Reaper Miniatures Bones: An Evolution Of Gaming Miniatures

Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 08:00 AM Pacific

I don't normally contact you about another company's products like this, but in this case, it was such a great project that I felt compelled to let you know so you wouldn't miss out!

Our friends at Reaper have been running a Kickstarter project to ramp up their Bones miniatures line. Bones is the line that takes their award-winning metal minis and makes them much more affordable by casting them in an amazing plastic material. (Like Reaper's metal minis, Bones are unpainted.) We have a number of Bones minis in the Paizo offices and everyone is amazed by them.

So why the Kickstarter? Well, the molds to make plastic miniatures cost a LOT more than molds to make metal. So even though Bones have been well received and are selling very well, Reaper has only been able to add to the line slowly—until now. Their Kickstarter project is going to allow them to jumpstart the process and make a lot more affordable Bones figures. They started with a very reasonable $20,000 goal that they quickly smashed through! They have passed the $565,000 goal as I type this—a truly remarkable feat!

So what does this have to do with you as a Paizo customer? I'm glad you asked! Reaper has just announced their first Pathfinder Bones stretch goal. The "We Be Goblins" stretch goal will bring nine Pathfinder goblin minis to the Bones line. Yep, you heard that right—nine!

The purpose of this blog is let you know about Pathfinder Bones, but it's also a heads-up from one gaming friend to another about this amazing Kickstarter. If you use miniatures at all in your game, you're going to want to get involved in this Kickstarter. You can support it at a number of different levels, but I really want to draw your attention to what Reaper calls the "Vampire" level, for backers who kick in $100. When this Kickstarter began, you got 30 Bones miniatures for that $100. Well, because Reaper keeps reaching more and more stretch goals, that $100 pledge currently gets you 132 Bones miniatures and a special metal Sophie (their iconic succubus) for that same $100 pledge! And it's only going to get better—the "Vampire" level is where the Pathfinder goblins will kick in!

When I personally got in on this Kickstarter, my $100 got me 44 miniatures. Now, because of the pledges of other gaming fans out there like me, I am getting the 132 figures plus the Sophie. And it is going to become even more because of the way the Kickstarter stretch goals work. As more and more people join into the Kickstarter at any level, but especially the Vampire level, we will pass more stretch goals and more minis will be added to my $100 Vampire reward level. At $605,000, we Vampire-level backers will all get 4 very cool demon miniatures, bringing our new total to 136. And then when the stretch goal after that gets hit—boom—NINE Pathfinder goblins added for the same $100 pledge. And each stretch goal gets you more cool minis.

You can see why I wanted to tell you about this. Right now, backers are getting Bones minis for well under a buck apiece—this is by far the best deal in miniatures that I have ever seen. And as more people join in, it gets better and better for all of us. And for Reaper, because they'll be able to get a whole bunch of new Bones figures out there.

There are nine days left in the Reaper Bones Kickstarter—it ends Saturday, August 25 at 6pm EST. If you are at all interested in miniatures, seriously think about pledging to this Kickstarter. What a great way to grow your miniatures collection AND help out a great game company like Reaper. (And I've been told that there is another Pathfinder stretch goal buried in that crypt somewhere. Can't wait to find out what it is!)

Yours in gaming...

Lisa Stevens
CEO, Paizo Publishing

And now a word from our friends at Reaper...

What Are Bones Gaming Miniatures?

Bones are the best plastic gaming models to hit the industry in the last decade. We've taken the best miniatures in the Reaper product line and converted them into plastic - high quality, low price. What more could you ask for? For more info, click here.

Why are we doing this Kickstarter?

Reaper Miniatures Bones Kickstarter is a project to ramp up the production of the Bones plastic miniatures line and to get you the miniatures you want now! And to make things even better, we're adding our officially licensed Pathfinder Miniatures line to our project!

Since the launch of Bones in March 2012, a full third of the figures we ship are Bones plastic gaming miniatures. We have eight pages of Bones suggestions going in our forum. It's clear that our fans want more of these Bones figures. And why not? They're awesome sculpts at a terrific price!

As it turns out, they're also really expensive to produce. The mold costs alone are astronomical. In order to grow this line, we can do it slow and steady over the next several years, or we can defer to you guys and launch a bunch of new ones as soon as possible. By the end of the year, we anticipate having 30 products in the Bones line. What this Kickstarter will do is at least double the Bones line to 60 total models: character models, new sculpts, big monsters... the sky's pretty much the limit.

All we need to kickstart this thing is your support.

What Do I Get For Supporting You?

We have a number of opportunities available for our supporters.

