Knitted Linnorm hat!

Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 10:44 PM Pacific

thanks to Judy's plans :-)

Sean K Reynolds

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Costume Gen Con Linnorms

Umm, what's the meme on this sort of thing again?

Oh, right:

"Pics, or it never happened!"

Brian Cortijo wrote:

Umm, what's the meme on this sort of thing again?

Oh, right:

"Pics, or it never happened!"

Brian, it's a picture of a white linnorm in a raging snow blizzard, against a white, hazed-over sky!

Sheer technical perfection!


Strange, the pic didn't appear. I'll forward it to Ross so he can add it to this blog. :)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
I'll forward it to Ross so he can add it to this blog. :)

Pic added. I also linked back to the blog where folks can get the knitting directions to make their own Linnorm Helm.

Liberty's Edge

Pretty cunning.

Grand Lodge

hmm I should probably get mine finished

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