More Adventures for Pathfinders!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Illustration by Roberto Pitturru

One of the things I often heard complained about over the past year was that players did not have enough scenarios to play. Many times, they had played every scenario of a particular tier and were in a holding pattern to continue adventuring with their favorite characters.

The problem was noted and added to my list of to do items, and getting the remaining Pathfinder modules sanctioned for Pathfinder Society play was one of my top priorities. Thanks to the help of JP Chapleau, John Compton, Nick Gray and Joseph Caubo, (who combed through the modules to provide me with lists of items, as well as flavor text and ideas for Chronicle sheet boons) Pathfinder Society now has seven additional modules for sanctioned play. The list includes: Carrion Hill, City of Golden Death, Crypt of the Everflame, Curse of the Riven Sky, Masks of the Living God, Realm of the Fellnight Queen, and From Shore to Sea.

Additionally, the Chronicle sheet for Feast of Ravenmoor has been updated to include a new boon.

For those who have not had a chance to play through Carrion Hill, I highly recommend it as a Halloween weekend game. Enjoy and good gaming!

Mike Brock
Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

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Tags: Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society Roberto Pitturru
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teribithia9 wrote:
Where are the chronicles people are talking about? I've checked the additional resource page several times and don't see any for the new modules?

They are at the very bottom of the Additional Resources page, under "Additional Chronicle."

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

The newly-sanctioned modules will appear on the updated Additional Resources page today (we try to update the page only once a month to cut down on the workload of our wonderful IT staff). Thanks for your patience!

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Sniggevert wrote:
teribithia9 wrote:
Where are the chronicles people are talking about? I've checked the additional resource page several times and don't see any for the new modules?

They're only on the individual module product pages at the moment. It takes a little more to gather them, since they haven't been added to the additional resources page yet. I'm sure they'll get gathered and added with the next update though.

EDIT:And links to all of the product pages are in the blog post above.

Hope this helps.

Yes, thanks!

The Exchange 2/5

Tamago wrote:
teribithia9 wrote:
Where are the chronicles people are talking about? I've checked the additional resource page several times and don't see any for the new modules?
They are at the very bottom of the Additional Resources page, under "Additional Chronicle."

They weren't there when I initially asked this question--but thank you. :)

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