These include, but are not limited to, various apparel items, a chance to receive each of the new 30 Bones plastic models, a metal Kickstarter-exclusive Sophie model, Design-Your-Own-Miniature packages, not to mention some of the most valuable one of a kind Crown Jewel items from the Reaper archives. (And we have some incredible stretch goals in mind – we remain ever optimistic!)

Something for everyone who loves miniature gaming.

Now we're offering some of the most popular miniatures from the officially licensed Pathfinder Miniatures range. What do you have to do to get these Pathfinder Bones miniatures? Simple! All you have to do is pledge either the Vampire or Undertaker Levels from the Pledge List, and if we hit the Pathfinder Bones stretch goal, they'll be added to your Pledge Level at no additional charge! And if you want extras, simply add them to your pledge amount.

The first Pathfinder Bones stretch goal has been revealed. Go join in and pledge to the Reaper Miniatures Kickstarter project and bring them to life for everyone to enjoy!

The Kickstarter has funded, and in fact, it is now over $500,000 and at this point It has been running for over 20 days. There's just over a week left until the project closes on August 25th 2012 at 5:00pm CST. Hurry and get involved and let's see how many Pathfinder Bones we can uncover!


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I assume the Dracolich is more of a shelf dresser showpiece? Can't see THAT hitting a table :0

Robert Hawkshaw wrote:
Matrixryu wrote:

I'm really thinking about joining in on this Kickstarter, but I have some questions about the Bones minis and Reaper Paints...

First, does anyone know if Citadel paints will work on these Bones minis without priming?

Also, does anyone know if Reaper paints and Citadel pants can be used on the same mini?

Yea, I have a bunch of Citadel paints already, but was thinking about trying out the Reaper ones. wouldn't want to replace my entire collection at once though, so I'd probably end up using both for a while.

Just remember not to thin the first basecoat down with water. Use a bit of reapers brush on sealer or matte medium if you need to thin. Extra water seems to be repelled by the pvc and cause beading. After the first coat, thin as normal.

You could also just prime the figures, I suppose. I know they don't need it, but it would scarcely hurt. I've started using gesso as a brush-on primer for metal minis, which works extremely well.

And I LOVE Reaper paints. I have some old (I'm talking VERY old) Citadel Paints from way back in the day (they must be nearly 20 years old at this point), and they're still amazing. But from what I hear, their newer supplier isn't anywhere near as good, and the paints tend to try out quickly.
However, I have nothing but good things to say about Reaper paints.

The Exchange

Shifty wrote:
I assume the Dracolich is more of a shelf dresser showpiece? Can't see THAT hitting a table :0

It's a shame really. I'd love to have a good mini like this to terrify players with. I agree though, it's probably just going to be too big to be useful. I may skip this one.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Alright, I couldn't resist anymore. Put in a $110 pledge so I can also get the Pathfinder Red Dragon mini :D

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Shifty wrote:
I assume the Dracolich is more of a shelf dresser showpiece? Can't see THAT hitting a table :0

Eh, I used WotC's colossal red dragon in a game, along with (separately) the gargantuan black and the gargantuan white. I'm going to try to fit the gargantuan blue dragon into my Legacy of Fire game somewhere. That dracolich would fit -- somewhere. :)

The oh-crap look on the players' faces when I set the colossal red dragon on the table and said, "This is Ashardalon. Yes, that is the correct size relative to the PC figures" -- magnificent.

Sovereign Court

And then once they kill the dragon, it's cultists bring it back as a dracolich and you have the figure for it :)

Sovereign Court

We hit 1 million. The pirates are funded - up at something rediculous like 183 minis for 100 dollars now.

You know there's a slightly 9terrified) part of me that says if Reaper starts selling ridonkulously massive Dragons and Jabberwocks that there are GM's out there who will by them, and then design whole campaigns around having to run into them all :P

GM: You now encounter the JABERWOCKY!/smacks mini on mat

Players: Teh?

GM: was on sale.

Scarab Sages

The counter just keeps going up and up but a few hundred a minute. It is almost like a clock.

Overburdened henchman. I loved painting the metal version of this guy. All the little items he has, every adventuring party needs one of these hirelings following them around holding their extra stuff.

Took the weekend, wrestled with the decision and I pledged. No idea where my pledge will end up but hopefully below $400... but it looks like that will be hard to keep my pledge that low!

Pravus wrote:
Took the weekend, wrestled with the decision and I pledged. No idea where my pledge will end up but hopefully below $400... but it looks like that will be hard to keep my pledge that low!

Well, it seems like they have backed off of the pay extra minis model. I'm wondering if they are starting to run low on new content they can easily add.

