construct rules rather than getting absorbed by the dead-magic vibe.

Looking forward to the gazetteer.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Brigh + Cyriss OTP


TheChozyn wrote:

I'm not one for the modules, but I will be buying this just for the Alkenstar gazeteer.

Yeah same here! I went ahead and subscribed today. After I see the module I'll decide if I remain subscribed for future modules, but either way I'm going crazy since I just found out about this book today I want it so bad!

In fact, just yesterday I started a campaign with an NPC from Alkenstar that the PCs met in Cheliax and I was thinking of having them go check out the Mana Wastes with her, but I needed a reason for her to go back. Which, more information plus an actual adventure set in Alkenstar... OMFG this is like totally what I needed!!!! I'm going crazy right now.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

I just noticed that in the artwork for Alkenstar there is no Bridge of the Gods Surely that would be visible crossing the sky of Alkenstar, since its supposed to connect to connect Cloudreaver Keep to the three spires of Alkenstar and span a mile over 500 feet in the air.

Was the bridge retconned out, is the art inaccurate, or is there some weird perspective trick where it can't readily be seen from that angle?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Robert Brookes wrote:

I just noticed that in the artwork for Alkenstar there is no Bridge of the Gods Surely that would be visible crossing the sky of Alkenstar, since its supposed to connect to connect Cloudreaver Keep to the three spires of Alkenstar and span a mile over 500 feet in the air.

Was the bridge retconned out, is the art inaccurate, or is there some weird perspective trick where it can't readily be seen from that angle?

Then what's that bridge in front of the waterfall?

Silver Crusade

I want this module really badly!

Shadow Lodge

I'm not looking forward to meeting up with the first gunslinger with rapid shot at level 12-15 !

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