carborundum RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |
Alephtau |
How many chapters will this one be? In "Coming Next Week" it does not say that next weeks is chapter 2, so is it a different story or chapter 2? I ask cause i prefer to wait until all the parts of the story are out before reading.
Is there somewhere were it says how many chapters each new weekly story will be? If not could that maybe be incorporated?
Chris Lambertz |
How many chapters will this one be? In "Coming Next Week" it does not say that next weeks is chapter 2, so is it a different story or chapter 2? I ask cause i prefer to wait until all the parts of the story are out before reading.
Is there somewhere were it says how many chapters each new weekly story will be? If not could that maybe be incorporated?
Next week will be Chapter 2. Generally the Web Fiction is about 4 chapters long (sometimes up to 5 or 6). :)
Doug Miles |
GeraintElberion wrote:Never mess with a retired adventurer. Have those guards not seen Unforgiven?Make all players read this story before they begin the campaign so they won't be abusive to farmer/townsfolk npcs...
This will only encourage the players to go after farmers. Imagine how many XP Rorr is worth!
Alephtau |
Ok, could not resist reading this first installment, and i am pleased. Finally a main character that is a good character, and not a bad boy turned good with a Han Solo complex. Don't get me wrong, i like Han Solo and those characters can be entertaining, but there has been way too much of that type of character lately for my taste.
So, i think i will enjoy this story a lot more then most, cause the main character is someone i feel like i can root for. Would still like to know how many chapters this one will be though.