Pathfinder Battles Preview: Taking Another Look

Friday, December 16, 2011

The official release date for Heroes & Monsters is now only a few weeks away, and by this point I’ve revealed every miniature in the set in one form or another. Later today our friends at WizKids will be bringing over first-run outputs of the approved sculpts for the next set, Rise of the Runelords, so my mind is already on the next amazing set. But those previews will have to wait until next month, as I want to take one more pass through Heroes & Monsters to show off some of the final versions of minis you’ve only previously seen as computer models or unpainted practical sculpts.

First up we have the uncommon Dire Rat, one of the earliest miniatures we revealed for the set. Your comments (and our own impressions) said that the computer-generated 3D sculpt of the rat looked too “clean,” so I asked WizKids to add a layer of filth over the whole guy to really sell the idea that he just stepped out of a sewer. I’d say they nailed it. Gross!

Speaking of early reveals, next up we have the rare Lich, previously seen only as a computer sculpt. The final production-run miniature shown below reveals nice metallic effects on the shoulder pads and chestplate, while WizKids’ talented paint operations have added a cool speckled highlight effect on what originally appeared to be a flat black cloak. This guy really looks like a badass, and I love the way the detail at the hem of his cloak gives the whole thing a sense of texture. I can’t wait to put this guy on the table and see my players run for cover.

Next up we have the common Lizardfolk Champion. This is your first look at this guy in color, and honestly, I’m not sure our camera is up to the challenge of showing off how good the Champion looks, especially for a “common” figure. I count eight different colors, from his black toenails to the touch of blue at the top of his crest. The Lizardfolk’s curved tail and weapon pose give it a great sense of three-dimensionality. We call him a Champion, but at the common rarity, he makes a great troop-builder figure for a Lizardfolk squad. More Lizardfolk will certainly follow (with plenty of variety within the types), but this guy gets us off to a good start.

Speaking of amazing commons, the Orc Warrior is one of my absolute favorite figures in the set. Not only is he an amazing likeness to the illustration in the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, but he’s got more detail and a better paint job than most prepainted orcs that preceded him (although I also really like the Orc Brute from this set). There will DEFINITELY be more orcs in the future, and we’ll be careful to match the skin tones, size, and general “look” to make sure all of them work well together.

Lastly we have the only iconic character in Heroes & Monsters, the rare paladin Seelah. Although the way this photo frames her face makes her seem like a bit of a Popeye look, the mini looks really nice in hand. The metallic silver and gold of her armor really pops, and I love the design WizKids pulled off at the hem of her skirt. There will, of course, be more iconic characters to come, with Rise of the Runelords getting two, bringing the total (including the four in Beginner Box Heroes) to 7. Only 14 to go before we’ve covered them all!

That’s it for this week! WizKids is bringing a pile of new minis over later today, and I can’t wait to start planning preview blogs for the next set! Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to know about Heroes & Monsters, and I’ll do my best to help out!

These things are almost in your hands! I can’t wait to hear what you think of them once you get to see them for yourselves!

Erik Mona

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Tags: Animals Iconics Lizardfolk Miniatures Orcs Paladins Pathfinder Battles Seelah Undead
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Erik Mona wrote:

Saw the premium mini for Rise of the Runelords today.

Mind blown.

That is all.

Ooooh! Ooooh! I demand a spoiler. I have a question I really, really want you to answer before your official blog post. Is it... made of plastic?

Itchy wrote:
The Premium figure will be larger than Huge.

Hmmm...Shemhazian demon is gargantuan.

Steve Geddes wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Erik was working off of an old list there. Both pairs of goblins are common, and the Dire Rat and the Gnome Fighter are uncommon. I've adjusted the blog.

Thanks, I have updated accordingly as well now.

Let me tell you again that this site is a fantastic service to the community. Cheers. :)

Thanks, I am happy to hear that others are finding it useful.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

I personally use the site frequently to remind myself what we have and haven't revealed, so count me as a major fan.

Erik Mona wrote:

Saw the premium mini for Rise of the Runelords today.

Mind blown.

That is all.

I'm pretty sure it's a rune giant. I can't think of anything else as iconic as the rune giant in RotRL that's bigger than huge.

RotRL looks more and more interesting the more you tempt us by the way. :)

Ice Titan wrote:
RotRL looks more and more interesting the more you tempt us by the way. :)

Agreed! I'm not sure how I'll be able to convince my better half that these are worth purchasing to go with my RoTR hardcover (preordered).

In order to get the initial set, I talked my gaming group into splitting the cost 5 ways, with eventual plans to buy them all out over time. I'm not sure I can convince them again, especially if it takes 2 cases to be pretty sure you get the full set (not intended to start rumors, still waiting on the official word on that assumption).

It doesn't help that they announced the Bestiary Box which is more in my budget. I have not told my better half about the paper minis which are even more within my budget.

Out of curiosity, is there any chance that Paizo could release gaming bases? (Probably under the Game Mastery line?)

I really would like bases that are identicle to the Pathfinder miniature bases... especially medium and large bases.

I do quite a few figure conversions from Mage Knight, Confrontation, Heroscape and Warhammer. I prefer that all my minis have exactly the same base. I have not found any non-slotted bases that are similar. The GW ones have beveled edges which not only detracts from the appearance, but also for figures that have wide stances, the feet are often hanging over the top beveled edge.

I am guessing that "blank" bases are already made by WizKids for proofing purposes, so would it be possible to package and sell them?

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

Saw the premium mini for Rise of the Runelords today.

Mind blown.

That is all.

I'm warning you Erik, if you make me up my subscription to 3 cases because of the awesomeness of the next minis set I will blow up a White Castle. You are now fairly warned!!!


Erik Mona wrote:

Saw the premium mini for Rise of the Runelords today.

Mind blown.

That is all.

It was full of AWESOME. ^_^

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

Saw the premium mini for Rise of the Runelords today.

Mind blown.

That is all.

I'm warning you Erik, if you make me up my subscription to 3 cases because of the awesomeness of the next minis set I will blow up a White Castle. You are now fairly warned!!!


That's it! There are only going to be 10 minis in the Rise of the Runelords set.

Sorry, guys, but I need my sliders.

Erik Mona wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

Saw the premium mini for Rise of the Runelords today.

Mind blown.

That is all.

I'm warning you Erik, if you make me up my subscription to 3 cases because of the awesomeness of the next minis set I will blow up a White Castle. You are now fairly warned!!!


That's it! There are only going to be 10 minis in the Rise of the Runelords set.

Sorry, guys, but I need my sliders.


Never negotiate with terrorists. Anyone who would sacrifice minis for burgers deserves neither.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:


That's it! There are only going to be 10 minis in the Rise of the Runelords set.

Sorry, guys, but I need my sliders.

You have also saved Lion's Tap. Pray I don't alter the deal further by including The Source.

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