My first RPG game was a high-level adventure, and had something to do with queens, demons, webs, and pits. We didn't last long, but I was hooked on the concept. Over the years, I graduated from aimless power gamer to aspiring storyteller. I've been blessed with great friends and great campaigns. Though I cherish my faith and family more than anything, I have been a gamer longer than any other attribute or hobby I could ascribe to myself, so this opportunity is very special to me.
I'll compete for my third Iron GM crown at Gen Con this year. As I became a better GM and storyteller, I began to flirt with the idea of adventure and game world design, even making notes on a few novels. I entered every year of RPG Superstar thinking I'd improved from the year before, and hoping I could get past the gatekeepers into a round where I might shine. When I made it in this year, I immediately started working to take advantage of this great opportunity.
Fortunately, I have lots of contacts from my two favorite gaming towns, both those who know about the large events I host at Gen Con and organizers and fellow competitors at Iron GM, LLC. In addition to gathering support from multiple areas, I worked on several design options. In fact, not a single entry for any round of Superstar this year was among my first three ideas.
If I have advice to offer next year's contestants, "never give up" seems pretty strong. Also, I'd offer the same counsel I give hopeful Iron GMs. Always keep your brain (and your flashdrive) stocked with new ideas. The first one or two might not be your best. A rules twist might make your adventure pitch impossible to submit in the final round. Have confidence, and never stop working or improving. Submit cinematic ideas, and surround yourself with honest editors and writing critics.
I'm working on Tears at Bitter Manor every day. My goal is to deliver a gritty horror/mystery adventure, and to include plenty of new material so players who read the proposal round will still be challenged and surprised. I look forward to your comments and questions about the adventure when it's released, as well as a lengthy and detailed obituary. Thanks to Paizo for this fantastic contest, and to the online community of Pathfinder players for making me this year's RPG Superstar!
Steven Helt