I'm guessing there will only be 2 more stretch goals announced by the end of the campaign. At the rate they are going, I expect the henchmen early tomorrow, the mummies in the evening, and for the campaign to finish arround 1.5M, with 2 unannounced strech goals reached. Though I think it will also be slowing down some now that Gencon is done (to ~90K/day). If it keeps up at the current pace of 140K/day, we could see a final run at 2M, which would be cool.

Sovereign Court

They have stretch goals out to 4 million planned out and about 400 minis they want in bones if need be. The resident numbers guy thinks this might be a 200k day.

Robert Hawkshaw wrote:
They have stretch goals out to 4 million planned out and about 400 minis they want in bones if need be. The resident numbers guy thinks this might be a 200k day.

I wouldn't be suprized. I'm guessing right now a lot of people are adding on for the dracolich that was just unlocked. The last 2 hours have been >10K each, and they have been at >5K since this morning. I'm curious how long they can keep up this pace though, especially since the 2 announced strech goals do not have a new pay addition.

Sovereign Court

Well, it got posted up on boingboing this morning, and the kickstarter folks tweeted about it on their main page for breaking 1 million. The pace should actually start to pick up over the next few days - the $100 deal is getting very close to 50 cents a mini which makes it a fantastic deal even for UK and Euro folks who might get hit with VAT.

I am expecting more than just 2 stretch goals...I am thinking at the last few days increases we will hit about 1 goal a day or more! So at least 4 more reveals!

I also feel that Reaper has alot more minis on the way. They may be showing 4 pirates as a bonus to the stretch goal, but when they release the minis in their store they will release 7 or 8 pirates. I think so because it would be great business...all us involved with the KS will have more bones to buy to expand our

At this point as well, I think Reaper is not doing addons because they need more new backers. Those who started early in the Kickstarter at this point are pretty much broke. With the Vampire $100 and one of each other addon the total is close to or over $400. They need new backers who arent tapped out that can put two or three hundered dollars into the pot.

I backed this last night right before bed. I didn't find out about it until Lisa's post on the blog and I have to say I'm pretty excited. I've pledged enough to be a Vampire backer and get a bunch of the dragons, but I'm seriously considering upping my pledge enough to get three of the paint sets as well.

I'm really, really excited about this.

I found out about this last night and put $100 down. I then showed it to my Dm and he's having me put another $100 down for him so he can get some.

Incredible deal from an incredible product. Been watching it since Lisa's announcement. Wednesday my group will be pledging, somewhere just North of $200. I really won't be shocked if this hits $2M by Saturday.

I keep telling everyone I know, but it seems everyone's poverty-stricken from all the recent Awesome. Rappan Athuk, RotRL anniversary and the minis... it's all adding up. WAY up.

Started out supporting this at the Vampire level but now because of the extras im in for $245. I pray that they dont have any more extras that I really want. Im already forgoing the Jabberwock and the fire and frost giants.


I'm gonna be dropping more cash on this aren't I?

Sovereign Court

We just hit 200k, the townsfolk II are funded.

Mummies and then anti-heroes up next, tiefling wizard, evil wizard, and scary fighter types.

Once we hit 1.42 million the deal is at 200 minis for 100 dollars. Or way to good for anyone to pass up ever!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Getting close to unlocking a new stretch goal and getting more free minis (mummies). Everyone who likes to paint minis or are thinking of starting this is a great opportunity to jump in. The deal on starter paint sets is awesome too.

Sovereign Court

Next goal is the last four pathfinder iconics, Lem, Ezren, Kyra, and the emo fighter mage guy.

Then we find out what is lurking in the green scary pit thingy at the bottom.

Grand Lodge

Man, we gotta hit 1.5m -- I want those next four Iconics!

Sovereign Court

Yesterday was a 200k day, today so far is 100k. Shouldn't be an issue.

@Matrix: You should be able to find paint reviews comparing paint brands. Here's one : aints.html

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Those new iconics are looking nice..

There's alot of rumblings about other, larger monsters to be added to the goals. I for one hope we get to see more options before the end. Only 4 days to go!

Sovereign Court

The next reveal is back to big monsters.

Liberty's Edge

ok, ok, do I get this right...

I backed this project with 100$ and another 10$ to get the Red Dragon fromthe Core Rulebook Cover.
By now I get how many minis? I don't have to pay more for those which are added to the Vampire level?!
Only amount which is taken from my card will be those 110$ and I get almost 200 minis for that by now?!

Or am I totally wrong here?!

Sovereign Court

You are exactly right. They will send you a survey at the end to find out what you want to spend the extra 10 dollars on.

If you live outside of the US or Canada, remember to add shipping.

