Jason Grubiak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

My first reaction was "We had a lich and a succubus in the first set! What gives?"
But I love the lich. The fact that he isnt a skeleton and looks like an old king with a beard. I think this guy has just become my favorite lich miniature ever.
As for the Alu Fiend...I think I would have minded less if there wasnt a repainted Succubus in that upcoming encounter pack.
So we now will have 3 different succubus minis.
If there needs to be hordes of common ones in order to run Rise of the Rune Lords I guess I understand.
And as for the Yeth Hound...AWESOME!!
A monster from the 3rd edition Monster Manual that was never made in over 20 DDM sets. I LOVE seeing monsters that never have been made before. Bravo.

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I like the Succubus a lot.
Is there any story behind the white cloud bottom vs. clear plastic
Not really, though I think there may be more drybrushing on the white to give it a bit more depth on the final figure, like what we did with the Succubus.
All of the clear minis need to be on molds with other clear figures, and I think we wanted to save the clear "slots" in this set for something a little more fantastic.

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The Lich King could definitely proxy for any evil king. It looks to be well designed.
A Horde of Succubi....that is both a frighteningly scary and intriguing thought all at the same time. I like it! This Alu-Fiend may be hotter than the H&M Succubus.
It is good to see a Yeth Hound in miniature. That is one fearsome looking pooch.

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Not sure how I feel about the really, really stereotypical "Hot girl with wings" minis in all these sets, or the language being used to describe them. >.>;
They're sex demons who trade on their looks and guile to lead folks into temptation.
Not a lot of beating around that particular bush.
That said, with two Succubi and an Alu-Demon, I think we're done with this particular motif for a little while. There's nothing like it in the next set, and while I haven't set the list for the set after that, there probably won't be any winged sex demons in that one, either.
Rejoice! :)

Steve Geddes |

That said, with two Succubi and an Alu-Demon, I think we're done with this particular motif for a little while. There's nothing like it in the next set, and while I haven't set the list for the set after that, there probably won't be any winged sex demons in that one, either.
Remind me what those sets are called again?

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Wasn't there talk of a June release for this set? I thought it was going to coincide with the hardback release roughly. Guess I will wait till August to start RotRL for my group. So far I am liking what I am seeing from the line though, and Holy Cow the rune giant looks Awesome! :)
(Hopefully I will survive tomorrow night's game when the crew finds out we are waiting for August)I expect they will appreciate the wait when they see all the pretty mini's to decimate :)

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Azaven - Living it. Great sculpt, beautiful(?) colour scheme, probably needs some colour on his beard to set it apart form his face - but then this is a paint master. A grade A mini, well done, again...
Alu-demon - so we had a succubus and a repaint. This is fantastic because it intorduces soem variety. My concern it it may overshadow the succubus ( a long overdue mini that I personally loved) in its' standard. It looks great and the wings look to be shaded this time?
Yeth hound. More like Yes hound. Going to get me some of these. Its a vicious, disturbing looking dog. Personally I was hoping for a hound of Tindalos but this looks great.
Good to hear prices going up on the site soon and I don't find it all hard to beileive great minis still to come. I love this line so far and things are only getting better.
Now... Any chance of a hound of tindalos? Or indeed any other lovecraftian horror in this set (Xin SHalast is just calling out for it). I know we have the brilliant, common, denizens of leng but is 1 or 2 more to much to ask for, surely that not pushing the lovecraft too far? And the hopunds did figure a fair bit in the latter parts of the path didn't they?
Oh yeah and one other thing - wher are the goblins! Stars of the first set, I have a overwhelming need to see the goblins in this one, butfear my mindwill be unable to cope with goblin awesomness (chief of gecko? hell yeah).

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Wasn't there talk of a June release for this set? I thought it was going to coincide with the hardback release roughly. Guess I will wait till August to start RotRL for my group. So far I am liking what I am seeing from the line though, and Holy Cow the rune giant looks Awesome! :)
(Hopefully I will survive tomorrow night's game when the crew finds out we are waiting for August)I expect they will appreciate the wait when they see all the pretty mini's to decimate :)
There was a very provisional June date, but not set in stone. It's also worth noting that the hardcover itself has slipped to July

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |

GreatKhanArtist wrote:You say yeth hound, I say goblin dog!Isn't there rumored to be a goblin dog in this set as well?
Tis' not even a rumor. Erik announced this quite some time ago. Technically there are 2, if you include the fact that there is also a goblin dog mounted goblin commando mini. So, barring any last minute line-up changes, we should be seeing this mini sometime soon.