Golarion Day: Other Gods and New Subdomains

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Advanced Player's Guide introduced a new concept for clerics—subdomains. In the upcoming Inner Sea World Guide, we introduce two new domains unique to Golarion—the Scalykind domain and the Void domain. Alas, there was no space to present the four subdomains that went along with those two new domains. So I thought to myself, why not throw those four subdomains up as a Golarion Day post?

Illustration by Carolina Eade

But while I'm on the topic of domains and subdomains, there's something else I want to talk about—Pharasma. Turns out that nonevil goddesses of death sort of wreak havoc on the domain system—especially if they're as stringently anti-undead as Pharasma is. Because pro-undead spells always seem to sneak onto domain spell lists when you start talking about death and souls and stuff. It's easy enough to simply not prepare domain spells that create undead, but it still feels kind of disappointing to me that Pharasmins "miss out" on some domain spell options. For those of you who want a more Pharasma-friendly version of the Death domain and the Souls subdomain... behold!

Pharasma-Friendly Death Domain 3rd-level domain spell: Replace animate dead with speak with dead. 6th-level domain spell: Replace create undead with antilife shell. 8th-level domain spell: Replace create greater undead with symbol of death.

Pharasma-Friendly Souls Subdomain 3rd-level domain spell: Replace animate dead with speak with dead.

And that gives me an excuse to show off this cool picture of Pharasma doing her thing in the Boneyard—the art itself is from Pathfinder Adventure Path #44's article about Pharasma.

Now, that all taken care of, we can move along to the original purpose of this post—subdomains for the Scalykind and the Void domains. I'm not going to reprint those two domains here. You have to check out The Inner Sea World Guide for that. But as for the four subdomains associated with them, here you go!

Dark Tapestry Subdomain
Associated Domain: Void
Replacement Power: It Came From Beyond. Once per day when you cast a summoning spell, any one creature you summon is more powerful than normal. The creature gains the advanced creature simple template. If you summon more than one creature with a spell, only one of the summoned creatures gains the advanced creature simple template. A summoned creature that gains the advanced creature simple template in this manner looks unusually deformed or hideous. This ability only works on spells you cast as a cleric—it does not work on spellcasting ability gained from any other spellcasting classes you might have. This ability replaces the Guarded Mind ability of the Void domain.
Replacement Domain Spells: 2nd—summon monster II, 5th—summon monster V, 7th—insanity.

Dragon Subdomain
Associated Domain: Scalykind
Replacement Power: Dragonbreath. At 4th level, you may use a breath weapon once per day as a standard action. When you gain this ability, choose acid, cold, fire, or electricity—this determines what kind of damage your breath weapon inflicts. Once you make this choice, you cannot change it later. Your breath weapon fills a 15-foot cone, and inflicts 3d6 points of damage—this damage increases by +1d6 every even number level you gain beyond 4th level. A creature hit by your dragonbreath attack can make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half your cleric level + your Constitution modifier) to take half damage. At 9th level, you can use this ability two times per day, and at 14th level you can use it 3 times a day. This ability replaces the serpent companion ability of the Scalykind domain.
Replacement Domain Spells: 3rd—draconic reservoir (Advanced Player's Guide 217), 4th—dragon's breath (Advanced Player's Guide 217), 6th—form of the dragon I.

Stars Subdomain
Associated Domain: Void
Replacement Power: The Stars Are Right. If you prepare your cleric spells while the stars are visible to you, you may spontaneously cast any of your Stars subdomain domain spells by swapping out a spell of an equal spell level. Any Stars subdomain spells that you cast while the stars are visible to you heal you of damage equal to the spell's level as you cast the spell. This ability replaces the part the veil ability of the Void domain.
Replacement Domain Spells: 2nd—hypnotic pattern, 7th—sunbeam, 9th—meteor swarm.

Saurian Subdomain
Associated Domain: Scalykind
Replacement Power: Dinosaur Companion. At 4th level, you gain the service of an animal companion. Your effective druid level for this animal companion is equal to your cleric level –2. You may choose any dinosaur as your companion. This ability replaces the serpent companion ability of the Scalykind domain.
Replacement Domain Spells: 4th—summon nature's ally IV (deinonychus or pteranodon only), 5th—beast shape III, 7th—summon nature's ally VII (brachiosaurus or tyrannosaurus only).

Of course, there's still one other burning question about subdomains. The APG revealed what subdomains the core 20 deities granted, but said nothing about the subdomains the non-core deities grant access to! That, unfortunately, is a giant scary list and this blog post is already long enough—I'll see if I can't get that list ready for next Thursday, though! (As a free preview, though, and because it became a hot topic on one thread out there in the Paizo wilds: Besmara grants the following subdomains: Deception, Oceans, Protean, Tactics, Thievery, and Storms.

James Jacobs
Creative Director

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Besmara Carolina Eade Clerics Golarion Thursdays Pharasma
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Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Caedwyr wrote:
A question for all of the replacement powers: Are these abilities Spell-Like (Sp), Supernatural (Su), or Extraordinary (Ex) respectively?

It Came From Beyond (Ex)

Dragonbreath (Su)
The Stars are Right (Ex)
Dinosaur Companion (Ex)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Alizor wrote:
Hyrum Savage wrote:

We're working on getting this PFS legal. It won't happen today but will most likely happen when we update the Additional Resources page again.


As far as I can tell this never happened. I assume that there's no intention of making it PFS legal then?

This is one of many things that we're trying to get caught up on. Blog posts are weird in how they interact with the way we require GMs and players to document their rules and all that.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
This is one of many things that we're trying to get caught up on. Blog posts are weird in how they interact with the way we require GMs and players to document their rules and all that.

Thanks James!

I wasn't sure to be honest, since it's been so long. I really wouldn't have revived the thread if I wasn't creating a Pharasman cleric for PFS. In making it I noticed just how horrible the 3rd level domain choices would be and remembered that the Pharasma-friendly Souls domain might be available.

James Jacobs wrote:
Caedwyr wrote:
A question for all of the replacement powers: Are these abilities Spell-Like (Sp), Supernatural (Su), or Extraordinary (Ex) respectively?

It Came From Beyond (Ex)

Dragonbreath (Su)
The Stars are Right (Ex)
Dinosaur Companion (Ex)


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