Digital Dice and Downloaded Dragons

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Because convention season should never end, Erik, Sarah, and I spent a good part of our long weekend checking out the Penny Arcade Expo here in Seattle, previewing lots of incredible-looking games and hanging out with thousands of gamers gripping both joysticks and rolling dice. I also made another delightful discovery downtown. Here are some of the highlights!

Wes Schneider
Managing Editor

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Beholders Conventions Dinosaurs Erik Mona F. Wesley Schneider Monsters PAX Prince of Wolves Sarah Robinson
Silver Crusade

"An Art Director approaches!"


So did Erik meet any cute ghouls at New Vegas?

Dark Archive

Mr. Rex does get around.

What was the cool find?

Edit - oh Pathfinders new fiction line?

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

This blog post is fabricated.

Nowhere in the contents of the photographs did Sarah shy away from the camera. That is unnatural. She's even posing in one. Someone is photoshopping the ArtDirectorix into blog posts here.

Silver Crusade

I was wondering why Pathfinder/PF Society didn't have a presence this year at PAX. I suspected the need for rest after the GenCon push, but tabletop is growing at PAX year by year. Surely this can be rectified in '11! If not officially, I'll look into running some games myself.

That giant Beholder is total WIN!

Where can one hire a specimen of those??

Adam Daigle wrote:

This blog post is fabricated.

Nowhere in the contents of the photographs did Sarah shy away from the camera. That is unnatural. She's even posing in one. Someone is photoshopping the ArtDirectorix into blog posts here.

Hah, wexactly what I was thinking :D

Liberty's Edge

Mistral wrote:

That giant Beholder is total WIN!

Where can one hire a specimen of those??

That's WotC's I'm pretty sure. I had a photo of it and a life size troll mini from GenCon 2008 on my old phone.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Mistral wrote:

That giant Beholder is total WIN!

Where can one hire a specimen of those??

Awesome, yes but sadly it is the harbinger of the dark times for Paizo, AKA it was made for the release of 4e, so... anybody know a ranger with Favored Enemy (Aberrations)?

Shadow Lodge

Kvantum wrote:
Awesome, yes but sadly it is the harbinger of the dark times for Paizo, AKA it was made for the release of 4e, so... anybody know a ranger with Favored Enemy (Aberrations)?

Dark times? Not bloody likely! What else is it but a harbinger for Pathfinder!!!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
ArVagor wrote:
Kvantum wrote:
Awesome, yes but sadly it is the harbinger of the dark times for Paizo, AKA it was made for the release of 4e, so... anybody know a ranger with Favored Enemy (Aberrations)?
Dark times? Not bloody likely! What else is it but a harbinger for Pathfinder!!!

I never said things didn't turn out well after the dark times, just that the life-size beholder was the harbinger of them.

Sovereign Court

Someones knocked a bunch of the teeth out of that beholder's mouth- lots of wires when you stick your arm in.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Kvantum wrote:
ArVagor wrote:
Kvantum wrote:
Awesome, yes but sadly it is the harbinger of the dark times for Paizo, AKA it was made for the release of 4e, so... anybody know a ranger with Favored Enemy (Aberrations)?
Dark times? Not bloody likely! What else is it but a harbinger for Pathfinder!!!
I never said things didn't turn out well after the dark times, just that the life-size beholder was the harbinger of them.

I think the Great Test is probably a better term for it.

I like that rack of games in Photo 1, I see Earthdawn, Pathfinder AND A Fin Fang FOOM Heroclix!!

Enlight_Bystand wrote:
Kvantum wrote:
ArVagor wrote:
Kvantum wrote:
Awesome, yes but sadly it is the harbinger of the dark times for Paizo, AKA it was made for the release of 4e, so... anybody know a ranger with Favored Enemy (Aberrations)?
Dark times? Not bloody likely! What else is it but a harbinger for Pathfinder!!!
I never said things didn't turn out well after the dark times, just that the life-size beholder was the harbinger of them.
I think the Great Test is probably a better term for it.

Paizo was taking the StarStone test of GodHood, they have succeeded and become as true gods amongst the RPG Pantheon

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