Liberty's Edge

Dryder wrote:

ok, ok, do I get this right...

I backed this project with 100$ and another 10$ to get the Red Dragon fromthe Core Rulebook Cover.
By now I get how many minis? I don't have to pay more for those which are added to the Vampire level?!
Only amount which is taken from my card will be those 110$ and I get almost 200 minis for that by now?!

Or am I totally wrong here?!

You have it correct sir!

Out of curiousity, for Pathfinder RPG what would you use the following monsters as?

Mythos Monster - the one with the big sphere

Mythos Monster - the blob with all the teeth

Mythos Monster - Mr Squid Head

Frost Wyrm

Deep Dwellers - Tiik warriors and champion

Deep Dwellers - The beast of blood reef

I'm trying to make sure I get models I can use. Even though they are all very pretty, there is a point where you don't want to be buried in models that don't have a purpose... If they do have a use, I don't mind :P

Sovereign Court

One of those mythos monsters is a shoggoth, which has pathfinder stats and has been used in modules:

Here is the big squid guy attacking riddleport

The frost wyrm is a remorhaz -

The Tlik warriors work for sahuagin or fish men, ,, stats:

And, reaper has confirmed in the comments on the kickstarter that there are more pathfinder mini stretch goals to come that will add monsters and the rest of the iconics.

Thank you very much sir :)

I don't know the bestiaries very well, and your help is greatly appreciated!

Sovereign Court

No problemo. :) The more happy backers there are, the more minis for everyone.

A new update video. Sounds like you can swap the sophie out for 25 bucks in addons. Which is a fantastic deal, turns your 100 dollar pledge into 125 if you aren't into motorcycle riding succubi. That means for 100 bucks you can get all of the bones minis and get a huge dracolich. Or a case. Or two other dragons. Or four giants and some other figs. Etc..

Sovereign Court

Eric Mason 37 wrote:

Thank you very much sir :)

I don't know the bestiaries very well, and your help is greatly appreciated!

I am a bit scattered today because I had a couple of coffees and I neglected to mention the provenance of these miniatures and their link to D&D and other fantasy games. Those are minis that draw on the works of HP Lovecraft, and the pulp and horror genres - you will find him listed in gary gygax's appendix N (reproduced here). James Jacobs has also written about it here: mes-Jacobs

Scarab Sages

Robert Hawkshaw wrote:

No problemo. :) The more happy backers there are, the more minis for everyone.

A new update video. Sounds like you can swap the sophie out for 25 bucks in addons. Which is a fantastic deal, turns your 100 dollar pledge into 125 if you aren't into motorcycle riding succubi. That means for 100 bucks you can get all of the bones minis and get a huge dracolich. Or a case. Or two other dragons. Or four giants and some other figs. Etc..

Sounds like you can swap out any of the minis in the core set you get you dont want. I am not interested in the modern stuff like the marines, chronosphere and modern vampire hunters and hope I can swap out.

Sovereign Court

Just the sophie fig right now, unless I missed something big.

They do have a trade / swap forum set up but that's totally between forum members, they aren't running that.

Scarab Sages

I kinda thought that the reaper project manager that will come out after the kickstarter ends will allow you to manage what is in and out. I got the from the youtube clip unless I interrupted it wrong.

Masika wrote:
I kinda thought that the reaper project manager that will come out after the kickstarter ends will allow you to manage what is in and out. I got the from the youtube clip unless I interrupted it wrong.

It will, but that doesn't mean that they'll make all the miniatures available for swapping out. So far it's only the Sophie mini you can swap out for another $25 purchase.

They said in the comments to the video that they don't know yet if you'll be able to swap out other choices. Only thing to do is to wait and see. :-)

Aaaaaaand, the next level is revealed. Swamp things (all new lizard men) and a frigging big hydra!

One thing to realize is that the sophies are metal miniatures, while the rest are all plastic. I am sure this has something to do with the swap out option.

Any suggestions for painting the translucent fire and haunt miniatures? I think Robert implied you could use a wash using a sealer to thin the paint, rather than water.

Sovereign Court

That should work. Someone else has recommended tamiya's clear / translucent paints. They are alcohol based so let them dry completely after before painting again.

And I suppose, remember folks, with only 3 days left, now is the time to spread the word far and wide!

Sovereign Court

There is also this page:

But I worry about some of the solvents being used.

Scarab Sages

I can confirm... only sophie is tradable out on Saturday.

Pathfinder Iconics II is in the bag and a Griffon + a mystery mini is revealed.

Masika wrote:
I can confirm... only sophie is tradable out on Saturday.

Do you have source handy for this? I could go look through the Reaper forums, but if you have a link handy...

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